Geri Dön

Lise öğretmenlerinin sınıfta karşılaştıkları istenmeyen davranışlarla baş etme stratejileri

High school teachers' strategies for coping with undesirable behaviors in the classroom

  1. Tez No: 215782
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. KAMİLE ÜN AÇIKGÖZ
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Eğitim ve Öğretim, Education and Training
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2007
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Eğitim Programları ve Öğretimi Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 118


Bu aragtnmamn amacl lise smiflannda olugan istenmeyen ogrenci davramglannm neler oldu@nu; ogretmenlerin bu davramglarla b q etmede hangi stratejileri kullandiklm; istenmeyen ogrenci davramglanyla lise ogretmenlerinin kullandiklan bag etme stratejileri arasmdaki iligkiyi; ogretmenlerin lculland~klanb ag etme stratejilerinin ogretmenlerin (a) cinsiyeti @) ludemi (c) brangl (d) gorev yapt~klan okul tiM ve (e) derse girdikleri smlf seviyeleri degigkenleri aq~smdan aralanndaki iligkileri incelemektir. Arqtuma 1- ili smlan iqerisinde yer alan 16 genel lise, 4 anadolu lisesi,5 meslek lisesi ve 5 ozel lisede toplam 80 smfia gerqeklegtirilmigtir. Okul tiirlerine gore genel, anadolu, meslek ve ozel liselerden oran11 kiime ornekleme yontemiyle 30 lise seqilmigtir. Aragtunada veri toplama aracl olarak aragtmac~ tarafindan geli~tiden“Smf Iqi Ogretimi Gozlem Formu”kullan~lm~tBuu. form ilgili kaynakqa taranarak, istenmeyen o@enci davramglarmn ve o@etmenlerin kullandlklarl stratejilerin neler oldugu belirlenerek olu~.turulmugtur. Bu aragtumada ana probleme iligkin olarak olugturulan alt probiemlere yonelii elde edilen veriler arasmdaki iligkiyi inceleyebilmek iqin stratejilerin gozlenme fkekanslan ve yiizdeleri hesaplanrmgtu. Sonuqlar tablolar halinde sunularak aq~klanrmgtu. A r a ~ t m m nso nucunda; lise ogencilerinin smf iqinde olugan istenmeyen ogrenci davramglarmn ortaya q h as lkl~klanb eliilenmigtir. Lise Ggretmenlerinin istenmeyen davramglar kar~lsmdak ullandlklan b q e tme stratejilen saptanrm~hr. Aragtuma sonucunda elde edilen bulgular gunlardi:“Arkadaglan ile aralarinda konqma”,“dersi dinlememe (hayal kma, uyuma, ders dl91 geylerle ilgilenme)”,“izin almadan lconugma”davramglw slnlflarda en sllc gozlenen istenmeyen davramglar araslnda yer alrnaktadlr. Bunun yam sua“arkadqlm ~ikayet etme”,“nesneleri firlatma”,“arkadaglanm egyalm iziisiz kullanma”davramglan smflarda daha az gozlenen istenmeyen davram~laro larak karg~mzaq haktadi.“Ismiyle uyarma”,“gormezden gelme”,“kurallar~ hatulatma”,“goz i l e t i f i kurma”,“azarlama”ve“davramga iligkin uyan”stratejilerinin ogretmenler tarafindan daha qolc kullamldiklan gozlenmi$tir. Yapilan gozlemlerde liselerde gorev yapan ogretmenlerin istenmeyen davrmglarla b q etmede“day etme”ve“fiziksel cezaya bagvurma”stratejilerini kullanmadklan sonucu ortaya q h g t u . Smf iqinde olugan istenmeyen ogrenci davramglanyla b q etmede lullanilan stratejilerden“anlqma yapma”,“aileyi qagma”,“sessizce uyarma”stratejilerinin bqta olmak iizere bkqok stratejinin bayan ogretmenler tarafindan daha qok kullmldigI sonucuna ula~~lrmgtu. M e s l e w 1-9 yllm qalipn ogretmenlerin“azarlama”, stratejisini az Mlmken; gar^ q~karma“, ”soru soma“ stratejilerini hiq kullanmadlklan saptanmqtr. Meslekte 10-14 yil arasl ~Betmenlerin daha ”disiplin kurallanna b~vtumaY'yteir cih ettikleri; 15-19 y ~ lar asi galigan ogretmenlerin“gorev verme”stratejisini digerlerine gore daha qok kullandaan gozlenmigtir. 20 yll ve iizeri qaligan ogretmenlerin“kotii not verme”ve“konuda degigiklik yapma”stratejisini hiq kullanmadlklan sonucuna u l q ~ h g t u . Branglara gore strateji kullanuru incelendiginde; sozel brang ogretmenlerinin diger branglardaki ogretmenlere gore strateji kullmm o r a n l m farklilagbgi gozlenmigtir.“Altematif davramg sunma”,“disiplim kurallanna bqvurma”,“gormezden gelme stratejileri bqta olmak iizere stratejilerin biiyuk qogunlu@r~un diger liselerde az kullamlmasma ya da hiq kullmlmamasma kar9m gene1 liselerde biiydc oranlarda kullml&gI gozlenmigtir. 9. smflarda en qok ”aileyi qa&maY' ve“ rehberlik servisine gonderme”; 10.smflarda en qok“uyarma”ve 11. smflarda ise en qok“ gozdagi verme”stratejisini kullandklan gozlenmigtu.“ismiyle uyarma”ve“kurallan hat~rlatma”stratejilerinin go@ istenmeyen davrmg kargislnda s M a kullml&& sonucuna ulag~lmgtu.

Özet (Çeviri)

The purpose of this study is to determine what students' undesirable behaviors are formed in the high school, which coping strategies high school teachers use for these behaviors, the relations between the students' undesirable behavior and coping strategies of high school teachers and to examine coping strategies of teachers with respect to a) sex, b) seniority, c) branch, d) type of school they work, e) levels of the classes. The study was conducted in total 30 classrooms of which 16 are general high schools, 4 are anatolian high school, 5 are trade school and 5 are private schools by proportional group sampling method. For data collecting, an“In-Class Training Observance Form”developed by the researcher was used. This form was prepared by what students' undesirable behavior and what strategies teachers use by searching the literature. In this study, in order to investigate relations between data that were obtained oriented to sub-problems related with the main problem, observance frequencies and percentages of the strategies were calculated. These results are shown in the tables. As a result of the study, observance frequencies of students'undesired behaviors evolved at the classroom were determined. coping strategies of high school in front of students' undesirable properties were determined. The finding are this research are as follows: Behaviors such as“speaking with friends”,“not listening to the teachers (dreaming, sleeping, being interested in the things except the subject)”,“speaking without having permission”take place in the undesirable behaviors that are mostly observed in the classrooms. Besides; behaviors such as“complaining about friends”, Wowing an object“ and ”using others belongings without having permission“ are the ones that occur less as undesirable behaviors in the classrooms. It was observed that teachers use mostly ”warning by name“, ”ignoring“, ”reminding of rules“, ”eye contact“, ”blaming“ and ”warning related with behavior“ strategies. From the observations, it was found that teachers working at high school do not use ”mocking“ and ”applying physical punishment“ strategies in coping with students' undesirable behaviors. It was also found that women teachers use many strategies especially ”making an agreement“, ”calling the family“ and ”warning silently“ strategies ftequently in coping with students' undesirable behaviors. For the teachers who have worked for 1-9 years, it was determined that they use blaming few times and they do not use ”sending outside“, and ”asking question“ strategies. For the teachers who have worked for 10-14 years, they prefer ”applying discipline regulations“ and for 15-19 years, they use ”giving task“ strategy more than others. It was umderstood that teachers working for more than 20 years, never use ”changing the subject“ and ”giving failure marks“ strategies. When strategy use with respect to branches, it was observed that strategy use ratios of oral branch teachers are more varied than other branch teachers. Although most of the strategies especially ”presenting alternative behavior“, ”applying discipline regulations“, ”ignoring“ strategies were not used or less used in other high school, they were widely applied in general high schools. It was observed that ”calling the family“ and ”directing to the guidance service“ were applied at ninth grade, ”warning“ at tenth grade and and ”threatening“ at eIeventh grade mostly. It was concluded that ”warning by name“ and ”reminding of rules" strategies were frequently used in undesirable behaviors.

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