Geri Dön

Siber fiziksel sistemler üzerinde bütünleşik siber güvenlik risk değerlendirmesi: Bir konteyner limanı uygulaması

Integrated cyber security risk assesment on cyber pyhsical systems: A case study on a container port

  1. Tez No: 607225
  3. Danışmanlar: DR. ÖĞR. ÜYESİ PELİN BOLAT
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Denizcilik, Ulaşım, Marine, Transportation
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2019
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Deniz Ulaştırma Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Deniz Ulaştırma Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 99


Endüstri 4.0'ın hayatımıza girmesiyle birlikte siber fiziksel sistemler kritik altyapılarda oldukça fazla kullanılmaya başlandı. Ulaşımdan sağlığa, endüstriden savunmaya bir çok alanda karşımıza çıkan bu siber fiziksel sistemler aynı şekilde liman ve liman tesislerinde de yerini almaya başladılar. İş süreçlerinin ve tedariğin hızlanması açısından bir çok liman dijitalleşmenin vazgeçilmez büyüsüne kapılmaya başladı. Özellikle konteyner işletmeciliğinin giderek yaygınlaşması, dünya ticaretinde konteyner taşımacılığını çok önemli bir noktaya taşıdı. Artan rekabet ve piyasadaki ihtiyaçlar limandaki iş süreçlerini azaltmaya yönelik bir çok ihtiyacı da beraberinde getirdi. Bu sebeple konteyner limanlarında kullanılan uzaktan kontrollü ekipmanlar, otomasyon kontrollü cihazlar ve bilgi teknolojileri hız ve verimlilik açısından önem kazandı. Limanlarda kullanılan bu sistemler ise beraberinde siber güvenlik kavramını getirdi. Siber güvenlik, liman tesisleri riskleri açısından yönetilmesi gereken önemli risk grubu olmaya başladı. Liman tesislerinindeki bu durum göz önüne alınarak, yapılan literatür araştırması ve diğer uygulamaların incelenmesi sonucunda bütünleşik siber güvenlik risk yönetimi yaklaşımı modeli bir çok açıdan daha uygun bulunarak uygulamaya geçilmiştir. Bütünleşik siber güvenlik yönetimi yaklaşımı modelinin risk değerlendirme süreci Marmara Bölgesi'nde faaliyet gösteren bir konteyner limanı üzerinde uygulanmıştır. İlk olarak liman tesisinin siber varlık haritası çıkarılarak, tesiste bulunan siber varlıklar belirlenerek 4 ana grupta toplanmıştır. Daha sonra bu varlıkların etkilendiği potansiyel siber güvenlik açıkları belirlenerek, liman tesisin bu güvenlik açıklarına karşı ne kadar dirençli olduğu ölçülmüştür. Bu ölçüm tüm varlıkları ve bunların etkilendiği potansiyel siber güvenlik açıklarının yer aldığı bir kontrol listesinin hazırlanması sonucunda, liman IT uzmanları ve yöneticileri tarafından değerlendirilerek yapılmıştır. Sonrasında liman tesisi için siber güvenlik açısından önemli olan anahtar performans göstergeleri, olası bir saldırıda etkilenecek liman varlıkları üzerinden belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen bu anahtar performans göstergelerinin olası bir siber saldırı sonucunda ne kadar etkileneceği ise bu liman varlıkları ve anahtar performans göstegelerini içeren bir kontrol listesi yardımıyla yine liman IT uzmanları ve yöneticileri tarafından değerlendirilmiştir. Bu değerlendirmeler sonrasında risk değerlendirme aşamasına geçilerek içerik oluşturulmuştur. Sonrasında ise liman tesisinin varlıklarını, belirlenen potansiyel güvenlik açıklarını, tehditleri ve riskleri içeren 4 adet örnek siber saldırı senaryosu hazırlanmıştır. Senaryolar hazırlanırken, daha önce denizcilikte ve özellikle liman tesislerinde yaşanmış siber olaylardan ve liman tesisin nispeten daha zayıf olarak değerlendiren güvenlik açıklarından faydanılmıştır. Son olarak, hazırlanan 4 adet senaryo için risk hesabı yapılmış ve sonuçlar değerlendirilmiştir. Hazırlanan bu tez çalışması ile, bu liman tesisinin olası senaryoların gerçekleşmesi halinde karşılacağı riskin bilinmesi, limanlarda oluşabilecek siber risklere karşı proaktif çözümler üretilmesi, konteyner limanlarındaki siber tehlikenin öneminin anlaşılması, siber fiziksel sistemlerde oluşabilecek siber risklerin bilinmesi, liman siber varlıklarının ve bunlara ait potansiyel siber güvenlik açıklarınının belirlenmesi, liman tesisi IT çalışanlarında ve kişilerde siber güvenlik risk farkındalığının artılırması amaçlanmıştır

Özet (Çeviri)

Critical infrastructures are increasingly exposed to hazards. Nowadays, cyber-physical systems are widely used and cyber attack is a new danger for critical infrastructures. Cyber physical systems, which are used in many fields from communication to electrical power systems and from transportation to health, have now started to take their place in port facilities. However, these cyber-physical systems bring many security gaps and threats. 90% of international trade is carried out through ports and port facilities.The movement of large volumes of cargo is based on a sophisticated and integrated global logistics chain with a range of transport movements. Container terminals in the supply chain; these are the most critical points that ensure the loading and unloading of ships in the regions where these goods are produced and consumed. Considering the importance of ports and especially container ports in the supply chain, it is clear that the damage to them will have a significant impact on economic and business processes globally. For this reason, port facilities should be prepared for all kinds of threats, dangers and risks as the backbone of the global economy.Particularly, the increasingly widespread use of container management has brought container transport to a very important point in world trade.The increasing competition and the needs in the market brought along many needs to reduce the business processes at the port. For this reason, remote controlled equipments, automation controlled devices and information technologies used in container ports gained importance in terms of speed and efficiency. These systems used in ports brought the concept of cyber security. Cyber security has become an important risk group that needs to be managed in terms of port facilities risks.Therefore, as a result, port and port facilities should be prepared for cyber risks and cyber security risks should be evaluated and managed against increasing dangers. Considering the aforementioned issues in container ports, the combined cyber security risk management approach model has been found to be more appropriate in many aspects as a result of literature research and other applications for this thesis. Afterwards, the implementation part was started and the risk assessment process of the integrated cyber security risk management approach model was implemented on a container port operating in Marmara Region. In the study, firstly, the cyber assets map of the port facility was prepared, the cyber assets in the facility were identified. The identified assets are grouped into 4 main groups as buildings and structures, facilities and machinery, physical infrastructures, and information communication technologies. Then, the potential cyber security vulnerabilities effected these assets were determined and the resistance of the port facility to these vulnerabilities was measured.This measurement was made by port IT experts and managers as a result of preparing a checklist of all potential cyber security vulnerabilities and assets affected by them. Subsequently, key performance indicators that are important for the port facility in terms of cyber security were identified on the port assets that would be affected by a possible attack. Key performance indicators identified for the port facility are seven types as confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity, utility, safety and resiliency. These identified key performance indicators will be affected by a possible cyber attack has been evaluated by port IT experts and managers using a checklist of these port assets and key performance indicators. After assessments on both potential cyber security vulnerabilities and key performance indicators, the risk assessment phase was initiated and content plan was created. The normalization of these numerical data evaluated by the port facility was made to the numerical values in the model. Subsequently, four exemplary cyber attack scenarios including assets of the port facility, identified potential cyber security vulnerabilities, threats and risks were prepared. In preparing the scenarios, the cyber events that have been experienced in maritime and especially in port facilities have been utilized.In addition, the scenarios highlighted the potential cyber security vulnerabilities that the port facility considers to be relatively weak. On the other hand, the attack resources used in the scenarios are arranged to include all attack resources in order to be more comprehensive. The attack sources used in the scenario are: intentional attack source from outside the port facility, source of unintentional attack from outside the port facility, source of intentional attack from inside the port facility, source of unintentional attack from inside the port facility. After the scenarios were created, the risk calculation phase was started.The first step of the risk calculation, the vulnerability impact value, was calculated for all scenarios. In doing so, four vulnerabilities were identified for scenario 1, four for scenario 2, three for scenario 3, and five for scenario 4. Then, the second step of the risk calculation, the probability of occurance of the scenario was started to be calculated. All scenarios were analyzed to determine what the attacker's level was, the position of the attacker, and the number of security vulnerabilities in the scenario.The probability of occurrence for each cyber security attack scenario was calculated according to these variables. Then third step started.In third step, for each scenario, the probability of the scenarios falling into risk was calculated with the help of the results in step 1 and step 2. In fourth step, impact value of each cyber security attack scenario was calculated. While this calculation carried out, for scenario 1 four key performance indicator (confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity), for scenario 2 five key performance indicator (availability, integrity, authenticity, utility, resiliency), for scenario 3 for key performance indicator (confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity), for scenario 4 four key performance indicator (availability, integrity, utility, resiliency) was influenced by the occurance of cyber security atack scenarios.After identification of key performance indicators, each scenario's impact calculated by addition of the probability of occurance each cyber security attack scenario. Then final step of risk calculation carried out. For each cyber security attack scenario a risk level calculated via addion of the impact to the probability of the scenarios falling into risk. Finally, results are analysed. The resulted risk level of each cyber security attack scenario was compared to risk level table. According the risk level table, risk of scenario 1 found in medium level, scenario 2 is low , scenario 3 is medium, scenario 4 is low level. In the phase of preparing the context of risk assesment, the acceptible risk level for the port facility was been determined by the port authorities. However all risk level of each scenarios were found higher than the acceptible risk level. As a result of implementation, the control methods for the risk should be implemented on the port facility to mitigate the risks . With this prepared thesis, the following issues were targeted to understood; know the risk that this port facility will face in case of possible scenarios, proactive solutions against cyber risks in ports, understanding the importance of cyber danger in container ports, know the cyber risks that may occur in cyber physical systems, identification of port cyber assets and their potential cyber security vulnerabilities, Increasing cyber security risk awareness among port facility IT workers and people. As a future study, this application can be applied to other port facilities to determine the degree of cyber risk of port facilities separately.In addition, the survey applications can be prepared to cover the facilities in general and a risk assessment can be done more quickly and with the help of a software. On the other hand, cyber security risk management can be considered to be integrated to this code within the framework of International Ship and Port Facility Security Code. Furthermore, a new approach model can be devoloped for the port facilities by combining the model in this thesis with other models such as CYSM, MITIGATE, S-PORT etc.

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