1546 ve 1600 tarihli İstanbul vakıfları tahrir defterlerine göre İstanbul'da yeşil alanlar
Green areas in Istanbul according to the cadastral survey (tapu tahrir) registers of Istanbul waqfs 1546 and 1600
- Tez No: 645164
- Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. AYGÜL AĞIR
- Tez Türü: Doktora
- Konular: Peyzaj Mimarlığı, Landscape Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2020
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Peyzaj Mimarlığı Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Peyzaj Mimarlığı Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 364
Birçok uygarlığa ev sahipliği yapmış İstanbul, her konuda ve her dönem merak unsuru olmuştur. Askeri, bilimsel, sosyo-ekonomik gelişmeler yaşanmış ve araştırmalar yapılmıştır. Bulunduğu konum ve iklim başta olmak üzere sahip olduğu doğal ve kültürel zenginlik dolayısıyla İstanbul'da bahçecilik anlamında da önemli gelişmeler yaşanmıştır. Bu gelişmelerin büyük bir kısmı hanedanın yaşamını sürdürdüğü saray, kasır, koru gibi alanlarda ve halkın sosyal hayatını geçirdiği mesirelerde gözlemlenmiş ve bu alanlar hakkında çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Fakat İstanbul'da halktan kişilerin yaşadığı yerleşim alanlarında bulunan yeşil alanlara ve bahçecilik faaliyetlerine ilişkin tarihi çalışmalar sınırlıdır. On altıncı yüzyıla dair bu konu ile ilgili bilgiler sunabilecek birincil kaynaklar; kent tasvirleri, yerli ve yabancı seyyahlar tarafından kaleme alınan gezi yazıları ve dönemin resmi evrak niteliğindeki kayıtlarıdır. Resmi evrak niteliğindeki tahrir defterleri ise konu kapsamında daha önce incelenmemiş kaynaklardır. Bu sebeple, bu çalışma 1546 ve 1600 Tarihli İstanbul Vakıfları Tahrir Defterleri'nde bulunan yeşil alanlar üzerinedir. Çalışmanın amacı, 1546 ve 1600 Tarihli İstanbul Vakıfları Tahrir Defterleri'ne göre İstanbul'da genel olarak yeşil alanlar açısından yerleşim dokusu ve kurgusunu, nâhiye ve mahalle ölçeğinde ise yeşil alan özellikleri ve bileşenleri ile ilgili verileri ortaya koymak, yeşil alanları iki defterde izlemek, sürekliliği ve değişimleri yorumlamaya çalışmaktır. Çalışma kapsamında defterlerin ne tür veriler içerdiği anlaşılmaya çalışılmış; vakfiyelerde bulunan yeşil alanların ve bileşenlerin varlığı ve sebebi anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Kentte bilinen ilk yerleşimlerden defterlerin kayıt tarihlerine kadar kentin gelişimi, iskân faaliyetleri incelenmiştir. Dönemin kent gelişiminde, iskân faaliyetlerinde ve en önemlisi yeşil alanların gelişiminde etkili olabilecek kent unsurları araştırılmış ve incelenmiştir. Defterlerin kaydedildiği tarihlerde kentin mevcut durumunu anlamak için haritalar; konut tiplerini, yeşil alanları, yeşil alan bileşenlerini ve kent unsurlarını içeren tablolar geliştirilmiştir. Tüm veriler dönemin görsel ve yazılı kaynakları ile desteklenerek değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, hanedanda yaşanan yeşil alanlara karşı ilginin halktan bireylerin yaşam alanlarında da görüldüğü; halkın küçük alanlarda bile olsa konut birimlerindeki yeşil alanlarda oturup, dinlenebileceği, üretim yapabileceği alanlar oluşturduğu; bu alanların sayısının ve özelliklerinin bulunduğu alana göre değişiklik gösterdiği görülmüştür. Bu değişikliklerin sebebini anlamak amacıyla mevcut veriler kent bileşenleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler yorumlanarak sonuçlar çıkarılmıştır. On altıncı yüzyılda İstanbul'da mesken alanları ve yeşil alanların birlikte geliştiği ve yüzyıl boyunca iç içe olduğu görülmüştür. Sözü edilen yeşil alanlarda oturulup dinlenilecek alanlar ve ürün yetiştirilen üretim ağırlıklı alanlar birlikte gelişmiş olmalıdır. Halkın kısıtlı alanlarda bile yeşil alanlardan kullanım ve yarar sağladığı açıktır. Yeşil alanların gelişimi, nüfus ve yerleşimle orantılı şekilde artmıştır. Bu bağlamda topoğrafya ve su kaynakları başta olmak üzere birçok kent bileşeninden de istifade edilmiştir. Dönenim bölgeleri olarak nitelendirilebilecek nâhiyeler çok büyük farklılıklar içermese de sahip olduğu kent bileşenleri ve özellikleri dolayısıyla ufak-tefek değişiklikler göstermiştir. Ayrıca yangın, kıtlık gibi sebeplerden en az etkilenmek amacıyla yeşil alanlara önem verildiği izlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak bu çalışma, kentin yerleşim dokusunun özelliklerini ve yeşil alanlarla ilişkisini, yeşil alanların kent içinde genel özelliklerini, yoğunluğunu anlamaya olanak sağlamıştır. Çalışma farklı tarihlere ilişkin kayıtlar ile dönemsel değişikliklere ilişkin ipuçları sunmaktadır. Ayrıca bu çalışma, 16. yüzyıldan günümüze iskân, konut ve konut düzeyinde yeşil alanlar ile ilgili günümüzde hiçbir örneği bulunmayan, Osmanlı Dönemi'nde İstanbul'un yeşil alanlarının 16. yüzyıldaki görünümlerini gözde canlandırmaya çalışmaktadır; gelecekte yapılacak çalışmalara bir adım olarak değerlendirilebilir.
Özet (Çeviri)
Istanbul, which has hosted many civilizations, has been wondered in every field and every period. Especially it was being more wondered after the conquest of Istanbul by the Turks, the expansion of the borders of the country, the development of the empire in the fields of science, military, and culture. There were various studies on the characteristics of the city and daily life such as the fields of military, science, socio-economy and etc. There have been important developments in terms of gardening in Istanbul because of its natural and cultural value, especially its location and climate. In the 16th century in which Westernization has not yet shown its effects; it can be described as the period when the empire found its identity in terms of gardening. Most of these developments have been observed in areas such as palaces, pavilions and groves, where the dynasty lived, and in the mesires (promenade) where the people spent their social life. Precious studies have been made on these issues. However, historical studies on green areas and gardening activities in residential areas where people live in Istanbul are limited. To understand the 16th century which is before the printing press began to be used in Ottoman society; only the primary sources that can provide information on this subject are; some city descriptions, travel writings written by domestic and foreign travelers and official documents of the period. Endowment charter (vakfiye) are sources that have not been studied for this issue. So, this study is on green areas in 'The Cadastral Survey (Tapu Tahrir) Registers of Istanbul Waqfs dated 1546 and 1600'. In addition, these main sources, visual and written sources were also used in order to adequately comprehend the data found in the registers. Green areas are defined as places where the existing open spaces in the urban texture are integrated with plant elements. They are divided into three categories: public, semi-private and private. This study focuses on the green areas in the waqfs that are in the housing settlements and are also in the private green areas. This study aims to explore the settlement plan and structure of characteristics, components, continuity and changes of green areas mentioned in Istanbul according to 'The Cadastral Survey Registers of Istanbul Waqfs dated 1546 and 1600'. With this study the existing data without making any assumptions were revealed. The numerical and visual manuscript has been reviewed and only attempted to examine the intensity and causes. The cadastral survey registers are fundamental sources that reveal the social structure of the time and provide important information about the socio-economic and socio-cultural condition of the state. Those sources from the 16th century is 'The Cadastral Survey Registers of Istanbul Waqfs dated 1546' and 1600', which are found in Istanbul. These cadastral survey registers contain clues about the urban settings, the infrastructure characteristics, the quarter plans of the city, and information about the green areas and their features, as well. Within the extent of the study, it was tried to understand the data of the registration system, and what inferences can be made regarding the city, the settlement properties and the green areas were examined. The reason of existence the green areas and green areas components were tried to be understood in these registers. In the city from the first settlements to the conquest, information about the city characteristics and city development were investigated, and the development and settlement features of the city were examined for from the conquest to the registration dates of 'The Cadastral Survey Registers'. This study primarily focuses on the literature review and initially explores the green areas registered in the region and quarter units of the city. Consequently, the number and the general components and settings of the waqfs registered in the 1546 and 1600 cadastral survey registers were investigated. In order to understand the green areas and make interpretations about them, it was considered necessary to understand the urban characteristics and settlement patterns of the city. To achieve this, the urban elements of the city that may have affected the character of the green areas has been researched and compiled. Also, the results of further analyses that reveal the properties of the green areas and their specific locations were shown on two maps for every region (nâhiye). Maps were developed in the GIS (Geographic Information System) technology to understand the status of the city when the dates of the cadastral survey registers by making use of different sources, images and maps containing information about the period. There are 13 regions and so totally 26 maps. Natural-cultural and social urban elements that could be effective in the urban features of the period, in settlement features and most importantly in the development of green areas were researched. The tables containing the city elements relevant to the period was developed including the city elements in the districts for each region, considering from different sources to support the maps. Afterward, tables were prepared to contain the settlement characteristics, their green areas, and their components and numbers in each neighborhood unit using the 'The Cadastral Survey Registers of Istanbul Waqfs dated 1546 and 1600'. All data were compared to each other and supported by visual and written sources related to the period were evaluated and interpreted considering the respective years that they were registered. As a result, the interest for the green areas was observed in the public settlement as in the dynasty. It has been observed changes the number and characteristics of these areas according to locations. To understand the reason for these changes, the existing data were compared with the maps and tables containing the city components and the cause and effect relationship. The continuity and development of the gardens and their relationship with the city elements was investigated. All the data obtained were interpreted; results have been drawn. In the 16th century, there was a close relationship between the population (the number of waqfs gives information about the population), settlement intensity, and the increase of green areas and it was seen that residential areas and green areas were developed together in Istanbul. Commercial areas and residential areas developed in separate areas and had different features in the 16th century and it is clear that commercial areas were poor in terms of green areas, and green areas were more common in areas where households were located. The development of green areas has increased in proportion to the population and settlement. In the areas where housing settlements were dominant, the density of green areas increased around religious structures such as mosques and masjids and social structures such as baths, madrasah and waterways. In addition, suitable topographies as well as the greater sunlight and the more temperate conditions of southern quarters, roads can be added as positive factors in the development of green areas. Also, water, which is one of the most important conditions for civilizations, has been used at a high level was essential in the development of green areas increased green areas and green area components. This situation also suggests the possibility of farming in the green areas in the building settlements due to the economic crisis that emerged at the end of the century. Although there was no new settlement, the increase in green areas and green area components is remarkable in some small quarters where the settlement was not dense. As a result, people tended to create green spaces and develop areas to rest, even in small spaces. Also, water sources made farming activities possible. The increase of small gardens, strengthened the need to create green areas in more densely populated areas, too. The region, which can be described as the period regions, have changed slightly due to their urban components and characteristics, although they do not contain great differences. Besides, it has been observed that green areas are given importance in order to be least affected by fire and famine. In order to reduce the spread of fires, it was observed that the unity in residential areas decreased and green areas increased. It has been observed that people tend to produce in green areas due to the shortage experienced and try to grow almost all kinds of products. Such that; Due to the famines experienced, at the end of the century, the city developed into a self-sufficient city that would meet the needs of people living in the residential area. The areas where you can sit and rest in the aforementioned green areas, enjoyable and production-oriented areas have developed together. It is clear that the people benefit from green spaces at the highest level even in limited areas. As a result; The properties of the green areas, the relationship between green areas and the construction, they are connected to, the distribution, density and positioning of green areas according to the locations were obtained throughout the city. By examining the different dates, its features were revealed in the first half and second half of the century, and by comparison, the differences were revealed. The reasons for the change of green areas were revealed throughout the century by considering the city components. Besides, with this study, it displays the 16th-century views of Istanbul during the Ottoman period, which has no examples of urban settlement, housing and green areas in the housing today. This study has attempted to understand the characteristics of green areas in Istanbul using cadastral survey registers from the 16th century. Although these registers cannot provide data on the plan and design features, they do enable an understanding of the settlement plan of the city and the relationship between the green areas, the density of the green areas in the regions, and the general characteristics. The study provides data for periodic changes with records from different dates. Also, as in this study, cadastral survey registers can be utilized in similar studies for different areas as they provide information about the settlement plan of the periods, the relationship of the green areas, the development and properties of the green areas as well as an understanding of the changes over time. In addition, the records contain data which allows the reader to picture the green areas in the city. This study, a step that can be the basis for future studies about this subject.
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