Access 2.0 ile bir veritabanı uygulaması: Faturalama sistemi
Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.
- Tez No: 75559
- Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. GAZANFER ÜNAL
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mühendislik Bilimleri, İşletme, Engineering Sciences, Business Administration
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1998
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Mühendislik Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Sistem Analizi Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 447
ÖZET Bu tez çalışmasının amacı, bir şirketin satış faturalarını kullanarak yevmiye defterlerinin (satış faturalarının listesi) alınması, satış raporunun çıkarılması, bayi hesaplarının görüntülenebilmesi için bir veritabanı oluşturmaktır. Bu veritabanını oluşturmak için son zamanlarda iş hayatında etkin olarak kullanılan Access 2.0 program paketi seçilmiştir. Çalışmanın genel yapısı üç ana bölümü içermektedir : Veritabanı ve Access tanıtımı, Access nesneleri ve özellikleri ve uygulama. Access 2.0 güncel olarak bilgilerin girildiği, düzenlendiği ve raporlandığı güçlü bir veritabanı programıdır. Access, karmaşık komut dizilerini öğrenmeyi gerektirmeden, ekran üzerindeki nesneler ve simgeler yardımıyla, fare desteğinden de yararlanarak kullanıcının çalışmasına olanak verir. İlişkisel Veritabanı Yönetim Sistemi ile çalışan bir programdır. Diğer Microsoft yazılımlarında yazılmış dosyaların Access içinde ve Access' de oluşturulan nesnelerinde diğer uygulamalarda kullanılabilmesine imkan verir. Uygulama olarak geliştirilen FATURALAMA SİSTEMİ şirketin bölgelerinden kesilen satış faturalarını kullanarak yevmiye defterlerinin ve satış raporunun alınmasını, bayi cari hesaplarının aylık veya kümüle olarak görüntülenmesini ve kontrolünü sağlar. Bölgelerde kesilen faturalar“Transfer”programı ile (*.txt) ve (*.dbf) dosyalarına dönüştürülür. Merkeze disketle veya modemle gönderilir ve“Import”komutu kullanılarak Access 2.0' da kullanılacak duruma getirilir. Program öncelikle oluşturulan tablo içinde kullanılmayacak olan verileri ayıklar, eksik verileri ve alanları sorgulamalar ile ilave eder. Tablodaki bilgilerin doğruluğuna karar verildikten sonra yevmiye defter dökümleri ve satış raporu alınarak gereken kontroller yapılır. Bu uygulama 1997 senesinin Ocak ayından itibaren kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Sene içinde çıkan aksaklıklar ve eksiklikler giderilmiş ve daha güncel olarak kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu uygulamanın hazırlanması aşamasında, Access 'in kolay kullanılabilir olması, bir programlama dili bilmeyi gerektirmemesi bununla birlikte gerektiğinde SQL ve Access Basic kodlarının kullanılmasına olanak vermesi, yardım sisteminin olması, sihirbazların kullanıcıyı yönlendirmesi ve zevkli bir çalışma ortamı sunması özelliklerinden faydalanılmıştır. Uygulama, şirket için önemli olan bir işlevi başarı ile gerçekleştirmiştir. Bu sayede şirket içindeki kullanıcıların Access programına bakış açılan değişmiş, programcılara bağlı kalmadan kişisel olarak yeni projelerin geliştirilmesine yol açmıştır. xxu
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY AN APPLICATION OF A DATABASE USING ACCESS 2.0 AN INVOICE SYSTEM l.What Is The Purpose Of This Thesis? In this thesis a database application has been performed. As an application subject, combination of invoices of a firm by the help of a computer and production of some reports and controls have been selected. For this purpose, Microsoft Access 2.0, which operates under Windows, 'has been utilized. This program is able to produce sales record (list of gas sales invoices), which has been needed and required, control sales reports and also transfer data to accounting system via computer. 2.What Is Microsoft Access? Why Microsoft Access 2.0 Has Been Selected? Microsoft Access 2.0 is an appropriate tool for data management in order to order data and producing reports in everyday use. Microsoft Access 2.0 has been updated with respect to 1.0 and 1.1 versions. When compared to its competitors, it provides incredible choices to users and it is much more better. Than its competitors Microsoft Access 2.0 is easy to use for both experienced and unexperienced users of databases. Microsoft Access helps you to order your database by providing an efficient tool for storing information. In the Access program, main table information has been constructed under an umbrella of a database file. This is information can be processed or an answer to a question can be achieved by examinations. Automatic forms can be created in order for you to put your all information in it. Selected part of this information can be viewed by find, order and examine commands. The amount of information that you want can be reported and printed. Pictures and firm logos can be attached to forms and reports by scanners. Data entrances are controlled by specifying the characteristics of the space, that the data will be put, in detail and the structure of the data is ordered as required. Both the list of the information entered and the characteristics of the record structures can be printed by user. Macro's can be created in order to create original menu bars, appoint global combination of primary keys, link a macro or a procedure to the primary keys in tool bars. Also in the initial opening of the database, calibrations or actions can be done by creating macro's, when startup options are insufficient. There are two different methods of creating tables in the Access for unexperienced users. 1. AutoForm, AutoReport : Forms and reports are automatically produced by Access. xxin2.Table, Query, Form and Report Wizard : In this method, which is also called table wizard, tables are created according to the answers given by the user to the continuous boxes. Microsoft Access also provides three different coding softwares for experienced users. l.SQL : A software created according to the rules of language of examination programs. 2.Macro Definitions : Softwares created according to the Microsoft Access coding rules in order to employ the primary keys created in forms. 3. Access Basic : Softwares created using language of Access Basic both for tables and classifications. Why Microsoft Access 2.0 Has Been Chosen? 1. Access 2.0 allows users who might be even unexperienced for easy programming. 2.Information about different subjects can be ordered and links can be established among them because Microsoft Access is a relational database management system. By creating more than one table instead of one containing all information prevents repetition of, provides memory saving and the program can be run more quickly. 3. File names are not limited with DOS limitations because objects and subobjects have been saved in a unique *.MDB file. The file names of Access object can be up to 64 characters and may contain space. 4.Printer problems, memory limitations and lack of harmonisation of screen cards can be realised in systems based on DOS. These problems have been solved by Windows in case of Access because the program is run under Windows. 5. Access 2.0 is an ergonomic type of programming. That means, information on the screen created by Access 2.0 can be read easily by user. 6. One of the space types in Access programming is objects of OLE. By the help of these objects, forms containing pictures can be created. 7. As the number of data in tables increase, the time needed to reach required data increases so it is better to use indexes. Access 2.0 consumes less time to create indexes than other programs. 8.Access 2.0 has an excellent help system. Necessary information can be derived from the initial screen which appears in the initial opening. By utilising information cards prepared before, you can learn how to conduct database operations step by step. In every step, help can be taken by using help option in the window you are currently locating. XXIVSince help windows has a hierarchy, moving from one subject to another is possible. Also frequently used places can be reached quickly by marking them and help information can be printed. You can create your own help file and use it in the same way as ordinary help files. 9.1t is not that significant how correct the database has been created. That is because, the look or content of the database can be changed in any time. lO.Database created under Access 2.0 can be compacted in order to save memory. 11. Access can convert data created under other programs into its language. The reverse is also possible. 12.SQL language or QBE system tables can be utilized when creating examinations in Access. SQL is a standard language in most databases to reach data. Users familiar with SQL and do not use mouse may prefer it. But, in today' s world of graphics based user interface and mouse, it has a complicated structure for most users to learn and use it. That is why Windows databases use QBE system. QBE provides an environment where tables and locations of data saved can be viewed visually, selected locations can be placed on exit screen by marking, double clicking or shifting and leaving. It is also possible to make calculations on data, they can be ordered and employed as parameters. 13. It is possible to create your own menu bar to link it to forms or reports and menus can be edited. You can set a global original menu or short cut menu and replace it with ordinary menu bar and short cut menus. As long as you employ a special menu bar for a form or report, it will be used in every application. So you can limit the operations of the different users by creating your own menus and commands. 14. You can convert a database created under prior versions of Access to Access 2.0 A PC should have the below qualities at least in order for the Access to be installed : 1. Operating System : MS_Dos 2.Micro Processor : 486 DX and Pentium 3. Memory : 16 MB and above 4.Harddisk : Minimum 240 MB or above harddisk 5. Printer : HP Laser Jet and AP 1324 printer 3.Why Invoice Program Application Has Been Chosen? There are records that must be prepared and kept by the firms. In our example, except for sales record, all records have been printed from“Entegre”system before this application. Sales record was recorded by hand and with inkpen. Sales invoices have been recorded to the book one by one for a week and then they have been added and final total achieved. Because of the use of inkpen, problems appear such as xxvmistakes can not be corrected. They have been cancelled and recorded again. The difference in writing styles and character make it difficult to be read. Another problem was the recording of the sales invoices not one by one, but in total. When an invoice has been needed, it was not able to be founded. That is why we performed this application and this research has been conducted. Also applications in other firms have been examined. In the beginning, because we are unexperienced with Access 2.0, we have decided to buy it from outside. Necessary courses have been taken by the employees of information processing department. As a result, the application and development of Access 2.0 has been conducted successfully. An application of print of sales record has been conducted and some revisions done. %88 of the sales of the company comprised of sales of gas. That is why gas sales have been carefully inspected. In this respect, a report has been prepared by the help of the files delivered from different regions. Today, sales are controlled by three different departments and problems can be solved more easily. Accounts of the sales representatives are audited monthly by sales departments and also by auditors in the year ends. By the help of a form created in this program sales department can follow movements of inventories of gas and mistakes can be corrected easily. How This Application Has Been Performed By Utilising Access 2.0? 1.Programs that prepared invoices in regions have been examined. Connections with regions have been established in order for data to be sent to the center by means of diskettes or modem after they have been converted into (*.dbf) and (*.txt) files. 2. The information that should be contained in sales record and sales report has been determined. 3. Files came from regions have been imported into Access. Primary key places in tables have been determined, links have been established and indexes have been created. Codes used in accounting system have been used in tables. Codes and names of products, retailers, banks and facilities have been taken from accounting and sales departments. The ones that are not current have been revised and unused ones have been taken out of the list. 4.By examinations, missing information have been added to the tables and wrong information have been corrected. All tables have been combined into one by the help of links. In order to take reports, criterions and parameters have been added to examinations. Macros created in order for the examinations to run in the first time. 5. Reports have been prepared in order to get print outs from the program. And the printer modes have been chosen such that sales record to be printed on A3 and sales reports to be printed on A4 papers. ö.Formats have been created for the run of the examinations and reports to be printed by placing some criterions. The main menu format has been created in order to visualize all the operations done in the database and for easy use. xxvi7.1n order to get these reports, AP 1324 printer has been edited and it became able to run under Windows. 8.Program was in operation this year. Trials and necessary revisions have been done. After the program become sufficient to satisfy the needs of the firm, A3 papers have been bought and notary public registration obtained. Notebooks have been leaved. 5.What Are The Contents Of The Sections? In section 1, the reasons behind why Access 2.0 and this application has been explained. Also, how this application conducted utilizing Access 2.0 has been explained. In section 2.1, definition, types, aims and creation of the database has been given. In section 2.2, definition of Access and Access objects have been given. In section 2.3, creation of database and conducted operations have been given. In section 3.1, concept of Access table, creation of tables by using Table Wizard or New Table, definition primary key places, relations between tables and menus have been given. In section 3.2, concept of examination, creation of examinations by utilizing Query Wizards and New Query, creating of QBE table and menus have been given. In section 3.3, concept of Access form, creation of forms by utilizing Form Wizard and Blank Form and tool box used in forms have been given. In section 3.4, concept of Access report, creation of reports by utilizing Report Wizard and Blank report have been given. In section 3.5, concept of Access macro, creation of macros and macro operation have been given In section 3.6, characteristics of Access objects and arguments have been given. In section 3.7, functions of Access have been given with examples. In section 2 and 3, creation of a database and application of Access 2.0 have been given. These two sections have been given in detail because this has been a new program and sources written in Turkish were not abundant. In section 4.1, invoice program which has been written by using Access 2.0 has been explained. For what purpose this program has been created, objects used in the database and their characteristics have been given by using screen views and flow diagrams. xxvii
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