Geri Dön

Türk Patent Enstitüsü verileri üzerinden Türkiye'de endüstriyel tasarım mesleğinin bir uzmanlık alanı olarak kabulünün araştırılması

The examination of the acceptance of industrial design occupation as a profession in Turkey through Turkish Patent Institute data

  1. Tez No: 398017
  2. Yazar: ELİF İDEMEN
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. ÖZLEM ER
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı, Industrial Design
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2015
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 119


Firmalar, hem iç hem dış pazarda içinde bulundukları rekabet koşullarının zorlaşmasına bağlı olarak rakiplerine üstünlük sağlama yarışına girmişlerdir. Rekabetin giderek arttığı bu küresel pazarda, ürünleri rakiplerinden farklılaştırmada oldukça etkili bir araç olan tasarımın önemi de her geçen gün artmaktadır . Endüstriyel tasarım dünyada giderek artan bir değere sah ip olmakla birlikte, kapsamı ve uygulanması bakımından Türkiye'deki birçok üretici firma tarafından hâlâ tam olarak anlaşılabilmiş değildir. Yapılmış olan araştırmalara göre Türkiye'de firmalar, geçmiş yıllara oranla tasarım konusunda daha bilinçli olmakla birlikte tasarımın ne olduğu ve endüstriyel tasarımcıyı nerede, ne şekilde istihdam edecekleri konusunda net bir bilgiye sahip değillerdir. Öte yandan TPE istatistik verilerine bakıldığında son on yılda ortalama 3 1 .000 tasarım tescil i alındığı görülmekted ir . Bu tescil sayısının fazlalığı ile bilinç düzeyinin aynı oranda olmaması konuyu araştırmaya muhtaç kılmaktadır. Bu araştırmada TPE verileri kullanılarak, endüstriyel tasarım mesleğinin Türk üretim sektöründe ne kadar kabul gördüğü ve bir uzmanlık alanı olarak benimsendiği araştırıl mıştır . Türkiye'deki üretici firmaların tasarım tescil başvurularında endüstriyel tasarımcının yerini araştıran bu tezin amaçlarını gerçekleştirmek üzere TPE verileri kullanılmış, istatistiksel analiz yöntemiyle bulgular çözümlenmiş, firmalar hakkın da yapılan internet taramalarıyla araştırma sonuçlandırılmıştır. Türk Patent Enstitüsü'nün internet sitesi üzerinden patent/faydalı model, marka ve endüstriyel tasarım veri tabanlarına u laşılabilmektedir. Endüstriyel t asarım tescil verileri doğrudan TPE veri tabanından alınmıştır. Bunun dışında firmalar hakkında bilgi edinmek amacıyla firmaların kendi internet sayfalarından, firma yetkilileriyle yapılmış röportajlardan, çeşitli gazete ve dergi haberlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Tescillerde adı geçen isimler ise yine internet üzerinden araştırılmış, çeşitli sosyal ağlar yardımıyla bilgi toplanmıştır. TPE verileri kullanılarak, endüstriyel tasarım tescili almış ürünlerin sınai mülkiyet hak sahi pliği üzerinden endüstriyel tasarım mesleğinin Türk üretim sektöründe ne kadar kabul gördüğü ve bir uzmanlık alanı olarak kabul edildiğinin araştırıldığı bu tez çalışmasında elde edilen sonuçlar Türkiye'nin tasarım tescili konusunda ciddi sorunları olduğu kon usunu desteklemektedir. T asarım konusunda her ne kadar önceki yıllara oranla büyük bir gelişme kaydedilse de endüstriyel tasarım mesleği ve tasarım algısı konusunda hâlâ büyük sorunlar olduğu görülmektedir.

Özet (Çeviri)

Companies, due to the difficult conditions of competition in both domestic and foreign markets in which they entered, they started to compete with their ri vals to become superior. In this increas ingly competitive global market , the importance of design which is a very effective tool to differentiate products from its competitors, is increasing with each passing day. Besides having an increasing value in the world, still industrial design is not fully understood in terms of scope and practice by many manufacturers in Turkey. According to the academic researches which are conducted in Turkey, companies are being more conscious about design compared to previous years, despite this they do not have clear information about what is industrial design and how to employ industrial designers. Although industrial design has a growing value in the global stage it is not fully understand by many manufacturers in Turkey. S ome of them are not aware of industrial design as a profession. They don't employ any industrial designer but the design activities are going on the firm . Also it is possible to see the staff which is not design educated working as a designer in the organi zations. Small and medium sized e nterprises are the most important element s of national economies all over the w orld and they have significant role in design, development and production of several new products. But nowadays, design means copying f or some small businesses in Turkey . Firms prefer to imitate the most coveted products or or to produce the similiar of the best - selling products of their competitors inste ad of designing unique products. On the other hand, TPE statistics shows that last ten years averagely 30,000 industrial design registrations is received. In this study, by using TPE industrial design registration database, acceptance of industrial design occupation as a profession in Turkey is examined. Also this study investigates the actors tha t undertake the design activity in the Turkish manufacturing companies. Whether consciously or not, whether it is done by a professional designer or not, it is possible to say that every organization designs. When it is looked at the researches that have been in conducted in Turkey, it is seen that most of them are concerned in the firms that have an experience in working with designer. This led to a more positive outcome about the perceptions of the firms related to the design and designers. when compare d with the fact. For the purposes of this thesis, TPE database is used and data are statistically analyzed. Also by internet browsing, data about the firms are collected. It is possible to attain data about patents, trademarks and designs from the web site of TPE. Data ab out the industrial design registrations are directly obtained from the website of TPE. Apart from this, in order to learn more about the companies, has benefited from their official web pages, interviews made with company officials, various newspapers and xx magazines news. Names that are written as industrial designer in industrial design registrations still had researched on the internet, information is collected using different social networks. On the TPE industrial design research database, it is possibl e to search according to the Locarno class, product name, designer name, agent name and bulletin name. In this thesis, to reach all of the industrial design registrations, Locarno classification based examination is conducted. For this purpose, firstly Loc arno classification list which is co nsist of 32 main classes and totally 215 classes wit sub - classes are examined and the related classes are defined. After that, two criterias are identified to achieve the purpoeses of the thesis. First criteria is up - to - dateness and second one is consistency. Therefore, the firms that have at least one industrial design registriation per year are aimed. At first stage 460 firms that meet criteria are listed. After that, these listed firms are searched via internet. Their official websites, news about firms, interviews, corporate informations are examined. The people that stated as designers in industrial design registrations are also listed an searched. All of these data are analized by using two different classification. First one is Locarno - based classification, second one is sector - based classification. Using TPE data, results obtained in this thesis that investigate whether industrial design profession accepted in Turkey's production sectors and recognized as an area o f expertise through the ownership of industrial property rights of the industrial design registered products, support the issues that have serious problems in the industrial design profession in Turkey. It is observed that there are four different cases ac cording to this research. First case is; d esign educated people undertake design activities in the company, but their names are not mentioned in industrial design registration. Second case is; people who are not design educated, work as design specialist a nd their names are mentioned in industrial design registrations. Third case is, employees working in other positions are also participating design activit ies and their names are mentioned in industrial design registration s. Last case is; design educated people undertake the design activities and their names are mentioned in industrial design registrations. As a result, great rate of 71% of the company's design registrations showed that the designer names in the design regi strations are such as board members or directors. Information about 9% of the firms are not found. Just a small proportion, 21% of the company's design registrations have names of people design educated. This study that carried out on industrial design re gistrations, concluded that industrial design profession have critical problems. Firms constancy about industrial design registration make think that their level of consciousness is high. However, in these firms design activities which are undertaken by no n - design educated staff shows that firms need more information about industrial design. According to the research results, some statements l ike innovation, original design and professional design team, especially seen in the websites of companies operatin g in furniture, glassware and plastic household appliances sectors show that these firms don't remain indifferent to the design expectations of consumers. Neverth eless, design activities which are undertaken by non - design educated people indicate that comp anies don't have enough information about indus trial design profession or they are not willing to employ any industrial designer.In Turkey, the companies in leading positions in th e sectors in which they operate and that are known to employ industrial designer , specify managers as a designer in their industrial design registrations. It also makes the situation even more critical. These companies use industrial design as a competitive factor in the market , but they don't give the same importance and atte ntion to industrial design profession and industrial designer. When a sector - based general evaluation is made, furniture industry made the most of industrial design registration applications and statements like ergonomic, functional, innovative design, in dustrial design team often expressed in their websites. D espite this, only 16% of the investigated companies states design educated people in their industrial design registrations. This ratio is highest in sectors where more complex structured products lik e white goods, transport equipments are produced. On the other hand, in industrial design registrations of the companies which operate in the sectors that products consist of simple components such as f ootwear, glassware, plastic household apliances, the number of design educated people decreases. In the industrial design registrations, the“applicant”is the person who entitled to use registered design for commercial purposes. As well, the“designer”is the person who performs design. This means that, the rights provided to the person who is specified as designer in industrial design registrations, is spiritual not property rights . However, the right to be recognized as a designer is non - transferable and indispensable. For this reason there is no provision for writing the name of another person, except that perform design in industrial design registration s . In this case, it is considered that the companies acquired incomplete and incorrect information about industrial design registratio ns , and the designers were not concerned much about their rights or they do not follow registration procedures. At first, it can be considered that companies's consistency about industrial design registrations is a positive step about design awareness but when industrial design registrations are examined it is seen that the profession of industrial design is not literally adopted by these companies. Seen expressions like innovative and original designs , powerful design team etc. on the official websites of the companies , can be considered to be an indicator that they use design as an advertising and promotional tool. In Turkey, when compared to last years, firms are more conscious about design but still it is not clear for them what design is and how to em ploy a designer. This study aimed to shed light on the obstacles that prevent the awareness about the importance of employing industrial designers. It is believed that this research will help to understand how the Turkish manufacturers perceive the industr ial design profession. Also these findings will help to improve industrial design profession's influence in Turkish industry. Within the scope of this research , industrial design registrations have not been studied in terms of quality. Scope of this resear ch has focused on people who were listed as designer in the industrial design registrations and number of these registrations. So, it is considered that industrial design registration should be analyzed in terms of the quality in a detailed way.

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