Geri Dön

Bir yapı şantiyesinde konum aplikasyonun araştırılması

Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.

  1. Tez No: 55992
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. ORHAN BAYKAL
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Jeodezi ve Fotogrametri, Geodesy and Photogrammetry
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1996
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: İnşaat Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 40


ÖZET BİR YAPI ŞANTİYESİNDE KONUM APLİKASYON DO?RULU?UNUN ARAŞTIRILMASI Jeodezinin en genel tanımı“fiziksel yeryüzünün tümünün ya da belirli bir parçasının mevcut geometrisini belirlemek ve fiziksel yeryüzünün belirli bir parçası için tasarlanan geometri değişikliklerini gerçekleştirmektir.”Mevcut geometriyi belirleme işlemi, jeodezi terminolojisinde“halihazır harita yapımı”olarak adlandırılır. Bu işlem sonunda sayısal ürünler (noktaların konum koordinatları ve kotları ile birlikte doğruluk ölçütleri) ve görsel ürünler (bilgisayar görüntüleri, haritalar, planlar, kesitler) elde edilir. Bu ürünler, bir mühendislik hizmetinin tasarımında altlık olarak kullanılır ve bu altlık temel alınarak mühendislik yapısının yatay ve düşey geometrisi tasarlanır. Tasarlanan geometrinin fiziksel yeryüzü üzerinde gerçekleştirilmesi aplikasyon olarak adlandırılır ve jeodezi mühendisinin temel görevlerinden biridir. Bu görev yerine getirilirken dikkat edilecek iki önemli nokta vardır: 1)Talep edilen doğrulukların karşılanması, 2)Mümkün olan en ekonomik çözümlerin uygulanması Jeodezinin klasik ölçme yöntemlerinin niteliği yüzünden aplikasyon, birbirinden bağımsız iki kısma ayrılır: 1)Tasarlanan yatay geometrinin araziye aktarılması (konum aplikasyonu) 2)Tasarlanan düşey geometrinin araziye aktarılması (kot verme) Bu çalışmada, yalnızca bir yapı şantiyesindeki konum aplikasyonu ele alınarak, talep edilen doğruluğun en ekonomik şekilde nasıl karşılanabileceği araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla İstanbul sınırları içinde 50 000 m2 lik monoblok bir yapının aplikasyonu örneğinde yatay kontrol ağının, değişik modellere göre ölçme ve hesapları yapılarak doğruluk ölçüteri türetilmiş ve bu ağın noktalarından aplike edilen bir noktanın aplikasyon doğruluğu incelenmiştir.

Özet (Çeviri)

SUMMARY INVESTIGATION OF ACCURACY OF SET-OUT İN A CONSTRUCTION SİTE The most common definition of geodesy is“Defining the existing geometry of vvhole ör a part of world physical surface and realising the planned geometric changes for a part of vvorld physical surface”. in geodesy terminology; defining existing geometry is named as“Present map production”. in the end of this procedure; numeric products (the location coordinates and heights of points with their accuracy criterion) and visual products (computer images, maps, planes, sections) are obtained. These are the fundamental products engineering projects and the horizontal and vertical geometry of engineering constructions are planned by taking these fundamental products. Realising the planned geometry on the physical world surface is named as set-out and this is the most main duty for a surveying engineer. There are two important points in realising this duty: 1)Obtaining the desired accuracy 2)Applying the most possible economic solutions Because of the quality of geodesy's classical measuring methods, set- out is divided in two parts, independent to each other: 1)Transferring the planned horizontal geometry to land (set- out) 2)Transferring the planned vertical geometry to land (heighting). This work only deals with set-outs in a construction site and searches for the most economic way to achieve the desired accuracy. For this aim; the set-out of a monoblock construction located in a area of 50000 m^ in istanbul is examined: The horizontal control Netvvork's accuracy criterion are derived by making measurements and calculations according to different models, and then the set-out accuracy of a point is examined. in engineering applications, the two of the above approaches are used. First of ali, the geometry of the physical vvorld surface is defined, vvhere the engineering construction vvill be located. For this aim horizontal (triangulation, polygon lines) and vertical (levelling) control Netvvorks are established. During the establishment of these netvvorks, it should not be forgotten that these netvvorks vvill be used later in building and maintenance control stages. A coordinate system must be defined to calculate the netvvorks. The horizontal control Netvvorks are calculated in a state coordinates system ör an other local coordinate system (Cadastre ör Improvement viicoordinate systems) although vertical control Networks calculate in state levelling system. For the caiculation of horizontal control netvvorks at least the coordinates of two points must be known in the chosen coordinate system, and for the caiculation of vertical control netvvorks at least the height of öne point must be knovvn. Land's geometry (topographic construction) is defined by making detail measurements vvith the help of terrestrial ör photogrammetric methods after the setting of control Netvvorks. The obtained products are numeric values (coordinates and heights of points vvith accuracy criterion) and visual products (computer images, maps, planes and sections) The horizontal and vertical geometries of engineering constructions are planned after the land's geometry is defined, by using the obtained products as a base.(project stage). Planned horizontal and vertical geometry are conveyed as numeric (coordinate, height, length, angle, slope) and visual (plan, section). Beyond ali these, the demanded accuracy of the geometry's transfer to land must be fixed. The horizontal and vertical set-outs must be done independently. Horizontal set-out can be done during the project stage and by this way, it is possible to correct the possible planning mistakes. But vertical set-out can be done only during the building stage and because of this it causes too much expenses vvhen correction and repetition needed. in set-out, previously defined and located points are used. The point's location must be defined according to the horizontal control points. Similar approach is used for the levelling procedure. in this vvork only the horizontal set-out is examined. By taking into consideration of the conditions vvhich are valid in practice, the caiculation of horizontal control netvvorks according to different measures and a project point's set-out are explained theoretically, the applications in a construction site are utilised and the results are discussed. in the construction sites that cover a limited area, generally, it is required to set up a triangulation netvvork enough amount of points and veracity for netvvork supply by optimisation. Hovvever, in application triangulation netvvorks are set-up and measured vvithout thinking about the first degree optimisation (optimisation of netvvork geometry) and the second degree optimisation (optimisation of observations). For this reason in this search optimisation application vvill not be taken into consideration. it is possible to divide the site triangulation netvvorks, vvhich are set up by taking çare of more sight seeing and have enough external parameters, into three parts, according to the measurement's quality vvhich have been performed: 1) Angle Netvvorks: Only horizontal angles are measured by at least öne complete series. Generally very high accuracy theodolite (vvhich measures the seconds) is used in the measurements. But if the desired accuracy allovvs the measurements can be done by a theodolite vvhich measures minutes. viii2)Baseline Netvvorks: in these netvvorks only the lengths are the measurements EDM (electronic distance measurements) are used. These netvvorks are preferred because of the facility and high accuracy supplied by the EDMs. However they have less degrees of freedom according to angle netvvorks. 3)Angle-baseline Networks: Ali of the directions and at ieast 1/3 of the baselines are measured. The work is done on a land about 120acre which is dependent to Ümraniye on the Kayışdağı's skirts inthe Istanbul's Development borders, (1 cm accuracy is desired forthe set-out of a monoblock construction in the borders of this land).For this a horizontal control net is set up. The locations of the points are formed, vvhich is suitable for the most comfortable sight-view. Two of the points are in the istanbul Development Coordinates. The first two points are assumed to be knovvn. The established netvvork has 5 points dependent to these two points. The horizontal control netvvork is measured according to different models and calculations are done. in angle measurements and angle set-out, Wild T1A Takeometer, which reads directly 10 cc, is used and in baseline measurements Wild DI4L Distomated is used. Measurements are done by öne complete series at each station although baseline measurements are done mutually by 5 times. After ali these stages, the horizontal control netvvork can be done according to conditional ör indirect measurements. in present, the most suitable equilibration model for error calculations and programming techniques is the indirect measurement model. Calculations are done according to indirect adjustment technique. in adjustment the functional model is given as; E( l ) = A x and stochastic model is given as; Ç(L) = m02 P“1 in this model expectation value E(l) is not known and instead of this, l measured values are used. The necessary equations are as follovvs: VT P_ V = m i n AT P_ A x - AT P_ l = O ( x = N.”1 AT P_ l) in calculation of horizontal control netvvorks direction measurements are used and form the follovving improvements equation's solution the best estimate coordinate values of the points and location errors of points are calculated. vik =-5zi +aik5xi+bik5yi+aik8xk+bik5yk+t°ik-z°-rik in these networks the stochastic model is given as; ixPfj = C2 / M2r-j Here Cj : is constant, but Mrj : is standard (sigma a priori) deviation of a direction. in baseline networks calculation, the baseline measurements are used. Vsjk = ajk5xi + bik5yi-aik8xk-bik5yk-s°ik+sik From the equation with the solution of improvement equations the best estimate coordinate values and location mistakes of points are calculated. For baselines, vveights are taken as; PSJ = C2 / m2Sj 2 Here m si is root mean square of a measured baseline. in calculation of angle and baseline networks angles and baselines are taken into adjustment and from the solution of follovving improvement equations the points coordinates and location errors are calculated as unknovvns. vjk = -8Zj +aik8xj + bik5yi + aik5xk+bik5yk+t°ik-Z0-rik Vsjk = aik5xi + bik5yraik5xk-bik5yk-s0jk+sjk in these networks the vveights for direction measurements are taken as; Prj = C2 /' M2rs and for baseline measurements the vveights are taken as; PSJ = C2 / m2Sj Here the constant value of C is the same for both vveights. in Angle, baseline ör angle -baseline horizontal control netvvorks the standard deviation of a measurement is calculated after adjustment (sigma apasteriori) by the follovving equation. m0 = ^((VT P V)/(n-u)) Here n : measurement number, u : unknovvn number shovv. Standard deviation after adjustment of any unknovvn x ör y is calculated with the equations; XmYİ = m0.VQYİYi ; mxi = m0.V QXjXj and location errors of a point is calculated with the equation; mpj = Vm2Yj + m2Xİ Having performed the calculation for these different models, accuracy criterion are derived for each model separately. According to the accuracy criterion are obtained, the set-out accuracy of a point is re- examined. During the set-out, the set-out elements are defined by angle from and the baseline (S) is defined from coordinate differences. The best estimate coordinate values, root mean squares mo2 and the related elements of cofactor matrix are obtained separately. Applying the error propagation law, the standard deviation of the set-out elements are calculated as follows: p = arctan{(Yp-YB)/(Xp-XB)} - arctan{(YA-YB)/(XA-XB)} s = V (Xp-XB)2 -(Yp-YB)2' QPP = (ap/aYB)2QYBYB + (ap/aXB)2QXBXB + (öp/5YA)2QYAYA + (ap/aXA)2QXAXA + 2[(ap/3YB) (ap/aXB)QYBXB + (Sp/3YB) (5p/aYA)QYBYA + (5p/5YB) (ap/aXA)QYBXA + (Sp/SXB) (Sp/SYA)QXBYA + (ap/axB) (ap/axA)QXBxA + (ap/aYA) (ap/axA)QYAxA ] m2p,H = m2o. Qpp QSS = (as/axB)2QXBxB + (as/aYB)2QYBYB + 2(as/axB) (as/aYB)QXBYB m2S,H = m2o. QSS Where, mp,H is standard deviation of the calculated set out angel. ms,H is standard deviation of the calculated baseline. Assume that a point P is located on a land using the set-out elements (P, S). Then the errors raised from measurements must be added to the errors raised from calculation explained above. xiThe errors due to the centering the equipment causes following errors on p: m ccc. = + {(e.PGC)/(3.b.s)}Vb2-2bScosp + S2,cc,cc% m-a = ± {(e.p^)/(3.b)}.CCn m“~”= ± {(e.p°°)/(3.S)},cc = y The quality of a theodolite is conveyed by the standard deviation of the angle measured. A horizontal angle which is measured by n series has a standard deviation component of. rrik = ± {(V2* mr)/(Vn)} The resultant error of set-out is obtained as follows; m2P = m2p.H + (m5+ma+my)2 +m2k Because of the use of EDM in set-out, the resultant error of a length is calculated from the following equations: m2Sö = k21 + k22s2 M2S = m2s>H + m2S,ö The accuracy reached in set-out is conveyed with standard deviation, mp; M2P = M2p.S2+ M2S M2P < ^2p If the required accuracy is known as ±jj.p, then M2P ^ R2p In the end of the calculations; 1) The desired accuracy has been obtained in Angle-baseline networks and baseline network. used. 2) It has been investigated that angle networks should not be 3) If the desired accuracy can not be obtained the following procedures should be performed: a) Increasing the accuracy of horizontal control points. b) making effective measurements against centering errors c) increasing the number of series in set-out of angle (n must not be bigger than 4 ) Xlld) using higher quality theodolite (for example seconds theodolite instead of minute theodolite ) e) using very precise EDMs. xui

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