Geri Dön

Geriatrik travma hastalarının analizi

Analysis of geriatric trauma patients

  1. Tez No: 409562
  2. Yazar: YAVUZ ÖZMEN
  4. Tez Türü: Tıpta Uzmanlık
  5. Konular: İlk ve Acil Yardım, Emergency and First Aid
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2015
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: Erciyes Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Tıp Fakültesi
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Acil Tıp Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 80


Giriş ve amaç: Yaşlı hastalar görme ve duyma problemleri, motor hareket kısıtlılığı, altta yatan hastalıklar, kullanılan ilaçlar, alkol alımı, senkop, çevresel faktörlere uyum sağlayamama, reflekslerde zayıflama gibi birçok nedenle travmaya maruz kalırlar. Özellikle toplumun yaşlanması ve yaşlı toplumun eskiye göre daha aktif bir yaşam tarzı sürmesi nedeniyle yaşlılarda; düşme, motorlu taşıt kazaları, şiddet yaralanmaları, yanıklar ve yaya yaralanmalarının sayısı artmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı 65 yaş ve üzeri hastalarda oluşan travmaların oluş mekanizmalarını, sebeplerini, risk faktörlerini, sonuçlarını incelemektir. Gereç ve yöntem: İleriye yönelik olan bu çalışmamıza, 01.08.2014 ile 31.01.2015 tarihleri arasında Erciyes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Acil Servisi'ne travma nedeniyle başvuran 65 yaş ve üzeri hastalar alınmıştır. Hastaların demografik özellikleri sorgulanmış; tanı, takip, tedavi, yatış ve taburculuk aşamalarında hastalar izlenmiştir. Hastaların travma şiddetlerini değerlendirmek için GKS (Glasgow Koma Skalası), RTS (Revised Trauma Score-Gözden geçirilmiş travma skoru), ISS (Injury Severity Score - Yaralanma şiddet skoru) ve TRISS (Trauma Score Injury Severity Score - Travma yaralanma şiddet skoru) travma skorları kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca hastaların komorbidite indeksleri, günlük fiziksel yaşam alanları, hastane maliyetleri de elde edilen verilerden hesaplanmıştır. Bulgular: Erciyes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Acil Servisine 01.08.2014 ile 31.01.2015 tarihleri arasında travmaya bağlı şikayetler ile başvuran 65 yaş ve üzerindeki 235 hasta çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. İki yüz otuz beş hastanın 134'ü (% 57) kadın, 101'i (% 43) erkek olarak saptandı. Hastalarımızın 163'ü (% 69,4) 65-79 yaş arası yaşlı nüfusta, 72'si (% 30,6) 80 yaş ve üzeri çok yaşlı nüfusta yer almaktaydı. Travma nedenleri; düşmeler (% 73,2), trafik kazaları (% 19,2), kesici-delici alet yaralanmaları (% 3,4), darp-cebir (% 2,1) olarak bulundu. Hastalarımızdan 130'unda ( % 55,3) hipertansiyon, 55'inde diyabetes mellitus ( % 23,4), 39'unda koroner arter hastalığı ( % 16,6), 33'ünde kronik obstruktif akciğer hastalığı ( % 14) mevcut idi. Düşmeye sebep olan risk faktörleri arasında en sık çevresel faktörler (% 25,5) ve önceden düşme öyküsü (% 24,3) yer almakta olup; bunları sırasıyla mevcut hastalıklara bağlı titreme, baş dönmesi ( % 16,2), hareketlerle ağrı ( % 16,2) ve görme duyma problemleri( % 15,3) takip etmektedir. En sık kullanılan görüntüleme yöntemi direkt grafi (% 91,1) idi, ikinci sıklıkta ise BT (% 77,9) kullanıldı. Hastalarımızda sırasıyla en çok femur fraktürü (% 26,4), yumuşak doku zedelenmesi (% 26), cilt laserasyonu (% 16,6), kot fraktürü (% 14) ve torakolomber vertebra fraktürü (% 7,2) saptandı. Çalışmamızdaki hastaların % 55,3'ü acil servisten tedavi sonrası taburcu olmuş, % 23'ü servise yatmış, % 18,3'ü yoğun bakım şartlarında takibe alınmış ve % 3,4'ünün yani 8 hastanın travma sonrası yaralanması mortal seyretmiştir. Hastalarımızda en sık ekstremite travması (148 hasta; % 63) vardı, 69'unda (% 29,4) baş-boyun travması, 57'sinde (% 24,3) toraks travması, 44'ünde (% 18,7) maksillofasiyal travma, 35'inde (% 14,9) abdomen, pelvis ve lomber vertebra travması saptandı. Acil servisteki ortalama maliyet 291 TL olup en fazla maliyet 1578 TL olarak bulundu. Genel hastane maliyetine bakıldığında ortalama 1839 TL olup, 22244 TL ye varan toplam yatış maliyeti saptandı. Günlük yaşam aktiviteleri değerlendirildiğinde hastalarımızdan 5'inin (% 2,1) tam bağımlı, 41'inin (% 17,5) yarı bağımlı, 189'unun (%80.4) bağımsız olarak günlük hayatlarını idame ettirdiği saptandı. Enstrumantel (alet destekli) günlük yaşam aktiviteleri incelendiğinde ise 23 hasta (% 9,8) tam bağımlı, 78 hasta (% 33,2) yarı bağımlı, 134 hasta (% 57) bağımsız olarak saptandı. ISS ve TRISS'e göre değerlendirildiğinde; daha düşük skorlu hastalar genellikle taburcu olurken, yüksek skorlu hastalarda yoğun bakım yatış oranı ve eksitus oranı daha yüksek bulundu. Maliyet analizine bakıldığında eksitus olan ve yoğun bakıma yatan hastaların genel hastane ve acil servis maliyetleri anlamlı yüksek olarak bulundu (p

Özet (Çeviri)

Introduction and objective: Elderly patients sustain trauma for many reasons including problems in vision and hearing, limitation of motor movements, underlying diseases, medications, alcohol consumption, syncope, difficulty in coordinating with environmental factors, and poorer reflexes. In particular, the incidence of falls, motor vehicle accidents, violence-related injuries, burns and pedestrian injuries are increasing by aging community and more active lifestyle of this aging community. The aim of this study is to evaluate mechanisms, reasons, risk factors and outcomes of traumas in patients aged 65 years or older. Material and method: This prospective study included trauma patients aged 65 years or older who presented to Emergency Department of Erciyes University Medical School Hospital between 01.08.2014 and 31.01.2015. The demographic characteristics of patients were noted and the patients were followed during diagnostic work up, follow-up, observation, treatment, admission and discharge process. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), Revised Trauma Score (RTS), Injury Severity Score (ISS) and Trauma Score Injury Severity Score (TRISS) were used to assess severity of trauma in the patients included. In addition, the data obtained were used to estimate comorbidity index, daily physical life domains and costs. Findings: Overall, 235 patients aged ≥65 years presented to Emergency Department of Erciyes University, Medical School with trauma-related complaints between 01.08.2014 and 31.01.2015. The study population included 134 women (57%) and 101 men (43%). Of the patients, 163 (69.4%) were at age group of 65-79 years (elder population) while 72 (30.6%) were at age group of ≥80 years (advanced age). Trauma etiologies included falls (73.2%), motor vehicle accidents (19.2%), stab injuries (3.4%) and physical violence (2.1%). There was hypertension in 130, diabetes mellitus in 55, coronary artery disease in 39 and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 33 of the patients. Hypertension was the most common comorbid disease. Environmental factors (25.5%) and past history of fall (24.3%) were most common risk factors for fall; followed by tremor, dizziness, painful movements and problems in vision and hearing. The most commonly used imaging modality was direct radiographs (91.1%); followed by CT scan (77.9%) in the assessment of trauma in geriatric patients. The most commonly detected injury was femur fracture (26.4%); followed by soft tissue injury (26.0%), skin laceration (16.6%), rib fracture (14.0%) and thoracolumbar vertebra fracture (7.2%). Of the patients included, 55.3% were discharged to home from ED, while 23% were admitted to a ward and 18.3% were followed in intensive care settings. Trauma-related injuries resulted in fatality in eight patients (3.4%). It was found that the most common injury was extremity trauma (148 patients); followed by head-neck injury (69 patients), thorax trauma (57 patients), maxillofacial trauma (44 patients) and abdomen, pelvis and lumbar vertebra traumas (35 patients). In ED, mean cost was found to be 291 Turkish Liras (TL), as highest cost being 1578 TL. Overall mean hospital cost was 1839 TL with costs reaching up to 22244 TL. Of the patients undergoing assessment for daily living activities, it was found that 5 (2.1%) were dependent while 41 (17.5%) were semi-dependent and 189 (80.4%) were independent in terms of daily living activities. When instrumental daily living activities were assessed, was found that 23 patients (9.8%) were dependent while 78 patients (33.2%) were semi-dependent and 134 patients (57.0%) were independent. When the patients were assessed in respect of ISS and TRISS, it was found that the patients with lower scores were generally discharged while mortality and ICU admission rates were found to be higher in the patients with higher scores. In cost analysis, it was found that overall hospital and ED costs were found to be significantly higher in patients who died or admitted to ICU. In addition, mortality and admission rates were found to be significantly higher in the patient with poorer daily living activities than those with higher daily living activities. Conclusions: It was found that 57% of geriatric trauma patients were women with a female: male ratio of 0.75. Mean age was found to be 75.3 years. There was at least one chronic disease in the 79.6% of the patients. Most common comorbid disease was hypertension (55.3%) and most commonly used medication was antihypertensive drugs. In geriatric patients, the most common mechanism of injury was fall (73%); followed by motor vehicle accidents. When risk factors for fall were assessed, it was found that older patients, single patients, those living alone, patients with history of fall, patients with dizziness, patients with comorbid disease and those with osteoarthritis-related articular pain were at increased risk for falls. Environmental factors such as millstone, footstep or trash were found to be most common cause of falls. In geriatric patients, extremity traumas were most frequently encountered injuries. In our study, mortality rate was found to be 3.4%. It was found that ISS and TRISS are best trauma scoring systems to determine trauma severity, morbidity and mortality. Significant differences were detected in ED and overall hospital costs among patients who were discharged, admitted or died.

Benzer Tezler

  1. Acil servise başvuran geriatrik travma hastalarının analizi

    Analysis of geriatric trauma cases referred to the adult emergency


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    İlk ve Acil Yardımİzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi

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  2. Geriatrik travma hastalarının prospektif analizi

    Prospective analysis of geriatric trauma patients


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    İlk ve Acil YardımEge Üniversitesi

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  3. 65 yaş üstü travma hastalarının epidemiyolojik değerlendirilmesi

    Epidemiological evaluation of trauma patients aged 65 and above


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  4. Acil servise başvuran yaşlı travma hastalarında kırılganlığın yoğun bakımda kalış ve mortalite üzerindeki etkisinin değerlendirilmesi

    Evaluation of the impact of frailty on icu stay and mortality in elderly trauma patients admitted to the emergency department


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  5. 65 yaş üstü travma hastalarında AIS ve RTS skorlarının klinik sonlanımla ilişkisinin değerlendirilmesi

    Evaluation of the relationship of ais and RTS scores with clinical outcome in trauma patients over 65 years of age


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    Acil Tıp Ana Bilim Dalı