Geri Dön

Menderes masifi (Çiniyeri-Küre bölgesi) plaser rutil yatakları

The Rutile placer deposits of menderes massif (Çiniyeri-Küre area)

  1. Tez No: 14146
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF.DR. YILMAZ BÜRKÜT
  4. Tez Türü: Doktora
  5. Konular: Jeoloji Mühendisliği, Geological Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1990
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Jeoloji Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 256


ÖZET İzmir iline bağlı Tire ilçesinin doğusunda yer alan çalışma alanında çoğunlukla metamorfik olan birimler optik ve kimyasal analiz yöntemleri ile araştırılmış özellikle alüvyonlarda konsantre olan ağır minerallerden rutilin kökeni yönüyle irdelenmişdir. Bölgede Menderes Masifi ne ait metamorfik birimler alttan üste doğru gözlü gnays, disten-granat şist, granat-mika şist ve mermerler şeklinde konumlanır. Granat-mika şistler diğer birimlere oranla baskın şekilde rutil içeriği ile karekteristik olan kuvars damarlarınca kesildiği belirlenmişdir. Flüyatif kökenli detritik sedimanlar içinde ağır mineral yataklanması bölgedeki metamorfik birimler ile bazı mağmatik kayaçların ayrışmasını takiben bir taşınma evresi sonucunda, esas olarak yoğunluklarının fonksiyonu olarak gelişim gösterdiği saptanmışdır. Yapılan çalışmalar, inceleme alanında granat, rutil, manyetit, ilmenit, turmalin, dişten, zirkon, hematit, monazit, ortit, ksenotim, apatit gibi ağır minerallerin bulunduğunu ortaya koymuşdur. Metamorfik birimler içinde rutilin oluşumundan, progressif metamorfik etkiler dışında retrograd metamorfizmanın da etkili olduğu, ilerliyen metamorfizma ile birlikte mikaşistler içinde rutil miktarının belirgin bir artış gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Kuvars damarlarını oluşturan çözeltiler üst katmanlara sokulumlarında metamorfik kayalarla reaksiyonel ilişkiler sonucunda Ti'ca zenginleşmiş ve rutil oluşumuna imkan vermişlerdir. Ortalama kaba kum boyutlu olan alüvyonlarda rutilin en fazla % 1.33 Tİ02 değeri ile -100+200 meş tane boyutu aralığında konsantre olduğu saptanmışdır. Genel olarak ağır mineraller ince boyutlu sedimanlar' içinde daha baskın yataklanmışdır. İnceleme alanı akarsu alüvyonları bir bütün halinde plaser rutil yatağı karekteri göstermektedir. 4 mm tane boyutu altı için sahanın ortalama % 0.9 3 rutil içerdiği belirlenmişdir. Yapılan rezerv hesaplama çalışmaları sonucunda yaklaşık 2 milyon ton görünür Tİ02 (rutil) rezervi saptanmışdır. Rutilin, büyük çoğunlukla kanal dolgusu şeklinde yataklandığı ve belirgin şekilde kanala paralel zenginleşme zonları oluşturduğu gözlenmişdir. Tespit edilmiş olan ağır minerallerin çökelimlerinde türbülanslı akıntıtılar büyük rol oynamışdır. 100 meş ' den daha ince olan sediman dağılımı ile ağır mineral konsantrasyonu arasın da bir ilişkinin bulunduğu ortaya konmuşdur. v

Özet (Çeviri)

THE RUTILE PLACER DEPOSITS OF MENDERES MASSIF (CİNİYERÎ-KÛRE AREA) SUMMARY The area of the research work which is made of both metamorphic rocks belonging to Menderes massif and alluvium deposited in Küçük Menderes graben covers approximately 160 squares km at the east of Izmir-Tire. In the region, metamorphic units are arranged in an ascending order as augen gneiss, kyanite-garnet schists, garnet-mica schists and marbles. All these units are overlain by alluvium which are widely considered to be a rich rutile placer deposits. The metamorphic rocks have been locally intercepted by numerous quartz veins. In the are, the augen gneiss is the lowest unit as all aver the Menderes massif and do not contain any index mineral indicating all over metamorphic conditions. These rocks are generally lighter in color than the surrounding rocks and characterized by the predominance of quartz, plagioclase, K- feldspar and biotite. In addition to these minerals, the augen gneiss also contains magnetite, ilmenite, rutile and apatite as accessory minerals in variable amonuts. The plagioclases coexisting with orthoclase and rarely microcline consisting of K-feldspars show an Ang__5 variation percent.. Kyanite-garnet schists are the source rocks for rutile deposited in detritical sediments of fluvial origin. They are characterized by high rutile content. The medium-to coarse-grained kyanite-garnet schists outcrops adjacent Küçük Menderes graben at the northern part of the research area, contain predominantly kyanite, muscovite and garnet. Garnet-mica schists are most common metamorphic rocks within the area and do consist variable amounts of quartz, muscovite, biotite, garnet and accessory minerals such as magnetite, zircon, ilmenite, hematite and epidote. These units also contain quartz veins and amphibolite lenses locally. The garnet-mica schists are intercalated with quartz-muscovite and mica schists. The biotite content of this unit increase approaching the augen gneisses. These rocks exhibit a colour-variation from gray to brown depending on the different amounts of quartz, biotite and muscovite. Other metamorphic rocks, such as marble and amphibolite are not observed in widely areas. The amphibolites are considered to basic dykes intruded in the garnet-mica schists long before metamorphisim and VIthey are only located at the southeastern part of the region, near Küre. Hornblende, plagioclase and chlorite bearing amphibolites reflect similarities in rutile content with the kyanite-garnet schists. The marbles which are mainly made of calcite outcrops at the northern part of the area and trend along Küçük Menderes graben. The quartz veins commonly strike in eastwesterly direction with a width and length not more than 0.5 m and 100 m. respectively. These rocks are characterized by abundance of quartz with locally different amounts of albite, rutile, apatite and turmaline and form and important source rock for the rutile placer deposits. In these rocks rutile commonly occurs as scattered large crystals. The rutile content of the quartz veins range 0.01 to 0.2 0 percent. The quartz veins which formed by hydrothermal solutions is occured into various levels of metamorphic rocks, during the infiltration stage, the solutions have been enriched by titanium and give the rutile occuring. The quartz veins are supposed to be the products of a granitic magma of anatectic origin developed by the increasing temperature in the depth. In the area, some minerals in metamorphic rocks like ilmenite, rutile, biotite and hornblende are most important carriers of titanium. While large prismatic crystals of rutile apparently occur in the quartz veins, fine grained rutile and ilmenite are common in rocks of all grades. When progressive normal metamorphism change titanium from biotite, hornblende and ilemine to other new minerals, the excess of Ti in the rocks readly formed rutile. Most of the rutile in the metamorphic rocks such as augen gneiss, garnet-mica schist is conspicious as inclusions in the minerals like biotite, muscovite and garnet. Rutile in high grade metamorphic rocks has generally a metamorphic origin rather than detritical which formed partly as a function of oxygen pressure. In other parts of the world metamorphic' rocks containing high degree Ti are observed by forming the source rocks for Ti placers. The detailed grain-size analysis applied to the fluvial originated sediments in the area indicate that the material used should be considered as“coarse sand”size. The size-frequency distribution curves of sediments approach a normal distribution. It supposed that standart deviations of grain size form a measure of the sorting. Eventhough sorting becomes progressively better with long transportation of detrital sediments, it is commonly poor at aç^=0,32-0,36. Alluvium below 4 mm grain-size contains 18.87 percent of gravel, 49.14 percent of coarse and very coarse sand, 12.09 percent of medium sand, 17.89 Vllpercent of very fine and fine sand, and 2.00 percent of silt and clay. The skewness values of all detritial sediments are commonly zero. Values of kurtosis are nearly constant at Bçzf «= 0.62 - 0.66 and changes from platykurtic to mesokurtic. The flow direction which reflects also direction of the transportation of detritical material is from south to north. While the amount of micaschist gravel decreases with the increasing distant of transportation, the guartzite qravel seem to be relatively increasing. In the investigated area a total of twelve heavy minerals were discovered in the alluvium of the Küçük Menderes graben, but only 5 occur in appreciable amounts. These minerals are garnet, rut ile, ilmenite, turmaline, magnetite, zircon, kyanite, monazite orthite, xenotime,apatite and hematite. Garnet and rut ile seem to form an important part of heavy mineral concentrations. Heavy mineral content of the sediments is 2.4 6 percent. Rutile in the sediments of the investigated area is generally most abundant in the -100 + 200 mesh fraction with an average 1.33 percent. Since we could not introduce a third dimension to our sampling (since we did not have drilling facilities), it was impossible to clarify the relationship between the rutile content and the thickness of the alluvial cover. In the -80 mesh grain-size fraction, garnet, ilmenite, magnetiie, turmaline contents are 2.70, 0.25, 0.10 and 0.13 percent respectively. Some other heavy minerals such as xenotime, orthite and monazite have been found in the order of a few grains within the heavy mineral concentrates. All detailed work carried out on the detritial material such as the nature of heavy minerals, sedimentalogical characteristics of alluvial sediments, rutile content of heavy mineral concentrations, change of rutile content with the distance from the source rock, mineralogical studies of heavy minerals, all over rutile distribution, the relationship between the dimension of heavy mineral and heavy mineral abundance and all necessery determinations carried out during the course of this research outline the presence of a placer rutile deposit with an average 0.93 percent of Tİ02. In the investigated area some statistical techniques such as trend surface and kriging analysis were applied to the titanium oxide values determined within the various grain-size fractions. According to the results obtained from kriging and trend surface methods, a geochemically anomalous district at the southern part of investigated area has been found. The values determined by both trend surface and Kriging analysis bear great similarities with original Ti-values of the alluvial sediments. According to the results of Kriging analysis, rutile contents viiaindicate an average of 1.05 and 1.18 percent in the -80 + 100 and -100 + 200 mesh grain-size fraction. Lineer, quadratic and cubic trend surfaces for titanium oxide (rutile) suggest that the trend of rutile anomaly is commonly oriented in the northern or the northwestern part of the region. The total reserves are estimated 103 million metric tons by detailed reserve calculations methods. -80 + 200 mesh grain-size fraction has a proven reserves of 290 thousand metric tons. The total proven reserves for all grain size fractions are determined to be 2 million metric tons. All heavy minerals which are observed at the region have been deposited in a fluvial environment dominated by braided rivers. Increase in the heavy mineral content in alluvium reveals as function of distance from the source the heavy minerals are chiefly deposited due to their high specific gravities. The placer deposits which contain rutile and other heavy minerals indicate a placer of a stable type. The some concepts such as settling, entrainment, dispersive and heavy equivalences commonly used to explain the concentration of detrital heavy minerals in the placer deposits. These concepts realeted to particle shape and specific gravity have been discussed in sedimen_ tological science for several decades and utilized to enlighten the behavior of light and heavy minerals of flow conditions. In this work, the settling equivalences (hydraulic equivalences) have been used to explain the concentration of detrital rutile deposited in alluvium. The detailed analysis indicate that the heavy minerals, which are observed of the region have been deposited due to the settling equivalences concepts. Detrital rutile breaks down at metamorphic grades lower than those at which metamorphic rutile forms. In the area, rutile commonly appears as inclusions in garnet and biotite. The metamorphic rocks at all grades contain rutile and these provide an extensive source for rutile in placer deposits. Placer deposits yield about half the world's production of titanium minerals, including nearly all its rutile. The rutile and ilmenite placer deposits are found in many parts of the world such as Western Australia, India, Sri Lanka, Sierra Leane and, partially, in Brazil", IXEgypt and USA. Large reserves of ilmenite sands have been revealed on the northern coast of Greenland, Madagascar and on the coasts of Mozambique and New Zealand. Titanium found a broad application as a metal and has very high strength and corrosion resistance. Titanium alloys are applied as construction metal in aircraft industry and shipbuilding. Titanium dioxide is applied to manufacture durable titanium white pigments, plastics and paper industry. In addition, Titanium-vanadium alloys are most important which have high strength and veldability, titanium carbide is used to manufacture superstrength alloys. x

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