Agrammatism in Turkish broca's aphasic patients: A descriptive case study
Türk broka afazili hastalarda agramatizm: Betimleyici bir vaka çalışması
- Tez No: 254940
- Tez Türü: Doktora
- Konular: Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, English Linguistics and Literature
- Anahtar Kelimeler: afazyoloji, Türkçe, Broka Afazisi, agramatizm, biçimbilim, sözdizim, Aphasiology, Broca's aphasia, Agrammatism, Morphology, Syntax
- Yıl: 2008
- Dil: İngilizce
- Üniversite: Hacettepe Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: İngiliz Dili Eğitimi Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 179
Dilbilgisi kuramlarinin açiklanabilmesinde nöropsikolojik anlamda önemli bir kanitsaglamakta olan afazyoloji, son zamanlarda giderek artan bir önem kazanmaktadir. Nevar ki, öncelikle cevaplanmasi gereken soru, beynin sol yarim küresindeki Brocaalaninin hasari ile olusan Broca afazisi ile özdeslesmis agramatizmin ne derece evrenselbir dil bozuklugu oldugudur. Agramatizmin en belirgin özelliklerinden biri, Brocaafazili hastalarin sergiledigi telegrafik dil kullanimidir. Literatüre bakildiginda,agramatizmi tanimlayan en belirgin özelliklerin, taban üretimli olmayan, tasima yoluylatüremis cümle yapilarinda, çekimsel biçimbilimde ve islevsel sözcüklerde görülenbozukluklar oldugu gözlenmektedir. Yine de, diller araindaki tipolojik ve yapisalfarkliliklar nedeniyle sendromun dogasi tam anlamiyla betimlenememektedir.Bu çalisma, eklemeli ve SOV türde bir dil olan Türkçe'de, agramatizmi, sözkonusubozukluklar dogrultusunda, biçimbilim ve sözdizim açisindan degerlendirerekbetimlemeyi amaçlamaktadir. Sözdizimsel çözümleme, taban üretimli olmayan yapilarolarak nesne çalkalama, özne çalkalama, postposing yapilarini, ayni zamandadönüsümsel tasima içeren edilgenlik ve ilgilendirme yapilarinin üretimini incelerken,biçimbilimsel analiz, isim ve fiil çekimlerini ve de islevsel sözcükler sinifina ait olanilgeç öbeklerini incelemektedir.Söz konusu belirli yapilara iliskin veri elde etmek amaciyla iki Broka afazili hasta, ikiayri deney yoluyla test edilmistir. Deneyler, i. mülakat, ii. resim anlatma ve iii. tümcetamamlama olmak üzere toplamda üç ayri teknik içermektedir. Mülakat, on dakikalikserbest dil verisi saglayan yaklasik 20 soru içermekte; resim anlatimi ise Boston TanisalAfazi Sorgulamasi tarafindan hazirlanmis olan ?kurabiye hirsizligi? (cookie-theft)resminin anlatilmasini içermektedir. Diger yandan, taban üretimli olmayan, vedönüsümsel tasima içeren yapilar, tümce tamamlama testleri yoluyla elde edilmistir. Çalismada gözlenen biçimbilimsel bulgular, Türkçe'deki agramatizmin, Türkçe'ninfarkli tipolojik yapisi nedeniyle literatürdeki temel tanimlarindan ayrildiginigöstermektedir. Sözdizimsel bulgular ise, literatürdekilerle daha paralel bir durumsergilemektedir. Yine de bazi seçici bozukluklar, daha kuramsal temellere dayanan ileribir çalisma dahilinde ele alinmalidir.Sonuç olarak, agramatizm evrensel bir olgu olmakla beraber, içinde bulundugu dilinyapi ve tipolojisine göre degisiklik gösteren parametrik bir özellige sahiptir.
Özet (Çeviri)
In recent years, there has been a remarkably growing interest in aphasiology, which isconsidered to be a rich source of neuropychological evidence for theories of grammar.However, a more basic question needed to be answered is to what extent agrammatism,a condition associated with Broca?s aphasia and damage to Broca?s area in the lefthemisphere of the patients, is a universal language impairment cross- linguistically.Characterisations of agrammatism mainly focus on features of the telegraphic speechproduction of Broca's aphasic patients. Concerning the literature, it is observed thatthese characteristic features include a disruption in the production of un-canonical,movement derived sentence structures, a lack of inflectional morphology and theomission or misuse of 'closed-class' (function words) such as articles, auxiliaries,prepositions or complementizers. Yet, the exact nature of the deficits is still an openquestion due to the typological differences among languages. Therefore, this study aimsat describing agrammatism in Turkish which is a highly inflectional, SOV typelanguage, concerning the acknowledged deficits with respect to 1.syntactic and 2.morphological criteria.Syntactic analysis includes the investigation of the produc tion of object scrambling,subject scrambling, postposing as the representatives of un-canonical word ordervariations, and also relativization and passivization as movement operations. On theother hand, morphological analysis concerns with the production of noun and verbparadigm inflections as well as the production of postpositions as the representatives ofTurkish closed-class words.In order to elicit the corpus of Turkish data concerning the production of certainparticular linguistic structures, two Turkish Broca's aphasic patients are tested by meansof mainly two experiments including three types of experimental techniques of i interview, ii. picture narration iii. sentence completion. The two of the techniques,namely, the interview and the picture narration are designed to obtain the dataconcerning the inflectional morphology, providing with a free narrative sample ofagrammatic speech production in Turkish. The interview section includes approximately20 personal questions providing with the data of approximately 10 minutes of freeconversation whereas the picture narration requires the description of the ?cookie theft?picture of the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE).On the other hand, un-canonical word order constructions are elicited by sentencecompletion tests including 36 sentences of basically four different types of syntacticconditions, namely, canonical sentences in their base SOV order, object scrambling,postposing and finally, subject scrambling sentences. Also, transformationalconstructions are elicited including two conditions of movement operations, namely,relativization and passivization. Therefore, the overall experiment involves totally 27sentences.The findings of this study suggest that, morphological findings of agrammatism inTurkish appear to differ from the basic definitions of agrammatism due to its typologicalcharacterization. Considering the syntactic analysis of agrammatism, it is noticable thatTurkish Broca's aphasic patients represent a more parallel pattern to the existingdefinitions of agrammatism in the literature. However, some selectively impairedpatterns require further investigation on more theoretical grounds. Consequently,agrammatism is a universal phenomenon, yet, it has a parametrical nature, varyingaccording to the typology and the structure of the language that it appears in.
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