Geri Dön

Deprem sonrası yangınlar ve modellemesi

Post-earthquake fires and their modeling

  1. Tez No: 100968
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Makine Mühendisliği, Mechanical Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2000
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 91


ÖZET Deprem sonrası yangınlarla ilgili araştırmaların çoğu A.B.D. ve Japonya'da yapılmıştır. A.B.D. ve Japonya'daki hemen hemen tüm depremler konutlar ve ticari mekanlarda yangınlara sebebiyet vermiştir. Deprem sonrası yangınlar, yapı mühendisliği ve risk yönetimindeki büyük hasar potansiyeli ve öneme haiz olmalarına rağmen bugüne kadar tam anlamıyla araştırılmamıştır. Deprem sonrası yangın çalışmaları; Yangınların sebepleri ve yangın sayısının tahmin edilmesi yönünde ve kentsel alanlardaki yangının yayılımı konularında yoğunlaşmıştır Bu çalışma, deprem sonrası yangınlar ve modellenmesi konusunu içermektedir, öncelikle, bu çalışmada, deprem sonrası yangınların önemi belirtilmiş, A.B.D., Japonya ve Türkiye'de deprem sonrası çıkmış yangınlar anlatılmış, sebepleri araştırılmıştır. Depremler üzerinde yapılan araştırmalar, yangın çıkma oranının, yıkılan bina oranı ile değil de deprem şiddeti ile alakalı olarak analiz edilmesinin daha uygun olacağını göstermiştir. Aynı bölümde, Japonya'da deprem sonrası yangınları ilk defa çalışmış kişi olan Kawasumi'nin modeli tanıtılmıştır. Kawasumi'nin modelini kullanarak Mizuno bir regresyon analizi yapmıştır. Regresyon için kullanılan verilerin önyargılı seçiminden dolayı, gelecekteki deprem sonrası yangınların tahmininde bu modelinin kullanılması tavsiye edilmemektedir. Mizuno, deprem sonrası yangın verilerini kullanarak, mevsim ve saat oluşlarını da gözönüne almak suretiyle tam ev hasarı oranı ile yangın çıkış oranını ilişkilendiren ampirik formül çıkartmaktadır. Depremin yangın çıkışı ile ilgili istatistiksel karakteristiklerini çalışarak, deprem sonrası yangın çıkış sayısını tahmin eden bir metod geliştirmektedir. Ayrıca, aynı bölümde, büyük bir deprem için, yangın çıkış tehlike katsayısının tahminine yarayan bir metot anlatılmaktadır. Bu önerilen modelle, toplam yangın miktarının bilindiği bir durumda, şehirdeki yangın noktalarının dağılımını tahmin etmek IXmümkündür. Bölümün son kısmında ise son depremlerdeki yangın patlamalarının trendi anlatılmaktadır. Buna göre; son depremlerin sebebi yağ, gaz veya elektriğin yakıt olarak kullanıldığı uygulamalardır. Kimyasal yangınlar ise gelecekte de devam edecek gibi gözükmektedir. Dikkat edilmesi gereken ise, son depremlerdeki yangınların yağ (gaz) fabrikalarından çıkmış olmasıdır. Çalışmanın beşinci bölümünde ise, öncelikle, bölgesel bazda, deprem sonrası yangınların potansiyel kayıplarının tahmini için geliştirilen bir metodoloji tanıtılmaktadır. Bu model, bir birim konutta, spesifik olarak dahili kullanım sistemleri ve cihazlarından doğan faktörleri içeren bir deprem sonrası yangın riskini gözönüne almamaktadır. Deprem sonrası yangın istatistikleri, sözkonusu depremde bölgesel ivme ve yangın sayısı arasında doğrudan basit bir ilişki olmadığını açığa çıkarmıştır. Bu esasen şöyledir: (i) Deprem sonrası yangınlar sistematik bir nedeni izlemezler, (ii) Nüfusça yoğun bölgeler yangına müsaittir, (iii) Sismik ivme çok yüksek olmadığı zaman bile rüzgar hızı ve yönü ile evlerin yerleşim düzeni alevlenen bir yangın ihtimalini yükseltebilir, (iv) Deprem sonrası yangın riski ana deprem olayını takip eden günlerde de devam etmektedir. Deprem sonrası yangınların birçok sebebinin yanında, gaz ve elektrik sistemi hatasına dayalı olanları daha tahmin edilebilirdir ve uygun yaklaşımlar ve kabullerle matematiksel olarak modellenebilir. Bu sebeplerden dolayı, deprem şiddeti ile yangın sayıları arasında doğrudan bir ilişkilendirme beklenebilir. Beşinci bölümde, mesken konutlardaki gaz ve elektrik yangın riskinin tahmininde kullanılabilecek modeller açıklanmaktadır. Aynca riskin ölçülmesi, riskin düşürülmesi, risk analizi sonuçlarının planlama ve tasarımda kullanımı konularına da değinilmektedir. Altıncı bölümde, İstanbul için yapılmış bir deprem senaryosu da kullanılarak, bu modellerden ikisinin; Mizuno modeli ve birim konuttaki gaz ve elektrik yangın riski modelerinin, uygulanması suretiyle İstanbul için ilçe bazında, deprem sonrası olabilecek yangın sayısının tahmin edilmesine çalışılmıştır. Aynca çalışmanın son bölümünde deprem sonrası yangın riskinin azaltılması için alınması gereken önlemler belirtilmiştir.

Özet (Çeviri)

POST-EARTHQUAKE FIRES AND THEIR MODELING SUMMARY The majority of research conducted on fires following earthquakes has been carried out in both Japan and the United States. Urban post earthquake fires are serious problems that have the potential to cause immense losses in terms of life and property. Almost, all recent earthquakes in Japan and the U.S. have caused fires in both residential and commercial areas. Despite their great damage potentials and importance in structural engineering and risk management, post-earthquake fires have not been fully investigated. Studies of post- earthquake fires have been in most part concentrated on: (i) Investigation of fire incidents and, to certain extent, cause of post-earthquake fires. (ii) Modeling of fire spread in urban areas. The latter, however; has been very limited and mainly conducted in Japan. Earthquake engineering research, however, has been mainly focused on the area of earthquake-resistant design and evaluation of earthquake hazards in terms of building collapse, lifelines, bridge and dam failures and liquefaction of soil. While structural safety plays an important role in seismic hazard mitigation, certain other earthquake related issues such as post-earthquake fires are equally as important. In fact advances in structural dynamics, soil-structure interaction and earthquake-resistant design have lead to techniques that can effectively be implemented in design to substantially reduce the risk of structural collapse in the event of earthquake and thus minimize casualty property loss. Hence, the risk of fire may become a greater threat to the well being of the occupants during an earthquake than the risk associated with the building collapse. XIThis thesis consists of seven chapters of which the four of them are the framework, and the rest of them are the introduction, references and conclusion chapters. After the first chapter, the references used in this research are briefly represented in the following chapter. In the third chapter, firstly, it is emphasized that it is more appropriate to analyze the fire outbreak rate not in the relation with the rate of collapsed buildings, but in relation with the seismic intensity. Secondly, the factors that cause post-earthquake fires are mentioned. Additionally, an abridged review of past fires following earthquakes in the U.S., Japan and Turkey are represented. These events are explained to indicate the importance of post-earthquake fires in terms of their potential to cause structural damage and demonstrate the need for post-earthquake fire hazard mitigation planning. Moreover, the 1999 İzmit Earthquake has been reviewed. The principal reason why fire has not been a major factor in Turkish earthquakes is that the structures, in those areas that have experienced major earthquakes during the past recent years, have been primarily constructed of concrete, earth and stone. As these structures entirely collapse during an earthquake, they cover the fire source and resulting dust also chokes off the supply of oxygen. Another main reason why fire has not been a major factor is that the most recent earthquakes have occurred in regions that are not industrially developed. At the beginning of the fourth chapter, Kawasumi's model, the first about outbreak of fires is reviewed. After that Mizuno's model is widely represented. The characteristics of fires caused by earthquakes are explained. Then the association of the intensity of earthquake vibration between the rate of complete house destruction is shown and then development of an equation for the relationship between the rate of fire outbreak and the rate of complete house destruction on both complete fires and flamed fires is represented. By incorporating the seasonal and time of day effects with the rate of complete house destruction, the prediction of the number of outbreaks can be completed. But as it was using logarithmic values, the districts of damaged that had collapsed buildings but had no fire outbreaks had been eliminated from the data used for Xllregression, which causes to overestimate the rate of fire outbreaks. Because of the biased selection of the data used for regression, it is questioned to use the Mizuno's model for the estimation of fires in future earthquakes. Also, a stochastic analytical model for fire spread in urban areas based on lire brand- effects is presented. This is a model for estimating the degree of danger for fire breakouts in case of a big earthquake in an urban area. By this model proposed, it is possible to predict the distribution of outbreak points within an urban area where the total amount of outbreak is already known. In the last part of the fourth chapter, the trend of fire outbreaks in recent earthquakes is presented. In addition, it is mentioned that the rate of fire extinguishment should be analyzed in relation with the seismic intensity. In the fifth chapter, a model for estimating regional losses from FFE in the U.S. is described. Because of the complexity of the physical phenomena involved, FFE has so far eluded rigorous quantification; many factors affect the severity of FFE, including ignition sources, types and density of fuel, wind conditions, functionality of water systems and fire suppression responsiveness. In this methodology, starting with a contemporary fires following earthquake“simulation kernel”, a computerized system is used to generalize the simulation results for fires following earthquakes losses for major U.S. cities. Regression techniques are used to quantify the relationship between fires following earthquake loss and intensity, and key indices such as building density and number of fire engines. Then losses for other districts are then estimated using the simplified equation to support a regional study. Detailed information regarding local ground hazards, readiness of local fire departments, the types and availability of water systems, building stock distribution, and direct and indirect costs, is not required of the user. After describing of the simulation study, a description of models that can be used to estimate the risk of fire for a residential unit and the discussion of techniques that may be used to incorporate factors that contribute to the risk into such models is presented. The number of fires is expected to be directly correlated with the intensity of the earthquake. However post-earthquake fire statistics reveal that generally-speaking Xlllthere is no simple direct relation between the number of fires and regional intensity values for a given earthquake. This is mainly because:. Post-earthquake fires do not follow a systematic cause and are due to a variety of factors.. Densely populated areas experience more fires.. A favorable condition of wind (velocity and direction) and housing arrangement in a subdivision can increase the possibility for flash-over fire even though the seismic intensity may not necessarily be high.. Risks of fire following an earthquake exist several days following the main earthquake event. Among various causes of post earthquake fires, those that are related to gas and electric system failure are more predictable and can be modeled with certain approximations and assumptions. Even with limitations, the modeling cannot be accurately performed for such casual causes as, for example, flammable materials spills, overturning of burning candles, and burning cigarettes discarded by people in the state of panic. In this chapter, the sequence of events in the case of gas and electric related fires is explained. Event tree models are presented and the likelihood of occurrence of each event in the tree is described and quantified. After that, respectively, risk quantification, risk mitigation and use of risk analysis results in planning and design are explained. Several simple measures can be taken to substantially reduce the potential for fires during and after an earthquake in residential buildings. To mitigate the risk for a subdivision, proper urban planning and design should be considered. The result of risk analysis approach can effectively be used for urban planning and design purposes an also in developing policies pertaining to home owner insurance premiums. In the last section of that chapter, an outline of the Urban Fire Prevention Unit System is introduced and fire preventive function of trees is explained. Istanbul's streets are often narrow and steep and many are comprised of staircases. These cantles streets which are inaccessible to motorized vehicles. The acquisition of XIVsufficient water supplies is also often more difficult. Homes and industrial sites are built adjacent to each other. Many depots of materials and workshops can be found in other neighborhoods. It is feared that a strong earthquake affecting Istanbul might occur along Marmara fault zone. If that should happen it is thought that the seismic intensity in Istanbul would be IX or VIII. In the sixth chapter the risk analysis of post-earthquake fires for Istanbul is prepared according to an earthquake scenario of Istanbul. Two models are used; Mizuno's model and residential unit risk (electric related and gas related) models. Using Mizuno's model, at an earthquake of magnitude 7.5, on İzmit Bay-Adalar direction along Marmara fault zone, for Istanbul, for summer and winter season, respectively, the average number of fires at night, day and critical hours, are calculated. Then using the same Istanbul earthquake scenario, the number of gas and electric related fires are calculated using the residential unit risk model, for ground accelerations; 0.2g and 0,3g. Fires occurring within large industrial concerns were not included in this work. From the results of the calculations, it is seen that to mitigate post-earthquake fire risk in an urban area some measures must taken. These are explained in the seventh be chapter. XV

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