Modern kaynak teknolojisinin 100 yılı: Teknik buluşlar, kalite yönetimi, standartlar
Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.
- Tez No: 75560
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Makine Mühendisliği, Mechanical Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1998
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Makine Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 257
ÖZET Bütün çeliklerin ana malzemesi olan demirin elde edilmesi ve işlenmesi neredeyse 5000 yıl öncesine dayanmaktadır. O zamandan beri demir, hiçbir malzemenin etkilemediği kadar insanların yaşam şartlarını, kültür ve medeniyetlerin teknolojik gelişimlerini etkilemiştir. Kaynak tekniği son yüzyılda inanılmaz gelişmelere sahne olmuştur. 19.yüzyılın ikinci yarısında, kaynak tekniği alanındaki buluşlar birbirini takip etmiştir. William Edward Staite (elektrik ark kaynağı, 1849), Friedrich Wöhler (kalsiyumkarpit üretimi, 1862), Elihu Thomson (elektrik direnç kaynağı, 1867) o zamanki hızlı başlangıcın önemli isimleridir. Otojen tekniğinin giderek yaygınlaşması kısa sürede patlayıcı gazların kullanımında teknik emniyet konularıyla ilgilenilmesini sağlamıştır. Bir tesadüf sonucu 1893'te ABD'de asetilen bulunmuştur. Cari von Linde havanın sıvılaştırılmasıyla ilk defa büyük miktarlarda saf oksijen elde etmiştir. Bernhard Drâger 1896'da emme ve basınç memesi bulunan teknik üfleci icat etmiştir. Aynı yıl içerisinde Knappich ilk olarak bir karpit fabrikası kurmuştur. Yine 1896'da Berlin polis teşkilatı müdürü ilk teknik emniyet şartnamesini“Asetilen ve karpit kullanımında polis şartnamesi”yayınlamıştır. Standartlar insanlık tarihi ve iletişim ihtiyacı kadar eskidir. Dil ve yazının gelişimi ilk anlaşmaların sonucudur. İlk teknik standartlar ölçü, desen veya şablon üzerine yapılan tespitlerdir. Böylece eski Mısır'da Nil çamurundan standart aynı uzunluk (41 cm) ve aynı genişlikte (20 cm) tuğlalar yapılmaktaydı. 15.yüzyılda Gutenberg değiştirilebilir matbaa harflerini bulmuş ve kitap basma sanatının gelişimine katkıda bulunmuştur. Bu icat 1850'de yazı boyutlarının uluslararası standardının (Didot- System) oluşturulmasını sağlamıştır. Bundan sadece 25 yıl sonra uluslararası metre konvansiyonu metreyi uluslararası ölçü birimi olarak belirlemiştir. Endüstriyel inkılap ve onunla birlikte gelen seri üretim ve çok tabakalı iş süreçlerinin basit elemanlara bölünmesi teknik standartlara olan ihtiyacın hızla artmasına sebep olmuştur, işletmelerin üzerindeki standartlar askeri, postane ve demiryollarının teknik şartları gibi güçlü piyasa talep pozisyonları ile gelişmiştir ve günümüzde artık uluslararası standartlar çerçevesinde global dünya ticaretini oluşturacak şekilde teknik kurallar belirlenmektedir. Bunun en güzel örneği EN standartları ve Avrupa ülkelerindeki uygulamalarıdır. XVI
Özet (Çeviri)
100 YEARS IN MODERN WELDING TECHNOLOGY- TECHNICAL INVENTIONS, QUALITY MANAGEMENT, STANDARDS SUMMARY The objective of this study is to show the technical inventions in the welding technique history and to show the relations in standards and quality and the advantages that results therefore. Most of the Informations were obtained from the German DVS (German Welding Society). Quality, quality control and quality management (QM) terms are used today more than in the past. Especially with the quality control specification Q-9858 (Qualitiy control specification, Edition 1958), ASME-code and the first edition (Edition 1986) of ISO 9000 have defined these terms clearly. For the improvement of the production new principles were invented. But quality means to fullfill needs and the practical use of the product execution. This was the aim of every time period, - history, - middle ages, - industrial period, - modern period. Quality was not the aim itself. Quality was informed verbal, appointed with rules and was just controlled. For example a master in an undertake was looking and checking every product and was making a quality sign for release (For example gold masters). In the 19th century and in the beginning of the 20th century with systematic work grouping, quality could be reached with control mechanisms. On these way for serial production control with random selection has begun. But with this method putting in turn is necessary and because of not economical correction works, defective products were made and time delays occured. 60 years ago each production step was examined and the use of error protection principles has begun. In the same time with the European market, Asian and American country markets would have global needs. Modern information and communication systems and techniques have as a result that standards in international form have to reinitialize the quality needs and works for the whole world. XVIIThe decrease in welding technique accidents and errors in the last 10 years shows the quality development and self responsibility of the producers. Accident reports of official and nonofficial institutes are proving this development. From these accidents in the high buildings, bridge and ships many important informations were earned. Scientical investigations and researches of some of these accidents have brought standards and technical rules as a result. In the german language, law and rules“.... appropriate to the accepted technical rules.”phrase is used. This is the right way to make the connection from laws to technical rules. This type of connection is called as“signing”. The technical rules were prepared by standard institutions and technical groups as DIN (German Institute of Standardization) and DVS (German Welding Society) and the law is using these rules and standards by signing. This solution has the advantage that the technical rules and the standards are always at the actual technical level. These“signing method”is also accepted in the new European law. The relation between law standarts and technical standarts are also made with signing in Europe. Therefore the law is making the general transcription and the tehnical rules and standards are making the detailed transcription of the problem or production and manufacturing process. These method helps the law and the actualization to the technical level is done. For example machinery rules are a step for the possibility“signing”and is a beginning to take place of the national standards of the countries. And as a result of this each economical company in Europe will have the same technical transcription for customer care, worker care and inventions. The european standarts also have a reconstruction program, because each of the 18 European countries is going to use these standards instead of their own standards. Standards are supporting laws and writing down known information and mobilizes for right solutions. The industry takes a huge information with itself. It is necessary to organize this information with the standarts. The needs of the industry are levelling with the needs of the population and the needs of the customers. Some investigations are made to find out the advantages of standardization. In the Cecchini research (1988) standards have a value of 1 % of the country incoming. An American economist Charles Collazo has examined the gain of the standards in about 1 % of the income of a company. And the cost of the gain is calculated with 20 %. Equipments used in civil and economics which are appropriate to technical standards are protecting users. The security standarts are therefore used. XVIIIThe DIN institution (German Industrial Standarts Institute) had an examination in 1990: With the DIN standards in working care 63000 accidents (380 of it fatal accidents) are prevented. The gain with preventing these accidents is about 335 million DM. The cost for fulfilling the security standards is 333 million DM. As a result there is no economical gain with security standards reached, but many accidents are prevented and human life is cared. In economics material and material stocks are an important point. Delivery types are delivery by ordering, syncron delivery to producing and stock delivery. Standardization helps to reduce types and depending test costs, stock area and capital costs. Standards are as old as human history. The development of language and writing are the results of the first agreements. The first technical standards were measure, design, and marking. So were in old Egyptian from the Nil river clay bricks with equal length (41 cm) and equal width (20 cm) produced. In the 15th century Gutenberg has invented the first“moving”printing blockletters and this was a great invention for the book printing art. With this invention at 1850 the writing dimensions have become an international standard (the Didot-System). Just 25 years later the international meter convention has decided the meter as the international measurement unit. At the same time the Bavarian royal railway comission had accepted following agreement with three train producers:“ General and special mechanical parts, cogwheells (and similar) have to be produced in preagreed calibrated form. Therefore each part of the mechanical equipment should be used for eachother.”This was one of the steps at the beginning of technical standards. The industrial change, serial production and the division of many layer production periods in easy components have the need to technical standards increased. The standards as military, post and railway technical rules above the companies were developed with the strong needs of market situations. With the global trading needs technical standards are today in international form. The EN standards and their realization in the european countries is therefore a good example. When the standards and draft standards in Europe and the world are compared we can see that there are EN-standards and EN-draft standards which have up to 70 % compatible ISO standards and draft standards. The aim to develop world standards for the world markets is so fullfilled. And the 18 CEN-members of Europe are overtaking these European standards to their own standards. XIXThe main two ideas in welding technology profession standards are as following: a) General and proofed facts were putted together. But not with the aim to publish them. Instead of publishing the aim is to go down from a great span to small needs, step by step. And to show a way by selection. b) In standards a welding seam is a joining process. And has to fullfill the seam needs and loads in every welding application. For personal protection safety equipment is important. At this point we shall look at inventions in welding technology. In the second half of the 19th century many important welding technology inventions were found. William Edward Staite (Electric arc welding, at 1849), Friedrich Wohler (Calsiyumcarbide production, at 1862), Eiihu Thomson (Electric arc resistance welding, at 1867) are some of the people at the fast beginning. Werner von Siemens has invented the electrodynamic principle. Benardos has invented the carbon electric arc melting (at 1887) and Slavianoff has invented the electric arc welding with metal electrodes at 1890. With the wide use of the autogen technique in a short time it was necessary to find out safety equipment for explosive gases. By chance in the United States asetylen was found. Carl von Linde has produced pure oxygen in great amounts by liquiding air (at 1845). Berhard Drage^s invention of the technical torch with vacuum and pressure was in the year 1896. Bernhard Drager :“ At the beginning the torch was like a small child. It doesn't know what to do. ”In the same year Knappich has opened the first calcium carbide factory. Also in 1896 the Berlin policy department director has published the first safety rules“ Police safety rules for asetylen and calcium carbide ”. Safety questions in welding jobs were always very important. The main element of every steel type is iron. Production and working on iron is nearly 5000 years old. From the beginning iron was the element which has mainly influencing human lifestyle, culture and technological level. The use of iron has many advantages: - 5,6 % of the earth ground area is iron - Iron can easily recycled - It can have every form with various production methods (welding, casting, etc.) - It is friendly to the environment. The first steel standards were the technical rules of the german railway for“steel train axle mills”in 1879 and the technical rules for“ Normal conditions of Eisenconstruction delivery for bridge and and high buildings”in 1892. These normal conditions were the base for DIN 1000. This standard was published in xx1917. 1924 following standards were DIN 1602“Test procedures”, DIN 1611“Machine steel”and DIN 1612“Form iron, bar iron, slide iron”standard notes. At 1921 the“steel”concept was used in the standards for forged iron materials without additional procedures. New was also that there are some special type“hard and soft”steels on the market. For the different types of steel“brand definitions”were used. These were begining with“St”letters minimum tensile strength and the short standard note sign. For example St 44.1 1. The production processes were developed in the last 30 years to a very high quality level. In the changing market situations company's have to fullfill the needs of the customers. This is only possible with achieving high qality by the use of modern production techniques. Metal welding equipment and materials are widely used in industry and by craftsmen. They include oxy-acetylene torches, filler metal rods, arc welding torches, electrodes, solid and flux-cored wire, MIG, TIG and plasma welding sets. The development of gas applications has gone hand in hand with the development of corresponding equipment and technologies. With respect to both industry and healthcare, gas equipment and technologies.were innovative continuously developed. A full range of associated welding protection and safety accessories are also developed. Industrial gases including oxygen, nitrogen and argon, so-called atmospheric gases, but also carbon dioxide, hydrogen, acetylene and shielding gases for welding as well as other rare gases, fuel gases, high purity gases are used as“unseen helpers”in virtually all areas of industry and in research. They perform vital functions in areas such as welding and cutting, metallurgical and chemical processes, the manufacture of rubber and glass, construction work, the production of electronic components as well as in environmental protection. The gas manufacturers are constantly making new contributions to the application of innovative technologies in research and development. As relating production processes to welding coating, solding and cutting processes are used in the growing industrial market. Schoop has invented the metal coating technique in 1917. Today this method is one of the important production techniques. Solding is the oldest production method. The firsts products of solding are about 7000 years old. These were gold jewellery accessories. The research of the worldwide Batelle-organization shows that solding will be in the future on of the ten important production methods. XXI
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