Konya bölgesi için alternatif biyokütle esaslı enerji sistemlerinin tekno-ekonomik değerlendirilmesi
Tecno-economic evulation of alternative energy systems based on biomass for Konya region
- Tez No: 503014
- Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. ÜNER ÇOLAK
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Biyoteknoloji, Enerji, Biotechnology, Energy
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2017
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Enerji Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Enerji Bilim ve Teknoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Enerji Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 145
Yakın gelecekte dünya ve ülkemizin enerji üretiminde büyük pay sahibi olan fosil kaynakların tükenecek olması, gelişme için gerekli olan istikrar ve süreklilik, yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarına yönelmeyi zorunlu kılmaktadır. Buna paralel olarak artan nüfus ve beraberinde getirdiği tüketim toplumunun alışkanlıklarıyla atık bertarafı çevre açısından önemli sorun teşkil etmektedir. Bu iki hususun birbirlerini tamamlayacak şekilde değerlendirilebilmesi, tarım ülkesi olan ülkemizin enerji ihtiyacında dışa bağımlılığını azaltabilecek yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları içerisinde biyokütleyi en önemli sıraya koymaktadır. Tez çalışması içerisinde genel hatlarıyla yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarından bahsedilmiş olup, ülkemizde elektrik enerjisinin tarihçesi ve gelişimi, talep gelişimi, iletim ve dağıtım kurumlarının yıllar boyunca şekillenişi ve yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarını destek mekanizmalarından bahsedilmiştir. Katı atık hiyerarşisinde en son durumda nihai bertaraf yöntemi olarak depolama sistemleri uygulanmaktadır. Son çözüm olan depolama sistemlerinin uygulamaları ülkemizde ve dünyada oldukça yaygın olarak kullanılan bir yöntemdir. Depolama sistemlerinde depolanan atıklar ciddi miktarlara ulaşmıştır. Bu atıkların için farklı teknolojik dönüşüm sistemleriyle enerji geri kazanımı yapılabilmektedir. Biyokütle olarak tanımlanan bu atıklardan enerji elde yöntemi Yenilenebilir Enerji Destek Mekanizmasının teşvik kapsamında olup, 10 yıllık süre boyunca alım garantisi altında değerlendirilmektedir. Biyokütle tesisleri için biçilen değer 0,133 USD/kWh olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır ve bu değer dönüşüm teknolojisine ait yerel ekipmanlar ile kurulumu gerçekleştirildiği takdirde daha yüksek mertebelere çıkmaktadır. Hammadde kaynakları arasında tarımsal atıklar, orman atıkları, ekinler, hayvansal atıklar vb. olan atık türleri, doğrudan yakma, gazlaştırma, piroliz, ayırma, fermentasyon, anaeorobik çürütme gibi farklı metotlar vasıtasıyla yeni ürünlere dönüştürülebilmektedirler. Elektrik enerjisi elde etmek için uygulanan termal ve biyolojik yöntemler, tesisin kurulması öngörülen bölge özelinde belirlenmiş olan atıklar için ayrı ayrı teknik ve ekononomik analizi yapılarak irdelenmiştir. Çevrim teknolojilerinin getirdiği yan ürünlerden oluşabilecek ekstra gelirler yasal düzenlemelerin halen net zemine oturtulmamış olmasından ötürü ekonomik analiz içerisinde değerlendirilmemiştir. Alternatif biyokütle esaslı enerji sistemleri incelemesinde tesis kurulumu için gerekli olan yasal ölçütler, kurulması planlanan dönüşüm teknolojisinin özelinde atık bertaraf yönetmelikleri, çevresel etki değerlendirmeleri ve tesislerin ticari varlıkları sürdürebilmeleri için gerekli olan elektrik üretim lisansının analizi yapılmıştır. Mühendislik analizinde ise analitik hiyerarşik proses yöntemi esasları dikkate alınarak, biyokütle tesisi kurulumu için yapılmış olan anketteki sonuçlar ışığında, ekonomik ölçütler ve çevresel ölçütlerin ağırlıkları oranları dikkate alınarak, senaryolar halinde ayrı olarak incelenen teknolojik yöntemlere ait ürünlerin ekipmanlara ait genel bilgiler verilmiştir. Ekonomik olarak incelenen tüm senaryolarda, farklı şekilde ele alınan dönüşüm sitemlerinin ekonomik süreklilikleri, kurulum ve operasyon maliyetlerine karşılık yatırımdan elde edilecek kazançlar gözetilerek, zamana bağımlı ve zamandan bağımsız metotlarla gösterilmiştir.
Özet (Çeviri)
In the near future, the fossil resources which have a big part of power generation of the world and our country will be consumed oblige to turn to renewable energy sources due to permanence and sustainability required for development. Parallel to this, increasing of the population that brings along the habits of consumption society makes crucial problem to waste disposal for environment. Biomass is the most important renewable source that is mutually complementary of reducing energy foreign-dependency of the agricultural country. In this thesis, it is mentioned about general renewable energy sources, the history and development of electricity in our country, demand development, corporation of transmission, distribution and incentives of the renewable energy sources. Early in this study, renewable energy sources have been explained and the development of installed capacity in Turkey has shown for ages. Energy market structure and basic knowledge of energy sector in Turkey have been informed. Also the pricing of electricity bill and calculation have been explained. Guarantee of purchasement has been defined within feed-in tariff mechanism. In the main subject of this study is based on waste hierarchy. In terms of solid waste hierarchy, the least favoured method is disposal of solid wastes. Day after day storage areas are being fulled. Due to growth of the amount of solid wastes, new storage areas are needed. In the solid waste hierarchy, the most favoured method is preventing the appearing solid wastes. There are other ways to make disposal of solid wastes such as; reusing, recycling and composting and energy recovery. Nowadays this is supported by regulations and incentives in Turkey and the strategy of solid waste management is planning by related departments in municipalities of the cities and ministry of energy, ministry of environment. Storage systems are applied as ultimate waste disposal method in solid waste hierarchy. Storage systems are widely used method in the world and in our country. The wastes stored in storage systems have reached large quantities. Energy can be recovered for wastes by different technological power generation systems. Power generation of these wastes are considered under purchase warrant for a period of ten years by renewable energy support mechanism. The defined price for the biomass power plants is 0.133 USD/kWh that can be increased by using local equipment and applications. Local equipment incentives are crucial to vitalize the employment and production related to the new technologies. This is supported to reduce exporting technology and foreing dependence. Local incentives also help to create own know-how and technology for the new future. The price of the purchasement guarantee for the local equipment are applied in the first five years period and depends on the all equipment and technologies which are being used the whole bioenergy recovery power plants. Agricultural wastes, forest residues, energy crops, animal wastes can be converted to power with alternative systems based on biomass conversion technologies by using combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, separation, fermentation, anaerobic digestion. The thermal and biological methods used for power generation were considered separately based on wastes for chosen region. Extra income of subsidiary products that could be obtained during conversion technologies have been neglected for economic analysis due to legislative regulations. Waste heat can be recovered and can be used for district heating, process heating or power generation as the system of combined cycle or organic Rankine cycle. This can be also extra income for the power plants. For more feasible solutions, waste heat should have been converted to steam or hot water for the closest facilities not to have much heat loss. This is one of the most important topics that is being considered as energy efficient nowadays as well by official authorities. Due to complex structure and organization there has to be good know-how to have optimum and true design for biomass energy recovery facilities. Since energy sector is controlled and frequently new regulations are revised by official authorities power plants must be adapted to the new innovations and variations. Because of these reasons, it is not easy to decide by decision makers. Thus, we took in consideration analytic hierarchy process (AHP) which is an effective technique for analyzing and comparing complicated cases depending on mathematics and psychology. This method is used group decision mechanisms and it is wide in fields such as business, industry, investments, education and healthcare. Analytic hierarchy process procures a detailed comprehensive and rational evaluation for decision to decision makers. In this method, contrasted elements to each other are quantifying for relating to overall objective and alternative resolutions. In the questionnaire study, the decision of biomass power plant criterions have been represented to academic members and people from investors and managerial staff from business organization of the biomass power plants. The criterions have been evaluated by comparing them to each other two at one time with regard to effect in the hierarchical position. The analytic hierarchy process configures evaluations into numerical values that can be showed over the whole range. Numerical weight is come into existence for every factor for the hierarchy. This characteristic differentiates the analytic hierarchy process from other techniques to select and prioritize the criteria for decision makers. Thus, economical priorities have been considered comparing the scenarios of different biomass recovery techniques. Power generation from larger biomass plants are more feasible than smaller scale plants. Although it supplies more advantages, managing of the wastes is very tough and the installment costs are very large. In this study, it is considered to manage wastes from large power plants scenarios to obtain higher incomes under purchasement guarantee of government incentives in scope of feed-in tariff for renewable energy sources. Political view of the countries shows and determine the scenarios. Biomass power plants should be located closed to rural areas and farms to reduce transportation costs of municipal solid wastes, organic wastes and energy crops. In addition, this is crucial for the environment for living animals and plants. Biomass power plants may occur negative effects to the atmosphere and could be very hazardous for the living convergence creatures. All methods using for disposal of wastes compose simple carbon molecules. Organic materials are being decayed to carbon containing structures such as CO2 (carbon dioxide) and CH4 (methane) as a final step. Biogas contains methane in its compound. Methane is more hazardous than carbon dioxide for greenhouse gas emissions. Thus to safety of the gas of the digesters and gas holder membranes need to be designed very securely for biogas applications. In thermal methods after combustion reactions, carbon dioxide gets out directly to the atmosphere. Besides all alternative systems, have different technological substructures and costs. They all have different environmental effects to the habitat. Analysis of the legal regulations such as waste disposal regulations, environment affects assessments have been examined for each scenarios to confirm the availability of the investments and the restrictions for legal aspects. Other compulsory regulations have been discussed for the power generation and commercial operation determined by Energy market regulatory authorization. At the end, sustainability of commercial for power generation license for all biomass conversion scenarios have been evaluated. All scenarios have been considered economically, economical sustainability, installment costs, operational costs and incomes from electrical purchase are considered in time dependent and time independent methods such as internal rate of return (IRR), net present value (NPV) and simple payback period. As a result, large scale of biomass power plants applications seem commercial and early commercial per scenarios. The scenarios are also compared as energy generation per power unit and installment costs of per power unit.
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