Düşük tenörlü kromit konsantresinin karbonla katı halde redüksiyon davranışı
The Carbothermic reduction behaviour of low grade chromite concentrates
- Tez No: 39507
- Danışmanlar: Y.DOÇ.DR. KELAMİ ŞEŞEN
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Metalurji Mühendisliği, Metallurgical Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1994
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 49
DZET Bu çalışmada, Etibank Şark Kromları Ferrakrom İşletmesi !nden sağlanan kromit konsantresi kullanılarak, kromitin karbonla katı halde redüksiyon davranışı incelenmiştir. Kromit konsantresi, redüksiyon için gerekli stokiyometrik miktarın l.G, 1.5 ve 2.G katı kadar karbon içerecek şekilde peletlenmiş ve 1350 C, 1400 C ve 1450 C'de redüklenmiştir. Redüksiyon sonucunda, stokiyometrik miktarın üzerinde karbon artışlarının redüksiyon oranını pek etkilemediği, redüksiyonun sıcaklığın artışından daha fazla etkilendiği, sıcaklık arttıkça redüksiyon oranlarının arttığı saptanmıştır. Karbonun kromit kütlesindeki redüksiyonunun mekanizmasını incelemek için kromit kansantresi arada karbon olacak şekilde 50 kg/cm2, 300 kg/cm2 ve 1000 kg/cm2' lik yükler altında preslenmiş ve redüklenmiştir. Kromitin redüksiyonunda öncelikle katı kromit ve katı karbon parçacıklarının değme noktalarında redüksiyon başlamaktadır ve oluşan metal iyonları metal çekirdeklerini oluşturmaktadır. Bu metal çekirdekleri zamana ve sıcaklığa bağlı olarak büyüyerek parçacık yüzeyini tamamen kaplarlar. Karbonun kromit-karbon arayüzeyi gerisine difüzyonu ile birlikte metalleşme artmaktadır. Metalleşme oranlarının artmasıyla, tanecik etrafında oluşan metalik fazın kalınlığı tane içine doğru artmaktadır. Karbonla temas olmayan yerlerde ise, kromitin redüksiyonu, açığa çıkan C0 gazıyla gerçekleşmektedir. Zamana ve sıcaklığa bağlı olarak C0 gazının poröz yapıda ilerleyişiyle birlikte metalizasyon artmaktadır. C0 gazı oluşumu, karbonun gazlaşmasıyla veya kromitin karbonla redüksiyonu sonucu gerçekleşmektedir. Deneylerde karbonlu malzeme olarak petrokok kullanılmıştır. Petrokokun redüklemedeki etkisi metalurjik kok ve odun kömürü ile kıyaslanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, metalurjik kok kromitin redüksiyonunda en az petrokok kadar başarılı olurken, odun kömürü ile en düşük metalleşme oranları elde edilmiştir. Kullanılan konsantredeki yüksek Mg0/Al"0,: (1.6) oranından dolayı %9Q civarında metalizasyon oranlarına ancak 1450 C gibi yüksek sıcaklıklarda ulaşılabilmiştir. -iv-
Özet (Çeviri)
THE CARBDTHERMIC REDUCTION BEHAVIOUR OF LOU GRADE CHROMITE CONCENTRATES SUMMARY In this study, the reduction behaviour of chromite concentrate with carbon have been investigated. The chromite concentrate was obtained from Etibank Elazığ Şark Kromları Plants. The chemical composition of this concentrate Cr2D3: 3B.2 %, Fe:lD.9 % (Fe0:14.10 %), Mg0:22.26 %, fll203: 13.84 %, 5i02 :8.67 %, CaD: 0.45 %, lg. Loss : 2. 55% The reduction starts at the contact paints of the chromite and carbon and spread outwards from these paints by a machanism that involves carbon transfer from the carbon particle to the chromite across the metallized region. It seems more likely that reduction in the latter case is also by carbon monoxide. -v-Carbon monoxide in the presence of carbon can reduce chromite to iron and chromium at temperatures }aj 116D°C Chromite that is reduced by carbon monoxide in the pre sence of carbon, tough not in contact with it, exhi bits a reduction sequence and microstructure similar to that of chromite in chromite and carbon mixtures. The chromite particle is considered to be comprised of concentric layers of spinel unit cells (Fe2+ and Mg 2 + occupy tetrahedral sites, Cr3+ Al and ^e 3 + occupy octahedral sites). The phases that form are a result of.the interchange of cations between unit cells within the particle effected by the presence of carbonmonoxide at the surface of the particle. Four stages of reduction are identified with CO gas: 1- The formation of a slightly iron-enriched core com prising distorted spinel unit cells surrounded by a region of normal spinel unit cells, effected by the reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+. 2- The formation of Cr-Al sesquioxide and Mg-Cr-Al spinel phases effected by the metallization of Fez+ ions and subsequent production of Crz+ ions. 3- The reduction of Fe2+ interstitials in the magnesium spinel effected by Crz+ ions emarating either from the ses quioxide orthe surface of the magnesium spinel core, the latter taking place if rapture has occured, exposing the spinel to the gas phase. k- Metallization of chromium ions in the spinel and sesquioxide phases via the Crz+ intermediate. The non-appearance of the sesquioxide phase at high temperatures is explained by considering the effect of temperature on the magnitudes of the diffusion coefficients of Cr2 +, Mgz+, and interstitial Fez+ ions. The sesquioxide will not form if the diffusion coeffi cient of Crz+ is greater than that of the Mg2 + ion. -VI-Furthermore, the slightly iron-enriched inner core will not form if the diffusion coefficient of Crz+ is greater that of Fez+ interstitial ions. The temperature above which the sesquioxide no longer forms is dependent on the composi tion of the chromite. Three types of cation diffusions were identified in the region close to the surface of the chromite particles: 1- The inward diffusion of Fez+ interstitial ions accompanied by electrons. 2- The counter-diffusion of Mg2+ (inward) and Fe2 + (outward) ions on tetrahedral sites. 3- The counter-diffusion of Cr2+ (inward) and Cr3+ (outward) ions. The reduction sequence of chromite is most easily examined by means of the fallowing schematic represen tation : (Fe2W+) (Cr^.Al^, Fe^Q >UOoflc. (Fe2W+) (Cr3*, Al^) -R-tFe 2 h d* >12GD°C < izafi: CrJD3+Fe Mg^Cr^, Al34")^ + (Cr.Fe)^ >12DDqC Mg Al^ + (Cr.Fe)^ Fe^C -Vll-The initial formation of iron suggests that the formation of Fe^C may occur in two steps: the formation of metallic iron by reduction of the ironoxide component of the chromite, followed by carburization to Fe^C. This will occur if the rate of carburization is substantially slower than the rate of reduction of iron. Iron forms at temperatures below 12GD C, therefore, intermediate product and would, if the continued long enough, also transform to reduction of chromium begins at 12DD C. is also an reaction had But the Fe3C Before the experiments three types of pellets were produced adding petroleum coke in a loboratory scale pelletizing disc. The carbon content of those pellets were 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 times of the stoichiometric need for the reduction of Fe and Cr. Pellets were reduced in tamman furnace and they were charged into the furnace at desired temperature in a graphite cruicible. The reduction temperatures are 1350DC and 1450°C for 2 hours for both types of pellets. Also in attempt to fully understand the mechanism of reduction of chromite, two chromite disks, seperated by a layer of graphite which were pressed under the pressure of 50 kg/cm2, 300 kg/cm2 and 1000 kg/cm2 were heated in a graphite crucible in tamman furnace and the kinetiks of reduction mechanism of chromite with carbon was investigated. The affect of petroleum coke during the reduction °f chromite concentrate was compared with metallurgical coke and charcoal. Results of the experiments can be given as follows *After the reduction of pellets added petroleum coke, high metallization values were obtained depending on the temperature. However, the rate of reduction of composite pellets containing various quantities of carbon were not significantly affected by the carbon content. *Reduction of chromite starts at the contact points of the chromite and carbon, and also the particles of ore which are not in contact with carbon are reduced by CO gas at a reasonable rate. The CO gas forms during the reduction of chromite by C or the gasification of C. -viii-*The first step of the reduction of chromite is the reduction of ironoxides. Firstly the metallic iron forms and in the latter case f errochromecarbide reduction af chromium ions. forms by the »Because of the high MgO/AlpQ-g : (1.6) ratio in the chromite concentrate, the metalT-ization values of about o 90 % were reached at high temperatures as 1450 C. *The metallurgical coke is successful in the reduction of chromite concentrate as petroleum coke, but charcoal doesnt show the same affect. -IX-
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