İstanbul II.Bayezıt Hamamı restorasyon projesi (2 cilt)
Bayezıt Hamamı (The double bath of Bayezıt)
- Tez No: 19391
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1991
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 67
ÖZET Bir çifte hamam olan Bayezıt Hamamı, İstanbul'un Eminönü ilçesinin Camcı Ali mahallesinde bulunmaktadır. 16. yy. başında II. Bayezıt"in eşi Ayşe Sultan tarafından yaptırılmıştır. Bina 1730 tarihinde buradan bir isyan başlatan. Patrona Halil'in ismi ile de anılmaktadır. Birçok deprem ve yangın geçiren hamam 17., 18. yüzyıllarda ve 20.yüzyılın ikinci yarısında onarımlar görmüştür ; 20. yy. başlarında deri deposu olarak kullanılmaya başlanan yapı 1970lere kadar bu işleve hizmet etmiştir. Hamam insan eliyle de çok tahrip edilmiştir. Depo olduğu sıralarda ara katlar eklenmiştir. Ayrıca soyunmalık havuz ve sekileri yok olmuştur. Hamam kadın ve erkek bölümleri birbirine paralel yerleştirilmiştir. Erkekler bölüm soyunmalığfı 1.80 m. daha geniştir. 1957 yılında yol kotunun düşürülmesi nedeniyle bugün soyunmalığa Ordu caddesinden merdivenlerle ulaşılır. Kadınlar soyunmalığı girişi ise Kimyager Derviş Ağa sokağındandır. Ilıklık ve sıcaklık bölümleri birbirine benzer plan tiplerine sahiptir. Ilıklık üç eyvanlı, sıcaklık ise dört eyvanlı dört halvetli plan tipindedir. Çifte hamamın mimarı 16. yüzyıl başında Osmanlının baş mimarı olan Mimar Hayreddin olduğu söylenmektedir. Hamamın bir bölümü İstanbul üniversite'sine, bir bölümüde Vakıflara aittir. Bu mülkiyet durumunun yarattığı sorunlardan dolayı yapı hala onarılamamıştır. Hazırlanan tez çalışması kapsamında restorasyon projesi, hamamın rölövesi ve restitüsyon çizimleri yapılmış; erkekler bölümünün hamam, kadınlar bölümünün üniversiteye yönelik işlevlerde değerlendirilmesi önerilmiştir.. XVII
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY BAYEZIT HAMAMI (THE DOUBLE BATH OF BAYEZIT) During Byzantine Empire (379-395) there was a traumphal arc which called Forum Theodosius. There were statues of emperor in the square. After the conquest of istanbul, the marble architectural pieces of Forum Tauri were used to build theOttoman Palace nearby the first Türkisn Darphane (mint) was build at the square by the Sultan Mehmet II. During the years 1501-1506 Bayezıt II complex which consisted of a mosque, a medreseh and a public kitchen was built at this location. in the waqfiya of Bayezat II the bath which is subject of this study in not included. it was built a few years af ter the complex, by Ayşe Sultan who was the wife of Bayezıt II and the mother of Yavuz Selim. in the maps of the 19 th century istanbul we see different buildingş around the bath. Hasarlı Karni l Pasa mansıon was to the west of the bath ; Sabuncu Han was to the north and Hatice Usta Mosque was to the east. Today the environment has changed ; these buildings have gıven way to İstanbul University Faculty of Science and letters building and the Library of İstanbul Universty. The bath is on Ordu street, betveen the Library and Universty. Kimyager Derviş Ağa- street runs between the bath and the University and joins the Ordu street and the Vezneciler street. Between the bath and the Library there iş a narrow street called the Külhan(fire stokej street. in the old photographs deating 1957-1958 there are houses between the medreseh and the bath. Now the area is cleared ; there is only a well in betveen. XVIIIThe bath was darnaged f rom the fires in 1645, 1714, 1740;and the eartquake in 1766. it was repaired after these dışasters; especially arter the fire an 1714 which affecteted the bath seriously. The bath lost its orıgınal function and started to be used as a crude leather store at the beginning of the 20 th century. in 1957-1958 when there were attemps to wıden Ordu street, Bayezat bath and Sımkeşhane faced the risk of beıng pulled down. This idea was discussed f ör a long time and in the end the front elevation of the Simkeşhane building was taken down in order to wıden the street. At the same time the level of the street was lowered, as a result of which foundation of bath was exposed revealing, the marble pieces belonging to the Forum Tauri which had been used in the foundation of the bath. The bath was vacant för same time after 1970. There was an attempt to restore it in 1971, 1972 by the University of İstanbul but it was not carried out and the building was vacant again. Today it is in a ruinons state and vacant. The bath is covered by a heap of rubbl. The building has lost its original function since 1930. After wards it was used för store för some time and was deserted. Due to lack of maintenance, the walls and domes were damaged. The lead sheets of the domes were stolen. Other factor which have contributed to the damage of the bath are natural disasters like earthquake and fires. As mentioned above, especially after the fire in 1714, the bath undarment extensive restoration. Polluted air is also dangerous tor historical buildıngs. The bath has suffered a lot from air pollution. Üne can see easily see the effects of pollution on the south wall of the bath. XIXThe double bath was desıgned by archıtect Hayreddın who was the.chıef architect of Ottoman Empire at the beginnıng of 16 th century. He desıgned mosques, bridges ete. in istanbul, Edirne, Bursa,.Osmancık and Geyve. The women“s and rnen's part of the ıs loeated parallel. The entrance of men'”s section is on the maın road facing. Today there are stairs which lead to the entrance. The origınal furniture of the dressing hail. has dissappeared. there is neither the pool nor stone seats. Now there is a pasage to the women's section which was opened while it was being used as a store. The dressing hail is covered by a dome with a diamether of 15.00 m. There are four windows at the lower leve l and ten windows at the upper Teve l. There are two doors which lead to the tepidarium of the bath. üne is going in to a small celi and than maın tepidarium. The other is dırectly passed the maın tepidarium section. The entrance to the women“s section is on Kimyager Derviş Ağa street. There are no windows at the lower level. it has seven windows at the upper level. The diamether of dome is smaller than men^s part. There is a door vhıch is passing a celi and then rnaın tepidarium, on the north wall of dressing hail. The warm section of men”s and women~“s partare similar in plan. Both of them has ”T“ plan and three iwans. The covering elements of them are dome. inthe men”s part there is a celi in the east sideand toilets in the west side. There are seats to washin these sectıons were uesd för undressing hail inthe winter. The cal.darium has four iwans and four çel Is. The iwans are raised 20 cm. from the floor. On three sides have seats and wash basins. XXThere as a martı l e platform whıch ıs called“Göbek Taşı”. it ıs raısed 2b cm. from the.floor at the center of the höt seetion. The çel Is are 3.4Ü m. x 3.4Û m. They are the hottest roorns of the.bath. There are seats and wash basıns on two s i deş. The çel Is are covered by dornes wıth a diameter of 3.ÛÛ m. The last.part of the bath ıs the heating center which is called“Külhan”(fire stoke). Ali the parts of bath, except the dressing halis are heated frorn here. There are channels under the floor. So the smoke passes thes.e channels and heats the bath. The materials whıch were used in the bath are stone, marbie and brick. The walls are made of lime stone. The floor paving are made of Marmara rnarble. Hereke puding and lassos marbie vere used at some part of the bath. Ali the domes and wouits are made of brıck (28.5 x 26.5 cm.). When we compare Bayezıt 11 bath with other bats of on the sixteenth century we see similar plan types and construction, tecnıgues. For exarnple Mi hr iman Sultan bath at Edirnekapı, the Çinili bath at Fatih, and Gedikpaşa bath have simi l ar plans. The men's and wpmen“s part of these baths are loceted parallel to each other. Before attempting at developing a restorauıon project the bath was examined and rneasured, dravings were prepered. For a better understanding of the buildings, the restitution drawing were undertaken plan and fronts. The restoration project is dravm. As mentioned earlier, there is a lot of rubbısh in the bath, whıch has to be cleaned carefully b.ecause some origınal details can be revealed during the proces. Walls and domes need strengthening. The two big domes över the dressing halis have some serious cracks. First of ali this structural problem must be solved and XXIcracks have to be stitched. On the other hand. some details have to be recreated, tor example dressing rooms of bath. pools, some wash basins, marble seats etc. Another subject is the choice of a new funtion. in the restoration project of Bayezit II bath, we propose to use the men's part of bath as a bath again but the wornwn's sections as a social center with a cafeteria, a conference room and an exhibition hall. The women's section is on the Kimyager Derviş Ağa street which ıs very much used by university students. So that we propose to use this part of the bath for students. As mentioned earlier, the bath is surrounded by the departments of Istanbul University. The dressing hall of the women's section is planned as a cafeteria. There is sevice office on the south-west corner of the dressing hall. The tepıdarıum of bath will have some boards for exhibitions. The hot part and the cells will house a conference hall. When we use one section of the bath with a different funtion we need some furniture that is not fixed and a few boards which are not fixed again for exhibition. The fire stoke ”Külhan" will be used as the heating center of the building. Of course these two parts will be heated seperately according to their function. In the restoration project of bath, we used ail original doors, windows and walls. The original plan of the bath is neither changed nor demaged. No new doors, windows or walls were in seated. On the other hand, fixed furniture was not used in decoration of women's part. We hope the restoration of the bath will start as soon as posible. Because is getting worse. Vakıflar has tepidarium and hot parts of the bath, Istanbul University has dressing halls of bath. So that the bath could not be restored for years. This ownership problem must be solved in a short time and this valuable historical building must be restored as soon as posible^ XXII
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