Türkiye'deki geleneksel ahşap çerçeve sistem konut yapılarında dış duvarların ısıl ve nemsel performansının değerlendirilmesi
Hygrothermal performance assessment of exterior walls of traditional timber framed houses in Türkiye
- Tez No: 828540
- Tez Türü: Doktora
- Konular: Mimarlık, Mühendislik Bilimleri, Architecture, Engineering Sciences
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2023
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Yapı Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 586
Dış duvarlar, iç ve dış çevreyi birbirinden ayıran bir sınır oluşturarak hem atmosferik koşullara hem de iç çevredeki kullanıcı ve kullanım kaynaklı oluşan iç ortam hava koşullarının etkisi altında bir arayüz oluştururlar. Hem iç hem de dış ortam koşullarına maruz kalan dış duvarların iç ortamda istenilen kullanıcı konfor koşullarını sağlayabilmesi öncelikli konulardan biridir. Bu bağlamda değerlendirildiğinde, dış duvarın ısıl ve nemsel performansı kritik öneme sahiptir. Isıl ve nemsel performans; ışıma, iletim ve taşıma yolu ile ısı akışını; buhar difüzyonu ve sıvı taşınımı ile buhar akışını; doğal, dışsal ve mekanik kuvvetlerle oluşan hava akışını incelemektedir. Türkiye, tarihsel süreç içinde pek çok farklı kültüre ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Bunun bir yansıması olarak, zengin bir konut kültürüne sahiptir. Bu kültürün önemli bir parçası olan geleneksel ahşap çerçeve konut yapıları, ısıl ve nemsel performansın kapsadığı konular ve önemi dikkate alındığında öncelikli incelenmesi gereken başlıklardan biridir. Mimari, tarihi, kültürel ve sosyal değere sahip olan bu yapıların değerlerinin korunarak gelecek nesillere aktarılması noktasında, dış duvarlarının ısıl ve nemsel performansının iyi olması; bu yapıların enerji etkinliklerinin arttırılmasına katkı sağlaması, ısı ve nem etkisiyle oluşabilecek ve yapının yaşam ömrünü olumsuz etkileyebilecek sonuçları engellemesine katkı sunabilir. Bu husustan yola çıkılarak, mevcut durum tespitlerinin yapılması ve gerekli olan durumlarda iyileştirme önerilerinin değerlendirilmesi aşamalarında ısıl ve nemsel performans araştırmaları halihazırda devam eden ve/veya yapılacak olan koruma/restorasyon/ rekonstrüksiyon çalışmalarına veri sağlaması bakımından önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; Türkiye'deki geleneksel ahşap çerçeve sistem konut yapılarının dış duvar sistemlerinin sayısal ve deneysel yöntemlerle ısıl ve nemsel performansının değerlendirilip koruma/restorasyon/rekonstrüksiyon çalışmalarında performans iyileştirme için yapı fiziksel koşulların gözetilerek gerekli yaklaşımların ve müdahale stratejilerinin geliştirilmesidir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, Türkiye'deki geleneksel ahşap çerçeve konut yapılarının dış duvar sistemlerini temsil edebilecek ve en çok örneği görülen 4 farklı duvar tipi belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen 4 tip duvar için 2 farklı model, her model içinse 2 farklı duvar katmanlaşması tespit edilmiştir. Belirlenen duvar modellerinin ısıl ve nemsel performans değerlendirmesinin sayısal değerlendirmesi DELPHIN yazılımı ile, deneysel değerlendirmesi ise TSE Yapı Malzemeleri Yangın ve Akustik Laboratuvarı Müdürlüğü Laboratuvarı'nda bulunan mahfazalı sıcak oda cihazı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu noktada, ısıl ve nemsel performans değerlendirmesi için belirlenen tipler üzerinden tasarlanacak duvar modelleri için mahfazalı sıcak oda ölçüleri olan 150 cm x 150 cm deney alanı sınır olarak kabul edilmiş ve duvar modelleri bu ölçü doğrultusunda tasarlanmıştır. Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında, duvar katmanlaşmalarına göre belirlenen malzemelerin DELPHIN yazılımına işlenmek xliv üzere ısıl iletkenlik değeri Düzce Üniversitesi Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırmalar Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi'nde ölçtürülmüş, gerekli diğer fiziksel özelliklerinin belirlenmesine yönelik deneyler İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Yapı Malzemesi Laboratuvarı'nda gerçekleştirilmiştir. İkinci aşamada, TSE Yapı Malzemeleri Yangın ve Akustik Laboratuvarı Müdürlüğü Laboratuvarı'nda, seçilen 4 duvar modeli inşa edilmiş ve mahfazalı sıcak oda deneyleri yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen sıcaklık ve U değerleri ile ilgili veriler, bu duvar modellerinin aynı koşullar altında yapılan DELPHIN simülasyon sonuçları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonraki aşamada ise, tasarlanan tüm duvar modellerinin DELPHIN yazılımı ile her örneğin bulunduğu ilin iklim verileriyle simülasyonu yapılarak; sıcaklık, bağıl nem ve ısıl iletkenlik değerleri incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'deki geleneksel ahşap çerçeve dış duvar sistemleri incelenerek bu tipleri temsil edebilecek örneklerin ısıl ve nemsel performansı sayısal ve deneysel yöntemlerle değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen bilgiler doğrultusunda, DELPHIN yazılımının mevcut durum tespiti ve eğer gerekli ise iyileştirme önerilerinin değerlendirilmesi noktasında bir araç olarak kullanılmasının önemli bir veri sağlayacağı öngörülmüştür. Bununla birlikte, kapsamlı çalışmalar için deneysel yöntemlere başvurulmasının önemli olduğu görülmektedir. Çalışma, geleneksel ahşap çerçeve sistem konutların koruma/restorasyon/rekonstrüksiyon çalışmalarında kullanılmak üzere ön değerlendirme ve tespit noktasında çalışmalara kılavuz olabilecek veri sağlamıştır.
Özet (Çeviri)
Türkiye has a unique range of traditional architecture that consists of significant examples of wooden material and methods of construction varied according to geographical, social, economic, and cultural characteristics. They are hybrid constructions whereby an infilled timber-framed system is erected on the masonry walls. Most constructed traditional timber-framed houses in Türkiye may be grouped into four types according to infill materials as follows: (1) timber-framed adobe infill, (2) timber-framed brick infill, (3) timber-framed stone infill, and (4) veneered timberframed (unfilled timber-framed). The construction is composed of rectangular studs of pinewood/beech tree/oak/ash tree, and infill material of adobe, brick, and stone. Wooden diagonals are constructed to cope with the dynamic loads particularly earthquake and wind for stability and durability in the long term. Due to the physical characteristics of wooden materials, they are affected directly by temperature and moisture. Hence, hygrothermal performance plays significant role for traditional timber houses regarding historical, architectural, cultural, and social values, durability and energy efficiency. Traditional timber-framed houses, which are significant architectural examples in Türkiye, are one of the crucial topics in terms of hygrothermal performance. In order to transfer them to the next generations, hygrothermally well performed walls may contribute to energy efficiency and protect negative effects of moisture-based problems by conserving their values. Based on these issues, hygrothermal performance analysis of these buildings are important to provide data for ongoing and/or will be planned conservation/restoration/reconstruction projects in terms of determination of current situation and/or improvement strategies. Hygrothermal performance can be comprehensively defined as the evaluation of the energy, humidity, and air balance of the building elements. In other words, hygrothermal performance are explained as the movement of heat, air, and moisture. The exterior walls act as an interface between the interior and exterior environment. The exterior walls both expose to atmospheric conditions and indoor weather conditions. The fundamental factors to supply the climatic comfort conditions in the indoor environment are the heat and moisture permeability, heat storage and air permeability of the exterior wall. Considering these situations, hygrothermal performance of exterior wall, which is focused on the air, heat, and temperature effects on wall, is crucial to investigate the behavior of wall. The aim of this research is to evaluate the hygrothermal performances of traditional timber-framed houses' exterior walls in Türkiye to create a base case scenario of hygrothermal behavior as a datum for conservation and restoration projects. The method of this research is conducted on three main parts: (1) a comprehensive literature review, (2) experimental study and (3) numerical study. The first phase of xlvi the research is started with a comprehensive literature review. The purpose of this phase is to contribute to create theoretical data about the hygrothermal performance analysis and the wall specimens' design. Literature review generates the theoretical knowledge about the hygrothermal performance analysis and inputs about wall assembly design criteria. Based on the results of literature review; the system, and layers of external wall of traditional timber framed houses in Türkiye were examined. The ratio of wooden and infill materials of the selected façade examples in the literature were calculated to design the wall assembly as case study. Among the hygrothermal performance assessments, numerical method, as the most advantageous in terms of time and budget, is mostly preferred. The experimental method, on the other hand, is the second widely used method. Although it is more advantageous in terms of time compared to the in-situ measurement method, it is more costly than the numerical method. In the literature, generally the experimental method is applied together with the numerical method to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of the research data by comparing the results. Accordingly, hygrothermal performance analysis of the traditional timber framed system exterior wall was examined by numerical and experimental method within the context of this research. DELPHIN was applied for the numerical analysis of the wall assembly. DELPHIN is one of the most applied simulation tools for hygrothermal performance analysis. DELPHIN is created by the IBK Institut für Bauklimatik (Building Climate Control, Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Architecture). DELPHIN has capability to make analysis about the heat, moisture, air, and salt transport in building materials. It is a user-friendly simulation tool that can be applied for examination of hygrothermal performance, moisture-based problem, insulation proposals, thermal performance improvement etc. The guarded hot box was applied for experimental analysis. The experimental study has two phases: (1) material properties analysis and (2) guarded hot box analysis. Material properties analysis was conducted on Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture Construction Materials Lab. The laboratory analysis about bulk density, water uptake coefficient, open porosity, vapor diffusion resistance factor (μ value) and hygroscopic sorption (RH= 80%) values of the materials were realized in Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture Construction Materials Lab. Thermal conductivity of the materials was measured by Düzce Üniversitesi Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırmalar Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi. The tested materials were randomly selected. Even hygroscopic sorption values (RH= 80%) of the materials were found by the analysis, these values cannot be changed in DELPHIN. Therefore, the selected materials were determined depending on the closer hygroscopic sorption value (RH= 80%) found by the material properties analysis. After finding the material properties by the laboratory analysis, the similar materials of DELPHIN library were edited according to these values. Other material properties seen on DELPHIN library screen were kept as it is defined. Within the scope of the experimental study, the major phase is to design wall specimen. To investigate the system and the layers of the traditional timber framed houses' exterior wall in Türkiye, a comprehensive literature review was conducted. Specific exterior wall examples were selected to calculate the system configuration and the ratio of wooden and infill material or unfilled parts. Afterwards, depending on this data the wall specimens were designed as 150 cm x 150 cm which is the dimensions of guarded hot box in the Turkish Standards Institution Construction Materials Fire and Acoustic Laboratory. xlvii Guarded hot box analysis was realized in the Turkish Standards Institution Construction Materials Fire and Acoustic Laboratory. In the hot box phase, the sample to be tested was placed in the designated area between the hot and cold chambers with known ambient temperatures, and it is carried out while powering the part on the hot chamber side at steady-state air and surface temperatures. After finishing the wall assembly construction, the wall assembly was waited to get dry naturally. Then the wall assembly was put in drying oven for 7 days till its weight got stabilized. Afterwards, the wall assembly was kept under the room conditions for 1 day. Following, thermocouples were installed on the walls and the wall assembly was installed to guarded hot box between two climatic chambers. The warm climatic chamber was arranged as Twarm: 20°C, and the cold climatic chamber was arranged as Tcold: 0°C. The climatic chambers were automatically controlled to keep constant temperature value. The relative humidity of the chambers was set as 50%. The durations of the tests were changed depending on the wall assembly. The outputs of the laboratory measurements were applied for the validation of DELPHIN simulation tool for the hygrothermal performance analysis of the wall assembly. The measurement points for simulation were determined as same with hot box apparatus measurement points. For simulation process in DELPHIN, a dialog for automatic discretization should be created. In this dialog, the construction was discretized as minimum element size 1 mm, maximum element size 50 mm and stretch factor 1.6. The dialog generated a grid for calculation. Boundary conditions were arranged as same with guarded hot box analysis for comparison of the data. DELPHIN simulations were realized under the steady state conditions to compare guarded hot box analysis with DELPHIN hygrothermal modelling. Therefore, boundary conditions were determined same as with guarded hot box analysis conditions which is advised in TS EN ISO 8990. Indoor environment was arranged as Tindoor: 20°C, RHindoor: 50%, outdoor environment was arranged as Toutdoor: 0°C, RHoutdoor: 50%. The initial temperature was set at 20 ⁰C and the relative humidity at 50%. The orientation of the wall assembly was arranged to 0 Deg for North and the inclination to 0 Deg for Section A-A and Section E-E, 90 Deg for Section B-B, Section C-C, Section D-D and Section E-E. Because of the elimination of complex effects, it was supposed that the wall assembly is facing northwards. The durations of the simulations were arranged same as the duration of the guarded hot box measurements. The evaluation includes the comparison of guarded hot box analysis and DELPHIN hygrothermal modelling. The temperature and U-value of these analysis were compared for validation of the data. U value is calculated according to the national standard of thermal insulation requirements for buildings in Türkiye, TS825. Firstly, temperature values of guarded hot box analysis and DELPHIN numerical modelling were examined. Total of 18 measurements points locating symmetrically inside and outside of the wall assembly supplied data. Then, U-value of the walls measured by the guarded hot box apparatus and thermal conductivity values as outputs of DELPHIN simulations were analyzed. Here, depending on the thermal conductivity values of the walls, U-values were calculated. The results shows that experimental study has a critical to accuracy of numerical modelling for hygrothermal performance evaluation. Particularly, material variations create unexpected impacts on the wall layers. The intersection and interaction points of different materials are needed to deeply analysis by experimental and numerical methods. For temperature values, mostly, the simulated values have good agreements with measured values on the wooden parts of the wall assembly. Contrary, the xlviii differences between the measured and simulated values of infill and unfilled parts of the wall assembly are subjected to discuss. Moreover, faulty workmanship and its effects on the differences between the simulated values and measured values need to be examined. In the second step, hygrothermal performances of the wall specimens over 2 years (01.01.2014 - 01.01.2016) were investigated by DELPHIN simulation tool. The evaluation of data is based on the analysis of temperature, relative humidity, and Uvalue. The findings indicate that when factors such as construction details, materials, and climatic conditions are varied, there may be humidity-based problems in the selected examples. In that case, intersection points of materials, layers, and their relationships should be re-evaluated to improve the hygrothermal performances of the selected walls for conservation and restoration projects. Within the scope of this study, material properties were assigned for the simulations by editing determined values of the selected materials in DELPHIN library. The simulation data was applied to compare guarded hot box analysis and numerical modelling. In that case, the material properties play crucial roles as being same with the constructed wall specimen and the simulated wall assembly for certain data. It gives opportunity to examine the results regarding accuracy and validation. It creates a data for analysis of hygrothermal performance of the wall assembly with same inputs by two different method application. For the further studies, this consideration is required to be applied for different types of wall assemblies to clarify the impacts of material variations, interactions, and intersections of different materials. The results of both guarded hot box analysis and DELPHIN modelling show that U value of the wall assembly cannot achieved the recommended value in TS825. Considering this result, it is critical to improve the U value of the wall assembly by conserving its historical, architectural, cultural, and social values. Because of it requires a comprehensive study, insulation proposals for the improvement are not discussed in this research. Merely, it may be important to specify the beneficials of natural based insulation materials for these types of improvements. Besides, to preserve the originality and uniqueness of the outer surface the walls, it is crucial to consider insulation material application to the inside of the walls. However, moisturebased problems in the long-term require to be analyzed in detail. This research contributes to make discussions about the hygrothermal performances of traditional timber framed exterior walls in Türkiye and also applicability of simulation tools with experimental methods. The expected outcome of this research is to generate a significant source to be applied for the conservation/restoration/reconstruction projects of traditional timber framed houses as a tool. Especially, with this work it is expected to create a comprehensive data for moisture-based problem analysis. Additionally, field measurements of specific buildings may be applied for comparison of experimental and numerical studies for the further studies.
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