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Anadolu Selçukluları'nda mesken tiplerinin gelişmesi

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  1. Tez No: 144851
  2. Yazar: KAMİL UĞURLU
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF.DR. OKTAY ASLANAPA
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Sanat Tarihi, Art History
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1983
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Sanat Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 208


Özet yok.

Özet (Çeviri)

153 SUMMARY The Abba37 Army was formed and commanded by Oguz Turks, xn the period of Khalife Muttasem (A.C. 833-841) which wvere attacting continuously toward to Anatolian and Byzantian lands. Even though they were commanders of Abbasy Army, they were ac- ting independently under their self judgement. These were the beginning of the approach of Oguz Turks toward Anatolia. So, then Tuğrul Bey, known as one of the founders of great seljuks started to go on campaign into Anatolian lands, just after the Seljuk state had been founded. He approached with his army into the lands around Van Lake and Trabzon City. There were settled Turkish Tribes in Anatolia before the migration started as a whole. Some of them were Christian and had been ruled över by Byzantians even Byzantians had army consisting of those people. Oguz Turks reached up to the cities namely Kars, Erzurum, Malatya, Sivas and settled along Kızılırmak River, in the beginning. The war held in the vicinty of Malazgirt City, between the Army of Alparslan, the Seljuk Commander and Byzantian Army.(A.C. 1071). Byzantians were failed. Later in the days following the victory of Seljuk Turks the majority of Turkish dynasties combi- ned in Anatolia and founded the Anatolian Seljuk State. Melikshah was the follower of Alparslan and he continued to go on campaign into other parts of Anatolia after his father. These operations continued with help and obedience of Turkish commanders, namely Mensur, son of Kutulmush, and Soliman with Artuk, Tutuk, D8nishmend, Mengucuk. For every conquest they were receiving medals of honour and gifts. So, this intelligent obedience created seperate Turkish states, which are governed by wBEY“s. Solliman and Mansur brothers competition lead Turks to several wars. Once Melikshah send Porsuk Bey and his Army to stop Mansur's action against him. But than the other brother Soliman announced his independency against Melikshah. Later this action is approved by Abbasy Khalife and he is called Sultan of Anatolia154 thereafter. (A.C. 1077) This has been the beginning of great Seljuk Sultan's, ruled over 12 states, which each Sultan belong to the main family.These Sultans were independent in peace and in war and they h8d Monotary for their own nation. Some of the other Bey's were trying to conquer the other parts of Anatolia. Süleyman the Sult8n of Anatolia captured îznik and kept the city as the capitol for sometime. Complete Anatolia has become lands of ruling under Turks 15 years after the Malazgirt Victory against Byzantians, but all of these captures and conquests is done by independent Sultans which in general obeyed Great Seljuk Sultan. Later they are named as (Amir-i kabir) Kılıçarslan and his sons settled in Konya (formerly Ikonium) and fauht against the invasion of Christian compaign continiously and has been a strong barrier which protected Muslims. The Anatolian Seljuk Turks settled in Konya has been the greatest amoung the others ruled over up to eastern Anatolia such Erzurum and named after ”Roman Seljuk State“. Progressively this Seljuk State has been widely spread over Anatolia and overwhelmed all the other states Beys or Sultans. The most successful period of Seljuk's is known as the pe- riod of the reigns of Giyaseddin Kayhosrew the First and Alaaddin Keykubad the first. At the time when Giyaseddin Keyhosrew the first has been ruling over Seljuk's The Latin Empire is announced in Is- tanbul at the sametime Byzantians are also reigning in îznik. Alaaddin Keykubad I. is not only the Sultan of great con- quers but also he is a stateman building the environment in cities. The first contact of Seljuk's with Mogal's starts in the time of Giyaseddin II. where Mogol army defeated Seljuks near Sivas Köse mountain and Seljuks accepted to be the obedience and pay fees. This event has been known as the beginning of Seljuk Regime (1243).155 Later Mogols has been very effective in increasing their reign over Seljuks and even selection of Sultans made by Mogol İlhan State. Such as Alsaddin Keykubat the III. has been killed by the order of Iranian Sultan Gazan Khan (in 1301) and his fol- lower Giyaseddin Mesud the II. died in Kayseri and the Dynasty of Anatolian Seljuk Turks started in 1190 and ended in 1308. Majority of Anatolian parts ruled over by Ilhan Sultans. The other Sultans in Anatolia prefered to pay fees for Ilhan Sultans in order to protect their name ahd solidarity and the most important the independenties. In fact this period and the- reof f which is namely related to Seljuk's period and their ar- chitecture, that is called ”Anatolian Sultan's Period“. The Seljuk architecture in Anatolia is considered to be the successor of previous architecture progressed in Western teritories of Asia and Iran. On the other hand local Art has effected and certain changes has been occured in this architec- ture. Thismay be explained in such a way that as architecture style and design features of Seljuk's has been caried along from western Asia and Iran they have also been impressed by the local (environmental) properties of the land conquered by Sel- juk's, and they have build characteristic architecture in each teritory ruled after. This is called and named as Turkish Style. It has been experienced very many cultural phases in frontal Asia which we name as Anatolia even before the Seljuk Turks. Belonging to our findings we know that the two nations with the oldest different culture lived in Anatolua, which are hittites existed in the eastern and Capadocia in the vestern pert. Later we find Frikia, Lidia, and Licians. We do not yet find any positive information of culture for the times earlier than hitites and capadocians. Hittites livedin the lands bet- ween the black-sea and Syria. It is known that they are in the same period of time with Babilions, egyptians, phenica. Just156 recently lots of archiological findings has lead us to know about the art in those days. Capadocians which lived in lands of western Anatolia and in the vicinty of mediterranean countries and the others follo- wed them with their own specific artistic work. This art known as it is carried down to west by other nations existing in the neighborhood, such as Girit, phicia, lidia, licia. Specially to greek and western europe. In such a way it is accepted that the origin of the greek art initiated from Anatolia or at least the principles are tranferred to greece. Chipiez, the famous author known with his book named ”The history of World Architect“ concluded in his book that Phiricia, Lidia, and Licians art is effected by capadocians and he said these nations were the followers of eastern civilizations such as they have been the link in the tranfer of the art to greeks, but later in B.C. VII. and VI. centries they have been effected by greek civilizations because greeks has reached up to a supe- rior degree in every phase of civilization and their art was not no more keeping the original status after this time. In the history, the nations ruled over Anatolia such as Asurians, Greeks, Persians, Romans and Byzantians has indicated their art and shown their own characteristics in the place where they had lived. In the beginning, priority of extention of greek civilization to anatolia was the coasts. On the other direction in theeast Iran, follower of Persia has extended his culture in- to Anatolia and effected the art to be drawn as their charecter. The old Persian, and Hittites Culture had been trasferred to Greek lands by Persians and there have build considerable dif- ferent appearances hence effected their art. This very strong influence has combined the Anatolian Helenizm and converted to an Asian Culture. The combination öf Cultural diciplines of Helenizm and the east. Especially Persian Sasani Art there has come a new art into being under the name of (BYZANTÎAN ART) in the regions157 where the eastern, Roman had ruled in Anatolia and in the Capi- tal of Byzantian. One of the very important feature of the Byzantian Art is the system of building the spherical vault and dome over vault bingls (Ft Trompe) in order to be applicable on a squne plan which this has been used also by Turks and Sasani's. So Seljuk Turks met an architecture in the places where they had settled, representing a combination of byzantian art and local variations. Later in the time when great Seljuk's have started to ru- le over Anatolia They have made active the Turkish art and has put its charecteristies into Anatolia, However the Anatolian Sel- juk Architecture has been a distintive type of art., but closely connected to the western asia Turkish and Persian Architecture. In the Anatolian Seljuk period the art is considered to be the footpath of the art of western Asia Anatolian Seljuks and Ottoman Architecture. When we consider the expansion of this art we will see that it has gdne from northern Anatolia to Syria whi- le combining their local features where it has reached and has been specially featured Seljuk architecture. Even this has effec- ted on european art by the known historical events, which is na- med as ”Christian Campain“. During the attacks of christian armi- es over Seljuk Turks on their way, they have been effected by the Turkish art pieces. Therefore, the similarities between Seljuk art and the Gothic Roman art has been initiated from the same reason. Therefore, Seljuk Architecture should held a very impor- tant position in the asian islamic archtecture. The Turkish Architecture in Anatolia can be classified in 4- periods in the history which has outlined above. These 4 classification periods are: 1. Anatolian Great Seljuk Sultan's (1071-1190)158 2. Anatolian Seljuk Sultan's (1190-1308) 3. Anatolian Governor's (Bey) (1308-1453) 4. Anatolian Ottomans (1453-1920_ But it is not actually possible to recognize and seperate this period from each other on the basis of the charecteristics of art. In fact, the architectural works of Karamanogullari and Eshrefoğulları and central and nothern Anatolian Seljuk Sultan's work indicates charecteristic differences to that of menteşe, ay- dın, Saruhan Bey's (Governors) work specially on material, work- manship and charecter, which this is considered the transition period between Seljuk and Ottoman, Seljuk Turks constructed new buildings and reconstructed the environment which had been ruined by wars, as soon as they have settled in Anatolia. There were Turks coming from different origin, middle Asia, Türkistan and Harzem. The requirement for their settlement lead to be build new towns and cities, bridges, mosques, schools voyagerhouses, (Han) and carawansaray's. They have cleared all the misunderstanding between dynasties and gathered them under one nation. The Country was on the tradeway from China to the west, so commerce and industry is developed and the land had be- en wealthy. Konya, which has been the capital of Seljuk Turks was al- so one of the very important centre of Islamic Culture. The gre- at Islamic believers and phyilosophirs such as Shemsettin Tebri- zi and Mevlana Celaleddini Eumi are established schools for high level of education. There have been many studens taught in here, from all over the world. It is considered that these schools we- re similar to the ones in recent years, we call the universities. The students were taught accomadated and graduated without any expence to the student. Sultan's and administrators of Sultan's (VEZÎE) used to consider these cultural, moral and theolagical institutions being beneficial for people and support them.159 Either in Konya or in the cities Tokat, Sivas, Divriği and Niğde new buildings were erecting such as mosques, schools, voyager houses (han), carawansarays, baths, hospitals, fountains, bridges. The water way canal in suez was not serving at that time, therefore, there was only one way from europe to the east, to India, China, Türkistan and Iran. The strength of Sultans brought security and confidence to the voyagers travelling on those roads by carewans and let them to be safe and settled in carawansarays. These carawansarays in fact were the unique monuments which anyo- ne can hardly find the similar in the other part of the world. Even during the ottoman empire, which is considered historically improved period of Turks, there was no sample of building of this type which includes very sufisticated organization. The head of French Archeological Institution, Prof. Al- bert Gabriel who evaluated archtectural works of Anatolian Sel- juks and the author of the book namely ”The Turkish Monuments in Anatolia“ concludes in his book that the ”Great Sultan Han“ located in between Konya and Aksaray, is the unique masterpiece in the history of civilization. These carawansaray are very suitable examples in order to understannd the degree of importance of trade and business in Seljuk Turk's life. The industrial improvement of the country has lead to outcome these great architectural activities. It has shown always a warm welcome to the visitors of the palace of Seljuk Sultan. They were architects, 8rt workers, and great scholars of different origin namely Iran and Türkistan So, this promotional behaviour of Sultans.expressed to those pe- ople in or outside the palace, helped the environment to be re- cognized and considerable progress has been started not only in the science but also in the art. At the first touch of Seljuk's in Anatolia when they en- terd to settle there were the works and pieces of art of Greek,160 Roman and Byzantian. The Byzantian art were all around the Ana- tolia on the west of their border from Syria to Istanbul. Muslim Seljuk Turks prefer to have the mosques build to muslim architects, according to their religious principles. But they do not insist to have also the masters and workers to be local people. The workers and masters came from other lands bro- ught new figures and ideas which fitted into a certain way of expression in the Islands Style, and Customs existing at that ti- me. Thiseffect and orientation treated a different and a new st- yle of architecture, from that of front (ON) Asia, Turkish Isla- mic Architecture. We call this Anatolian Selçuk Architecture. But this architecture in general represented as like more to front Asia and middle Asia turkish works, rather than old ana- tolian traditional type. The civilian architecture, which is known as one of the important part of architecture represents the same parelel prog- ress. The most widespread ”TAKMA and HÎLANΓ house types has be- en portrayed in the hands of the foreign masters and workers co- ming from Asia, in such a style that will fitted to turkish en- vironment. The Build types have varied according to its place climate, and material, but have maintained the basic charecter- sand have not changed its known schematics. The types of the Anatolian Seljuk Houses which are indi- cated in the references ana buildings of those had been build 200, 150 and even 100 years ago, could be examined with minute differences. Some of-these houses are still serving. It is interesting to see that Turkish people in this instance have shown a conser- vative behaviour which had based on the intentions of the local people in keeping their way of their accustomed home confort. A classification hasbeen made and the progress of the Anatolian Seljuk house types have been evaluated while consi-161 dering the samples of the houses similar of those referenced ho- uses build 100-200 years ago. Based on above judgement, it is classified into two groups: 1. Houses with Entrance (Hayat) 2. Houses With Sofa (Mabeyin) and each above type is also divided into different parts such as ”SINGLE - STOREY“ ”MULTI - STOREY“ ”OPEN SOFA - ENCLOSED SOFA" The other branches of civilian architecture, Which are RIBAT-HANEGAH, CARAWANSARAY and PALACES has represented the sa- me parelel progress as houses. So, the hypothesis is closely being true which covers the idea that house in fact is a social organization linked to the earth and it has given a social charecter to it according to the people living on it, and geographycal environment. As a final Comment, we can declare that Anatolian Seljuk Art has reached up to a perfect level in the axis of Asia and Anatolia, and this original and ruted art felt and recognized over decades, has left valuable cultural prints into other nati- ons, besides Turks and formed their art. The Ottoman art which all nations accept to grant its place in the art, has been founded on the basis of this art.

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