Maltepe Başıbüyükte Süreyya Paşa Köşkü restorasyon projesi
The Restoration project for Süreyya Pasha's Kiosk at Maltepe-Başıbüyük
- Tez No: 39374
- Danışmanlar: DOÇ.DR. NUR AKIN
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1993
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 227
ÖZET Tarihi Bizans dönemine kadar giden ve İstanbul'un fethinden sonra önemli bir askeri konaklama yeri olan Maltepe, XVIII. yüzyılda yeni bir kimlik kazanmıştır. Cumhuriyet sonrası ise bir sayfiye yerine dönüşen Maltepe, bugün önemli bir konut, sanayi ve ticaret bölgesidir. Tezin konusu olan Maltepe-Başıbüyük'teki Süreyya Paşa Köşkü, XIX. yüzyıl sonu sivil mimari özelliklerini taşımaktadır.; Çalışmanın birinci bölümünde; Süreyya Paşa Köşkü ile ilgili genel bilgiler verildikten sonra XIX. yüzyıl İstanbul'undaki sivil mimarlık örneklerinin genel özellikleri ile Türk Evi plan tipleri ve dönemin sosyal yaşamı incelenmiştir. İkinci bölümde; Süreyya Paşa Köşkü'nün içinde yer aldığı Maltepe bölgesinin konumu ile ilgili bilgi verilerek bölgenin tarihsel gelişimi ve önemli anıtsal yapıları incelenmiş, günümüzdeki durumu vurgulanarak köşk ile bahçesinde yer alan Limonluk yapılarının ayrıntılı tanımı yapılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde; yapıların strüktürel özellikleri incelenmiş, yapıda çeşitli nedenlerden ötürü meydana gelen bozulmaların sınıflandırılması ise dördüncü bölümün konusunu oluşturmuştur. Beşinci bölümde; yapının restitüsyonu için kaynak gösterilebilecek aynı dönem yapılarının tipolojik karşılaştırması, altıncı bölüm ise, dönemin mimari özellikleri gözönünde bulundurularak yapıların üzerinde bulunan ve özgün durumlarını gösteren izlere göre köşk ve limonluk yapıları ile ilgili restitüsyon çalışmalarına ayrılmıştır. Yedinci ve son bölüm ise, belirli bir dönemin özelliklerini taşıyan ve korunması gereken köşk ve limonluk yapılarının yeniden kullanılabilmesi için gerekli olan restorasyon çalışmalarını içermektedir. Öngörülen yeni işlev; Süreyyapaşa Göğüs Hastalıkları Merkezi yetkililerinin önerisi ve gereksinimine bağlı olarak, yapıyı aynen koruyarak az bir müdahaleyle yaşatacak olan Bilim Merkezi olarak kullanımıdır. Limonluk ise, içinde çeşitli bitkilerin yetiştirileceği bir sera olarak düşünülmüştür. Bu bölümün sonunda ise, her iki yapı için önerilen işlevler doğrultusunda gerekli olan restorasyon müdahaleleri yer almaktadır. Vİ
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY THE RESTORATION PROJECT FOR SÜREYYA PASHA'S KIOSK AT MALTEPE - BASIBÜYUK. According to the researches, the history of Maltepe goes back to the Byzantine period. After istanbul conquered in 1453, Maltepe becatne an important place for military encampment. in the XVIII th. century, it acquired a new identity with the construction of mosques, fountains, mansions and kiosks. in the big cities like istanbul and Edirne, there were many houses large enough to be classified as mansions, kiosks and palaces. Grand houses of istanbul in the XIX th. century can be classified into three groups. The houses that are situated on the shore of Bosporus are named yalı-water side house; the houses in the gardens that are situated at the summer places are named köşk-kiosk, and grand houses that are situated in the cities with harem (section of vomen) and selamlık (section of men) are named as konak-mansion. The grand house was burdened with an important social role. So, the grand mansions were a cluster of different units and the social role of these units were spread to the districts. As a result, they became a kind of civilization center for these districts. The first part of the thesis deals with the general information of the kıosk of Süreyya Pasha and the cultural development of istanbul in the XIX th. century. Consequently the plan types of the Turkish House, its new architectural arrangements and the social life of kiosks and mansions in istanbul were described. The final phase in the development of the Turkish House occurred during the Empire period, which lasted until the end of the XIX th. century. in this century, houses started to be covered with wood, space and the windows started to be enlarged and their numbers also increased. Until the end of this century, the house type was very plain with simple facades vhich have lost their former animation. Consequently, plan types began to change too. The house plan vrith a central sofa became the general preference of every house, especially in big cities. in this plan type, the common area which provides communication between the rooms was placed at the center of the house so, it was protected against the external factors and became more economic than the other plan types. As a result, it was preferred especially by the rich families in istanbul. The separation between the woman and the man in Ottoman daily life necessitated a differentiation in the house. Most of the houses vere bul 11 according to this order and they were divided into two sections. The section used by the women was named Harem and the section used by the men was named as Selamlık, in some of the grand Vİİmansions, these two sections vere separated completely and became as two separate buildings. This type of division can be seen clearly at the kiosk of Süreyya Pasha which is dealt in this thesis. The social life was very colourful and rich in the mansions. in 1835, an English vriter named Miss Pardoe came to istanbul and visited the harem section of a Turkish House. She was very affected by the richness of the interior space and the hospitality of the Turkish family. The second part deals with a general description and historical background of Maltepe region and some of its monumental buildings had been described. Maltepe can be -explained briefly as an“administrative district within istanbul and constitutes 16 districts”. in the history of istanbul, Maltepe was an important place and stili it has been maintaining this importance as a residential, industrial and a trading center. The second part includes a detailed description of the kıosk and the greenhouse which is located in the courtyard of this kiosk. Süreyya Pasha bought the farm of Narlıdere in 1901, in order to build a modern farm. He started the constuction of Harem and Selamlık sections in 1902. Ali the land of the farm includes the area of harem and selamlık sections and the greenhouse, had been donated to the“Institution of the Social Insurance”in 1950 by Süreyya Pasha, in order to build a hospital. Harem building had been restored in 1952 by this Institution and used as a preventorium, but it was abandoned in 1967. Today it is being kept empty without any function and the greenhouse is being used by the guards of the hospital. These buildings have been registered as 2 nd. grade historical buildings by the“Commission of Conservation of Monuments of istanbul”in 1988. The Harem section is situated in a large garden with pine and plane trees. At the southeast of this garden, there is a single storied greenhouse constructed by wood. At the northwest side of the harem section, there is another building which is named as Selamlık and consists of two floors. The spring of water (ayazma) and the single storied building constructed by stone is situated at the north side of the Harem building. As it has been said before, the buildings were abandoned and today, they are in a very bad conditions. Greenhouse is in a better condition than the other buildings because of its present use by the guards. in spite of the ruined appearance of the buildings, they stili conserve both their own historical values and the environtnental aspects in relation with each, other. Two kıosks and the greenhouse cover an area of about 3070 m. The thesis deals with harem section and the greenhouse. in the third part of the thesis, the structural features of these two buildings vere described in detail and into 5 topics vhich are: viii.Foundations;.Floorings;.Walls, doors and windows;.Upper coverings;.Ornamental characteristics. The fourth chapter deals with the deterioration of the building. The main deterioration at the building occurred; as a result of leaving it vithout any function. Kıosk vhich had been kept empty for many years was destroyed especially by the people and the animals around î±ıis area. The original parts of the building vere destroyed very quickly. Today, the building has some important problems related ; with both the structure and the material. A a result of the factors mentioned above, the type of failures can be classified into three topics which consist of:. Structural failures;. Materials failures;. Deteriorations of use. in the fifth part, a typological approach to the mansion types of the XIX th. century was made according to the plan types, building elements, space arrangements and the facades. The examples of the same century mansions compared with the kiosk are:. istanbul Agah Efendi Mansion, XIX th. Century;. A Mansion at Baglarbası, XIX th. Century;. Baglarbası Mecid Efendi Mansion, XIX th. Century;. A House at Cihangir Near The Mosque, XIX th. Century;. A House at Selimiye, XIX th. Century. The sixth chapter deals vith the restitution problems and comments about the harem building and the greenhouse. Most of the restitutions vere done, according to the original parts of the building elements which have not been destroyed yet. Another source related with the restitution problems of the lost parts, is some photographs taken in 1987. These photographs vere supplied f rom the Commission of Conservation of Monuments of istanbul. And as a last source, the same century buildings were taken into consideration for the restitution problems. in the last chapter, the new functions proposed for the buildings vere described and the restoration vorks required for the nev functions also vere explained in detail. After the period of Republic, Maltepe became a summer resort vith its kiosks situated in large gardens and vith the shores that vere very active especially in summer. The kıosk that is situated on the hill and looks tovards the Marmara Sea, is an example of the type of housing vhich vas mentioned above. Süreyya Pasha vho vas the ovner İXof the kiosk, and his family had been going to the farm for 5 or 6 months to spend the summer. As it has been said before, he had donated all this farm including the buildings, to the“Institution of the Social Insurance”in 1950. The buildings have been keeping empty- since 1967 and they have to be restored urgently. Today,“Institution of the Social Insurance”shows an attempt to restore all the buildings. At the first stage, harem section and the greenhouse will be restored and the other buildings later. According to the decision made by the“Chest Diseases Center of Sureyyapasha”(Süreyyapaşa Göğüs Hastalıkları Merkezi), the kiosk will be turned into' scientific center of the hospital. Medical conferences, lectures, seminars and the exhibition of medical activities will take place in this center. The administration of the Center also informed that, they need a space for social activities and wanted the building to have a capacity for this kind of functions. For this purpose, basement floor is completely reserved for the service and the social activities. A hobby room, resting rooms, dining hall and cocktail hall are placed at the basement floor in relation with the garden. Ground floor is reserved completely for the scientific meetings, seminars, lectures and exhibition spaces, whereas the first floor is reserved for the other activities. One section of the first floor, is reserved for the memory of Süreyya Pasha who was a very important person both for Maltepe and for this Center. The books, magazines, photographs related with Süreyya Pasha, also the books written by himself and his own furniture will be exhibited in this section. The other rooms are used as a library, computer and resting rooms and also as an archieve. In addition to these rooms, one space is reserved for the man who will be responsible from this floor. Greenhouse will be used as a space for growing different kinds of plants, as it was used before. At the second stage, Selamlık building and the other building which is being used as store, will be restored and they will be given other functions in relation to the restored buildings. According to this aim, Selamlık building is proposed to be used as a guest-house for the foreign visitors coming to the Center. The single storied building is proposed to be used as a cafe, to serve all to the hospital, in relation with the garden, and as a last stage; the spring of water (ayazma) will be restored in order to supply some of the water needed by these buildings. So, it is necessary to use some restoration techniques in order to preserve and maintain the buildings. These techniques are:. Liberation;. Consolidation;. Reintegration;. Reconstruction;. Renovation of the Sanitary and Electrical Installation-Heating and Lighting. -X-First, the building should be liberated from its later additions. After this step; consolidation, reintegration and reconstruction works should be done according to the restoration proposals. This kiosk, reflecting the social, economic and cultural life of a certain period, should be restored in order to preserve its original conditions and by this way, its historical values can be transferred to the next generations. -XI-
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