Geri Dön

XVIII. ve XIX. yüzyıl İstanbul kütüphanelerinin mimarisi

Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.

  1. Tez No: 72141
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. AFİFE BATUR
  4. Tez Türü: Doktora
  5. Konular: Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi, Sanat Tarihi, Information and Records Management, Art History
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1998
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Sanat Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 424


Bu çalışma, 18. yüzyıl' dan 19. yüzyıl sonuna kadar geçen süre içersinde Osmanlı Mimarisi 'nde yeni bir tip olarak karşımıza çıkan, vakıf yoluyla kurulmuş kütüphane yapılarının mimari açıdan incelenmesine dayanmaktadır. Vakıf yoluyla kurulan kütüphaneler, 1661 yılma gelinceye kadar çoğunlukla vakıf edildiği ait olduğu binanın bir odasında, köşesinde veya dolap içersinde kurulmuştu 1661 yılında Köprülü Mehmet Paşa Kütüphanesi'nin kurulmasıyla, kütüphaneler, kendileri için yapılmaya başlanan bağımsız binalarda hizmet etmeye başladı Bağımsız kütüphanelere örnek olan Köprülü Mehmed Paşa Kütüphanesi 1 7. yüzyılın sonuna kadar tek olma özelliğini korur. 1 8. yüzyılda küçük çaptaki külliyelerde ve bazen merkezini kütüphanenin oluşturduğu yapı toplulukları içinde görülmeye başlayan bir çok örnekten bu yapım faaliyetinin özelliklen hakkında bilgi edinmek olasıdır Çalışmada Katalog düzeni içinde incelenen örneklerden sultanlar tarafından yaptırılmış olan Ayasofya. Fatih, Hamidiye ve III. Ahmet Kütüphaneleri dışında kalan diğer yapıların çoğunun şeyhülislam, ulema. darüssaade ağası gibi devlet örgütünde görevli kişilerce yaptırılmış olduğu dikkati çeker. 17. yüzyılda duraklamaya başlayan ekonomik ve siyasal duruma karşılık bağımsız kütüphane yapımının sayıca çoğalması ilginçtir. Bu duruma, başka bir açıdan bakıldığında, söz konusu yüzyıllar içersinde devlet yönetiminde bulunan kişilerin ne kadar güçlendiklerinin de bir göstergesidir. Genel olarak her alanda girilen duraklama devresinde yapılmaya başlayan kütüphane yapılarının kronolojik olarak incelenmesi sırasında devlet örgütündeki değişim, mimari alandaki yapım süreci, değişen mimari programlan ve değişen yapı malzemesini de gözlemlemek olasıdır.

Özet (Çeviri)

This presentation is based on the investigation of the library structure, built by foundation and arouse as a new style in the Osmah architectonic, with an architects point of veiw. Librarys, built by foundation, was mostly formed in the founded buildings room, corner or inside a bookshelf until 1661. At 1661, with the establishment of the Köprülü Mehmet Pasha Library, librarys in general has been started to built on their specified independent exclusive edifice. The Köprülü Mehmet Pasha Library as an example for the independent library has protected it“ s unique sturcture until the end of the 17th century. In the 18^ century, it's probable to provide information on the characteristics of he construction activities from such examples like some small complex buildings adjacent to a mosque and in some other complexes which the library formed the center of the building structure. In the labor, except the examples researched in a catalogue arrangement like Ayasofya, Fatih, Hamidiye and 3rd Ahmet librarys built by sultans, it attracts attention that the most of the rest buildings were built by the employee in the government society like Sheikh ul-Islam (the chief religious official in the empire), ulema (muslim scholars) and dariissaade chief. It's interesting that even though the weak social and economic status in the 17th century, the independent librarys has numerically increased. When it's looked from another point of veiw, it can be seen as a result of the powerfullness of the government leaders in the mentioned time period. While in the cronologic research of the library construction where librarys were built in the unproductive periods of the government in any kind of area, the revolution in the government society, architechtural construction period, the changing architechtural programs and construction material can also be observed. At the beginning where the library was a small bookshelf in a mosque has left itself to another room or corner in time and has developed independently after the year 1 661. Mostly they were seen in city centrals on a street, in theological schools attached to a mosque and sometimes near to childeren schools and mostly on main arteries or near to them. Shortly it could be told that; In the 1 8th century, with the increase in theological schools and childeren schools built as a foundation, the library structure has also massively developed it's residance from indoor to outdoor. These three edifice has built close to eachoteher as they are close in the functional means.These construction can also be an independent, exclusive building, either can also be attached to complexes formed from various buildings and sometimes attached to a masque or an independent building or arouse among complex buildings adjacent to a mosque. Currently in Istanbul, when we take a look at the librarys spread accross the city, they are mostly seen inside ramparts in the old peninsula, and out of the peninsula they grouped in Eyüp and Üsküdar. Where there are 1 8 librarys inside rampart, in Eyüp and Üsküdar there are 4, and in Pera there is only one library. It can be observed that after the library of Köprülü Mehmet Pasha, most of the librarys were but in the 18th century. In the research, the 19 of the regarded 27 library has been established in the 18th century and the rest in the 19th century. When it's been classified this way whats important is that the built librarys locations are in close relationship with the settlements after the conquer of Istanbul. In the ancient peninsula, generally the library buildings are intense between these arteries: In between Eminönü-Sultanahmet-Beyazıt, in Divanyolu and around it, in between Beyazit-Fatih and among Beyazit-Aksaray-Kocamustafapasha. Also locations like Vezneciler-Draman in the Fatih axis and around Vefa-Süleymaniye are important places in library construction. And in Bahçekapı, attached to the Hamidiye Külliye (complex building adjacent to a masque) as a sultan külliye and the Aşir Efendi Librarys are established. In between Sultanahmet-Beyazit and around Divanyolu, Esat Efendi Library is placed on the Yerebatan Street, in Ayasofya the Ayasofya library, inside the Topkapi Palace III, the III Ahmet Librarys and on the street Köprülü Mehmet Pasha, Çorlu Ali Pasha, on the street Nuruosmaniye, and accroos the province is the Hacı Beşir Ağa libraries takes place. On the arterie in between Beyazit-Fatih there are Damad Ibrahim Pasha Library at Şehzadebaşı, Şehit Ali Pasha library in the park of Vefa High Scool, again Atıf Efendi at Vefa, Amcazade Hüseyin Pasha Librarys in Saraçhane and the Fatih library attached behind to the Fatih Camii. On the route in between Beyazıt- Aksaray-Kocamustafapasha; there are Ragip Pasha Libraries in Laleli, Hekimoğlu Ali Pasha Library in Kocamustafapasha and also in the same area in Mevlanakapi, the Küçük Efendi Manzumesi Librarys take place. Out of the rampart, Eyüp has left it's scarcity behind after the librarys has established. After the library founded by Sultan II Mehmed, established inside the Eyüp Külliye the tradition to establish and fund libraries has continued for so long years. An example for these are Hüsrev Pasha and Hasan Hüsnü Pasha can be indicated. The Sir Hale Library has been built additionally to the Galata Mevlevi Lodge afterwards. In Üsküdar the Hacı Selim Ağa, Ahmediye and Sir Aziz Mahmud Hüdai Librarys has been astablished strategically inside the city for the readers to get the best out of it. Apart from that the location of the Galata, Kocamustafapasha and Küçük Efendi Manzumesi Library ar in the same location, basically they provide unique application in their location. Out of the rampart, a heap of librarys has formed among the Eyüp masque, Ahmediye, Aziz Mahmut Hüdai Efendi and Hacı Selim Ağa libraries at Üsküdar forms a triangle area. Until the 17th century while the selatin külliye's covers a large area, from the 17U| century, small masques were builded around a great medresseh joint together with a sibyan school and a library. In these types of Külliye's (complex building adjacent to a masque) built on a largemedresseh together with a masque without a minaret, mostly there were also a library builded. Librarys may be classified acordingly to their location as ”Külliye“ Libraries which are built inside a corner of a Külliye courtyard, ”bound“ libraries built as an attachment or together with another building and ”independent“ librarys. While the independent librarys are Aşir Efendi, Atıf Efendi, Hüsrev Pasha, Hasan Hüsnü Pasha, Şehit Ali Pasha, IH. Ahmet, Hacı Selim Ağa, Esad Efendi, Ragıp Pasha and Murad Molla Librarys, a sıbyan school and Ragıp Pasha and Hacı Selim Ağa libraries and Murad Molla Librarys are small building groups where the library forms the center of it. Köprülü Mehmet Pasha, Hekimoğlu Ali Pasha, Nuruosmaniye, Amcazade Hüseyin Pasha, Hamidiye, Damad Ibrahim Pasha, Halet Efendi, Küçük Efendi ve Aziz Mahmud Hüdai Efendi, Çorlulu Ali Pasha, Hacı Beşir Ağa, Ahmediye Kütüphaneleri forms the ”külliye“ librarys the Fatih library and the Ayasofya librarys are some examples for the bound librarys. Generally they have special entrance or courtyard. A library inside a külliye is mostly built apart from the other buildings inside their courtyard. The independent librarys are away from noise, inside a park which belongs to the library itself for comfortable working environment. While the librarys attached to a külliye are close to the entrance and - if exists - they are built close to a medrese. When it's taken a close look, it can be observed that the librarys are forced to be far from the street or from other buildings. In this case they have been intended as an independent building from the külliye which they're bounded to. The point is that, it has been taken care for the readers environment to be far from outer annoyances and to provide the reader to work in a peaceful 1, quiet state. When a classification is going to be made with regard to the builder, a different gruping forms on proffession basis. Among padishah's who came leader in the first half of the 17th century and until the end of the 19111 century hasn't established librarys except. Sultan III. Ahmet, Sultan 1. Abdülhamit and Sultan I. Mahmut. Conversely, there are builders who built librarys in between these centurys like sadrazam (grand vizier), darüssaade chiefs. Sheikh ul-Islam, ulema (muslim theologians) and tariqua sheikh's. The III Ahmet library of Sultan III. Ahmet, the Ayasophia and Fatih library of Sultan I. Mahmud, the Nuruosmaniye library started to be made by Sultan I. Mahmut but finished by Sultan III. Osman and the Hamidiye library made by Sultan I. Abdülhamid are the librarys of these padishah's at their leading time periods 8 of the inspected librarys were made by persons which had a mission as a grand vizier and because four of thesj were married with the padishah's daughters, they had close relationship with the dynasty. Apart form the grand vizier, other builders who are from the government are 2 Sheikh ul-Islam, one head financial official, one shipyard ”kethüda“ and shipyard leader, one Rumelia military judge, a person from the Muslim Theologians and a navy minister. One of the intersection point of these librarys special -futures are the protection of the books. In most of the foundations this subject takes important place in the architectural base. In perfect. constructions, the readers room is placed in a well-ventilated room and the bottom sections are constructed to have well ventilated. Keeping the books from humidity, staying away from noise and to have the best lighting conditions lead the upper parts of the building to be used. Amcazade Hüseyin Pasha, Çorlulu Ali Pasha, Ahmediye, Şehit Ali Pasha, Damat Ibrahim Pasha, Fatih, Murat Molla, Aziz Mahmut Hüdayi Efendi, Nuruosmaniye, Ragıp Pasha, Atıf Efendi, Aşir Efendi, Halet Efendi, III. Ahmet, Hacı Beşir Ağa, Esat Efendi, Hekimoğlu Ali Pasha, Hamadiyeand Hacı Selim Ağa libraries are rised by stairs or built on basements or cellars. In the example of Nuruosmaniye and Ragip Pasha Iibrarys where basements are used as cellars or examples like Hekimoğlu AJi Pasha libraries where they are rised by stairs are for the protection of the books from humidity. In the reading rooms and in ”haznei kütüb“ one residence or multi-residance plan schemes are ploted Generally, in construction which seems like a last congregation area has a square plan scheme which is accepted as the main residance of the Osmanlı architectural. But in some cases the square form of the residance has been changed as rectangle with three columns like in the examples of Hekimoğlu Ali Pasha and Ayasophia. A residance with a middle cone started with Fatih Iibrarys plan scheme has been used in some buildings with squinchs in four directions and corners covered with small cones. And the Atıf Efendi library is the unique example which utilizes the Barok style. The top of the library is mostly covered with a cone and squinch with mirrors. In some buildings, transverse squinches are used in small sections formed by widening the coulumns of the residance. Generally there are one or three section porsches in front of the building door. The material used in the Iibrarys in Istanbul are a traditional serie of material which have been used since the Byzannite period. The main materials apart from the ”küfeki“ stone and bricks are materials like iron, marble, bronze and silver as well as plaster and ”çini“ which is used in the secondary parts and decoration. Indoor decoration is mostly formed of ”çini“ and ”pendrawings“While some examples have the features of that time period, some has been renewed. There are also ”çinicrafts" which has been taken from other buildings and used again. (Ayasophia Library) By constructing double layer windows to the sides, illuminated residances has provided and mostly the daylight has been used. The windows in higher locations mostly has sharp or round belts and decorated with plaster. Currently, most of the Iibrarys ecxept Nuruosmaniye, Köprülü Mehmed Pasha, Ragip Pasha, Hekimoğlu Ali Pasha, Murad Molla, Atıf Efendi, Hacı Selim Ağa ve III. Ahmet libraries are being used out of their aim of construction. XXIV

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