Geri Dön

Teknoloji yönetimi

Technology and strategy

  1. Tez No: 46387
  2. Yazar: DEVRİM YÜCEL
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF.DR. HALUK ERKUT
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Endüstri ve Endüstri Mühendisliği, Industrial and Industrial Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1995
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 134


ÖZET Bu çalışmada, Teknoloji Yönetimi konusunda bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı, teknoloji yönetimine sistem bakışı altında yaklaşarak, teknolojiye gereksinim duyulması anından yeni teknolojinin sun dudu. imkanlara kadar geçen organı zasyonel, stratejik ve diger aşamaların tearik modelini kurmaktır. Yapılan çalışma, teknoloji yönetimi konusunda literatürde bulunan bugüne kadar yapılmış çalışmaların incelenmesi ve bu yolla konu hakkındaki bilgilerin geniş bir tabana oturtularak oluşturulması düşünülen modele bir baz teşkil etmesi amacını taşımaktadır, Bu amaçla, çalışmanın birinci ve ikinci bölümlerinde genel olarak teknoloji ve yönetim konuları ve bugüne kadar bu konulara olan bakış açıları incelenmiştir. üçüncü bölümde ise bu kavramların arasındaki bağlantıyı sağlayan ve temel konu olan teknoloji yönetimi incelenmiştir. Ama teknoloji yönetimi kavramı sadece bu iki ayrı kavramı birbirine bağlayan bir aracı olmaktan çok bir bütün halinde düşünülmesi gereken bir sistem olduğundan daha sonra sırasıyla teknolojiye dayalı değişimin yapısı ve etkileri, teknolojinin çevreden nasıl etkilendiği ve çevresini nasıl etkilediği incelenmiştir. Daha sonra teknoloji ve organizasyon yapıları ele alınmıştır. Son bölümde ise teknolojinin stratejilerde meydana getirdiği değişiklikler, firmaların yeni teknoloji alımı, transferi veya araştırma geliştirme ile firma içinde yaratması gibi konular araştırılmış, modern yönetim kavramları (toplam kalite, reengineering, sistem yaklaşımı) ile ilgileri incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, bir süreç şeması halinde ortaya konulan model, teknoloji yönetilirken verilen kararları, bu kararların alternatiflerini, sonuçlarını ve bu sürecin en baştan sonuna kadar akışını göstermektedir. Teknoloji yönetim sistemi mümkün olacak en geniş sınırlar içinde göz önüne alınarak planlanmıştır.

Özet (Çeviri)

SUMMARY TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Technological changes can completely transform competition in a given industry. Further, technology, used properly, can give some -Firms considerable competi tive advantage» The competitive impact of technology seems to be greater today than it has ever been before and to be affecting an increasingly wide range of industries, Technological innovation affects not only the industry in which it takes place, but also, through a sort of“chain reaction”, many other industries, As an example, the dramatic technological change that has occured in the last thirty years in the semiconducter industry has fueled competition between the firms in this industry as testified by the struggle to increase memory capacity. However, such change has also affected industries as varied as office automation, aerospace, toys, consumer electronics, telecommunications and automobiles. Technology is the driving force behind the growth and diversification of many firms. Lastly, since technology strategies are based on the technical skills of the individuals working for companies, their success or failure ultimately depends on the people and the corporate“culture”of the compa nies concerned. Thus, although it builts aircrafts, helicopters, satellites and missiles, Aerospatiale, willing to utilise its means of production to full capa- sity, has proved unable to manufacture camp trailers and refrigerators efficiently. Such a failure can obviously not be attributed to a lack of technological capabiliti es; rather it reflects the cone ious/unconcious opposition of the firm's employees to the production of“low-tech”products that have little to do with aerospace. Thus, beyond strictly technical and economic considerations, the strategic management of technology requires taking into account orqani zat ional, social and cultural factors,,Technology can be defined as“the science of the application of knowledge to practical purposes”. Terms“technique”and“technology”need to be distinguished. Techniques, are the result of formalised and transmis sible knowledge which is the basis for the development of all industrial activities. But according to Dussauge, Har and Raraanontsoa, technology is a orocess which, through an explicit or implicit phase of research and development (the application of scientific knowledge), allow for commercial production of goods or services. Technological innovation should be understood to be a technology-based process, or the product of such a process, that is the result of the efforts or activities;, of an individual, group and/or organizational system, which represents a departure from the previous state and may facilitate more effective resource allocation. The distinction between“incremental innovation”(refining and improving existing products and processes) versus“radical”innovation (introducing totally new concepts) is a central nation in the literature on technology. Radical and incremental innovations appear to have very different competitive consequences; incre mental changes reinforce the positions, of established firms while radical innovations force incumbents to develop new skills and capabilities. Rapid advances in science and technology from super computers and superconducters to biotechnology and mater ials, have amplified the importance of R2; ı 1.To -Find out the reasons under these failures, the President formed a commission to deal with this subject. As expected, the Commission identified a number of areas that needed to be adressed if the United States were to be effective in international competition. These factors seemed to be familiar; - create incentives for private research and development, - provide educational support for science and eng ineer ing, - change tax and regularity policies, - assist the workforce to adapt to change, - improve trade policies. The Commission's report contained one disturbing omission: Technology Management. Another factor was added:“Executives have not properly managed technology”They came to the conclusion that all the problems deri ved from one fact: throuhout the so-called technology- revolution, managers, especially senior managers, have remanined without an acceptable body of knowledge on techno log v management. 2. TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT The ability to use technology effectively depends on factors outside the organisation and outside their immediate sphere of influence. Dealing with external constraints is as much a part of management's responsi bility with respect to technology as working within the internal constraints. Thus it is not enough to understand and access new and emerging technologies, nor to devine the economic behaviour and plan the technological infra structure,, nor make investment decisions, nor create a climate for organizational change and prepare for the transformation of the workforce. All these factors are necessary, of course, and they are generally accepted as the types of activities that managers should and would act. to control but they are not enough. The external environment consists of the economic, social and cultural, pol it ical / legal environment. An important theme in Technology Management is that changes in the social culture of the organization are at least as important as accurate assesment of technology and decisions about investments in technology. - x i i i -Organisational change that is accompanied by tech nological change will inevitably impact workers at all levels and it follows that management must, as part of their overall efforts to implement technology, consider the implications. Much of the research done on technology's impact on workers and society and experience tells that the effect, can be quite positive; Many workers like working with computers. But, technology can also displace workers from their livelihoods creating social hardships for individuals and their families. The effect is doubly- difficult when an entire economic region suffers loss of employment. Also, for some people, technology brings insecurities into the foreground. As a result, technology is often an essential factor- in the success or failure of the firm, and forms the focus of the vital relations which the enterprise main tains with the external environment. The technological competence of the firm is the sum of the technological competencies of its members. Technology is at the center of the definition of the business of the enterprise, occ upying an important place in the organisational imagery. 3. INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY-BASED CHANGE Innovations and their acquisition may not succeed because of internal resistance resulting from incompati bilities between the nature of innovation and the exist ing configuration of interests and resources. What's technological innovation? Innovation itself may be a new way of thinking or an invention that is the product of this way of thinking. In the organisational context, the term may have the meaning of a disposition towards new ways of thinking or new ways of doing things, a wil lingness to develop new methods through research and development within the organization itself or a willing ness to acquire new products, ser ices and processes from either inside or outside the organization. There are theor it ical ly, two kinds of innovation: product and process. Product innovation is defined as the radical change with product, characteristics in flux. New products will result in the reorientation of corpo rate goals and/or production facilities. Process inno vation, on the other hand, theoretically involves incre mental change, with improvements lesding to an efficient r igid, product ion system specifically designed to produce a standardized product,. -x i v-4. TECHNOLOGY AND STRATEGY Even in the stages of strategy formulation, it is essential that technology must be taken into acco unt. Indeed, as one of the fundamental components of a. h u s i n e s s, t e c h n o 1 o g y m u. s t. b e a n a 1 y z e d i n t h e s t r a t e g i c segmentat ion process. Mor ever, technological change can modify the firm's competitive environment thus requiring a new division of its activity and a redefinition of its bus i ness. Technological changes, whether occur i nq in the industry in which the firm operates or in other indust ries can directly affect the current health and the lonq term growth potential of the -firm's businesses» Some technological changes can likely to boost the qi-owth of particular businesses, while other can slow growth and induce acceler a t e d o b s o 1 e s c e n c e » I n d e e d“ b y a 1 1, e r i n q the key factors for success, technological change can radically transform the? mechanisms of competition in a given industry. Technological changes can even spown new businesses or contribute to the sudden disappereance of industries that have become obsolete. Technological change can blur the limits between businesses which previously were different one another eventually leadinq to a new business» When the impact of technology in a particular in dustry icr eases and therefore, when the proportion of costs related to technology rises significantly, the market scope served by the industry must be expanded to accomodate, the incresed costs. However as the impact of technology increases, the significance of the local and regional differences is diminished. Indeed, the cost of technology, which is often largely comprised of fixed costs, requires that the latter be compansated by a w i d e r m a r k e t s c o p e » T h u s, technological e v o 1 u t i o n a n d the growing importance of technology in many industries encourage globalization of markets» Technological innovation can lead to the emergence of new industries only if the applications which result from it meets the actual needs and lead to marketable products and sevices But sometimes, it can boost the growth of existing businesses and even revitalize declining industries. Technological innovation can induce substitution phono m e na where e x i s t i n g p r o d u c t s a r e r e p 1 a c e d b y n e w p r o d u c t based upon new technologies» and occasionally, existing industries at-e displaced by new ones. In some cases, it leads to the opposite consequences, instead of boost i nq the growth of an industry, it hampers its long-term q r o w t h p o t e n t i a 1 »According to Porter, technology can modify industry structure in several ways; İ. Technology can change economics of scale, thus raising or lowering barriers for firms wishing to enter the industry, 2. Technology can create? new products or product uses which can substitude for existing ones, 3. Technology can change the bargaining relationship between the industry and its buyers or its suppliers, 4. Technology can change the basis of rivalry, for example, pricing decisions, 5. Technology can alter industry boundaries, widening them to include firms from other industries or narrowing to focus on a particular segment. Companies pursue a business level strategy to gain a competitive advantage that will allow them to outper form rivals and achieve above-average returns. They can choose from three basic competitive approaches, at the business level: the generic competitive strategies of cost leadership, differentiation and new game. These strategies are called generic because all businesses or industries can pursue them, regardless of whether they are manufacturing, service, or non-profit enterprises. Firms which implement strategies basen on technology, termed ”technology-cluster strategies“ develop by applying a coherent set of technological capabilities in many different businesses which., in some cases, are far removed from their original or ”base“ businesses. A technology cluster can be defined as a set of businesses sharing a common technological base. A technology cluster consists of a number of applications relating the core technology to products and markets. Using generic technologies, some firae create a strong and consistent technological ”potential“ for which they find the widest possible range of applications in diversified products and markets. Implement at ion of technology-cluster strateg ies requires that firms have the following three f undemental capabilities; ? a strong technological potential.« the capacity to develop rapidly a wide range of app 1 icat ions, in the form of many different products to be sold in a large number of markets, ? the capacity to choose,, from the large spectrum of available technologies, the ones that not only i nstr insical ly promising, but also consistent with the firm's technological and industrial potential. Effective strategic management calls for the integration of technology into the generic strategies chosen for each business and the incorporatin of techno logical concerns into the -firm's overall corporate stra tegy» To achieve this end, every firm forces three fundemental technological choices; techno logy- i dent if yinq and selecting new technologies which the firm seeks to decision largely determines how allocated toward technological develop- How to acquire technology-determining the specific, means for acquiring a given technology. The means though which a technology is acquired determines its- cost, the time required, the level of competence deve loped by the firm, as well as the latitude the firm enjoys when it uses the technology. How to exploit technology-selecting the ways of implementing or deploying the firm's technologies. The way in which the firm decides to exploitits technologies is one of the? basic components of its strategy and directly influences its pattern of deve 1 ooment. 5. TECHNOLOSY AND ORGANIZATION There are three primary effects of technology on organ i zat ion structure; 1, Automation is the technique of making an apparatus, process or system operate automatically;, without, h u m a n interventi o n. 2”Di si ntermediat ion is the process of removing an.intermediate place, stage or process. 3. Integration is the process of uniting with something else or in corporating into a larger whole.. Integra tion occurs in many different forms. - x v i i -These effects have led to the same result: Technology, through its three effects has either changes the economics of doing work or led to improved or new products and services. Clearly, a technology -"based strategy requires an oppropriate organization. The structure of an organisation can be defined as the functions and relationships which formally determine the tasks that each of the units composing the organization must carry out, and the liaisons established between such units. Structure thus defines the specific roles for each unit as well as the hierarchical relationships and coordination mechanisms which ensure the coherence of the organization as a. whole, The first problem technology-based strategies pose in terms of structure concerns the management of the R&D function; i.e. the function which develops the technology. The position of the R&D function in the organisation entails a fundamen tal paradox; the efficiency of the R&D function depends on its degree of specialization, while the overall success of the firm depends on the coordination between R&D and the other functions. The real paradox of technology can thus be stated in the form of a question ; How can the company simulta neously achieve efficiency in existing operations (inc remental change) as well as effective repositioning an innovation for the future (radical change)? Differenti ation of functions facilitates the maintenance of deso expertise and the generation of new knowledge but makes the fast and efficient transfer of technology or new ideas difficult at best. Integration of technical capa bilities, however, has the inadvertent effect of over committing the organisation to the existing technical paradigm. Certain structures are better integrated with existing operations and are more effective at generating incremental or cant i nous improvements. Other structures, however, faster maximal degrees of differentiation and are more effective at generating radical or more funda mental innovation. The range of basic structural options can be sketched as i ntrapreneurshio, skunkworks, matrix, independent business unit and new ventures department. The result, of this thesis is a theoritical model explaining the technology management concept from the beginning of the process in which the need for techno logy appears until the objectives and goals are satisfi ed. The model includes the process of long-range plan ning, strategic planning, selection of technology, acqu isition of technology, evalualt ion of the alternative technologies, exploiting the technologies and the satis faction of the goals and objectives. The model is an integrated concept of technology management under the view of systems thinking. - x v i i i -

Benzer Tezler

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    Technology management


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  3. Technology management

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