3. Murat minyatürlerinde mimari (1574-95)
Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.
- Tez No: 173680
- Danışmanlar: PROF. DOĞAN KOBAN
- Tez Türü: Doktora
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1977
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 210
m HIS Kurat çağı atayatlirlindc reBialenea aiaarl Ödlerin dc^orlesadlrilneslai nrvıçlnyan ha tez ballıca 7 buLttaduu oX uğraktadır * Hit biutaade öğa tipleri ve bunların hangi fcoawl ;;ra, > ilişkin olareJc iculloaaldi^xaa dafllnllnılofelr. XX* XfiJ2Jjg&l&& J3u b&tbade, minyatürler gtietördiklori komOara gore, Dlnsal, Soayal Iglavli, Savumun yapıları vo, Kent Oürüaüslari aâı ultsxua oıral it mp# ayrı ayrı el« atanma tır* 1* Dinsel İşlavli yapılarda &&b*» CaaJL» ÎUrba, itevra ve Kiliaoyi fctoau alan xeaiixLcr incelanaiatir. 2* Scâyal lalovll yapılarda Saray, Jfyvaa, Küprii ve namca tasvirlerin© âeglnllalştir* - 3» ? Öavumaa yapıları olarak kalalerl© surlar ele nlımugtır» 4« Kent gorifoU^orlade, İstanbul aaritaları^ara, koa ve Kafsa kulelerinin iyaria ladaki yapılar ele nl mnagtar» Herhangi bir yapı tipinin ela alamaman ou ycintaa "uy gulunna^fcır ı - Üeçilm ornoklor v© kaynakları - Çi&&alataa (tok tak) t. hiayatürdaki aiaari tasvirin genal nnl atıma. iiiu&ri öğelerin geıı el biç iui. Röoliâlendirilen saiuarinin gerçek taiaori Smafclarle kargilaotoxilaaai*IT Bu bülltade ainyafcurlardea öldo edilen bilgiler üç başlık altında toplanaigtır ı 1. Eeeialmdirilea yapılana tipleri 2» Bocimi and irilen, yapı öğelerin tipleri 3. Keaıalendlrİlea yapıların beaetaeainde İnal lan ılım teknik ?© § ouaların aaptanaaaı* Bu od altonda, minyatürlerden öğrenilen yapın tekniğiyle yapı aalaeaeei Userlne durulıauştur. üu bölüöde, k autlarla t opoğrafüc to yapısal gürünliıl erinde uygulanan yöntem araatırılıanjtır» Burada yapıların rosial and iriluoe inde uygulanan çiaıa yöntaaiyle renk taoarıaının naaıl y ortalanabileceği üz©r±ne duruljaugrtur. VII» ?onuç Yukardaki bölümlerden alda ad il an bilgilere dayanarak, nioariyi konu elen aiayatürlorin njmarlık tarial araştıranlarına bir katkıda bulunup buluuaaayacağı tartışılıp biı» açanca ba£Irmmqtır« '
Özet (Çeviri)
g u'E » AST Architectural Depletions 1b Mlniatur» Pa; in the gortod of hurod III (1574 - 95). Uio second. half of the sixteenth century* especially the roign of fturad IH, represents the classical period of. -toe '£utfsifih Kiniaturo Painting. Ae depiction of architect ural eleaeata la â realistic «anaer is a notable character istic of this period. Jİlıe oala object of the study preheated here «so *o catalogue all the important exoaplea that depict architectural elements end to analyse then so as to» find out «hether or not they exhibit identifying architect ural features sad characteristics as of the real architect ure of the period, and, if so, to fiad out if they «al^at act fona a baa jus for further rm? sards la the history of Architecture. îhis thesis eouprisee of seven chapters* *. Architectural elegants depleted In this chapter, the aaia architectural eleaeats shots* in, the ninlatures, along vith their associated building types, have been classified.“. l7ff«» of Ba^dtoff ~ la this chapter, the miniatures have been classified Into Religious, Social, Military and Xovnscape types, vith separate analysis under each heading* II. 1 Religious Architecture» Vdthin this type, Ka*ba, Kosqnes, toabs, Slaagogua and Church have been diaauosed*n XI* 2 Social Architecture* Within tiiia type, Palaces» Syvana, Jöatha «ad i bridges are Included ona dioeusaed. IX» 5 ailitary Architecture* wituia tiıio tjpop the niaiaturee depicting i orta aad City walla ii&vo been auu^Lyaed. II. 4 lomacapoa fcithia ta±» typo# the ainiaturee shoving city view have been undertaken* in. ffypclw. In this chapter, the inforuafcion derived from the m analysis of the niaiaturea bav» been evaluated under three subheads t IIX>1 lypea of Structures. 111.2 Sypes of Archiatural Klaumte, III»? i-iCdo of Decoration. IV., fted^ 9*. SPflffftP^taf^ T*M1kriAoipal aoaquoo of thla type are, havever» drava elnllar to thoir actual counter- parte except that the detailed f aaturoo have bean, uaittod. Ulnce tiie ouleyiawilye and iieyaaat uoaq.iiOB show la the aaao of Iataabul have characteristic» ainilar to the real ttosques* the depiction cf th# Patih Coaplex »ay bo accepted as co authentic viev of the ecag&ex ia the sixteenth century. 19m Jiihrab and Hiaber ahoun la the »iaiauures depiction ooaque interiors are aiailar to the 2urkijab fcypee. Xoabo In ea ouch ao the ahrlna of ha. iyyub» ifl ahem aa ouaal sectional drn*«4ng and the acript lies over part of the atruoture, little ll^it ia throm en. tha actual appearance of the building. £a'ba Aacng the 2ta*ba depictions, the stiniafruree auab«ar«xl &âbo 3 and 4 are uore realistic and lafoxo&tive* 2ie plan of the eoHplex» all of ita gat«a along vita their nanaa and the auaber of arches,, tha aiaareta, the diffaraat a Cruet urea An tuo courtyard and the Ka*ba have beca recorded» Inepito of the later reaovatlcaaK the general character of the ecaplex is revealed to have reacaiaad unaaenged. She pulpit, the uiaarete, the dooical ccnstruçtlcna ia the courtyard and the architectural details _ure Suriiah to this day» Sinagcgue, Church ?£k& ainiaturoa ahcwin£ a Slnagogue and a Church have archi tectural alouenta al:in to the ihir^iah atyla but have no relationship viiataoevar to the actual types.IX Social Architecture jfelaces ı'opkapı Saray is ine aost frequently d op ic tod structure. From the aiaiatures it is possible to ascertain the appearance of the palace in the lata sixteenth century: The execution of the Central Oate, the external view of the iiarea, the pavillioh of Murad III, the kitchens and some parts of the outer valla display a groat ha runny vith the respective features of the Palace* On the authority of these miniatures* the la tar lor arrange- neat of the Divan room la the saae today as it «as in the ?sixteenth century, 'üne dome covering of £ab-as Se*sdet was only V9iy ©lightly different in the tiae of fturad III, mile the eave prelection app oars to have been, leaser* 'üs interior of *Arz Odası' does not reflect such alterations while it vould be acceptable for it to have, been original ly covered by three domes, vith the central one having a lantern. We also note that at the site of the Library of ihaed 111, there stood the Pavillioa vith the pool* '^he miniatures give us information about the barracks, hospital,.Kagxt Saini Kulesi* and other structures that once stood in the first courtyard, which mostly being vcoden, have perished since* Although the wooden pavilliona that once stood in the garden around the palace are also depicted, the style ia rather inde£oxmiaate«.-£he pavillion called *Xalx ICösJcti' which stood outside the vails of the palace as depicted in the Miniatures is only v^ry slightly better drawn and d£fes not convey much useful information.îne tfarole Pavilliou* being better drawn, gives a 0X1 idea about the use of garble panelling» eoluaua, arches and ita roaflhg. 2»« 2opk«pa. üate that stood aext to this pavillion has aloo beea drawn nicely and gives a clear Idea of the entrance vault and the t overs fL&akiag it, £hese various oompcaeata caa b« seen together la too Istanbul aapa. üne nap from hUnerneaa gives ua a general indication of the appearance of the enclosure «alls aad aad thointanial structures comprising the 014 £alaoe or *JSski Baray'* Jibe miniature E*S« 1 depicta the gate aad one of tae towers of this palace. Those two depletions are invaluable in ascertaining the appearance of this vanished structure. me aap 1st* 1 »now the Palace of î taktiri ar aa having towers aad iateraal structures built in brink» stone aad, wood and with end oe tare walls vhlaa run parallel with the aea shore* Jtasn though this toe aaall.a sketch to p: oride details* aevartaaless It doea contribute to our knowledge about this lost asrucsiare. 2he miniatures portraying the ibrani» Pasha Palace show,th« covered balcony» the rotmd, rectangular and arched windows» the otsaiapherical dcaes covered with lead plates, the wooden ^allarlea aad the «ate very «una ajailar to tu» oaes «hat caa be obaarved today in «he regains of the Palace* 2ao brick and stone that has been shown aa the aadiua of conatractioa can also be confirmed in the reaalns. iSxe sur- rcundings of this- palace have also been given very realiat- ically. Jihe Obeliaque* the Coloaaus* the Serpentine Colwaa that are depict»* in front of the pal&oe caa be seen to taia day» She coluua our wou -.feed by a statue* which was later destroyed, haa also been depicted»XI *.8. 1 and X^S. 2 giv» us a vivid picture of the iilibe Palace, that docs not exist now and about which we do not have t'.nch inf» «rant ion» '3x0 errsn^eaent of the architectural eleaento shovn a striking resemblance to the 'Ferde* gate In the icpitapx Palace* katna /ünree miniatures- shev a oath vita the eall&aritoi end tepi- darina dram oecticnaUy so as to reveal ita functional.Bridges is tor the bridges, the 'ucun K'CprU* or the leng bridge xaisiattzre is the best dep lotion* As oon also be seen in the bridge itself, 174 spans have been dram, although the drawing is rather -naiT©, fhe miniature depicting tae 'BUyÜTt çeJcmece köprüsü1 show» tae bridge vith 20 spans in four parts as can be seen in the real bridge* In the depiction of forts and city valla, the intention has bean to portray a solid and utrong appearance, üne beat renderings ara that of the Kars fort and the Istanbul vails* In both the miniatures the snry character of the defence has been explained* la the depiction of tho city views the telegraphy, the structural oyateos ani. the principal buildings are ohowi ia coaa*derable detail, «aile the amaller structuresill and coaraon devellingB are draw vifchout detail in rather acnotoneua aaaaer. Iat. 2, «ulna ia oaa of the best alniaturee included in thia thesis, depiota all of the principal ”a truoturea built uptlll the period of Surad III, In. conclusion, it lias bam poaalble to state taat &ue architectural depictiona in the uiaiaturea of tua period of hurad HI, the architectural elctaeata ahov oeae cHaraot- eriatica aa those of the real architecture of tie period..133.9 depictions ala o throv aoaa li^it on auao of the. atructjar* that do not exist aovf a ince 'thesâ depectiona ara not tech nical drawing», they can only aaa&a t via in jUaagiaing these İcat atrueturee but cannot, giva va a areolae indication of the architectural details. On taa «hole fcheee aiaiaturea do give ua a general idea about the atyle of architecture, v&ich could be very use- luL for taa research in the ütafccry of architecture. It ia iaparative to catalogue all the Ottoman Miaiat urea * 30 as to uae thorn readily.
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