Study of the microbiological flora and of the methods of microbiological testing of market cream
Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.
- Tez No: 401210
- Danışmanlar: DR. J. ROTHWELL
- Tez Türü: Doktora
- Konular: Biyoloji, Biology
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1972
- Dil: İngilizce
- Üniversite: The University of Reading
- Enstitü: Yurtdışı Enstitü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 141
Özet yok.
Özet (Çeviri)
In Engl and and Ivales a modified methyl ene blue t est is us ed for the asses sment of the ca cteri ol ogical quality of cream , despite criticism of this t est . This study vm.s/ designed to ascertai n l1hether the methyl ene blue test results NaS a useful index of the bacteriol ogical quality of crean, or not, and i ncluded SOGle fundamental studies . I t a lso i ncluded an attempt to ga i n bas ic i nforoation on the micr obial flora of marke t cream . Studies of t~e eff ec t of E.Coli and B. cer eus on t~e reduction time of methylene bl ue shol1cd that the prese ncc of either organisms in cream i ncreas ed the r ate of reduction , but f 'lVIer B.ce r cus organisms than E.Coli Here r equired to give similar re ducti on times . Some correlation was 81101'11 betl~een numbers of organisms and the rate of me thylene blue reduction . La r ge i ncr eas es in nuobers occurr ed during pr o-incubation . Comple t e decolourization \ill S reached earlier i n h i gh f a t content crentlS tho.n in 1 01“ , Results of el ectrometric and col orimetric experi ma r.ts sho,rod that this ,ras due to absorbance of r educed dye by fat and to a visua l e r ror caused by the diffe rence in f a t conc entr ati on. The doubling times of B.careus or gailisms in creams Has conside r abl y shorte r than th~. t of E.Coli at tenpc r atures of 10 o to 25 C. This suggcs ted tha t roduction t inas of crean saopl es stored beh,e en thes e t empcro.turcs ,ms likely to be more influcnced by the pr esence of B.cercus . San,l es of comme rci a l narke t crean heat -tr e a t ed by the HTST pr ocess ;rere stored a t 5 o C for five days and o orO saupl es lrero o 0 exan i ned by co l ony counts at 5 and 30 C, De thylene blue test, and or ganol eptica lly ; the exnnination of s anpl es Here undertaken a) when fres hl y obta ine d , b) aftElr fi'fe days , c) as soon as they ,/Or o grndod as uns a tisfa ctory or ganol eptically . The types of bacte ria pre s ~ nt in these sampl e s , nnd de ve loping on thEl pla t es o 0 i ncubated a t 5 and 30 C >lere a l s o de t eroi ned . Fresh sanpl es c oat a i ned a very n ixed flora , but upon storage t hi s: becane douina ted by Ps eudomenas s pp., Alcaligones , spp., and Acinetobacter spp . ~!ultip lic ll tion duri ng stor age was er r a tic, rut ”hen de t eriora tion occurred the :~unbo r of organisms l-/aS a t l Elast 10 6 por ol. She lf-l ife could not be de t erni ned by the counts uhen o frash, but counts on s ampl es stored a t 5 C for five days gnve sooe i ndi c nt i on of shelf-life . Ne t hyl e nc blue reduc tion tines a correlated poor l y llith she lf-lif e of s aopl as stored a t 5 C. The shelf- life of saoples varied by oor e than tuenty- four days a t 50 C. It i s cenc l ude d that the m thyl a ne b l ue t es t i s not s a tis f nctory f or estioating probabl e shelf- life of crono stored It c a n , h Ol1eVEl r , be used as an index of poor qual ity or a s creening tes t at pres ent .
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