Otobüs ve tramvay benzeri sistemlerin incelenip işletme maliyetlerinin karşılaştırılması
The analysis and comparison of the operating cost of buses and trams
- Tez No: 517454
- Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. MURAT ERGÜN
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Ulaşım, İnşaat Mühendisliği, Transportation, Civil Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2018
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Ulaştırma Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 148
Bir yerden, bir yere ulaşım isteği insanoğlunun var oluş yıllarından günümüz yıllarına kadar önemini her zaman korumaktadır. Bundan 100 yıl öncesinde daha basit yöntemler ile gerçekleştirilen ulaşım faaliyeti, günümüz teknolojisinin gelişmesiyle çok daha farklı türde araçlar ile sağlanmaktadır. Ulaştırma sistemi bir toplumun ekonomik, sosyal ve refahlık seviyesinin bir göstergesi durumuna gelmektedir. Çünkü sanayileşmenin ve ticaretin gelişmesi taşımacılık ihtiyacının önemini artırmış, insanların keşif amaçlı bir yerden bir yere sürekli arayış içerisinde olmalarına sebep olmuştur. Karayolu ve demiryolu taşımacılığı günler süren taşıma süresini çok kısa saatlere indirmeyi başarmıştır. İmkanların artmasıyla beraber gelişen sistemler doğrudan topluma hitap ederek, toplu ulaşımın var olmasını sağlamıştır. İlk olarak 1662 yılında Paris'te ortaya çıkan Otobüs, yıllar içerisinde yaygınlaşarak 1820'li yıllarda Latince herkes anlamına gelen omnibüs adıyla atlı Otobüs olarak işletmeye konulmuştur. Ülkemizde de ilk Otobüs 1926 yılında çalışmaya başlamıştır. Bir diğer önemli ulaşım aracı olan Tramvayın ilk yolcu taşımacılığı 1832 yılında Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde gerçekleşmiştir. İstanbul'da ise ilk olarak 3 Eylül 1869 tarihinde Tophane-Ortaköy hattında çalışmaya başlamıştır. Toplu taşımanın önemi yıllar içerisinde tüm toplumlar tarafından benimsenmesi ile taşıma sistemlerinin yaygınlaşması sağlanmıştır. Bu durum, çok daha fazla toplu taşıma aracının üretilmesine sebep olmuştur ve olmaktadır. Her yıl artan dünya nüfusuyla beraber, yolcu sayısı da artmakta buna bağlı olarak trafikte bulunan araç sayısı da çoğalmaktadır. Araçlarda kullanılan yakıtın çevreye vermiş olduğu zarar, zamanla küresel ısınmanın artmasında büyük bir rol oynarken, gürültü kirliliği de insan psikolojisinde olumsuz tahribatlara yol açmaktadır. Dolayısıyla da toplu ulaşım bilincini elde etmek için yeni talepler değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Ülkeden ülkeye değişiklik gösteren yaygın ulaşım sistemlerinde Tramvay ve Troleybüs sistemleri, Dizel Otobüs sistemlerinin önemli bir alternatifi konumundadır. Dünyadaki petrol rezervlerinin ömrünün azalması, petrol fiyatlarında ciddi artışlara sebep olacaktır. Bu durumda dizel yakıt kullanan Otobüs sistemlerinin yakıt maliyetinin artacağı anlamına gelmektedir. Dolayısıyla da alternatif yakıt kullanan toplu taşıma araçlarına yönelim başlamaktadır. Yenilenebilir enerji ile üretilen elektrik enerjisi, yeşil taşımacılık konusunu gündeme getirmektedir. Hibrit ve Elektrikli Otobüsler yeşil taşımacılığın en önemli temsilcileri konumuna gelmektedirler. Belirli seviyede nüfusa sahip şehirler için Trambüs önemli bir alternatif olarak düşünülebilir. Batarya teknolojisinin ve batarya yönetiminin gelişmesi ile de Elektrikli Otobüsler konvansiyonel Otobüslerin alternatifi hale gelmektedir. Çünkü Elektrikli Otobüsler daha çevreci, daha sessiz ve verimli araçlardır. Kendi yenilenebilir elektrik enerjisini üreten ülkeler için de Elektrikli Otobüslerin yaygınlaşarak kullanılması yakıtta dışa bağımlılığı ortadan kaldıracaktır. Bu çalışmada, Dizel Otobüs, Elektrikli ve Hibrit Otobüs, Tramvay, Troleybüs ve Metrobüs gibi toplu ulaşım sistemleri hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Ayrıca, yolculuk değerleri, yakıt tüketim değerleri, kapasite değerleri gibi değerler altında sistemler incelenip örnekler verilerek işletme maliyetleri birbirleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Malatya'da kullanılan Trambüs sistemi, İzmir'de kullanılan Elektrikli ve Dizel Otobüs sistemi, İstanbul'da kullanılan Tramvay ve Metrobüs Sistemi örnek olarak alınmıştır. Konuyu pekiştirmek amacıyla da aynı sistemlerin Dünya üzerindeki örnek uygulamaları da analiz edilip, yine aynı şekilde işletme maliyet giderleri birbirleriyle kıyaslanmıştır. Son olarak ise, yapılan karşılaştırmaların sonuçları çıkartılarak, bu sonuçlardan çıkan değer analizleri doğrultusunda önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
Özet (Çeviri)
The human being has always been in need of going from one place to another. A 100 years ago, this happened to be through much easier transportation possibilities compared to nowadays. Now, we are able to realize these demands with the help of modern technology by many different types of transportation vehicles. A transportation system represents a society's economic and social prosperity level. One of the reasons of the increase of transportation requirements is the industrialization as well as the development of the world's trade. These reasons let us also search for new places in order to explore. The transport through highway and railway made it possible to minimize the time of transportation. With the increase of technical opportunities and therefore the development of these systems, public transportation has become an indispensability. With the birth of the very first bus in Paris at 1662 and its spreading, it became in 1820 the indication as the“Omnibus”. In our country, the first bus has been started to run since 1926. When it comes to the Tram, the first time it has been used in America at 1832. In Turkey, this happened more than 30 years later in 1869, with the line from Tophane and Ortaköy. Through the rising population and therefore the number of passengers, the production of public and private transportation vehicles is raising enormously year by year. With the CO2 emissions having a huge impact on the environment in terms of the global warming, also the so-called noise pollution plays a huge role in affecting people's health and quality of life. This leads people to rethink public transportation strategies as the oil reserves are dwindling and will lead to rising oil prices therefore which entails increasing consumption costs for diesel consuming vehicles. So, Trams and Trolley systems are an important alternative to be considered in contrast to diesel bus systems. Therefore, the tendency of using alternative fuel or electrical drives is increasing steadily. Electricity produced by renewable energy brings the topic“Green transportation”on the agenda. Hybrid and Electrical Buses are the strongest representors of this subject. The Electric Buses are silent, comfortable and have low fuel cost vehicles. They have batteries which are charged into the charging station between 3 and 9 minutes. Some Electric Buses can be drived 80 km with fuel charged battery. In addition, The Electric Buses have approximately 65 dB(A) noise level and this level is not undesirable for human health. The Electric Buses are using some cities for their public tranport systems as examples are Sao Paulo, Shenzen, California, Chicago, Vienna and İzmir. Additionally, Some Cities as Londra, Paris, Los Angeles, Barcelona have wanted to add much more Electric Buses into the their transportation fleet until 2030 years and achieved the zero fossil fuel consumption aim. The Zero emission technology is also used by Trambus (Trolley) Systems which have fast and modern vehicles. The Vehicles with electric engine are using the electric energy optimum. The Trambus Systems provide the confidental, comfotable and environment friendly services. Moreover, that systems does not need to build so many infrastructure because of the fact that, the vehicles have the ability to go on existing roads with catenary supports. According the latest tests that The Trambuses have 65 dB(A) noise level like the Electric Buses. Thinking of an usual volume level of 60 dB in a standart office, the prevailing volume level in a trambus can be considered as acceptable. What's more, The Trambuses have the ability of turning Hibrit model buses. Therefore, these vehicles can move without aerial lines. The Trambus Systems have the high capacity vehicles that carry 2.000 – 10.000 passengers per hour. That system is used at some cities for example Shanghai, Moscow, Philadelphia, Riga, Athens, Milan and also Malatya in our country. Cities which have a certain level of population can use the Trambus as an alternative transportation system. Also, with the development of battery technology, electrical driven buses take the place of conventional bus systems more and more. They are used to be more ecological and effective, as well as quieter than the conventional ones. Countries producing their own electricity by renewable energies will not depend anymore on the energy imported from other nations. Another transportation system that provides fast transport is the Metrobus. This system is worldwide known as a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) that includes high capacity buses. BRT systems have the reserved lanes, stations for their own and turnstiles that can carry 6.000-9.000 passengers per hour. Diesel, CNG, LPG, Hybrid and Electric motor buses are used in the system. The avarage operating speed of the Metrobus system is 20 – 30 km/h and additionally, 17 – 30 seconds at peak hours and 20-40 seconds at other hours have to be considered as the system's waiting time. Bogota, Sao Paulo, New York, Paris, Amsterdam and İstanbul are just some of many cities that use Metrobus Systems. Trams that can carry up to 9.000-15.000 passengers have a high energy efficiency. Moreover, they are environmentally-friendly, safe and a fast transportation mean. On the other hand, it has to considered that Trams entail high infrastructure and manufacturing costs, including long project durations until this system can be used. This thesis aims to give information about Diesel, Electrical and Hybrid Buses, Trams, Trolleys and Metrobuses. Moreover, the number of passengers, the fuel consumption of the different transportation systems, their capacities and operating expenses will be analyzed and compared. The trambus system used in Malatya, the Electrical and Diesel Bus system operated in İzmir and the Tram and Metrobus system used in İstanbul are taken as an example. Additionally, in terms of consolidation, practical examples appearing worldwide are also taken into consideration by the comparison of the subjects stated above. Lastly, it has been made recommendations based on these data. Taking Istanbul as an example, the T1 running from Kabataş to Bağcılar has the least operating costs according to the values of the year 2017. An important weighting of the operating costs are the personnel expenses, which present the biggest proportion. The most expensive transportation system is the Bus system. Here, the fuel consumption costs constitute the biggest proportion of the operating costs. It has to be mentioned, that Buses are primarily using Diesel as fuel. With rising diesel costs, the overall operating costs are increasing equally. Additionally, buses are also known as not very sustainable vehicles. Looking at electric buses that have been developed in the last years, they are more economical, not least because of a higher fuel-efficiency. But, the acquisition costs of electric vehicles are much heavier compared to buses, as they are nearly twice as expensive. Hybrid vehicles are as smart, environmentally-friendly and economical as electrical vehicles. Compared to Diesel vehicles they are much more fuel sparing. A Hybrid bus from Iowa consumes 29% less in a kilometer, compared to a diesel bus. In New York, the same effect with a difference of 40% can be observed. Another type transportation means which does not make use of fossil fuels is the Tram bus. The personnel costs constitute the biggest cost factor of the Tram bus system in Malatya. Through optimizations this rate can be reduced. The Tram bus system is optimal for cities providing a daily passenger number of 10.000 to 15.000. In Malatya, the Tram bus carried between 150 and 250 passengers per run in the last three years. Tram bus systems are intended to be used in cities with a population of less than one million, which is why cities like Istanbul, İzmir and Ankara have to do without them. Metrobuses as a transportation system have a high passenger capacity. In Istanbul, Metrobuses have carried on average daily 730.000 passengers in the last three years. At peak hours, passengers do not feel comfortable due to the crowd. To combating this problem, empty Metrobuses can be sent in critical hours or, providing alternatives through rail systems can produce relief. Due to the fact that Metrobuses are using diesel, the fuel consumption is 6 to 7 times as high as T1 Tram line from Kabataş to Bağcılar. Hence, the detrimental gas emissions are very high. Additionally, the prevailing noise pollution is affecting people's health as well. Therefore, a regular Metrobus maintenance, as well as noise panels are necessary to overcome these issues. Using Electric and Hybrid Metrobuses in particularly crowded cities in the long-term, will ensure the Metrobus system to be more sustainable, green, economic and qualitative.
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