Geri Dön

Doğalgaz borularının katodik korumasında dış akım kaynağı olarak şebeke elektriği ile güneş pillerinin karşılaştırılması

The comparison of solar batteries mains electrical as power supply in cathodic protection of the natural gas pipes

  1. Tez No: 66814
  2. Yazar: ZEKİ M. BARUTÇU
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. SALİM ÖZÇELEBİ
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Makine Mühendisliği, Mechanical Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1997
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Makine Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Enerji Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 156


ÖZET 1973 yılındaki petrol krizinden sonra, doğal gazın petrolün yerini alabilecek en önemli enerji kaynağı olarak görülmesi neticesinde bir çok ülkede hükümetler doğal gaz yatırımlarını teşvik etmişlerdir. Bu gaza en çok kullanan ülkeler ABD, Japonya ve sanayileşmiş Avrupa ülkeleridir. Bilinen doğal gaz rezervlerinin yaklaşık %70'i ise Birleşik Devletler Topluluğu ve Ortadoğu ülkelerinde bulunmaktadır. Ülkemiz doğal gaz rezervleri en çok olan ülkeler ile en fazla kullanan ülkeler arasında bir coğrafi konuma sahiptir. Öte yandan doğal gazın boru hatları ile taşınması nakliye maliyeti ve emniyet açısından her zaman tercih nedeni olmuştur. Bu durumun değerlendirilerek ülkemizin Asya ile Avrupa arasında bir enerji köprüsü haline getirilmesi için gerekli çalışmalara başlanması gerekmektedir. Bu gelişmeler doğrultusunda yapmış olduğum çalışmamın giriş bölümünde doğal gaz tanıtılmış ve boru hatları ile taşınmasının nedenleri izah edilmiştir. Gazın iletiminde süreklilik söz konusu olduğundan, işletim aşamasında dikkat edilmesi gereken temel unsur, borunun yeraltında her zaman korozyona maruz kalacağının bilinmesi ve buna karşı gerekli önlemlerin alınmasıdır. Bu konu ikinci bölümde ele alınmıştır. Üçüncü bölüm ise yeraltı doğal gaz borularım korozyona karşı korumada en etkili yöntem olan katodik koruma tekniğini içermektedir. Uzun mesafeli iletim hatları için uygulanan dış akım kaynaklı katodik koruma sistemlerinin projelendirilmesi dördüncü bölümde ele alınmıştır. Beşinci bölümde ise katodik koruma tesislerinin yapımı ve işletilmesi esnasında yapılacak periyodik kontroller incelenmiştir. Şehir şebeke elektriğine ulaşmanın çok zor olduğu bölgelerde dış akım kaynaklı katodik koruma uygulama maliyeti çok yüksektir. Bu maliyetin aşağı çekilmesi için yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarından güneş pili sistemlerinin uygulanabilirliği altıncı bölümde incelenmiştir. Yedinci bölümde ise BOTAŞ (Güvenevler)-Alarko (ALMET) konutları arasındaki boru hattının dış akım kaynaklı katodik korumasında şehir şebeke elektriği yerine güneş pili sistemlerinin uygulanabilirliği örnek bir proje üzerinde karşılaştırılmıştır. Son bölümde ise sonuç ve öneriler verilmiştir. xi

Özet (Çeviri)

SUMMARY After the crisis in 1973 natural gas began to be used widely. Natural gas was thought to be the most important power resource in most of the countries, goverments were encouraged the investment's on natural gas. The use of the natural gas in the world as primary power consumption is 23 %. The70 % of the natural gas resverves are in the US and middle east countries. This gas is mostly used by the USA, Japan and Industrialized European Countries. The ratio of the use of the natural gas in our country as primary power is nearly 5 % and this ratio increases day by day. The natural gas reserve is too little to be taken into consideration. It is the general policy for all the countries to decreasethe unit cost of the natural gas as much as possible. The transportation of the natural gas by the pipelines: 1- Transportation cost is cheaper than other transportation vehicles. 2- The accident risk becomes minimum because of the reduction of traffic Jam. 3- It is always chosen because the pollution becomes less. Our country is an a geoprophical situation between the countries having natural gas reseves and the countries using that gas mostly. There ase studies to make our city as a power bridge between Asia and Europe and new deal are made with neighbour countries to transport the natural gas via underground pipeline. The basic thing that should be taken into consideration is that the pipe is exposed to the corrosion during the working because there is a continuity in the conduction of the gas. xnThe following reactions occur as a result of changing the line into composite if it is in an electrolide situation (land, water, air, etc) Fe-»Fe2+ + 2e“ (Anodik Reaction) 2 IT + 2e”->H2 (Katodik Reaction) Because of the movements of positive ions in electronics and negative electrons in metal there is a current to the electronics from the metal and an a result of there reactions there are corosion cells on the pipe line. The type of the corrosion that occurs on the pround is ceverned corosion. The rock of the corrosion is due to the type of the pround, the amount of the damp, the volue of the PH, the permeability of the water and the air. Dry lands with high resistance aren't corosive generally. The in corrosion the pipes which are under the pround condensed on the base. The bacteries on the lands on which ventilation is not enough and soliated with water near the lake and sea reduce the sulphates to the sulfide,lead to the corrosion.Another reasons for the natural gas pipes corrosion are that the direct current of the industrial establishment with high voltage working with direct current and the transportation vehicles going along on the rails with direct current (electrical train jtramcar etc.) The protection of the natural gas pipe can be realiazed on two phases.Firstly,before settling the pipes on the ground they are pointed with the paints having pigments to protect corrosion,and it is covered with poly-ethylene plates which is a plastic material.The reason of the choice of these coverings are; 1) It can be worked on between -55 - + 60 heats 2) It is applied easily and it is not expensive. The following phase is that; the cathodic protection during the working.Cathodic protection is a technique to pretend the corrosion of the metals in electrolide condition The purpose is,to protect the metal from corrosion by polarizing it negatively occuring to electrolide on a field condition under a fixed condition under a fixed potential threshold. With this method,big sized metal buildings such as fuel or fuel oil tanks under the water or under the ground, underground communication and electric pipes, ships, fixed pile bridges and Long distant transportation pipes of oil and gas are protected from the corrosion. xniThere are two application styles of the cathodic protection. The first of them is with anode the other is sourced with external current. In the cathodic protection system with galvanic anode, the pipeline is inverted to the cathodic situation by linking enough numbers of galvanic anode which is originated from the magnesium and zinc and its alloys that has more electronegative electrode potential, than the steel. In the method of the external sourced current it is possible to have the power from outside with the help of anothermetal (auxiliary anode) and there is a need of direct current source for it. The need of the current is supplied via the nearest power lines. Sometimes solar batteries are used for direct current source. The equipments for the system are: 1 - Current converter - Converter unit 2 - Auxiliary Anodes 3 - Anode bearing adulterant The cathodic protectionmethods with external sourced current and galvanic anode rebutes to the same theoretic principle and for both of the systems the folloving criterians are mentioned, 1- In every part of the pipeline the potential of the pipe-ground should be -0,85 V or much more negative whivh is measured under the current according to the saturated copper- copper sulphate referent electrode 2- There should be at least 300MV sliding on the pipeûground potential of every part of the pipe line 3- There should be at least 100MV sliding atthe polari2ation voltage on every part of the pipe. These principles should be taken into consideration while choosing the cathodic protection system; 1- In the pipe lines that need less than 0,5-0,1 amper current cathodic protection with galvanic anode should be applied, if there is more powerful current, external current sourced cathodic protection should be applied. 2- On the resistance areas powerful than 5000 ohm cm external current sourced cathodic protection should be chosen. Before preparing the project of external current sourced cathodic protection the Ofollowing studies should be done: xiv1- Studies about areas that the pipeline passes i) The specific resistance of area electricity: The mathematical medium of specific resistance of area electricity, measuring with an instrument on everySOO meters working due to the four electrode methods, is found with the following formüle; P = EKpMIW* (Pnun))/2]/(N-l) ( 1 ) ii) pH value of the area : The pH value of the area is determinet by the help of indicator paper. In this manner you can get information about the corrosiveness of the area. iii) The potential redox of can be understood that whether this a anonerobic corrosion on the area or not by measuring the potential redox area iv) Pipe - Ground potential it is done for determining the balance of the pipe that is under the ground before the cathodic protection 2- The works about pipe i) Cathodic protection current requirement is established ii) Pipe covering resistance is established 3- The works about environment i) The establishing of dielectiric currents. ii) The establishing of the places where industrial wastes spread out iii) The establishing of lakes marshes, bacteria and the dried lands rich,in humuc acid and salty grounds. 4- Parametric accounts: It must be stated the pipes attenition fix in order to protect the pipe piece by applying current from a certain point as csthodically, a = 0.0134 V~g7t = VRs/Rl (2) Where; a = Attenuation factor g = Covering Conductivity t = Thickness Rs = The electrical resistance to the pipe's length Rl = The transition resistance of pipecovering The potential cathodic protection of a pipeline in non-finite length. EDR=EmeaX (3) Where; Edr = The pipe of maximum voltage Em = The increasing of minumum voltage L = The pipe lenght that is to be protected xvCurrent ; I=(EDR/RK)sinh(aL) (4) Where; Rk: The charateristic resistance of pipe The account of anode base resistance only for one anode; Ra = RK/(«LXLnii/ ri) (5) Where ; A = The radius of anode T2 = The radius of coke dust It is recomended to control the following measurement per month in the first year and 3 per month in the following years after starting work of the cathodic protection system which are sourced with external current of the natural gas pipes. 1- Pipe ground potential, 2- Transformer: rectifier unit exit potential, 3- The current intensity given to the cathodic protection system, 4- The electrical resistance of anode base must be measured. Moreover; 1- Transformer to check the measurement tools in the box of rectifier 2- To check the links of measuremsent tools whether they are rigid or not 3- To control the insulated flange and the links of electirical continuity. Consuming of the primary sourre of energy Eke coal petrol natural gas day by day it become. Clear that the use of some energy sources like sun that can be renewed. We take advantage of solar energy: 1- Hot water. 2- Heating 3- Solar ovens 4- Solar betteries The only system that change the solar energy to electrical energy directly is the solar batteries that works with“Photovoltaic Effect Principle ”The solar batteries are completely depend on semiconductor. When the (n-type) semiconductor and (p-type) semiconductor which has more space come together only one crystal occurs and a direct current occurs when the electrons jump in the spaces. The elements of a solar battery consisty of solar panel dc-dc converters dc-ac generators diods, battery group and charge regulators and the cables that provides the links between control and security units. The areas particularly preferred by solar batteries are; 1-In space tools 2-In little power units (Clock, colculators etc..) 3-The petrol and gas pipelines, water izolated lines and purificetion systems are in the cathodic protection foundations. xviThe PV energy generators are produce electric energy only when they get sun ray. In the cloudy days the energy is guite decreasing in the nights this production is completely stopped. For that reasons it is needed to. Storage the daylight excessive energy and to use it in the hours that the production is less or not. The application of solar batteries as external supply in catedral protection of buried natural gas pipes have been included in the agenda European Energy Demonstration Project.Since positive results have been achivied in regard of the applicability of projectThe actual production of solar batteries have been a major consideration to meet special request and ordersJsection seven,acatodical protection project calculation for the pipeline between the residental area of Alarko (Almet) and Botaş (Güvenevler) RMS/A station have been made and the results have been comprade with the overall costs.The summary of this study is as follows. 1- The application of solar battery system is considered to the economical for the remote areas where the mains electrical not supplied. 2- When increased solar battery current required the number of panels can be incerased accordingly. 3- May be also used as a mobile unit. xvn

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