Geri Dön

19. yy Avrupa mimarlık hareketlerinin ve Batılılaşmanın Osmanlı konut mimarisine etkileri

The Effects of 19 th centry European architectural movements and Westernization on Ottoman housing architecture

  1. Tez No: 39391
  2. Yazar: ALİ GÜNCAN
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1993
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 261


18.yy'in ilk yarısından itibaren, sanat, felsefe ve siyasi alanlarda devrimci gelişmelere yol açan Ay¬ dınlanma hareketi ve bu hareketin getirdiği evrensel¬ leşme düşüncesi, mimaride kaynağını Antik kültürlerden, Ortaçağ Gotik ve Rönesans sanatlarından alan 'Canlandır¬ ma Hareketleri'nin doğmasına sebep olmuştur. 19.yy Av¬ rupa mimarlığında kuvvetli etkiler gösteren bu harekete, Endüstri Devrimi'nin yarattığı yeni ihtiyaçların ve yeni yapı tiplerinin, yine endüstrileşmenin getirdiği malzeme ve formlar ile karşılanması eklenmiş ve 19.yy Avrupa mi¬ marlığının çoğulcu, tarihselci yaklaşımı oluşturulmuş¬ tur. l9.yy'in başlarında, Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda, 'Batılı¬ laşma' denilen ve Batı etkilerinin toplumun her nok¬ tasına sokularak, kaybedilmiş gücün ve prestijin sağla¬ nacağı düşünülen değişim hareketlerinin, başta toplumsal yapıyı ve Osmanlı Mimarisini değiştirmediği görülmüştür. Osmanlı Mimarlığında Batılılaşma, l9.yy Avrupa Mimarlık Hareketleri biçimlenme ilkelerinin ve elemanlarının sadık bir kopyeciliğinden ibaret olmuş, Geleneksel Os¬ manlı Konut Mimarisi de bu değişimin etkisiyle köklü mi¬ mari geçmişini ve biçimlenme ilkelerini kaybetmiştir. Değişim, konut yapılarının planlanmasında etkili olmakla kalmamış, Osmanlı kentsel dokusunu da, getirdiği yeni biçimlenme ilkeleri ve oranları ile kimlik kaybına sü¬ rüklemiştir. Değişimin boyutları, konut mimarisinde yeni biçimlenme ilkelerinin ve yapı karakteristiklerinin ortaya çıkması¬ na, Avrupa Mimarlık Akımları elemanlarının tahlil edil¬ meden kullanımlarına yol açmış ve l9.yy Osmanlı Konut Mimarisi, yeni formlar ve biçimler altında gelişimini sürdürerek, 20.yy başlarında 'Milli Mimari'nin oluştu¬ rulması ile batı formlarının tahlilsiz kullanımlarının önüne geçildiği döneme dek etkili olmuştur.

Özet (Çeviri)

The History of Architecture is a record of continious evolution, beginning with the simple and constantly repeated forma of Egypt, followed by the more highly developed Temple- buildings of Greece; passing through the complex types of Imperial Rome with her multitudinous public needs, and also through the ages of Christendom, when Medivealist reared Cathedrals and Castles, until the men of the Renaissance reverted to the classic types for the varied buildings of this great period in human development. Architecture, striding down the ages, was evolved, moulded and adapted to meet the changing needs of nations in their religious, political and domestic development. A glance along the perspective of past ages reveals architecture as a lithic history of social conditions, progress and religion, and of events which are landmarks in the history of mankind. As a progress, architecture and the adaptation of principles on public works causessome architectural professions and comprehensions ofcommunities and is called a“style”. Even ali transformations and ali movements of architectural works had based on the same purposes which was just to meet the changing needs of the society, as a f aç t, they had been influenced by some great forms of architectural monuments, whether they were Greek, Roman, Medieaval ör Renaissance. This influence, in principle, was from the fact of getting in to dilemma, facing with great problems, xiiivariations and of not being used control mechanisms by communities through the ages, and that had caused using the forma of great periods while communities was in great violent shocks. Öne of the great periods in European Architecture was the 19th century when traditional architectural behaviours received many shocks and sufferred many changes. This was an era of revivals of past styles, due to many and varied causes, but chiefly to the predilection of individual architects, and this led to what was knovm as 'The Battle of the styles1. These styles were the revivals of forms and the orders of ancient Greece, Roman and the ravivals of arts of Gothic and Renaissance period. The appearing of revivals had been basedon Enlightenment movement that had given riseto revolutionary development in art, philosophyand political scene, these effect had influencedali communities in Europe and naturally, architecture had been started to change in these period due to this advanced development. Öne of the revivalist styles of European communities in 19 th century had been 'Greek Revival' basing on the orders and using the forms of Greek Architecture that was the mother of arts in Europe. in architecture, this character had been developed and been used after the archeological excavations and works had begun to be popular, and after publishing the books about Greek arts in this period, ali thoughts of architects was for using the orders and the forms of Greek Architecture that had been tried to meet the varied needs of 19th century. Other revivalist styles in this dilemma, were the opposite thoughts of Greek Revival, and had also appeared for the same purpose as others. These were the revivals of Gothic, Renaissance and Barogue architectural characters. in the beginning of the 19th century, the 'Industrial Revolution1 made a new social construction and social characteristic directly towards for the desires of the xivworkman and bourgeois class who had got strong power an a new economic construction. With a great influence in this period, architecture, also, had started to change, new forms and new functions had appeared and supplied with the new construction materials and construction techniques being made by the industrialization. Thus, another character was occured that are made the permanent of modern architectural movement, pluralistly and mixed. Great affects of Enlightenment Movement which was the starting point of the revivalist movements, starting the industrial revolution in this country and spreading to the universal society, reaching the economic superiority from France to England had caused England to be a leader in this century. First movements and new social reforms were seemed in England and architecture had acquired new social function representing the new stratification of society. During this century, great chances were seemed in housing architecture which is a section of architecture with the influences of urbanization and rapid population growth. Thus, new housing forms were occured in newly urban structures whith the changes of housing forms and principles. These were the new forms that had never been seen and applicated on, and been directed the formation of modern housing architecture of 20th century. In Ottoman Empire having the different religion and social character, the movements of revivals of past styles had arised from the aspects of variation called“Westernization”which have been based on reobtaining of military, economic and politic losses of Empire, but these movements had been seemed as a copy of occidental thought, not been a conscious movement. During the last part of its history, the Ottoman Empire, was introduced to a new concept of westernization. As early as the beginning of the 18th century, increasing economic and political problems and continuous military losses had stepped up relations with the west, trying to keep the abreast of the developments of Europe. Thus, a deliberate movement towards the west, started primarily at an administrative level and continued through the xv19th century with changes in every activity of the social life. This variation were reflected to the architecture with a socio-cultural and socio-economic affects, and the influences of westernization upon visual design commenced with the earliest changes seen in applied decoration, after the second period of 18th century. However, towards the close of the 18th century, other than decorative, Baroque and Rococo shapes, spatial and massive change in the forms of Traditional Ottoman Architecture already revealed different approach in design. Troughout the 19th century, western influences brought a total change in style. By the end of 1860 's, this new style already exhibited a variety of approaches with all of these characteristics of the revivals of past styles of European design. As the architectural expression was changing and revivals of past styles was turning into a style, traditional builders and their organization were being replaced by non-Moslem and foreign architects. These were the people who had more direct access to European sources of design through personal relations. That1 s why, the movements of revival of past styles were placed to Ottoman Architecture and had changed all rules and forms of Traditional Ottoman Architecture both in public buildings and housing units. In these thesis, the Ottoman Housing Architecture in 19 th century was obtained, the dimensions of the variation of the traditional housing principles and forms that were affected by 19th century's European architectural Movements and Industrial Revolution. In the second chapter, the Revivalist movements that had been seen in European architecture at the end of the 18th century, and had caused the 19th century to be a Historism Age, and the level of the affect of the basic forms of the Revivalist movements on Ottoman Architecture were examined. In the third chapter, Industrial Revolution which was another factor in the formation of European Architecture in 19th century and the variations of this period were analysed. The affects of this variation to European xv iArchitectural comprehension in 19th century were examined in England sample, because of being the country that the variations had seemed strongly, spreading the industrial revolution to all universal societies from there, changing the economic balances that intensified strongly, and having the forces seemed on the architectural variations and the characteristics of European Architecture in the 19th century. To select the examples of housing architecture from this country helps to compare the analyse of European Architectural Movements on the 19th century Ottoman Housing Architecture. In the forth chapter,“Westernization Movements”on Ottoman Empire, and the period of spreading the westernization to a social structure, its reasons beginning with the reobtaining of political and military losses were examined, and the influences of“Westernization”on the architectural character of traditional Ottoman housing forms and principles were determined, and shown that, the European Architectural Movements were used in westernization period and the forms, principles of these styles were spreaded to every urban places. In the last chapter. Traditional Ottoman Housing Architecture was examined with their original forms on design principles, and the forms, the orders affecting the facades. While examining the Ottoman housing types, it was seen that there were to fundamental elements forming the structure. These were the“Rooms”, and the“Sofa”, the common area between the rooms. The sofa is an area providing access between the various rooms and has a varied technical terminology. As well as providing a passageway inside the house, it also serves as a meeting ground and the space around the traffic area was adopted for seating. Thus, the sofa became the most important element of the form of the traditional house and influenced its whole shape. The other element is“Rooms”, and the primary characteristic of the room in the traditional house is that of a unit serving specific purposes with in the house. The rooms of the traditional house took their form along side the development of the general concepts of community life. xv i iAt the same time, the 19th century Ottoman Housing Architecture was examined with making regions on selected examples. One of these regions is“Boğaziçi”where the traditional Ottoman housing rules and principles still continues. The other region is“Beyoğlu-Tarlabaşı”where the first influences of westernization were seen in Ottoman housing architecture. In this region, the popular forms of housing design is multi-storeyed buildings in 19th century. These multi-storeyed buildings had been planned under strong influences of European Architectural styles.“Fener”where is the last region of this research, was chosen because of having the characteristic“Terraced House”buildings of ystanbul in 19th century. These terraced house buildings of Istanbul had also been affected from the 19th century European Architectural Movements and this influence had been seemed in every stage of design, even in the principles of formation in plan. As a result, it was seen that in the 19th century the space organizations, urban characteristic, and scales of Ottoman cities and traditional Ottoman housing architecture were changed by western forms based on using European Architectural forms and orders of 19th century. xviii

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