Lüleburgaz Dere mahallesinin yenilenmesinde bir yöntem önerisi 18. madde uygulaması
A Proposal for the renewal of Dere district of Lüleburgaz: Application of item 18
- Tez No: 39401
- Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. AYTEN ÇETİNER
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Şehircilik ve Bölge Planlama, Urban and Regional Planning
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1993
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 143
ÖZET Yenileme gereksinimi toplumsal, ekonomik ve kültürel değişiklikler sonucu yerleşmelerin bu değişikliklere cevap verememesi sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca veraset le mülkiyette meydana gelen ufalanmalarda yenilemeyi zorunlu hale getirmiştir. Yenileme ile sağlıklı mekânlar elde edilmesi, şehircilik kural ve ilkelerine göre, organizasyonu tamamlanmış yerleşim yerleri oluşturulması sağlanabilir. Şehirlerin imar yönünden düzenli bir şekil de gelişmesi ise yapılmış olan imar planlarının mekana sağlıklı bir şekilde yansıtılmasıyla mümkün olur. 3194 sayılı imar Kanunun arazi ve arsa düzen lemelerine ilişkin 18. maddesi, bütün belediyelerin ve valiliklerin imar planlarını uygulamaları için kul lanacakları önemli bir araçtır. Çünkü her türlü umumi hizmetlere ait alanların kamu eline geçmesinde büyük kolaylıklar sağlar. Çoğu belediyenin bu alanları kamulaş- tıracak paraları yoktur. Düzenleme ortaklık payı adı altında düzenlemeye giren her parselden alınan alanlarla kamu yararına olacak şekilde ortak donatı alanları oluş turulur. Böylece 18. 'nci madde ile amaca uygun olmayan kadastral parseller amaca uygun imar parselleri durumuna getirildiği gibi, sözkonusu düzenleme alanında gereksinme duyulan kamu hizmet alanları da bir bedel ödenmeksizin elde edilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Lüleburgaz Dere Mahallesi üze rinde köhneme bölgelerinin temizlenmesinde yarar sağlayan 18. Maddenin nasıl uygulanacağını göstermek, 18. madde uygulamasının imar planı içinde nasıl yapılacağını tek nik, ekonomik açıdan irdelemektir. 6 bölümden oluşan çalışmanın birinci bölümünde konu tanıtılmış, ikinci bölümde yenileme kavramı, üzerinde durulmuştur, üçüncü bölümde Türkiye'de şehirsel plan lamada geçirilen aşamalar incelenmiş 18. maddenin getir diği yenilikler, kapsamı, önemi ve arsa düzenlemelerinin nasıl yapılacağı açıklanmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde 18. Maddenin uygulanması için yapılan çalışmalar incelenmiş, beşinci bölümde örnek bölge Lüleburgaz Dere Mahallesin deki çalışmalar ortaya konmuştur. Dere Mahallesi üzerinde 18' nci Madde uygulaması gösterilmiştir. Yedinci bölümde ise araştırmadan çıkan sonuçlar irdelenmiş ve bunlara bağlı olarak öneriler getirilmiştir. ıx
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY A PROPOSAL FOR THE RENEWAL OF DERE DISTRICT OF LÜLEBURGAZ: APPLICATION OF ITEM 18 This study shows the ways to implement Item 18, which will be useful in the improvement of decayed areas and examines how to involve this item in the development plans. After the first section which describes the scope of the thesis, the concept of urban renewal has been exp- lainded in the second section. Urban Renewal is the prosess of changing or rebuil ding the old and ruined urban structure adapting them to the social and economic conditions of today. Urban renewal aims to convert the disadvatages of an area which has decay indications, to the advantages and to create an evironment to improve its socio - economic status. The target of urban development is to abolish the ruinded areas. The reasons for decay are the functional changes and improvements. Two main characteristics of decayed areas are, being under the standards, and having a constant or negative progress rate. New environments should be created to replace these ruined areas with a new structure having a positive impact on the socio - economic characteristics of the city. The types of renewal used in the process of these environment are: 1 - Renewal on the parcel scale 2 - Sanitation 3 - Preservation 4 - Total renewalIn the case the renewal applications in Turkey are examined, it is seen that major incentive is the gain maximum rent by wrecking and rebuilding on the individual parcels. This method, however, does not yield desirable results in the improvement of ruined areas. In the third section, the scope and the significance of the item 18 have been explained. New concepts introduced by this item 18 of the Act No: 3194 have been clarified from the wievpoint of his tory of Development Acts. New concepts which are introduced by the item 18 of the Act of Development No: 3194 in the section“Land and Sites Planning”and“the Regulation for the Principles of the Lands and Sites Planning to be Executed Pursuant to the Item 18 of the Act of Development No: 3194”can be listed as follows: 1 - To increase the in planning participation share to % 35 from % 25; 2 - To authorize the provinces the planning of lands and sites outside the municipal or surrounding region. 3 - To prohibit all kinds of land and site purchase by private parcel lation with shared ownership where no development plan is applicable. 4 - To include the mosques and police stations in the planning participation share as well as the other public facilities, like the streets, squares, parking areas, play grounds, recreation areas. 5 - The obligation to keep sites ready for housing construction. 6 - To grant shares to the schools, hospitals, day - care centers, municipal services or other public facilities assigned for common use, proportional to their parcels included in the planning. xi7 - To receive a participation share from the par cels which are previously divided and registered accor ding to the Development Act no: 6785/1605 Item 39, comp leting the previous relinquished amount to 35 % 8 - In the case the ground position of the parcel and the characterstics of building placed on it is regar ded not to be subject to planning participation, to convert it into money, with the consent of owner. Fourth section is about the studies carried on the application of Item 18. These studies are made as prepa- tory and arrangement studies. The points which are to be taken into consideration in the application are speci fied. Researchs and implementations on the pilot region take place in the fifth section. Results are evaluated, alternative propasals and applications of the Item 18 on the Dere districit are showed. Dere district of Lüleburgaz is a district which has the characteristics of decay. It has a concentrated structure which consists of small parcels, with divided ownership due to inheri tence. On such a stucture, a planning is realized reflecting the city planning prin ciples. The design is constituted with city blocks which are not divided into parcels. By this way, a healty urban planning is aimed with its play grounds and recreation areas. This plannig is promising for Dere district in many aspect. First of all, it will get valued. With the new parking areas, the cars will not be parked in front of the houses. As the questionnary results indicates, 78 % of the residents demands public areas, and the childerns are playing on the streets. All these issues are included in the plans, the plans, the areas between the blocks are designed to be play grounds and assigned for common use. In the implementation of such a plan have been tried on parcel scale, as an improvement plan and application of item 18. It has seen that the arrangement on parcel scale is not suitable for a sound settlement due to the small sizes of parcels. XllAn improvement plan, which is the restoration of the existing structure, is considered not to be enough to reach the desired arrangement. A regular development of a region can be attained by the reflection of the prepared plans to the reality. It has been seen that in the Dere District, the desired arrangement can be realized by the implementation of Item 18. Item 18 of the Development Act no; 3194 related to lands and sites arrangement, makes the municipalities and provinces able to take necessary action to expropriate lands and to use these lands in the establishment of public facilities. The municipalities do not have the right to expropriate lands totally, but they can receive a certain share from each parcel included in the plan ning, named as“planning participation share”and then assign them to create public facilities. Therefore, Item 18 is an important power given to muncipalities and pro vinces to be used in the application of their development plans. The rate of participation share, which is stated as up 35 % in the item and the condition to be on one block scale at least are considered very post ive. But the performance of the application will be determinded mainly by the adaptability of the planning. If it is not being applied in an area which is not growing raf idly or in an agricultural region which has plannig diffculties due to its ownership structure, so it may cause many complexi ties and problems. In the planning process, the decisions taken on the ownership and division of the parcels are very important. To take sound decisions, prepatory resea rches shall be completed properly and a full set of current maps shall be at hand before the plannig stage. Otherwise, some application and new ownership problems may arise as a result of ownership complexities not solved before. This causes more difficulties in ap plication. Sometimes, some mistakes in the application of municipalities causes very complex situation making the application of Item 18 impossible. The applications in Antalya may be an example of these. Some measures should be taken to recover the negati ve aspects of such applications. We can summarize these measures as follows: These provisions in the Development Act and related regulations should be abolished or changed to prevent the deformations on the application. XlllDevelopment plans should be prepared as to be ap plied easily. Plan application should be carried out taking the main principles and rules into consideration as a whole, instead of making use of the exceptions. The application of the Item 18 in the Dere district ensured the re - settlement of the previous residents in the same district. New housing areas are maintained as close as possible to the district for the people who are compensated for their parcels expropriated due to street constrution. Questionnaries showed that most of these people want to be settled again in this district. Figure 12 shows that 91 % of these people are re - settled in the old development block. The other 9 % consists of the owners whose blocks are expropriated for street construction. The main reason of this result is that building units are arranged in block scale and one block is considered as one parcel without any inner parcelation. This prevented further sub - divisions in ownership which is already divided enough. Further, this application will force the owners who have shares in the development block to create a building unit order. So the owners will have ownership rights proportional to their shares in the land. There is a common belief among the residents of Dere district that they can lose their houses during this project or the ones who have greater lands will have the same rights with others having smaller lands. This is completely due to lack of information on this subject. Owners will be settled on the development blocks according to ownership law. Appendix I. shows the order of distribution of houses proportional to the shares. In this distribution, the aim should be to create individual ownership rights as far as possible instead of shared ownership. This can be assured by designing the building units having certain conditions. The owners will have houses designed in different total m2 according to their shares. If the shares of an owner is not enough to have a separate apartment, he will have shares in the ownership. Further, it may be possible to provide some credits for these owners whose shares are not enough for an aparart- ment to compansate the difference when the financial conditions of building project available. xivThis points should be explained clearly to the residents. Their awareness and support are necessary to achieve a succesful application. The schemes showig the division of parcels should be prepared and exhibited in common places alongside the lists of these divisions. On the contrary, the application did not cause any loss to anyone. Distribution are made on the ground level following the deduction planning participation share. That means they will have houses proportional to their land shares according to housing policy. This policy must be determined as to maintain the owners separate apart ments as far as possible. In addition, this will cause the land values to rise. It is also important to make it publicly known this arrangement of the Dere district will be very promising for the future of Lüleburgaz. These points can be sum marised as follows: * This application will be a good experience for the municipality. * This district of Lüleburgaz will be a renovated urban area arranged according to the rules and principles of city planning. * This district will have a nice appearance making a good impression at the entrance of the city. All these positive effects will be possible when the appliction is completed successfully. For this reason, planners should carry out the district plan into the parcel scale from the scale of development block. Someti mes, city planners and topographers will have to work in cooperatation for planning studies As a result, it can be said that the opportunites created by the Item 18 should be used in planning and application processes to renovate decayed urban areas and these plannigs should be oriented to the radical solution of the problems. xv
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