Түркстан крайындагы уезддик шаарлардын социалдык-экономикалык абалы(xix к. экинчи жарымы – xx к. башы
Türkistan Bölgesindeki Uyezd şehirlerin sosyo-ekonomik durumu (19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısı - 20. yüzyılın başı)
- Tez No: 893049
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Tarih, History
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2024
- Dil: Kırgızca
- Üniversite: Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Tarih Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Tarih Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 201
Özet yok.
Özet (Çeviri)
t is known that the dominance of the Russian Empire in Turkestan, including Kyrgyzstan, at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century was called the“colonial era”in historical works and caused significant changes in ali spheres of social and political life of the peoples of Central Asia. in particular, the long-standing traditional system of goveming our people was destroyed, a new government was installed, and the nomadic life of the Kyrgyz people underwent serıous changes. Along with the process of annexation, it cannot be recognized that the process of socio-economic renewal and reform has begun in the Turkestan region. Today's researchers evaluate this process as a process of reformation. Such opinions are undoubtedly close to historical truth. At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, with the introduction ofa new system of administrative management in the Turkestan region, cities, towns and other social' institutions began to develop. in particular, the cities of the district were established as the capital of the district, and their infrastructure began to be developed with the allocation of financial resources. At the end of the 1 9th century - the beginning of the 20th century, the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan was territorially divided into 3 districts of the Turkestan region and several districts. Only three of these districts received the status of district cities, and it is these cities that are considered as the marn object of the dissertation research of the cities of Pishpek , Przhevalsk and Osh, which are part of the modern Kyrgyz Republic. Pishpek , Przhevalsk' and Osh were'formed as regional cities, with their growth the process of settlement began among nomadic and semi-nomadic Kyrgyz , the first industrial enterprises and social facilities were built, as a result they became multinational centers, with the rapid development of migration processes. Assessing these socio-economic changes is one of the current research questions in connection with new historical perspectives. Despite the fact that the administrative policy of the Russian Empire was widely studied in Soviet historiography, the formation of county towns -the main support of the colonial administration, their socio-economic consequences for Kyrgyz society were not analyzed, and ıssues of positive and negative consequences stili remain controversial ın Kyrgyz historiography. Not only in modern Kyrgyzstan, but also in Central Asia as a whole, there is a need to study the experience of colonial history in order to determine the right direction in political, socio-economic issues. For example, there is a reason to determine the potential of historical tourism in the cities of the Kyrgyz Republic and the fact that in the future tourism will become the only profitable sector of the country's economy. For these reasons, the study of the cities of Pishpek , Przhevalsk and Osh, territorially belonging to the Kyrgyz Republic, is considered as the main object of the thesis , as well as the study of the socio-economic state of the above cities is considered as the main goal of the dissertation . in the historical fate of Turkestan, including the Kyrgyz people, after joining the Russian Empire, a new stage of socio-economic and spiritual development began. New district towns , the lowest element of Russian administration, were founded , and the architectural appearance of old cities such as Osh began to change. Let us recall that the cities of Pishpek , Przewalsk and Osh are located in two different regions , and their development followed the traditions of these regions Based on the policies of the Russian Empire, literature and media , which were elements of European culture, were opened in Russia, as well as new types of schools and hospitals that could be used by the loca! population. in Kyrgyz historiography, the number of works on the socio-economic situation of county towns and their inhabitants is small, and the data mainly reflect the general history of the region; the socio-economic situation is described only in the form of scattered reports. In particular, the study of the cultural life of the population of multi-ethnic regional cities, the formation and development of cultural ties between the loca! population and visitors , as well as the consideration of regional problems in the study of socio-economic development, features of the daily life of urban residents, did not go unnoticed. Object of study: district cities of the Turkestan region. Subject of research: socio-economic situation of county towns Turkestan region . Research methodology. The methodological basis of the dissertation was the method of historicism and the method of objective systematization, starting with the collection of sources and their ordering. Since Pishpek , Przhevalsky and Osh districts are located in two different regions, the daily life of the city population is characterized by regional characteristics. Therefore, scientifıc research used the historical-comparative method to compare important documents reflecting the activities of two different regional administrative institutions, as well as statistical data from various sources. Critical-analytical, logical and other scientifıc methods of a generally accepted interdisciplinary nature were used in conducting scientific research, collecting materials, and also in writing dissertations on historical research. The purpose of the dissertation research is to analyze the socio-economic situation of the county towns of Pishpek , Przhevalsk and Osh in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. To achieve the goal of the study, the following tasks are set: analyze historiography scientific problem, bibliographic base; - analyze the administrative structure of county towns ; - analysis of the economic situation of regional cities (industry, agriculture, trade and transport); - analysis of the socio-demographic situation of cities; - study of the sanitary and epidemiological situation in county towns; - analyze the cultural life of county towns. The chronological scope of the dissertation research is the second half of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century. Indeed, during this peri od, with the conquest of Turkestan by Tsarist Russia, a new administrative system of management was introduced, colonial-bureaucratic governing bodies were created and began to develop. Scientifıc, fheoretical and practical significance of the work. Systematized materials and theoretical proposals in the dissertation work make it possible to fiil in some unstudied aspects of the historiography of the Turkestan region in the colonial era. The issues discussed in the study will contribute to knowledge of the history of Kyrgyzstan, and society's approach to our past history from a new point of view. The data and results of the study can be used in the preparation of special courses, theses, in the preparation of scientific papers and educational materials on the colonial era of the Turkestan region.
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