Geri Dön

Stratejik kalite planlaması

Strategic quality planning

  1. Tez No: 75433
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. M. BÜLENT DURMUŞOĞLU
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Endüstri ve Endüstri Mühendisliği, Industrial and Industrial Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1998
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Endüstri Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Mühendislik Yönetimi Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 126


ÖZET Günümüzde, başarılı olmak isteyen işletmelerin, yeni ve temel bir yaklaşımla kalite stratejilerini belirlemesi gerekmektedir. Yalnızca yeni metod ve araçların geleneksel yaklaşıma eklenmesi, artık yeterli olmamaktadır. Yeni yaklaşımın temeli, stratejik planların, kalite hedeflerini içerecek şekilde genişletilmesine odaklanmaktadır. Böylece, kalite hedeflerine ulaşma süreci ile satış, ürün geliştirme ve karlılık gibi geleneksel hedeflere ulaşma süreçleri paralel olarak işlemektedir. Stratejik kalite planlaması konulu tez çalışmasında, stratejik kalite planlaması tanıtılarak örnek bir uygulama açıklanmıştır. Çalışmada, kalite planlama ve stratejik planlama kavramları tanımlandıktan sonra, kalitenin stratejik yönetime entegrasyonuyla stratejik kalite planlamasının ortaya çıkışı anlatılmıştır. Tez çalışmasında stratejik kalite planlamasında kullanılan iki ayrı yöntem tanıtılmıştır: Hoshin Kanri Yöntemi ve Adım Adım Stratejik Kalite Planlaması. Stratejik kalite planı oluşturan firmalardan örnekler verilmiş, kalite ödüllerinde stratejik kalite planlamasının yeri açıklanmış, stratejik kalite planlamasında başarısızlığa neden olan faktörlere değinilmiş ve son olarak da Mikron Metal A.Ş.'de gerçekleştirilen stratejik kalite planlaması uygulamalarına yer verilmiştir. Stratejik Kalite Planlaması uygulaması beş adımdan oluşmuştur: 1) Vizyonun tanımlanması 2) Anahtar stratejilerin belirlenmesi 3) Stratejik hedeflerin oluşturulması 4) Hedeflerin yayılımı 5) Gelişmenin gözden geçirilmesi Firma vizyonu,“Dünyadaki tekstil aksesuarları imalatı yapan firmalar arasında ilk üç sırada yer almak”olarak tanımlanmıştır. Bu vizyona ulaşmak için seçilen anahtar stratejiler ise aşağıdaki gibidir: - Çıt çıt ve kot düğmesi ürün hattımızda dünyada ilk 3 sırada yer almak - Müşteri isteklerine en iyi şekilde cevap veren hizmetimizle tanınmak - Dünyada, sektörümüzde iş koşulları açısından çalışılabilecek en iyi 3 firma arasında yer almak - Türkiye'de endüstrimizde en kaliteli ürünleri üreten firma olarak tanınmak - Türkiye'de endüstrimizde düşük fiyat politikası ile lider olmak Bu stratejiler doğrultusunda belirlenen hedefler projelere parçalanmış ve bunlar organizasyona yayılmıştır. Gelişmenin gözden geçirilmesi için de bir plan yapılmıştır. vııı

Özet (Çeviri)

SUMMARY STRATEGIC QUALITY PLANNING In the past few years, there has been an increasing emphasis on Strategic Quality Planning. Indeed, in many competitive markets, quality has become the most important single factor for success. Strategic Quality Planning is a future driven process of managing planned change. It is led by the organization's top managers, but it involves the entire organization through use of improvement teams. The elements of Strategic Quality Management are not too difficult to understand. Mr. Hideo Sugiura, former Chairman of the Honda Motor Company, has explained the roles of senior management and Strategic Quality Planning better than anyone. Mr. Sugiura described four“sacred obligations”of management:. The first is a clear vision of where the company is going. This must be clearly stated and communicated to every member of the organization in language he or she understands.. The second is defining clearly the small number of key objectives that must be achieved if the company is to realize its vision.. The third is the translation of these key objectives throughout the entire organization so that each person knows how performing his or her job helps the company achieve the objectives.. The fourth is a fair and honest appraisal so that each and every employee knows how his or her performance has contributed to the organization's efforts to achieve the key objectives, accompanied by guidance as to how the individual can improve this performance. This process of defining the vision, stating the objectives, and translating these objectives throughout the organization has come to be known in most companies as Strategic Quality Planning. In some companies, it is sometimes called Hoshin Kanri, meaning Policy Deployment, or even Hoshin Planning. For some organizations, it has become the single most important management tool, allowing the organization to set clear priorities, establish clear target areas for improvement activities, and allocate resources to the most important things that must be done. For other organizations, it has become a bureaucratic nightmare, one more excuse to resume“paralysis by analysis”and allow endless meetings and planning to take the place of real action or accomplishment. To be effective, Strategic Quality Planning must be used as a tool, a means to an end, and not as the goal itself. It must be endeavour that involves people throughout the organization. It must capture existing activities, not just add more activities to already overflowing plates. Finally, it must help senior managers face IXdifficult decisions, set priorities, and eliminate many current activities; not just start new ones. Strategic Quality Management isn't a project an organization undertakes, like benchmarking, or process design, or even focussing on the customer. For those companies who have truly learned and adopted the theory and practice of Strategic Quality Management, it is the way they do whatever the organization does. In this study a step-by-step approach was used for developing a quality strategy through the strategic quality planning process. The term“Strategic Quality Planning”was used to mean the systematic process by which an entire organization sets and achieves specific long-term goals with respect to quality. Strategic Quality Planning starts with vision. For most organizations, their vision is what they would like to accomplish or where they would like to be sometime in the future. Good vision statements are customer focused, doable, compelling, and shared throughout the organization. While creating the vision, organizations take account of customers, the values of the leadership, the environment within which the organization operates, and the current state of the organization. This vision statement must be converted into action. This conversion is the Strategic Quality Planning Process. Existing corporate policies may interfere with the drive toward the new vision. They should be reviewed and revised. There are many corporate policies and practices that may affect quality. One or more sets of individuals need to examine these and develop revisions that will support and encourage the new strategic direction. Some of the types of policies that may be affected are:. merit rating. rewards. scoreboards. suppliers. competition. products. customers. new products. universal participation. employee apprehension For creating vision statement, ideas of topics that might be appropriate for inclusion in the vision are brainstormed. By either systematic grouping or affinity diagram vision is stated. Than the vision is evaluated. The following questions are answered: Is it customer-focused, doable, compelling and shared? The first step in converting the vision into an achievable long-term plan is to break the vision down into a small number of key strategies. Key strategies represent the most fundamental choices that the organization will make about how it will go about reaching its vision. Setting strategic quality goals is the second step in converting a vision into operational plans. These quantitative goals guide the organization's efforts toward the achievement of each key strategy. Setting strategic quality goals requires specific data on the quality position and environment. These data must be analyzed to discover specific strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.Despite the uniqueness of specific industries and companies, certain subjects for strategic quality goals are widely applicable. These are:. customer satisfaction. product performance. competitive performance. cost of poor quality. performance of business processes. The following step is deployment. The deployment of strategic goals is the conversion of goals into operational plans. This conversion requires careful attention to the details: what actions needed to be taken to meet these goals, who is to take these actions, what resources are needed, and what are the planned timetable and mile stones. Deployment means subdividing the goals and allocating the sub-goals to lower levels in the organization and to cross-functional processes and teams. The subdivision continues until it identifies the specific actions to be taken, the quality projects that will be accomplished. After the strategic quality goals have been established by the Quality Council, goals must be allocated to lower levels. The deployment process also includes dividing up broad goals into manageable pieces. In some cases, the Quality Council has the information needed to do the subdividing. In other cases the Council may assign specific broad goals to subordinate units and leave it to them to do the subdividing. Following subdivision by the Quality Council, the goals are shared with the appropriate organization units. In effect, the executive leadership asks their top managers,“What would you do to support this goal?”. These managers perform analysis on the goal and ask their subordinates a similar question, and so on. The responses are summarized and passed back up the organization. This process may be repeated several times until there is general satisfaction with the final results. After establishing responsibiliities, needed actions and resources are identified. The proposals from action level flow upward to the management team, along with the requests for resources. The proposals are discussed and analyzed at each level. There may be negotiation and revision. There emerges an agreement: actions to be taken; resources to be provided; results to be achieved. The best records of the planning process are simple, quantitative, and graphical ones. As goals are set and deployed, the means at each level must be analyzed and summed to ensure that they satisfy the objective that they support - are they necessary and sufficient? Then the proposed resource expenditure must be compared with the proposed result and the benefit/cost ratio assessed. To increase the probability of reaching the quality goals, a formal, efficient review process is needed. While planning the actions, the gaps between current state and the goal were compared. The review process looks at the gaps between what has been achieved and what have been set for the goals. Frequent measurement of progress displayed in a graphic form helps identify the gaps in need of attention. Success in closing those gaps depends on a formal feedback loop with clear responsibility and authority for acting on those differences. XIÖZET“Süreç özdeğerlendirmesi İçin Bir Model Önerisi”şirket çapında tüm yapılanmaları içine alan iş mükemmelliği modellerinin süreçler ile ilgili kısımlarının incelenmesinden sonra yapılan süreç özdeğehendirmelerinin sürece yönelik iyileştirmeleri nasıl tetikleyebileceğini anlatmaktadır. Tezde öncelikle, süreçlerin şirket için öneminden bahsedilmekte ve süreçleri iyileştirmede kullanılan iki güncel yaklaşımdan bahsedilmektedir: değişim mühendisliği ve sürekli iyileştirmeler. Süreç Özdeğerlendirmesi genel anlamda şirketin kendi süreçlerini değerlendirmeye yöneliktir ve bu yöntemlerden özellikle ikincisine tetik oluşturmaktadır. Süreçlerin bu şekilde değerlendirilebilmesi için oluşturulan model, TÜSlAD-KalDePin Kalite Büyük ödülü için kullandığı iş mükemmelliği modelinin süreçlerle ilgili bölümünü içermektedir. Ortaya konan özdeğeıiendirme metodolojisi ise“anketlerle değerlendirme”yöntemini kullanmaktadır. Bu amaçla“Süreç Tanımlama Anketi”ve“iç Müşteri Memnuniyet Anketi”tasarlanmıştır. Ayrıca tezin son bölümünde ortaya konan“Süreç özdeğerlendirmesi için Model önerisi”Arçelik A.Ş. Malzeme Kaynakları Yönetim Süreci'ne uygulanmış ve sonuç olarak sürecin iyileştirilmesine yönelik çıkarımlarda bulunulmuştur. XIISUMMARY A MODEL PROPOSAL FOR PROCESS SELF ASSESSMENT Manufacturing industries and service businesses utilize organization transformation to meet the dynamic challenges and opportunities encountered in their operating environments. The environmental factors include global economics and markets, consumer preferences, demographic shifts, political and social pressures, regulatory and judicial decisions, public and employee safety, environmental regulation and rapid technology advancement. The most critical factors of all these are change management, customer satisfaction and loyalty and survival against the fierce competition. The success of any organization depends on the performance of each three elements which comprise the organization:. its products and services, i.e. its deliverables,. its business processes and the fabric which supports them,. its people, i.e. its employees and suppliers. Process are the essential link between the customer's or client's requirements and the delivery of products and services. They are the means whereby the organization and its employees fulfill their purpose or“mission”. Rightly the measurement and improvement of business processes has been the focus of much attention for years. However the traditional function or department based approaches to process improvement frequently have failed to deliver the required gains in overall business performance. Today's cross functional approach to process management has its roots in the holistic approach to business performance improvement, known as Total Quality Management (TQM). The organization is viewed as a matrix of internal“customer / supplier”chains focused on the cost-effective satisfaction of aggreed client, or "external customer requirements. These internal customer / supplier chains cross departmental of functional boundaries; the processes which sustain them are cross-functional and become the strands which bind the organization together. The management and improvement of these cross functional business processes provides significant opportunities for improving business performance. Nowadays organizations are feeling the need to transform their organizational focal point to processes as shown in Table 1. XIIIAfter stating the vision, key strategies were identified. The vision was broken down into five key strategies as following: 1. To become one of the first three firms in the world by two main product lines -jeans buttons and snap fasteners 2. To be known as the provider of most responsive customer service 3. To be one of the first three firms to work in our industry in the world 4. To be known as the provider of best quality products in our industry in Turkey 5. To attain a clear cost advantage in Turkey for the production of these products Strategic quality goals were formed from key strategies. These goals were broken into yearly bases. Those yearly goals were broken into projects and activities. The priorities of the projects were determined. Then the responsibilities were established, resources were identified and provided. After completing deployment process, progress reviewing plan was formed. XIV

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