Geri Dön

Eğitim fakülteleri müzik eğitimi bölümlerine giriş yetenek sınavlarının değerlendirilmesi

Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.

  1. Tez No: 43843
  2. Yazar: GÜLAY GÖĞÜŞ
  3. Danışmanlar: Y.DOÇ.DR. GÖKTAN AY
  4. Tez Türü: Sanatta Yeterlik
  5. Konular: Eğitim ve Öğretim, Müzik, Education and Training, Music
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1995
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 124


ÖZET Sanatın en önemli boyutlarından biri olan müzik alanında, uzman kişiler yetiştirmek amacıyla yapılan eğitimin iyi bir sonuç vermesi için en önemli etken, bu eğitimi alacak bireylerin yeterli müziksel duyuş, algılama ve kavrama yeteneğine sahip olmalarıdır. Bu yeteneğin varlığını doğru bir biçimde saptayabilmek, müzik alanına başarılı uzmanlar ve eğitimciler kazandırılması açısından çok önemlidir. Müzik yeteneğinin ölçülmesi ve anlaşılması için çeşitli ülkelerde birçok araştırmalar yapılmakta, ülkemizde ise bu konudaki ayrıntılı araştırmalara rastlanmamaktadır. Bu çalışmaya böyle bir eksiklik nedeniyle gerek duyulmuştur. Araştırmada öncelikle, Türkiye'deki müzik öğretmenlerinin büyük bir bölümünü yetiştirme görevini üstlenen ve müzikle ilgili en yaygın yükseköğretim kurumlan olan eğitim fakültelerine bağlı müzik eğitimi bölümlerinde yapılan giriş yetenek sınavlarının geçerlik düzeyleri ele alınmıştır. Bu amaçla ömeklem olarak seçilen Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Müzik Eğitimi Bölüınü'ne 1991 ve 1994 yıllan arasında yapılan dört giriş yetenek sınavı puanlarıyla, ilgili ders notları karşılaştırılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, geleneksel yöntemlerle uygulanan bu sınavların, geçerliğinin yetersiz olduğunu göstennektedir. Daha sonra araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan“Deneme Yetenek Testi”, 1994 yılında U.Ü.E.F. Müzik Eğitimi Bölümü'ne kabul edilen 41 kişilik bir denek gnıba uygulanmıştır. Testin güvenirliği ile ilgili olarak yapılan analizler, olumlu sonuçlar vermiştir. Aynı testin geçerliliğinin de geleneksel sınavlara nazaran çok daha iyi durumda olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Araştırmanın müzik yeteneğini saptama ve ölçme konusunda yeni düşünce, tartışına ve araştırma ortamları yaratacağı umularak, ilgili kurumlardaki benzer uygulamalara ve öğretim elemanlarına yararlı olacağı düşünülmektedir. x

Özet (Çeviri)

SUMMARY The Evaluation of Entrance and Efficiency Examinations of Music Education Departments of Education Faculties Today, it is a reality that can not be avoided that definite categories or classifications have to change to meet the changing needs of society. As a result of new classifications and opinions which are developing everyday. Individuals must be brought up to think freely; trust in themselves; be open to different kinds of communication; must be able to take in to consideration different points of view; because he/she must be adaptable to innovations and changes. Today individuals must be educated who are broad-minded and who are capable of solving future problems creatively. The Fine Aits is the most convenient area for someone to be brought up creatively. Therefore, fine arts education is a discipline which must be widely prevalent in general education. One of the main branches of the fine arts is music, and it is in this discipline that a person can develop all faculties, especially his/her sensitivity. It is because of this reason that it has taken its place in different ways an weight in general education. Infact eveiy individual has a musical environment where he interacts and communicates. As long as an individual has some basic understanding in music he interacts with the music and musical environment more consciously and sensibly. Music education in Turkey stands on powerful roots. The beginning of music education starts in the Seljuk period. Religious and traditional music were mostly seen in the Seljuk period (Uçan, 1989, p. 9). In the Ottoman period a new kind of music started to be felt besides military music, civilian music as education in the palace, and religious and traditional musical understanding. XIWhen the Turkish Republic was founded a lot of changes and innovations were made, music education is öne of them. The contemporary educational system was founded by the directions of Atatürk, the founder of Turkish Republic. Music education had its contemporary form by the same directions and thoughts. The values of the Turkish music is aimed to be taken its place in universal music giving importance to the contemporary music methods and principles. in these efforts“national culture”and“national music”has to be taken is main basis. in contemporaıy manner teacher training in music was done in Music Teacher Training School (Musiki Muallim Mektebi), founded in 1924. This institution then turned to conservatoıy. At last after 1937 the responsibility of training music teachers was canied out by the Gazi Educational Institue (Gazi Eğitim Enstitüsü). After 1960 new music departments were founded. These departments are connected to Universities and have taken place in Education Faculties since 1982. Today in Turkey, Music Education Departments of Education Faculty that were the most important teacher training institutions were in Ankara istanbul, izmir, Bursa, Erzurum, Konya, Trabzon, Malatya, Burdur, Bolu and Van. Music lessons today, are compulsive in pre-training (primary sehool and secondary sehool) that contain 8 years. Levels but in high school's programs, music lessons are elective in general purpose high schools (lycee). Music education doesn't take in the other vocational high school's programs. in 1989 Anadolu Fine Arts Lycee (Anadolu Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi) was founded to train the student in fine arts, music ör dravving. These it was thought that these high sehool institutions would be the main sources to the Universities of the related areas. Programs of these schools take 4 years, öne preparatory year (second language training is important) and the other three years of general high sehool program. Individuals who complete the high sehool can apply for university. The candidate who wishes to attend a university in music is, at least, 17 xiiyears old after he completes high school. He is not well trained in his previous education in music. His age is late for music education. Even if he has had the chance of entering university, the candidate's development will be slow at the university because his music experiences are insuffîcent in his previous education. For ali these reasons he will start his professional life with some lacks. The qualified teachers will be öne of the important solutions of the problems of educational system. For thİs reason the candidates of music teacher have to be well trained before university. Various researches have been canying out to measure the musical ability. Many tests were developed for this purpose. Some of the most outstanding tests are;“Seashore Measures of Musical Talents”(1919); Wing's“Standardised Tests of Musical Intelligence”(1961), and Gordon's“Musical Aptitude Profile”(1965). in our countiy it is hard to fınd detailed studies on the subject. in an other word no measurement tools were developed suitable to the cultural texrure of the Turkish society. it is needed to carry out this kind of research. For these reasons, the research was done and the Music Education Depaıtments of Education Faculties that are the most prevalent institutions concemed with music were taken into consideration in this study. The people who wants to enrol these department have to take and pass some exams vvhich measures the musical ability. The exams fomıs of the different areas, hearize, instrament and voice. These weight of the area can be changed from öne institution to an other. But the measurement for the musical hearing ability is always the nıain and most important of these exams, because of it is accepted as the main criteria to understand the musical ability. On the other hand it is clear that measuring the musical hearing ability is hard to measure. The exams to measure musical aural skills has been done in the same way for years. in these exams; the candidates hear öne ör more tones that are played öne after the other on the piano and mey uy to repeat the same tone (ör tones) with their voice. They uy to discriminate tones within a chord ör an interval and repeat the same notes with their voice. They try to tap the rhythm phrases \vith their hands on the table. in these kind of VI11exams candidates usually have to use their voice. But specially male candidates who have not completed voice mutation, hearing the sound of the tones clearly, have diffîculty their in reproducing what they hear. This problem can also be seen in candidates who have had music education previously. As these exams 5-6 minutes, this limited time is a source of psychological pressure on the candidates and it affects their performance. For candidates in these positions, it is then decided that they lack musical ability. Many comment have been making interpretations that depend to observations on the validity of the exams in eveıy Music Education Department. Some students who attends these institutions are not succesful enough in most areas of the education. Some personnel problems ör other kind ofreasons can been claimed for the succesfulness but on the other hand the main reason can be insuficant musical capacity of student. it is possible that the right selection can not be made amang the candidates, during the entrance examinations. in this study, the validity of the traditional entrance exams were examined. For this purpose the Music Education Department of Education Faculty of Uludağ University was taken as sample. The scores of the four entrance exams which held in bet\veen 1991-1994 of students entered the departaıent was examined on the point that whether they reflect the reality. The scores of the“Musical Hearing Area”of the exams and the“Eear Training and Solfege”lesson, which is öne of of the main lessons of the department, compared. in the same exams the scores belonging to“Voice Area”was compared with the scores of“Voice Education”lesson. The total scores of“Entrance Examination”, which was fonned by the. means of musical hearing, instrument and voice areas examinations scores, was also compare with scores the“Main Brance”lessons. The correlation values of tlıe comparisons were found insufficent so the suspections about the validity of the examinations were proved. xivin the research a new tool“Experimental Ability Test”(Deneme Yetenek Testi) which prepared by the researcher, was administered on the sample of 41 student in the same institutions and the results were analysed. The“Experimental Ability Test”for the measurement of musical aural skills consisted of 40 questions. These questions were divided in to three different sections. The first section, is about perception pitch and consisted of 8 questions. Subjects (students in the sample) must indicate tones higher ör lower in this section. The second section, consisted of 16 rhythın and tonal memory questions. Subjects, must realise the relations and differences betvveen rhythm and melody phrases, most of them ör regarding characteristic Turkish music. The third section, is about two ör more notes that are heard at the same time and they are called interval and chord. Subjects must analyse them and to evalııate them (intervals and chords) for the number of tones contained therein and to indicate wbich note changed when it was played a second time. The examination took 30 minutes and ali questions were asked on the piano. Every right answer was avaluated 2,5 points that made 100 point in total of 40 questions. The experimental test was administered to the sample group twice öne week intervals (On 4th October 1994 and llth October 1994). These administrations were made as test retest reliability. The scores of the test and retest are correlated. The results proved the test was reliable (ı-.75). Besides two halves of the test were coiTelated for the interaal consistency that is called split-halves reliability. The results were positive (r= -73). The reliability is not the only criteria for know to how well the test. Also validity of a test must be exaınined. For this puıpose, the validity of“Experimental Ability Test”was examined by the comparison of tlıe students total mean scores of their lessons and the test scores. The correlation was found r=.63 which meant that tlıe test was valid. XVAccording to the results of the research, it is clearly pointed out that the critters of the ability examinations for the music department has to be developed and new measurement techniques has to be used. New researches should be carried out for the measurement of the aural skills. it is hoped that the research will help makiııg realistle evaluations about he ability examinations used in the music department. it is thought that the research and its fındings would help the university teachers of the related field in similar measurement applications.enterance examination.

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