Geri Dön

Yol geometrik standartlarının yol güvenliğine ve kapasiteye etkisi

The Influence of road geometric standards on capacity and safety

  1. Tez No: 39171
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF.DR. ERGUN GEDİZOĞLU
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1993
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 94


ÖZET Bu çalışmanın konusu yol geometrik standartlarının kapasiteye ve güvenliğe etkisidir. Birinci bölümde, tezin konusuna giriş yapıldı. ikinci bölümde, yol geometrik standartları tanımlan dı. Bu işlemi yaparken proje hızı yol geometrik stan dartlarının ana parametresi olarak kabul edildi. Di ğer geometrik standartlar ise yol güvenliğini önemli ölçüde etkileyen yol kesimleri içinde incelendi. Bu yol kesim leri sırasıyla dönemeçler, düşey kurblar olarak tanımlan dı. Ayrıca fiziki standard olarak yol yüzey yapısı ele alındı. Geometrik standartları tanımlanırken trafik ka zalarıyla doğrudan veya dolaylı ilişkisi olan yol ele manları, bahsedilen yol kesimleri içinde analiz edildi. Kurblar konusunda, dönemeçlerde birleştirme eğrilerinin merkezkaç kuvvetinin sademe etkisini azalttığından, dever uygulaması ve bu sırada aracın maruz kaldığı kuvvetler detaylı bir şekilde incelendi. Düşey kurb konusunda da görüş uzunluğu, eğim ve eğim boyundan bahsedildi ve bunun neticesinde trafik akımlarında meydana gelen hız farklı lıklarının yolun kapasitesi ve güvenliğine olumsuz etkide bulunduğu belirtildi. Yol yüzey yapısının fren boyu, araç sürüş konforu ve emniyeti üzerine etkileri araştı rıldı. üçüncü bölümde, kapasiteye etki eden etmenler tanım landı. Bu konuyu açıklayabilmek için öncelikle kapasite nin tanımı yapıldı ve hizmet düzeyiyle ilişkisi açıklan maya çalışıldı. Hizmet düzeyi kavramını açıklarken yol culuk hızı esas fakör olarak alındı. Yolun geometrik standartlarının kapasiteye etkisi araştırıldı. Dördüncü bölümde, geometrik standartların yol güven liğine olan etkisi çözümlenmeye çalışıldı. Bu konuda geometrik standart olarak dönemeçler, düşey kurblar, ban ketler ve fiziki standart olarak yol yüzey yapısı ele alındı. Beşinci bölümde ise kavşakların yol güvenliğine et kisi araştırıldı. Bu konu üç ana başlık altında toplan dı. Bunlar sırasıyla eşdüzey kavşaklar, katlı kavşak lar, kavşaklarda trafik akımı ve yol güvenliğine etkisi olarak tanımlandı. Altıncı bölümde, yolun güvenliğini ve kapasitesini arttırabilmek için yolda bulunması gereken geometrik standartların ne olması gerektiği konusunda araştırmanın sonuçları yazıldı. vııı

Özet (Çeviri)

SUMMARY THE INFLUENCE OF ROAD GEOMETRIC STANDARDS ON CAPACITY AND SFETY In the first part, the subject of the thesis has been introduced. In the second part, road geometric standards have been defined. During the definition it has been accepted that design speed and sight distance are the major parameters of the road geometric standarts. The other geometric standards have been studied on road sections which are influencing road safety with a big amount. These road sections have been defined as curvatures and road surface. During the definition of the geometric standards the relation (directly or involved) between traffic accidents and road parameters have been studied. The subject of curvatures have been separated in two different subjects which have been explained as horizontal curvature and vertical curvatures. On curvatures the transition curves have been mentioned. When the vehicle enters the hori zontal curvature it will be influenced by sudden sideway acceleration force. So to decrease the sudden influence of sideway acceleration force it has been proved that horizontal curvatures are needed. Especially during superelevation, when the vehicle has been confronted with forces has been studied in detail. Moreover, the drenage subject has been mentioned in relation with superelevati on and its problems. The importance of sight distance on vertical curva tures has been studied. Mentioning the slopes and length slopes which are the geometric standards horizontal curvatures and consequently, the speed difference occu- ring in traffic flow which has a negative influence on capacity and road safety has been defined. The subject of road surface construction has been separated in two different parts. These parts have been defined as ondulation wave lengths of road surface. The first subject has been admitted as road evenness. The second subject has been admitted as skid resistance. The influence on road users has been researched in both parts. IXIn the third part, the factors influenced the capa city of road have been mentioned. To define road capacity and service level the relation between road capacity and service level has been researched. It has been shown that service level defines the road condi tions. Further the road service conditions such as speed and travel capacity, manouvre freedom, road safety, vehicle driving confor, and hapiness and service costs have been discussed. But between these mentioned factors some are against the relative values, so during the explanation of service level, travel speed has been taken as the real factor. The relation between speed and volume has been made. Further, the demanded volume and service volume for the capacity rate has been studied. After explaining the subject of capacity in detail the factors which have an influence on capacity have been defined. To be able to make more clear explanations, the factors have been separated as geometric and traffic factors. Lane width, number of lanes, lateral clearance, shoulders, auxiliary lanes and slope characters are considered as geometric factors and it has been explained how these influenced the road capacity. Secondly the traffic factorshave been defined. The traffic composition has been found as the most important traffic factor. Traffic composition has been mentioned by the percentage of vehicle variations in the flow. Also the other traffic factors like intersections, bridges, pay tolls have an important influence on the traffic flow. In the fourth part the geometric factors influence on the road safety has been tried to be solved. First horizontal curvatures have been discussed. It has been taken in consideration that more accidents are happening on horizontal curvatures then straight roads. For this reason it has been emphasised that horizontal curvatures are critical space on the road safety and its geometrical parameters must be defined carefully. And these are horizontal curvature radius and approach velocity. In the horizontal curvature approach speed section, on the curvature the vehicles are under centrifugal force effect of impuls. The usage of transition curve for decreasing the effect of sudden horizontal curvature force has been mentioned. It has been recommended that whole road should consist of trasition curves to develope the road safety and to delete the monotouesy of straight roads. Moreover sight distance should be taken in consideration with project speed.Describing the radius of horizontal curvatures, the radius should have been calculated according to the speed, because vehicles have been wanted to continue their alignment speed in the curvature. It has been mentioned that the horizontal curvature radius has been directly connected with sight distance in curvatures and that topografic characters of the road location study has great effect on the choice of horizontal curvature radius. Especially it has been concluded that using only one radius on the horizontal curvature has been necesarry for preventing accidents and driving comfort. Studying the effects of geometrical standards on road safety, one of the critical spaces of the road, shoulder have been mentioned. After a short explanation of shoulder standarts, how shoulder has influenced the road safety has been researched. It has been seen that shoulders effected the road safety not straight but in a way. The reason of this is although shoulders has a low rate on accident causes it has been decreasing the violence accident which has been caused by means. Further in the case of rate capacity shoulders have deleted the increase because of vehicle breakdown nearby the road. As a conclusion it has been decided that shoulders should have an continuous protection of condition and highest standards at least. In the fourth part the effect of road surface structure on road safety has been researched. First it has been insisted on road evenness. Road evenness has been accepted as permanent ondulation which appear under the traffic forces caused by not ensuring the strength- ness on road surface and base. It has been told that road evenness has been analysed in profile and cross section. In profile for measuring a Longitudinal Profile Ananlyzer ( APL ) has been used and it has been explained how the numbers between one to ten has been given road evenness. As a conclution because of the failures of unwanted vibrations on the driver and the vehicle has been proved to exist. Skid resistance of road surface has been taken in consideration in three paragraphs. These are megarugo- sity, macrorugosity, microrugosity. From where the failu res of skid resistance caused and what the effect has been on road safety, has been researched. It has been mentioned that megarugosity has been causising an increase in fuel consuption, water capturing and in running noise and makrorugosity has been pointing out pavements drainage degree which was belong to aggre gate dimensions vand also mentioned that mikrorugosity xirate has been related with the dimensions of mineral aggregate (Crystals) and has influenced the quality of touc between vehicle tire and pavement. As acoundusion it has been agreed on that for howing high aderans, bituminous surface treatment should be counstructed with crusher-run metarial which had high polishing resistance and big dimensions and also agreed on that preventing this aderans, base should be very rough and steady. In fifth and the last part, a research on inter sections influence on road safety had been made. This subject was gathered under three main title. Those are intersections, junctions, intersections traffic flow and its effects on road safety. In intersection title, geometrical standarts of intersections have been mentioned and intersections have been classified according to their control. Those are no-control intersections working with basic premieer ruals, intersections with sighnal system. Intersection have more accident rate then other intersections because of having more collision points. For this reason, dictauce of the vehicle from the collision point, in other mean sight distance and vehicle speed have gained importance. It has been told that this type of intersections had negatively influenced the road capasity. Also in intersection the angles between straights which made the collision points, has been examined. By this, if you would decrease this angel, there would have been also a decrease in accident violence. Further, by marking chanalization in the same collision point, in the same time more than one vehicles presentation had been almostly prevented. So in this stuation it has been mentioned that chanalization would have decreased the accident rate in minimum. After all those, especially in rural and urban areas, usage of auxiliary lanes positive influences on road safety and capacity, have been mentioned. On studying intersection title, junctions and their influence on road safety had been defined. Reasons and the types of accidents happened on this type of inter sections have been researched. There, especially it has been mentioned that you should have avoided from the design of intersections which had mixed and unnatural divisions and slips. On studying intersections more conection road Xlleffects on road safety and capacity also have been shown. The type of conection roads and their each accident rate have been cleared. Also the parts of conections roads had been researched according to their accident rates. By those researches for increasing the road safety in intersections, various suggestions have been given. Traffic flow and its influence on road safety on intersections, have been examined in an seperated title. There a relationship between accident rates and the traffic flows on intersections, had tried to be found. Traffic volume and pedestrian volume on intersections, had been formulated and equality which gave accident number, had been found. Also, other accident number had been tried to be found by making relationsship between number of manoeuving vehicles and traffic volume. As a conclusion, especially on intersections in urban areas accident rates high increase by traffic flow increasing, has been found. Xlll

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