Trakya alt bölgesinde büyüme merkezlerinin gelişimine ilişkin bir değerlendirme
An Evaluation of the development of growth centres in thrace sub-region
- Tez No: 14333
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Şehircilik ve Bölge Planlama, Urban and Regional Planning
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1991
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 121
ÖZET ülkelerin sahip oldukları farklı koşullar ve özelliklere rağmen, bölgesel gelişme politika hedefleri arasında önem li benzerlikler vardır. Genellikle amaç, geri kalmış böl - geleri geliştirmek, bölgelerarasında büyüyen dengesizliği azaltmak ya da en azından mücadele etmektir. Bu politika - ları gerçekleştirmeye çalışırken, her şeyin her yerde aynı zamanda olmasının olanaksızlığı açıkça ortaya çıkmaktadır. Yeni ve büyüyen aktiviteler, belirli merkez ve noktalarda ortaya çıkma ve yoğunlaşma eğilimindedir. Bu tezde, bölgelerarası dengeyi sağlamaya yönelik olarak hem büyük: şehirlerin (metropollerin) yükünü azaltmak, hem de az gelişmiş bölgelerde gelişmeyi başlatmak ve çevresine yaymak şeklinde iki işlev yüklenen“büyüme merkezleri”önemli bir politika olarak ele alınmış ve Trakya Alt Böl gesinde büyüme merkezi niteliği gösteren yerleşmeler ince lenmiştir. Tez başlıca altı bölümden oluşmaktadır. Giriş bölümünde, konunun seçilme nedeni, amaç ve kapsamı belirtilmiştir. İkinci bölümde, bölgelerarası dengesizliklerin ortaya çıkış nedenleri ve uzun vadede bu dengesizlikleri azaltmaya yö - nelik olarak“büyüme merkez i-büyüme kutbu”kuramının geli şimi, bu konuya katkıları olan bilim adamlarına yer verile rek incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, büyüme merkezi kuramının bölge planlamadaki yeri, dünyanın çeşitli ülkelerinde bölgesel gelişme politi kası olarak ele alınışı ve mekansal etkileri ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde, büyüme merkezlerinin Türkiye'nin bölgesel gelişme politikası ve kalkınma planlarında ele alınışı de - ğerlendirilmiştir. Beşinci bölümde, ülkemizde özellikle İstanbul Metropoliten Alanı lehine artan dengesizliğe karşın, Trakya Alt Bölge - sinde büyüme merkezleri oluşumunun gereği ortaya konmuş ve bu amaçla alt bölgede büyüme merkezi potansiyeli gösteren yerleşmeler saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Sonuç bölümünde ise önceki bölümdeki analizin bir genel değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. x
Özet (Çeviri)
AN EVALUATION. OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF GROWTH CENTRES IN THRACE SUB-REGiDON SUMMARY Although the different characteristics of different countries and the varied circumstances in which they develop, significant similarities can easily be observed between their policies of regional development aims. In general, the target determined is improvement of the conditions in under-developed areas, diminishing or keeping at its lowest the evergrowing regional inequality or at least fighting with it. However, it becomes evident that it is imposible to have everything, everywhere all at once during the process of the realization of this policy. These totally new and growing activities have the tendency to appear and gain some density at certajji points or centres. Especially, in the under-developed countries, because the use of the limited resources in the most efficient and the rational way possible can only be realized by concentrating them on the small number of areas with the potential to develop,“growth centres”play an important role in the regional development policy. The aim of this thesis is to empasize the importance of growth centres in regional development policies and regional planning. Moreover, it is pointing out the necessity of the use of this policy especially against the agglomeration of the Metropolitan Region of Istan bul in Turkey. That is the reason why the Thrace Sub- Region is chosen as the sample region (area) keeping in mind its proximity to the Istanbul Metropolitan Region. This thesis, focused on the above mentioned aim consists of 6 chapters. In the Introduction, the reason for the selection of the subject is stated and the aim and the content are presented. XIIn the second chapter, the reasons for the rise of this interregional inequality and the development of the theory of“growth centre-growth pole”with the intention of diminishing these inequalities in the long term, are studied introducing the different approaches of the scientists interested in and contirubüting to this same problem. Perroux defines a“leading industry”and the dynamic growth area created by the other industries in their input-output relationships with this leading industry as the“growth pole”. On the other hand, Boudeville depicts the“growth pole”as the growth of industries which are established in an urban area and which propogate more and more economic activity all along the region influenced by it. Furthermore, as Hirschman and Myrdal point out the fact that growth centres not only have positive (spread effects) but also negative (backwash effects) influences on their environment. They also emphasize the spread effects of growth centres. However, Friedmann is much more interested in the fact that cities create“innovations”and discusses the phenomenon of“ innovation diffusion”related to the centre-periphery relationship. The third chapter is a discussion of the role that the theory of growth centre plays in regional planning and how it is considered as a regional development policy in most countries of the world and its spatial effects. The primary reasons which turn the theory of growth centre into an attractive and interesting means of policy in regional planning can be summed as the following: (a)- Agglomeration economies are effective means of creating development or improvement in a certain region. (b)- The concentration of investment on certain growth centres o'r“~pbints costs less public expenditure than spreading it in vast areas. (c)- The spreading effects of the growth centre will help in solving the problems of the under -developed regions. xixIt is a fact that the policy of growth centre has been used with widely different implications and with totaly different aims in developed and under- developed countries. In Great Britain where the first examples can be observed, ”growth centres“ along with their aim of investigating the process of development in under-developed gradually developing regions, are considered as a solution for the concentrated industry centres. Meanwhile, underdeveloped countries have considered and adopted the policy of ”growth centre, in a sense, as an efficient and influential means of re-defining their“geography of development”. Hermansen suggests a typology which is used for the application of growth centres: 1) Form: Growth centre-growth pole 2) Function: To reduce agglomeration issues in metropoliten areas. To reduce regional disparities. 3) Level: An hierarchy depends on the population size. 4) Strategy: Active Strategy (New Towns) Passive Strategy (Development Potential of the settlements) Most of the problems and deficiencies resulting from the application of the theory of growth centre, rise from the inability of adopting a comprehensive approach especially in regional ratios. In the fourth chapter the regional development problems of Turkey are classified under two main headings and it is observed that these two essential problems are parallel to the functions undertaken by the growth centres: 1. Agglomeration issues in metropolitan areas. 2. Regional disparities. No more progress has been made (on the subject) other than the affirmation of the existance of regional disparities Xlllin Development Plan made up to the present. The First and the Second Five-Year Development Plans take into consideration the“growth centres”as means of regional development but in the following periods the term“growth centre”is not used. Despite all, in the Fifth Five-Year Development Plan“the determination of sub-regions especially in an area with its centre as Istanbul, in order to prevent the over-urbanization of the population in developed regions and the definition of regional centres are consireded. Thus, it is clearly demonstrated that in this area where the centre is Istanbul there is a necessity of selecting new growth centres with the necessary qualities for the formation of ”growth centre“. The fifth chapter deals with the place or importance of the Thrace Sub-region in relation to the whole country and the reasons why it is selected as the sample region of study. Its proximity to the Istanbul Metropoliten Area and its potential of development due to its quality of a natural passage that links the whole country to Europe have been influential factors in the selection of this area as the sub- region of our study. On the other hand, the homogenity observed in the internal structure of Thrace has strengthened the hypothesis of the development of ”growth centres“. Therefore, in order to determine the growth centres in Thrace, starting out with the hypothesis ”Growth centres are a result of the establishment of industries in an urban area and the propogation of economic activities throughout the whole area", the developmental potential of the existing -settlements have been determined keeping in mind the following factors: - Urbanization and the urban population size, - Industrial development. xivWe can explain the sample region of study, according to the typology of Hermansen: 1) Form: Growth centre. 2) Function: To reduce agglomeration issues in Istanbul Metropolitan Area. 3) Level: Medium size (50.000-500.000 population) 4) Strategy: Passive Strategy - Evaluating development potential of the sub-region districts. As. a result, all the Thrace sub- region districts has been listed in a hierachical order from the point of view of all the factors taken into consideration and those that have proved to possess the highest level of development potential have been determined. Future suggestions and. alternatives for the sub-region centres considered as a prevention of the over urbanisation of the Istanbul Metropolitan Area have been presented. xv
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