Kalite ve ISO 9000 kalite güvence standartları
Quality and ISO 9000 quality assurance standarts
- Tez No: 46291
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Endüstri ve Endüstri Mühendisliği, Industrial and Industrial Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1995
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 194
ÖZET Bu çalışmada, bir firmada kalite güvence siste minin kurulması çalışmalarına yaklaşım yapılmıştır. tik olarak, kalite ve kalite kontrol hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi verilmiştir. ISO 9000 standartlarının dayandığı temel nokta, kalite ve kalite kontrol fonksiyonudur. Kuruluş dışı kalite.güvence modelleri olan ISO 9001, 9002 ve 9003, müşteri memnuniyetini esas alır ve müşteriye hatasız mamul sevk etme garantisi verir. ISO 9000 Standartlarının getirdiği anlayış ile hata kontrol ile değil üretim prosesi devam ederken yakalanır ve ortadan kaldırılır. Firmada ISO 9002 - üretim ve teiste kalite güvencesi modeli- uygulamaya alınmış ve bu uygulama ile ilgili veri1er aççıklanmıştır. Kalite Yönetim Sisteminin kurulması ve modele uygun üre tim yapılması sonucu, firmanın ret oranlarında büyük bir azalma olmuş, iç başarısızlık maliyetleri azalmış, müşteri memnuniyeti sağlanmış ve pazar payı artmıştır. Müşteri tarafından yapılan tetkikler sonucu, firmanın mamulleri giriş kalite kontrol işlemine tabi tutulmayacaktır. Sertifika almak amacı ile çalışmalar devam etmektedir. -v/iii-
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY QUALITY AND ISO 9000 QUALITY ASSURANCE STANDARDS The period of time which was at- the beginning of 1970 's and going on during in 1980 's, as called“World Quality Avalanche”. In this decade, product qualities which was made of the USA and the European Countries was decreased. Moreover, the Japanese products was captured in these countries markets 's with high level of quali ties. After the World War II, Japanese used own rnan-po- wer perfectly to produce high-gual ity products. In this way, they added lots of quality control terms to the Wo r 1 d Qua 1 i t y Di et i ona r y. The USA and European Countries decided to put in order their products and production process in a dicip- line frame to take back own markets from the Japanese products and to compete this products in their markets. A-ha, ISO 9000 Standards are provided this dicipline dese r i b i ng above » In this study, approaching to set up a quality system in a firm are studied. In the first chapter (Chapter 1), an introduction to the study is given. In the second chapter (Chapter 2), basic quality and quality control functions are explained. The quality can be described as appropriateness of the using aim. If the product is produced approitely to user 's aim, it can be described as high-quality. Quality is not the meaning the best absolutely. A pro duct quality is depended on its function or using aim and price. Quality also is depended on quality of raw and auxilliary material, sources and technology. Although, quality control consists of making lots of functions which are continiued the present qua lity providing the customer satisfaction, developing, designing, servicing to the customer. In using, there.IX-is a important subject that is needed to clarify is con fused the quality control function and inspection each other. Inspection is a important part of the quality control function but, only includes a spesific part. Also in this section, the history of quality control is given. It can be classified to the 7 stages. These are given as follows; a) Quality Control before the Industry Revolution, b) Quality Control after the Industry Revolution, c) Passing to the Scientific Management, d) Statistical Quality Control (SPC), e ) Qua 1 i t y C i r c 1 es ( QC ), f ) To ta 1 Qua 1 i t y Con t r o 1, g) Kaizen. Moreover, knowledge about quality control orga nisations which is in Turkey and in the World is given as follows; a) ASQC (The American Society for Quality Control) b) JUSE (Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers) c) EOQ (European Or gam i sat i on for Quality) d) Kal der (Quality Society) Especially, Kal der have the most important mea ning because of taking a place in Turkey. Kalder is or ganised in 1990 by TSE and many industry societies. The aim of this society is to become estabilished the qua lity conscious, adopting and spreading the philosophy of quality, taking pains working quality, trying to rise our competition chance at foreign markets and to provide technical helping and coordination to the industrial and working sector. -x-Also, konow ledge about, the -quality awards is gi ven in Turkey and in the World. These awards are; a) TüSîAE'-KALDER Quality Award, b) Demi ng Award. In the third chapter (Chapter 3), detailed know ledge about, quality assurance system and ISO 9000 Stan dards is given. Before setting up a quality assurance system in a firm, first of all, the basic definitions should be given. These terms arts; 1 - Qua 1 i t y po 1 i cy, 2 - Qua 1 i t y management, 3- Quality system, 4- Quality control, 5- Quality assurance. For the purposes of this International Standard, the definitions given in ISO 9002 apply. The five key terms and definitions have been taken from ISO 8402. Now, these terms are described briefly as follows; 1- Quality Policy: The overall guality intentions and direction of an organization as regards quality, as formally expressed by top management. 2- Quality Managemet: That aspect of the overall management function that determines and implements the qua 1 i ty po 1 i cy. 3- Quality System: The organisational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources for implementing quality management. -XI-4- Quality Control: The operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfil requirements for qu ality. 5- Quality Assurance: All those planned and syste matic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy given require ments for quality. Quality Assurance System provides to give gua rantee to the customer, not to buying any nonconforming product. This action can be done by means of control ling process, instead of controlling product. So, de fect is caught during the production prosess and correc tive action is beginned immediately. After correcting the defect, the product process can be continioued by means of giving permission. All International Standards about ISO 9000 Quality Assurance was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 176, Quality management and quality assurance. From International Standard models, ISO 9004 can be used for internal quality management purposes and ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003 series of other standards used for external quality assurance purposes. It is not to purpose of this series of Interna tional Standards (ISO 9000 to 9004 inclusive) to stan dardize quality systems implemented by organizations. ISO 9000: Quality management and quality assurance standards- Guidelines for selection and use. The purposes of this model are a) to clarify the distinctions and interrelation ships among the principal quality concepts, and -XXI-b) to provide 'guidelines for t-he selection and use of a series of International Standards on -qua lity systems. This model is published in 1987 by ISO (the International Organisation for Standardisation) and also published by TSE (Turkish Standards Institution) in 1991 as TS-ISO 9000 in Turkey. ISO 9001: Quality management and «quality assurance standards- Guidelines for selection and use. This model is used when conformance to specified is to be assured by the supplier (customer) during seve ral stages which may include design/development, produc tion, installation and servicing. ISO 9001 is published in 1987 by ISO and also published by TSE in 1991 as TS-ISO 9001 in Turkey. ISO 9002; Quality systems- Model for quality assurance in production and installation. This model is used when conformance to specified requirements is to be assured by the supplier during product i on and i nsta 1 1 at i on. ISO 9002 is published 1987 by ISO and also pub lished by TSE in 1991 as TS-ISO 9002 in Turkey. ISO 9003: Quality systems- Model for quality assurance in final inspection and test. This model is used when conformance to specified requirements is to be assured by the supplier solely at final inspection and test. -xiii-ISO 9003 is published 1987 by ISO and also pub lished by TSE in 1991 as TS-ISO 9003 in Turkey. It- is emphasised that the quality system requ irements specified in all quality assurance models (ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003) are complementary (not al ternative) to the technical (product service) specified requ i r ements. In Chapter 4, model of ISO 9002 is studied to set up a quality assurance system in the firm which is called Nova Electric and Mould Industry Company. Deta iled data which is dealed with the quality system requ irements of this model and what will happen, what have been done about this study in the firm are given. More over, studies which are dealed with getting a ISO 9002 certificate are explained. In the last chapter (conclusion), at the end of whole study that have been done in the firm to set up a quality assurance system, is what is the benefit of this study to the firm, what will have been done in the n
Benzer Tezler
- Türkiye ihracatında ISO 9000 standartlarının incelenmesi ve uygulanması
Başlık çevirisi yok
- Küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerde toplam kalite, ISO 9000 standartları uygulamaları ve ekonomik sonuçların incelenmesi
Başlık çevirisi yok
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