Kızılağaç (almus glutinosa geartnsubsp barbata (C.A.Mey) Yalt.) gövde hacim ve biyokütle tablolarının düzenlenmesi
Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.
- Tez No: 4223
- Danışmanlar: DOÇ.DR. FAHRİ BATU
- Tez Türü: Doktora
- Konular: Ormancılık ve Orman Mühendisliği, Forestry and Forest Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1988
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Orman Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 122
ÖZE Bu çalışla ile Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde devlet ormanları ve özel şahıs arazilerinde düzgün gövdeleri iie hızlı büyüroe özelliği gösteren Kızılağaç CAlnus gîutinosa Baertn- subsp- barbata CC- A- Hey) Yal t.) 'in gövde haciffi ve biyokütle tablolarının düzenlenmesi araaci anim şt 3. r » KîZîiağac'ların kabuklu gövde bacssım, göğüs çapının Ctek gi rişli) ya da göğüs çapı vb boyunun (çift girişli) fonksiyonuna göre veren Kızılağaç Hacım Tabloları düzenlenmiştir. Bu afttacls 5ÎÖ denese ağacının verilerine dayalı Tek Girişli Gövde Hacıra Tablosu için Kopezky-Behrhardt hacım ©odeli kullanılırken, 2 V = b.«- b d Kopezky-Gebrhardt- O î Çift Birimli Sövde Hacıa Tablosu için 6 hacı a modeli denenmiş ve en iyi sonucu veren Schumacher - Hali hacısı modeli seci î rai stir- b c V = a,d,h Schumacbe? - Hali Deneme alanları ve laboratuar çalışma! arandan elde edilen verilerin karşılıklı ilişkilerini ortaya koymak için Hatereatiksei Yöntem kuiîanıifflişj denklem katsayıları ile diğer istatistiklerin hesaplanmasında En Küçük Ksıreler Yöntemi uygulanmıştır» Ayraca, Kızılağaç bileşenlerinin < gövde odunu, gövde kabuğu- yasayan dallar, dalcık ve yapraklar) ve tüm ağscsn ortaiaaa kuru ağırlığını vsrsn Kızılağaç Kuru Ağırlık Tabloları düzenlenmiştir. Bu sssçla 86 denssse ağacının verileri 5 biyokütle modeli iie denenmiş ve en iyi sonucu veren Aisradağ modeli uygulanmıştır - * 2 Kftab + bd + bh Alersdağ O İ 2 Kuru Ağırlık, CKA) cicisinde kısaltılarak kullanılmıştır- Vi I î
Özet (Çeviri)
R Y Aînus glutinosa Saertn» subsp» barbata (C A-Mey» ) Yal t.) is an taxon of Aider i Aînus Mill») and ranges in the east Black Sea region of Turkey» Wenn it was looked at the literature cited in this taxon, it will be understood that there arm raany researches and publications related to its -botanical, morphological -, tech nological, polinoiogical characteristics, and its range, ecolo gical and si Ivi cultural requirements» On the other hand, there is no enough research on the yield and management basis of Alder forests» Therefore, construction of Stem Voiusse Tables and Dry-Weight Tables with the investigation of pure stands of the Ainus barbata and measurement of disks at the laboratory and determination of actual Alder areas of pure and mixed Alder stands are the objects of this study. Aider C AInus 'Hill. > is an important genus of Betuiacea fara-ily» ît represents itself with five taksons of two species» which are growing naturaly in Turkey. ît has a 0.9 7. proportion in the türkish forest area. Ainus barbata forms pure stands in the east the Black Sea region, and grows as artificial little stands and gallery forests» It has ^3 % proportion of pure Alder stands and 35 % proportion of mixed Alder stands (Table B.&). Natural ranges of Aider, in the world and in Turkey, are shown in Hap 2-1 and Map 2.2- According to data of Hanagessent Plans cover the Aînus barbata ssixed stands approximately three tis^es area ais pure stands in the state forests of the Black Sea region» The distribution of these stands according forest administrations of Trabzon, Artvin and Giresun s,re given as isanagesient plan areas CIA) and real area CBA) in Table B-&. According to our study, natural range of the Sakallı Alder lies between 37° 4?' - 41° 33f Eastern longitude, and 40° 41s - 4i* 32* Ncrtern latitude, and it has 107,551 hectares area» Aînus barbata is found as mixed stands with Beech (Fagus or i enta ils Lipsky), Hornbeam (Carpi nus oriental i s Hill-), Ches-nut i Cas- tanea saliva Hill»)» Spruce (Picea oriental i s L. ), Scotch Pine (Pi nus silvestris L- > and Oak (Quercus dschorochensis K.Koch). Local St era Volume Table, Standart Stem Volume Table-Stero Wood Dry- Weight Table, Stem Bark Dry-Weight Table, Live Branches Dry- Weight Table, Twigs and Leaves Dry-Wei gt Table and Whole Tree Dry-Weight Table? presented in this study are Brrsptg&d by means of material collected from temporary trial plots taken in the pure, even-aged, untouched, normal stocked and naturally grown stands of the Ainus barbata» AMtecal - and Standart Steı» Volume Table were constructed by means of the material collected at the 510 sample trees, were c-hs©st?f3 in 55 trial plots bs-t w^itr? P^r^mhe and Kemalpaşa within 20 m - İ6İÖ ro altitude girdle. In each trial plot, 7 cm at breast height td.b.h») and above were measured» In order to represent the diameter distribution, qualified nusaber of trees were choosen. After the girth measurement of t.r®es at their brsast height and 30 cm height from the ground level » »ere cut down as high from the i/3 of their riLfo.h. Th» branches wer® cut »t the stems- The girth stnd single bark thickness of stes? were measured at the every 2 m from breast height to top- The nusmber of rings «ere also determined on the stump section for tree age. The places of 55 trial plots «ere shown in the Hap 2-3- Knowledge related to geographical and local position, and distri bution to the site factors of plots were given in Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 respectively- Several aethods were used in evaluation of material and constructing ths tables- it was based on flathesiatical Method in obtaining Local Stess Volume Table, Standart Stesj Volume Table, Stes» Wood Dry-Weight Table, Stem Bark Dry~l4eight Tabî®c Live Branches Dry-Weight Table, Twigs snd Leaves Dry-Height Table and Whole Tree Dry-Weight Table- Experiences and recommendations of the authors such as Bpurr Cİ952)- Prodan S196ÎÎ, Loetsch-Zehreî - Haller C1973), Aleradağ C19B0) - Parde - Crow-Laidiy , Hetheven Cİ9S3)» Ker -U9S4) - Schönenberger Cİ984), Bri gal -Kemik - Pellinen CÎ985) were used in determining of correlations between dependent and independent variables. The volume sssodeî s of Kopezky-Sehrhardfc and Schtwachsr-Hal Î were cboosen in 7 volume models for construction of Local Ste® Volume Table and Standart St e© Volume Table- Each volume table were given in Table A- 1 and Table A-2. Standart Volume Table «as found suitable for Alder forests of east the Black Sea region as a result of diffrent controls on real and table volume data of sample trees- In Turkey 'constructed Standart Voîusse Tables for diffrent tree species was given in Table 3- 8. The relation, between breast height diaraeter and double bark thickness of sample trees was shown in Graph 4-5- The relation between diaroeter with bark &.nd breast height double bark thickness of Alder was given in T.«b2s 4-2» The relation between diaraeter with bark and diameter without bark of Aider was given in Table 4-3» In this study constructed Dry-Height Tables &re the first examples on this subject in Turkey, it can be possible to learn the dry-weight of diffrent components of Aider Sste» wood, stem bark- live branches, twigs- and leaves) ana whole tree by measuring of b-h-d- and height of standing trees and reading at the dry- weight tables-Dry-Wei gbt Tables constructed by means of the material collected on the 86 sample trees were chooser» in Î9 trial plots in the east the Black Sea regions between Perşembe and Hopa/Kemal - pasa within ÎÖ m - 15Î0 m altitude girdle. Sample plots were established Ö»Ö4 ha irs sise in stands of various maturity stages. sn.d site and density classes within the specified population» The plots were laid as squares £2?? m * 20 m) using the H- S and E-W cardinal directions- All living and dead trees larger than or equal to 5» 3 cm in dbhob »ere (»easured and recorded in ail sarapie plots» Where possible, Here selected at least two sample trees of average heait and vigor and of unbroken top from each dbhob class of living trees and -from diffrent heights within the dbhob classes -for mass and volume sampling» Each sample tree was cut at approximately 0,30 m above ground level. On each living merchantable tree were took and recorded height» diameter, double-bark thickness and total age dimensional wasyrsBsnts. Ali the branches of tree were cut, subdivided and piled separately in three groups» Ail leaf -bearing twigs and leaves were removed from the live branches. Hen cones and the old cones of the previous years nere collected and piled separately. The sBain stem was cut at 1/3» 2/3 and the top of merchantable height. Sreen mass of the three sections of the merchantable stem large live branches, small live branches, dead branches, new and old cones «ere took and recorded separately» Brean »ass of twigs and leaves w©r© took end recorded together- Green mass of the top portion of the main stem was took and recorded» One bunch of samples of twigs and leaves (each sample being about 150 q) » some samples from each pi 2® of ssrss- two sample? disks i B cb to Î0 cm in ienght > one from the large and one Iroa the small living branches, four sample disks 3 cm to 4 era in thickness from the breast height - the lower end of the sections î/2« 1/3 and of the top of the merchant able stem were collected» All the samples «ere put in polyethylene bags and brought to the laboratory for further stessurements. The annual rings and diameters on the lower side of each disk taken from the stem were «measured» A wedge was cut from each disk taken from the stem for wood-density measurements» The green-mass and ovendry- mass measurements were took of the disks taken from the stem, leaves and twigs- All the field and laboratory work data were recorded on Fort ran Coding Forms in Trabzon and computed at the Petawawa National Forestry Institute/Canada with Aîemdağ's model. The places of 19 trial plots were shown in the Hap 2.3» Know ledge related to geographical and local position, and distribution to the site factors of plots were given in Table 3.2 e,nd Table 3» 4 »Dry-Height Tables Kere given in Tables B.l-S.Jhe correlations between steep, wood ovendry- mass e^d d, h, dh and ti^h were given in Graphs 4» 10- İ3» The correlations between merchantable wood X of stem and dm/d and bm/h were given in Braphs 4» 14-35- The cor relations of the dm/d and hm/b equations for merchantable wood were shown in Graphs 4.16-17»
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