Banka iş kolunda çalışanların durumu (1980-1992)
The Sutiation of the personnel in banking sector
- Tez No: 39725
- Danışmanlar: PROF.DR. ÜMİT ŞENESEN
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Bankacılık, Mühendislik Bilimleri, İşletme, Banking, Engineering Sciences, Business Administration
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1994
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 190
ÖZET 1980-1992 yıllan arasında bankalarda çalışanlarla ilgili gelişmeleri incelediğimizde ortaya çıkan tablo şu şekildedir; Türk bankacılık sektöründe çalışan toplam personel sayısı 1980- 1990 yılları arasında sürekli bir artış halindeyken, son iki yıl bir azalma döne mine girmiştir. Bilgisayar kullanımının yaygınlaşmasıyla açıklayabileceğimiz toplamda gözlenen bu azalmanın daha çok özel sermayeli bankalarda ortaya çıktığını, hatta bu bankalarda 1992 yılındaki çalışan sayısının 1980 yılındaki düzeyinin bile akma indiğini söyleyebilmekteyiz. Azalmanın kadın çalışanlarda toplamdan 1, erkek çalışanlardan 2 yıl sonra ortaya çıkmış olması, bankalarda erkek çalışanlardan kadın çalışanlara doğru bir yönelme olduğunun göstergesidir. Çalışanların 1986-1992 yıllan arasında eğitim seviyelerim incelediğimizde çoğunluğu orta öğrenim mezunlarının oluşturması ile birlikte ilk ve orta öğrenim mezunlarından yüksek öğrenim ve yüksek lisans- doktora yapanlara doğru kayma olduğunu görüyoruz. Sözü edilen kayma kadın çalışanlarda erkek çalışanlardan daha çok gerçekleşmiştir. 1992 de kadınların eğitim seviyesi erkeklerin üzerindedir. Türkiye geneli ile karşılaştırıldığında bankacılık sektöründe çalışanların eğitim düzeyi ülke gene linin çok üzerindedir. Çalışanlara ödenen ücret 1982-1986 yıllan arasında azalırken bu yıldan sonra artışa geçmiştir. Çalışanlara en düşük ücret kamusal sermayeli bankalarda, en yüksek ücret ise yabana sermayeli bankalarda verilmektedir. Çalışan kişi basma kâr miktarı ise 1989 yılındaki azalma dışında genelde artış eğilimindedir. Kişi basma kâr değerinin en yüksek olduğu bankalar da yine yabancı sermayeli bankalardır. Bu bankalarda çalışanlara yüksek ücret ödenmekle birlikte bunun çok üzerinde bir kâr elde edildiği gözlenmektedir. 1980-1987 yıllan arasında sürekli artarken 1987 sonrası azalmaya başlayan kişi basma mevduatın son iki yıl yeniden artışa geçmesi, bu yıllarda personel sayısında meydana gelen azalma ile birlikte değerlendirildiğinde çalışanlardan daha verimli bir şekilde yararlanıldığım göstermektedir. -v-
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY THE SITUATION OF THE PERSONNEL IN BANKING SECTOR There have been lots of changes in Turkish banking sector since 1980, when new economical programmes were put into force to liberal ize the system so that it would reach the international level. In this the sis, first of all, we're going to examine how these changes affected the number of the personnel who works in banks. Does this number decline or rise between 1980 and 1992 ? Is there any difference between the number of male and female employees ? Has it got anything to do with difference types of banks ? Secondly, we're going to pay attention to the education level of this personnel. There are four categories of people who only had primary or secondary education or people who have graduated from a university and have done master's or doctorate program. The questions to handle are as follows: 1- Does the number of people in each category change ? 2- Does it change in the same direction or does some of them rise while the others decline ? Finally, we're going to examine the changes in the personnel expen diture, profit and deposit per capita and try to find out whether there are some kind of relations between them or not. There are 70 banks in Turkey. Since it's almost impossible to exam ine all these banks and most of them have small scale or don't exist in all the years from 1980 to.1992, we chose eleven banks four of which were established by the government such as T. Cumhuriyet Merkez Ban kası, T.C. Ziraat Bankası, T. Halk Bankası, T. Vakıflar Bankası; and the other four of which are founded by private enterprise such as Akbank. T. Ticaret Bankası, T. İş Bankası, Yapı ve Kredi Bankası and the last three of which are owned by foreign enterprice such as Osmanlı Bankası A.Ş., Citybank, Bank Mellat. These eleven banks employ almost 75 % of the personnel and have 65% of the de- posits and 70 % of the profit in banking sector in 1992. -VI-THE NUMBER OF THE PERSONNEL In 1980, the number of personnel in entire banking sector is 131000. From 1980 to 1990 it increases to over 162000 (2.1 % average increasing rate per year ). But after that, there is a great decrease and in 1992, this number is approximately 154500 (2.4 % average decreasing rate per year ). Although the number of banks increase from 44 to 70 continu ally, why does the number of person- nel decrease after 1990 ? The rea sons can be as follows: i- some banks deciding to decrease their seize to be able to strengthen their financial structure, ii- widespread use of computers and ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) which can be work sufficient enough without any employees. When we take only the male personnel into account; in 1980 there are about 85000 men who work in banks. From 1980 to 1989 this num ber rises to over 106000 reaching its peak ( 2.5 % average increasing rate per year ) Then there is decreasing period from 1989 to 1992 ( 2.4 % average decreasing rate per year ). The number of female personnel in 1980 is 46000. And it increses to 58000 by 1991 ( 2.1 % average increasing rate per year }. But in 1992, this number is below 56000 ( 2.5 % decresing rate ). We can notice that the number of male personnel starts to fall a year earlier than total number, and on the contrary, the number of female has the same decrease a year later. This can mean, especially in the last years, banks tend to employ women instead of men. The reason for this tendency may be employing women costs less dearly than men. But we don't have any specific information about it. After examining the total number of the personnel in the entire banking sector, it's high time we observed the eleven banks we have chosen. Theree of the banks which was established by government ( Merkez, Ziraat, Halk Bankası ) have similar trends as the total. Only the trend for Vakıflar Bankası is different because it increases more rap idly than the others between 1987-1991. When we calculate the con-e lation coefficient for these four banks, it shows that, except Vakıflar Bankası there is big similarity between them. The banks which are founded by private enterprise have an inclina tion quite different from the others (except Ticaret Bankası whose num ber of personnel changes like public banks ). Their number of personnel starts to decrease earlier, and in 1992 it is less than the number in 1980. Moreover, there is no high correlation coefficient between them. -vii-Osmanlı Bankası as a bank financed by foreigners is a bit similar to the banks financed by private enterprise in terms of its number of per sonnel which is less in 1992 than 1980. Again there is no high correla tion coefficient between banks financed by foreigners. EDUCATION LEVEL In 1986, the number of personnel with a primary education is over 21000. From 1986 to 1992, it declines steadily to below 17000 ( 4.1 % average decreasing rate per year ). In 1986, the number of personnel with a secondary education is approximately 103000. Between 1986 and 1989, it rises to over 106000 C 1.0 % average increasing rate per year ) and then it declines to 98000 by 1992 ( 2.4 % average decreasing rate per year ). In 1986, the number of personnel with a higher education is below 26000. It rises steadily reaching 38000 in 1992 C 6.7 % average in creasing rate per year ). In 1986, the number of personnel with a master / doctorate degree is 860. It increases steadily to 1680 in 1992 ( 11.7 % average increasing rate per year ). In 1986, 14.2 % of the personnel have a primary education, 68.2 % of the personnel have a secondary education, 17.0 % of the personnel have a higher education, 0.6 % of the personnel have a master/doctorate degree. In 1992 these proportions are respectively 10.8 %, 63.5 %, 24.6 %, 1.1 %. Although the personnel who graduated from secondary schools always have the biggest proportion of the total, there is a clear incline from this group to the other group with a higher education and master/doctorate degree, especially after 1989. In Merkez and Vakıflar Bankası which are set up by government, in Yapı-Kredi Bankası financed by private enterprise, and in all banks fi nanced by foreigner, the proportion of the university graduate personnel is higher than total. In 1986, the number of the male personnel with a primary edu cation is 19000. Then it declines steadily to 15000 by 1992 ( 3.9 % average decreasing rate per year ). In 1986, the number of personnel with a secondary education is 64000. Between 1986 and 1989, it rises to over 66000. Then it -VU1-declines below ro 61000 in 1992. ( 2.6 % average decreasing rate per year ). In 1986, the number of personnel with a higher education is ap proximately 17000. Then it rises steadily to 21000 by 1992 (4.9 % average increasing rate per year ). In 1986, the number of personnel with a master/doctorate degree is 590. Then it rises to 1050 by 1992 ( 10.0 % average increasing rate per year ). In 1986, 19.2% of the personnel have a primary education, 63.6 % of the personnel have a secondary education, 16.6 % of the personnel have a higher education, 0.6 % of the personnel have a master / doctorate degree. In 1992 these proportions are respectively 15.4 %, 62.0 %, 21.5 %, 1.1 %. According to the comparison of these results with the total, while the proportion of men with a primary education is higher, the others are lower. ( Especially in 1992 ) Therefore, we can say the education level of men is lower than the total. How different is the education level of women ? In 1986, the number of female personnel with a primary education is 2100, then it declines steadily to 1400 by 1992 ( 6.4 % average de creasing rate per year ). In 1986, the number of personnel with a secondary education is 39000. Between 1986 and 1988, it rises to 40000, then it declines to below 37000 by 1992 ( 2.0 % average decreasing rate per year ). In 1986, the number of personnel with a higher education is ap proximately 9000, then it rises steadily to 17000 by 1992 ( 10.8 % average increasing rate per year }. In 1986, the number of personnel with a master/doctorate degree is 270, then it rises to 630 by 1992 (15.1 % average increasing rate per year ). The decreasing rate in the group with a primary education and the increasing rate in the group with a higher education and master / doctorate degree are higher than the ones which are calculated for the total and men. So ıfs obvious that the movement from primary and secondary education to higher education and master / doctorate degree is more rapid. -DC-In 1986, 4.2 % the personnel have a primary education, 77.4 % of the personnel have a secondary education, 18.0 % of the personnel have a higher education, 0.5 % of the personnel have a master / doctorate degree. In 1992, these proportions are respectively 2.6 %, 66.1 %, 30.2 %, 1.1 %. According to the comparison of these results with the total, women who work in banks are more educated than men. Information gathered from the eleven banks weVe choosen shows the same conclusion. PERSONNEL EXPEDITURE, PROFIT AND DEPOSIT PER CAPITA In 1980, the personnel expediture per capita is TL 30000, it rises to 32000 in the next two years, then declines to 23000 by 1985. From 1985 to 1992 it increases steadily to over TL 50000. Rising education level and reduced number of personnel might have caused an increase in the last years. Personnel expenditure per capita has almost the same trend as the total in the public banks, private and foreigner banks. While the personnel is given the lowest salary in public banks, the personnel in foreign banks is given the highest salaries. In 1980, the profit per capita is TL 10000. It rises to TL 40000 by 1988. After it drops to TL 26000 in 1989, it rises to TL 44000 from 1989 to 1992. Except for the decreases in profit per capita in 1992 in private banks, it shows the same trend in all types of banks. The highest profit belongs to foreign banks, the lowest profit belongs to public banks except in 1980, 1981, 1982 and 1992 when private banks have the lowest profit per worker. When we divide the personnel expensditure to the profit, the pro portion can be compared with each other. We can see that the pro portion which is 2.8 in 1980 declines to 0.8 by 1988 than it rises to 1.3 in 1989 and almost remain constant until 1992. In 1980, while the personnel expenditure is approximately 3 times moree than the profit, in 1992 they have almost the same proportion. This proportion is so low compared with the proportions between 60 and 130 in the European countries. The group which has the lowest proportion is foreign banks. This proportion is over 1, only in 2 years time. It shows that although they -x-pay the highest salaries, the profit they make is more than the personnel expenditure. In 1980, the deposits per capita is 340000. Between 1980 - 1987 it rises to about TL 1000000. Then it decrease to to 830000 in the next two years. After that it rises again to 1000000 by 1992. If we consider the decraese in the number of the personnel in the last two years, it can be said that this result caused the banks to use their personnel make efficiently. -XI-
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