Geri Dön

Tekerlekli sandalye'ye bağımlı bedensel özürlüler için mutfak ekipmanları tasarımı ve eviye tasarımı için bir irdeleme

Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.

  1. Tez No: 55716
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF.DR. S. METE ÜNÜGÜR
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1996
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 47


ÖZET Bu çalışma da günümüz Türkiye'sinde %10 gibi bir çoğun luğa sahip olan sakatların tekerlekli sandalye kullananları nm vakitlerini en çok geçirdikleridir üretim mekanı ola - rak gördükleri mutfağın ve mutfaktaki çalışma üçgeninin en can alıcı yerinde bulunan evyenin bir irdelemesi yapılmakta yurt dışinda geçerli olan standartlarla ülkemizde mevcut bu lunân standart ve uygulamalar kıyaslanmaktadır. Çalışmanın 1. bölümünde konunun daha önce ele almış tar zı ortaya konmakta ve çok daha profesyonel bir yaklaşıma ih tiyaç olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. 2. Bölümde tez konusunun tam olarak tanıt ılmasıy la bir - likte yerli veya yabancı, daha önce bu konuda yapılmış çalış malar gösterilmekte ve sakatların hayatlarını kolaylaştırıcı diğer tasarımlardan örnekler sunulmaktadır. 3. Bölümde tez sorunsalı genelde mutfak tefrişi ve diğer ekipmanların düzenlenmesi, özelde ise evyenin tanımı, niteliği ve standardizasyon sorunları olarak saptanmaktadır.Mevcut sıkıntılar göz önüne serilmektedir. 4. Bölümde alan çalışması olarak istanbul'da rastgele se çim esasına dayanan bir anket araştırması ve tespit (cyclog- raph'lar ve photograph 'lar) yer almaktadır. Bu ankette sakat lar m sosyo-k'ültürel,sosyo-ekonomik yapılar mı, bulaşık yıka ma alışkanlıklarını ve tekerlekli sandalyedeki erişme mesafe ve ortalamalarını vericek sorular sorulmuş, ölçümler yapılmış tır. Bu sorular sonunda elde edilen bulgular mevcutla ideal arasındaki nitelik ve nicelik değerler bekımmdan değerlen dirilmektedir. 5. Bölümde irdelemenin sonuçları yorumlanmakta, pratikte benzer çalışmaların ve araştırmaların gerekliliği vurgulan maktadır. vıı

Özet (Çeviri)

DESIGNING KITCHEN EQUIPMENTS FOR WHEELCHAIR USERS AND AN INVESTIGATION FOR SINK DESIGN SUMMARY In this study, examination of kitchen sinks for disabled person with wheelchairs which appears at the population of % 10 was done. It was proved that the most of their times a- re spending in front of the kitchen sinks which had to known the production centre of a house. Added to this, in this study, the standards which are cur rent in western countries and our standards and aplication in markets were compared. Section 1. In this section, the attitudes of old investigations we re showed about the subject of thesis and demonstraded lack of proffesional expressions. It has been emphasized that examinations, studies and works about this subject were started with the principles of ergonomy and in this branch the western countries have done more things for wheelchair users and the other disab led can be said that this problem is considered with the level of civilization. Unfortunatelly,in our country, the disabled persons posi tion is explained with lack of awarness of their living standards and governments used to passing over the problem by finding some excuse like lack of budget and etc. By the communication ways with the other countries, dis abled persons have seen that if they could set up any asso ciation, they would have more power and they would heard the ir voices loudly. In our country, disabled persons heve no special facili ties in their houses which they should ease their life, they cannot be included the city life, the constructed surrounding with physical blocks were handicapped to set up their orders and life with confidence. Because of these blocks they cannot do their self-care neither and they always dependent to somebody to care him/ her. On the other hand, if the living areas of disabled person were put in an order, even they could be producer too. VlllThe time is passing and taking the life «joys and steal ing all hopes about life from persons. Everybody needs self freedom to live independently. Performance of the various tasks that make up the acti vities for daily life (house-keeping, food preparation etc.) requires an environment and the furnishing that will help the user, as much as possible, to pursue this independence. Ba sic factors that must be considered include; »Accesebility »Human energy conservation ?Safety »Privacy »Ease of circulation »Communication «Security Design cannot reduce the number of disabled persons but it must reduce the number of artificially imposed handicaps in an environment. Section 2. In this section, the definition of disability was tried to clearly and for doing it,the right word had to choosen. In Turkish and English, there are some words, that could be used in wrong way. For example disabilities, handicap and impairment have not same meaning although could be similar. »Impairment : - lacking part of all of a limb or having a defective limb - having a defective organ or mechanism of the body which stops or limits getting about working or self-care. »Disablement : - the loss or reduction of functional abi lity »Handicap : - the disadvantage or restriction of acti vity caused by disability. Word of disabled was choosed by the Turkish and European authorities of this subject and used in terminology. In all of these explanations, the first thing that wanting to ex pressed is that the disablement is a condition that everyone can be now and then. After definition of disabilities, the order step is clas sification of the terms. According to World Health Organisation (WHO) disabilities are lack of /abnormality of physicologicphsycologic and a- natomic positions, there are 6 category of disabilities: -Having difficulties for moving -“ seeing problems talking or/and hearing problems IX-Having learning problems - ”a strange attitudes -“ some illness/sickness An important establishment in our country about this this subject is the great parts of disabled person are over 60 ages and they have diagnosed with arthrisisC join rheuma tism) »Parkinson's disease, Qudroplegia, Sclerosis, polio and amputations. There were some ancient solutions in western countries for disabled persons but they were primitive workings and have not growth by the t ime. We have not yet any standards about even normal persons in our country. All the interiors and equipments in our life were done for European users without any adoption working to our per son. In this stuation how can be expected that disabled per son can be doin to the life. Universal design means shifting the burden of adaptabi lity from persons to products to serve us. In our days, first legal agreement about disabled persons was signed in America. Act of 1990 (ADA) became effective on January 26th, 1992. The act requires that essentially the same services be provided to people with disabilities in the same manner as they are provided to others. The first mmeting about architectural barriers was done by FIMITIC( Sweden Federation of Disabled) in Stresa in the 119-20th of Jully in 1963. Second was done in Malmo in 1967 and the third one was done in 1972. After these meetings, the the designing process of dis abled person's spaces and equipments had speed. Some walking helpers, walking sties, prothesis and whellchair designs were advanced. Some proffesional designers and some academic architects tried to design the most suitable places for wheelchair u- sers and they had learnd ”if any design is suitable for spe- sific disabled person, normal person can be used it easly.“ After these explanations, some examples were showed from European designers about solutions of problem then having some decision about some spesific applications: -Fixed and standard hightness of working areas could not be suitable for users. That' s why the worktop level must be adaptable. -Sink level had to calculated according to elbow level and height of knee -The worktops can be placed like I,L,U.H types and the most suitable one is L one for the wheelchair users because of the unusual (dead) corners were minimized and it provides the turninig of wheelchairs easly. x-Minimum spaces for the movement of wheelchair must be 140*140 cm. -Some helping equipmentslike lifts should be use to carry somethings that disabled cannot carry with na ked hands. There are several types of liftings like wor king with handle, with electricity or pnomathic. To sum up them, although the optimum level of workbench and sink can be calculated with some dimensions, it should be some difficulties and hardness because of users habits and according to antropometric datas. The only solution is adaptation mechanism of levels for each heights. All the given example projects and details were showed this solution. Section 3. In this section, physical barriers which effects wheel chair users in daily living and the roots of these barriers was examined. It is estimated that in our country 7.5 million disabled persons exist with linkage of families of disabled persons this problem interests and effects 20 million persons beca use of malnutritions, marriages in family, traffic and working accidents. But they cannot visible in everyday life. Most im portant reason foe this absence of disabled persons is archi tectural and physical barriers. Plenty of details in our streets make barriers for dis abled persons. For example high pedesterians, narrow doors, stairs, highly telephone cabins etc. The origin of problem is lack of controlling by govern ment and laws. In market places, products are presented with out any application to our person. Producers are copying all European and American standards and with a hope that all these standards fit to our people, but it cannot be like this anyway. All these strangers standards are increase phy sical discomfort. First off all, it should be known that, the house of disabled person is the first & last shelter of person. There should be the escaping place from caotic conditions of citi es and house is the subsystem of system and have a unit like a kitchen. The lack of controlling for kitchen and sink design are appeared like two faces of madallion.By helping of science of ergonomy it was proved that different culture 1 populations need different designs because of using habits. The other disadvantages of uncontrolled design is appe ared in antropometric couldn't expected that any of kitchen designed for American people should fit to chinise or Turkish person. XIUntil now, talking about normal person, if the disabled person was thought the terref ic face of real conditions should appear. It's expected that the disabled person have to adopt the designs which done for Americans or the other Eu ropeans. Because of all these conditions, the aim of this thesis is determined the investigation of adoption problems of Turkish disabled person in front of the sinks. Section 4. This section is included the purpose of demonstration for adoption problems of imported sinks and showed the me thodology of research and application process. In this research methodology have different process like: * Documentation * Questionaires * Conversation with subjects of experiments * Records - Photograph's - Cyclograph's If someone wants to design sinks for wheelchair users, he/she have to care some datas which can be change day by day and person to person, belong to human and spaces. Variables belong to human: - Functions - Operation period - Education - Cultur - Age - Income level - Race - Job - Hygiene - Health conditions Variables belong to spaces: - Pyscological - Dimentional - Technological - Formal - Hygienic - Technical - Thermal - Visual - Auditory - Attitudal All these variables effect the design directly. The first thing had to done before designing sinks for wheelchair u- sers,is recognizing and learning the equipments which are the supports of their life. Continually there could be found different variables of models, shapes and dimensions in mar kets, and the best way to learn some information of these equipments is collecting brochures of different firms and conversation with authorities of these firms. More over, for determining the existing kitchen standards same working was done for the kitchen firms. Even the kitchen equipments like spoon, fork, knife, dishes and their dimensions ( import and locally made) were research ed too and determined that American standards are smaller 15 % than our products. Even only this information is enough to change direction xxiBy obtaining information nwith collecting brochures and documents, it was decided to use quest ionaire. The parameters of age are between 20 & 50 years old in this survey and decided to doing this questionaire to 35 people an prepared an answer-question type sheet given at was formed with three parts; the aim of the first part of the questionaire to take the datas about demogra- phical caractheristics of the objects. The second part was prepared for antropometric datas and kinds of disablement types, and the last part was about habits of washing dishes. For collecting knowledge, there were some ways used like cyclograph and photograph technics. These technics have help ed make simple definition in our investigation. At the end by helping all datas it concluded that fixed worktop or sink level are unsuitable for wheelchair users. The key words are ”reaching“ and ”accesebility". Section 5. In this section it was tried to do some comment about given datas from 3th and 4th sections. Because of different variables which effected directly the design of sinks, all the worktops, sinks and other kitchen desks have to have an adaptability. Plenty number of disablements, wheelchair types, indivi dual choises and degree of disablement are directed us to choose like this kind of solution. It's the humanity mission to develop suitable environ ment for wheelchair users to live happily and in a produc tivity. If the results of this study helps to develop all li ving places change into a suitable environment for wheelcha ir users. It will be considered that the research is reached to its purposes. It 's not enough to arrenging the physical environment for a disabled person to be in must be suppor ted by the social and phsyco logical wealthness. Current living conditions and the technologic impprove- ment are the important reasons in order to set up the law systems because of loosing humanities and frienship appro aches. Because of the laws regulate the human rights; the rights of living and the right to reespect of human In this point of view it can be suggested an act for disabled persons which include the same strategies with Ame rican disabled persons act that signed in 1990 in U.S.A. beyond all of the personel solutions the population needs to incouraged and to become politically active for more reasable solutions Xlll

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