Geri Dön

الإلحاد وجذوره الفلسفية

İlhâd ve felsefi kökleri / Atheism and its philosophical roots

  1. Tez No: 659800
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. VECİHİ SÖNMEZ
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Din, Religion
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ateizm, Köklri, Felsefesi, Kuran, Kalâm, Athesim, Its root, Philosophy, The Qur'an, Kelam اختصت هذا الدراسة بالإلحاد وجذوره الفلسفية, وتتضمن هذه الدراسة جميع الموضوعات المتعلقة بالإلحاد وعلاقته بالفلسفة, فقد انتهى هذا البحث
  7. Yıl: 2020
  8. Dil: Arapça
  9. Üniversite: Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Temel İslam Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Kelam Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 164


Bu araştırma ilhâd ve ilhâdın felsefi köklerini ele almaktadır. ilhâd ve ilhâdın felsefeyle olan ilişkisi ile alakalı tüm konuları kapsamaktadır. Allah (cc)'ın yardımıyla bitti. Son olarak araştırmanın ulaştığı en önemli sonuçlar şunlardır; İlhad: hak olandan kayıp birçok farklı inanca düşerek ve yanlış tevil yaparak ondan ayrılmaktır. Allah'ın yolundan çıkıp hükmüne ters davranın kişi mülhid olarak isimlendirilir. İlhâd Allah'ın varlığını inkâr edip ve kâinatının yaratıcısının olmadığı fikri üzerine kaim felsefi bir mezheptir. Ahiret hayatını inkâr eden, maddenin ezeli ve ebedi olduğunu ve mucize diye bir şey olmadığı savunan akla tabi olduklarını söyleyenler ilhâdı oluşturan gerçek kişiler olarak kabul edilirler. Mulhid olanlara göre bunları ilim kabul etmez. Onlar hak, adalet gibi ahlaki değerleri de kabul etmezler. Bundan dolayı mulhid olanların yanında tarih ancak suçların, hataların ve hayal kırıklığının bir suretidir. Onu anlatmak bir şey ifade etmez. İnsan sadece tüm tabiat kanunların uygulandığı bir maddedir. Müslüman bir gencin bu düşünceleri incelerken dikkatli olması gerekir. Felsefe genel olarak var oluştaki ve zattaki akli düşünme metodudur. O keşfe dair bir metottur. O gerçeğin ve şüpheli şeylerin arkasındaki şeyi bilmeyi amaçlayan bir aktivitedir. O eşyanın gayesi, hikmeti ve hedefidir. O, anlamanın özünü isteyen genel sorular topluluğudur. Ben ve başkası, varlık ve yokluk, şiddet ve barış, hayır ve şer, hayat ve ölüm, zulüm ve adalet, din ve ilhâd, anlamak ve anlamamak, siyaset, ahlak, ekonomik, kültür, güzel ve çirkin, vacip, mümkün, imkansızlık ve tabiat, aile, toplum, hüküm, ilim, yumuşaklık, hayal, arzu, korku, kanun, tarih, sevgi, iletişim, dil, sanat….gibi şeylerin etrafında toplanmış mantıksal ve özgür sorular. Bundan dolayı felsefe teori, ideoloji, din ve uygulanması veya uyulması gerekli olan şeyler değildir, Mümin, mülhid, takvalı, kâfir, Müslüman, Hristiyan, Yahudi, Budist veya Mecusi değildir. Felsefe kendi arkadaşlarına tabi bir şeydir. Arkadaşı Müslümansa o da Müslümandır, mülhidse o da mülhittir. Bundan ötürü felsefe ilhâdla aynıdır diyen kişi gerçekte felsefe ve ilhâd hakkında bir şey bilmiyordur. İlhâd tek bir çeşit değildir. Onun birçok çeşidi vardır. Kendi çeşidine göre muamele yapmamız için her birini bilmemiz gerekir. Önem verip bunu inanç ve din ilkelerinde kullanmak, batı ülkelerinde yaşayan Müslümanlara önem vermek, onlar için özel programlar ortaya koymak, ilhadın sebep ve araçlarını araştırıp kaynaklarını korumak, mülhid olanların şüphelerine fikri, mantıki ve ilmi bir cevap vermek, bunlara cevap vermenin hikmetini anlamak...

Özet (Çeviri)

This study is concerned with atheism and its philosophical roots, and this study includes all topics related to atheism and its relationship to philosophy, so this research has ended, and finally I mention the most important results that were reached through the research. Atheism: is the inclination from the truth, and deviation from it by various beliefs, and corrupt interpretation, and deviating from the path of God and contrary to his rule is called an atheist. Atheism is a philosophical doctrine which is based on the denial of the existence of God Almighty, and it holds that the universe is without a creator, and the followers of rationality are the true founders of atheism that deny the afterlife, and considers that matter to be eternal and eternal, and there is no such thing as miracles of the prophets. Atheists, who also neither recognize any moral concepts nor the values of truth and justice or the idea of the soul. Therefore, the history of atheists is a picture of crimes, foolishness, disappointment, and its story does not mean anything, and the human being is merely a subject to which all natural laws are applied to him and all of this is what the Muslim young man should warn when he reads the ideas of this malicious doctrine. Philosophy is an approach to thinking mentally in the self and in existence in general, and it is an exploratory adventure, an activity that aims to know what lies behind the obvious, and beyond the doubtful, which are the goals, rulings and purposes of things, and it is a group of general questions that require a grain of understanding, free, logical, and complex questions about the ego and others and about Existence and non-existence, violence and peace, good and evil, life and death, injustice and justice, religion and atheism, consciousness and subconscious, politics, morals, economics and and destructive effects, including anxiety, conflict, turmoil, mental illness, corruption of human instinct, decline to the level of animals, elimination of spiritual values and good morals, disturbance in human life, disintegration and demolition of the family, selfishness, disintegration and demolition of society and its corruption, and disruption of security and peace in the global community , Pornography, injustice, political criminality, wonder, arrogance, arrogance, and the rivalry between nationalities, sects and groups. Atheism is a disease that afflicts mankind, and we must treat it, and from its treatment: the implantation of the correct belief in the soul and its dissemination in all layers of society, especially young people, in every way such as lessons, preparations, programs and curricula, and the strengthening and strengthening of doctrinal and religious principles with mental, philosophical, intellectual, logical and scientific evidence, and the use of different methods and means as (Television, social networks, establishment of centers, schools, and organizations specialized in this matter) to prove religious principles and pay the likeness, and to warn and warn people, especially young people - non-specialists - against reading books that contain nullities, suspicions and skepticism of the nullified without answers and responding to them, reviving Islamic and legal sciences and presenting them with a new offer, striving to reach the taste of the taste of sweetness and sweetness, paying attention to the book and the Sunnah and understanding them properly, according to the purposes of Sharia and observance of reality, and showing the merits of Islam from all legislative, contractual, religious, political and economic aspects.... , And interest in experimental sciences and their use in strengthening and supporting the doctrinal and religious principles, and caring for Muslims who live in western countries and developing the program for them......, And extrapolation means organizations and states that owe it, and to form a natural climate in the hands of their demons, who occupy these organizations and states as So philosophy is not a theory, ideology, religion, or a group of protocols that should be followed or applied, and are not believers, atheists, pious, or unbelievers, neither Islamic, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, or Magi. Philosophy is an idea that belongs to its believers if it is from the believer and atheist if it is from an atheist. The followers of secularism are the true founders of atheism, and among them are the followers of communism, existentialism, and Darwinism. There are many evidence for God's existence, including evidence of instinct, occurrence, order, existence, settlement, guidance, history, consensus, and.... Atheism has bad So whoever says that philosophy equals atheism, then this - in reality - knows nothing of philosophy, or anything about atheism. Atheism is not a single type, but it has many types, and we must know each of them in order to deal with it according to it, and each of them needs a specific discussion and debate. For example, total atheism shows partial atheism, as well as scientific, philosophical, hypocritical, psychological, agnostic and materialistic, and to identify, differentiate and search for different types of atheism separately. Atheism in human history was not a prominent phenomenon, with a human gathering, or a doctrine supported by organizations and countries, and the prevailing disbelief was the disbelief of polytheism in God. Rather, atheism was an odd, odd phenomenon, and perhaps a few anomalous groups of criminals, injustice and aggression, immorality, immorality and tyranny met, and perhaps a dulling tendency was dominated by humans, disrupting the Creator to make himself a god, and people worshiping him without God. Most of the atheism tendencies that appeared in human history, and for some individuals, were an accidental display of their souls and thoughts, and unstable tendencies, which appeared in some stages of their lives, and for psychological or social reasons that they passed through, then these tendencies and tendencies faded, then their fires extinguished. Many of these were woken from his drunks and treats, and returned to the fold of faith. Atheism did not become a pandemic phenomenon in heavy and dangerous human blocs and human groupings, only after the Jews planned to spread atheism to people, to make it doctrinal, and to establish large centers of leadership and direction, Then they worked with all the cunning, malice, wit, power and money to achieve this goal, which they claimed paving the way for the establishment of their great state, which they dream of ruling the whole world.

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