Avrupa Birliği ile Gümrük Birliğinin Türk Demir Çelik Sanayine etkileri
The Effects of custom unlon aggrement to Turkish iron steel industry
- Tez No: 46444
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mühendislik Bilimleri, Engineering Sciences
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1995
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 125
ÖZET Türkiye' nln Avrupa BlriiğT ne tam üyelik amacıyla seçtiği yol olan Gümrük Birliği Anlaşmasını İmzalamadan önce Türk Sanayir nln Avrupa Birliği üyesi devletlerin sanayileri karşısında ki durumunun art sektörler bazında incelenerek Avrupa Birliği karşısında güçlü ve zayıf sektörlerimizin belirlenerek buna göre bu sektörler için gerekli önlemlerin alınması şarttır. Bu çalışmada bu amaç doğrultusunda kalkınma ve büyüme için zorunlu sanayilerin başında yer alan Demir-Çelik Sanayir nln Türkiye' deki mevcut durumu ile Avrupa Birliği' ndekl durumunun İncelenmesi ve Gümrük Birliği koşullarının demir - çelik sanayimizde meydana getirebileceği olumlu ve olumsuz etkilerin tesbit edilmesine çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın birinci bölümünde genel olarak Türkiye ile Avrupa Birliği arasında İmzalanması beklenen Gümrük Birliği Anlaşması' nın kısa bir geçmişine, Türkiye' nin bu konuda göstermiş olduğu çabalara yer verilmiştir. İkinci bölüm İse kendi İçerisinde üç kışıma ayrılmakta, birinci kısımda demlr-çelik sanayinin genel tanım ve özellikleri ile ekonomik kalkınma açısından diğer sanayi dalları ile olan İlişkisel önemine, ikinci kısımda Avrupa Birliği“ nin temellerinden birini oluşturan Avrupa Kömür-Çelik Topluluğu' nun oluşumuna ve Birlik demlr-çelik sanayinin İncelenmesine ve üçüncü kısımda ise Türk demir- çelik sanayinin tarihsel gelişimine, sektörde halihazırda faaliyette bulunan İşletmelere ve Türk demlr-çelik sanayinin mevcut durumuna yer verilmiştir. Türk demlr-çelik sanayinin mevcut ise kapasite, üretim ve kapasite kullanım oranlan, demir-çelik ürünlerinin İç tüketim değerleri, ithalat, İhracat ve demlr-çelik sanaylmizdekl yatırım eğilimleri ile değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın ”Gümrük Birliği“ adını taşıyan üçüncü bölümünde Gümrük Birliği Anlaşması' nın tanımına tarihsel gelişimine, içeriğine ve Türkiye' nln uymak zorunda kalacağı Ortak Gümrük Tarifesi ile Türkiye - AB ilişkilerinin tarihsel gelişimlneyer verilmiştir. Çalışmanın dördüncü bölümünde İkinci bölümde bir birinden ayrı olarak İncelenen Türk demir- çelik sanayii ile AB demlr-çelik sanayinin üreten, tüketim, Hhalat- ihracat değerleri İle mukayesesine ve ayrıca Türkiye”nin günümüzde uyguladığı demir-çelik sanayi ürünleri İthalat ve ihracatına uyguladığı mevcut gümrük vergisi ve resimler ile ihracatı teşvik primlerinin incelenmesine çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın son bölümünü oluşturan sonuçlar kısmında İse Türk demlr- çelik sanayinin Gümrük Birliği koşullarında karşılaşabileceği olumsuz şortlardan korunabilmesi ve AB demir- çelik sanayi İle rekabet edebilmesi İçin devletin ve bu sektörde faaliyet gösteren işletmelerin yerine getirmesi gereken önlemlere yer verilmiştir.
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY The Effects of Custom Union Agreement to Turkish Iron - Steel Industry Turkey is in the position to enter Custom Union within a period where Turkey lias to apply very serious stability measures in order to protect the necessary balances In economy. Turkey has indicated that she is determining her economic future with European Community by signing the Ankara Treaty in 1963 and Additional Protocol In 1970. This Additional Protocol signed between Turkey and EEC with former name and EC today, was suggesting that the customs and other taxes having similar effects should completely be abolished by the end of 22 years and these should be reduced to zero. Member states of the Community have abolished custom taxes and taxes having similar effects and dues and reduced them to zero In import from Turkey as per the Additional Protocol. However Turkey did not perform her obligation after the custom reductions In 1974 and 1976. Turkey shall not have a chance to perform the obligations after the Custom Union Agreement expected to be concluded between Turkey and European Community In January 1995 and shall be obliged to apply the Common Custom Tariff and other terms of European Community fully In domestic and foreign trade. Indeed the main aim in intending a Custom Union with European Community is to better protect the Interest of Turkey and the membership of European Community, one of the blocks In order to Increase the foreign trade within this period where attempts of forming blocks and globalization Is getting faster on the world. In determining the subject from this point of view Custom Union appears as a secondary set and as a instrument for being the full member of European Community. The danger of solitariness of Turkey in case of not being the member of European Community Is another reason for Turkey to act with this aim. Social, political and economic changes undergoing in the world during the recent years have continued in the last with higher Intensity. Especially the industrialized countries have attempted to look for restructuring within the framework of regional cooperation, to maintain their economic powers. Instability created by such changes has also affected the Iron and V!powers. Instability created by such changes has also affected the iron and steel Industry, which plays an Important role In the development of nations, and has Indicated once more the importance of international competition. Especially, 1992 has been a year when competition In the iron and steel market has been at its highest level. In 1992 the steel prices were lowered or remained constant in all countries - except in the mainland China - and this has forced iron and steel producers to reduce fhetr cost of production and to Improve their quality. Changing concumer preferences have forced the adoption of modem production and management practices employing the latest tecnology. In that respect, companies who could not effect their Investments In time could not adapt themselves to new commercial practices and they faced serious problems. As part of a worldwide restructuring process, the steel industry has undergone continual changes In production methodes in order to Improve scale economies and encourage product differentiation. Industries throughout the world now rely on state- of-the art technologies that make less use of steel. The steel industry has responded in two ways: first up grading production using special steels and alloys; and second, by modernizing traditional production to supply Industries such as shipbuilding, oil and construction, which are expected to remain steel consumers in both the short and medium term. The development of new technologies in the Iron and steellndustry raises the question of whether, In today's world, the new processing routes, new production processes and new iron and steel products favour the newly industrialised economies or, on the contrary, represant a significant asset for countries that have been Industrialised for a longer period of time, it hase been noted that major technological breakthroughs are relatively rare In the processes of the steel industry. On the other hand, much technological effort is devoted not only to devoloping and extending the applications of such major breakthroughs but also to many other small steps and Improvements that in total, over a medium term, do represent important advences. Lately, microelectronics entering the production process through started increasingly replacing conventional instrumentation and control in the steel industry. Reduction in world iron and steel demand and lowering of prices have continued in 1992. Export prices of cold fiat products from the European Community countries, which were 520 dollars In 1989 and 400 dollars at the beginning of 1992, fell to a level as low as 345 dollars per ton. Export price of bot flat products, which was 40Ö dollars in 1989, fell down to 250 dollars per ton at the end of 1992. VIIWhile the United States was trying to reduce Its Imports of steel from European Community by Imposing countervailing duties and trade barriers, European Community initated plans to recover European Steel Industry which survives with government subsides. In fact, the United States temporarily increased the customs duties Imposed on 19 countries from which steel is imported. European Community steel Industry has restructuring problems, as well as problems arising from market conditions. It Is being claimed the solution requires restructuring of the Industry, with the financial support from the Community budget. Also, concordance among producers and development of Joint Investments are suggested. In addition, cheap exports, without considering the cost nor the quality, by the steel producers of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe are adversely affecting the world markets. These trends in the world markets cause the Multilateral Steel Agreement negotiations to be ineffective and create a fierce competition among the producing countries. Structural Imbalance in Iron and steel Industry of Turkey Is still prevailing. As against the surplus capacily of long steel products, the flat products capacity is behind the domestic consumption, the shortage being met by Imports. Measures should be taken without any delay to protect our Iron and steel Industry from imports and unfair competition. In the development of policies related to the Iron and steel Industry, special attention should be paid to harmonize production, imports and exports with the European Community Incentive system. The Iron - steel industry is one of the prime industries In Turkey. The share of production of the industry In the manufacturing Industry Is around 10 percent and the sector considered as a substantial source of employment. This sector supplies the main Inputs for construction, automotive, machine tools and can - making Industries in Turkey, as well as In other developing countries. Yet, Turkey ranks last among the OECD countries In steel consumption, with around 100 kg/person. VUİRealizing the fact that the increase in production and productivity requires a peaceful working and a sound social atmosphere, our management has resorted to certain arrangements. Turkey, achieving considerable developments In steel production during the last decade, along with its economic development, has Increased its crude steel production by 10% during 1992 and has advanced to 17th place In world ranking. In this achlvement, an increase of 22% of production of arc furnaces owned by the private sector has played an Important role, as there was no change in the production capacity of the integrated plants. Our iron and steel industry has exhibited a rapid transformation especially since 1988 when imports were liberated. In our present day, the commercial relations being more complex, it Is necessary to make Investments on superior technology and personnel, to adapt new organization and management mentalities In order to catch up with the restructuring process in the world. There is no doubt that Turkey has to determine the transition terms to Custom Union and the strategies which are for our favour in an environment where free market economy mechanism works and which shall cause the least harm to our economy and industry. Therefore the present situation of Turkish Industry In comparison with the Industries of the member states of European Community has to be examined in sectorial base, our strong and weak sektors has to be determined and necessary steps in these sectors have to be taken. The Custom Union Treaty to be signed before such a study may cause Irreparable losses for Turkey during the following periods. Within this study, as perthis aim, the current situation of Iron - Steel Industry, the leading Industry necessary for development and growth, In Turkey and European Community has been examined and we tried to determine the positive and negative effects of Custom Union terms in Turkish Iron - Steel Industry. The first part of the study Consists of 3 chapters; in first chapter we intended to give a general description, characteristics, relations with other Industry branches having Importance from the point of economic development of Iron - steel industry In world economy which is seen as a Important criterion in classifying developed, developing and underdeveloped countries on the world. In the second chapter, having the title of“ European Community Iron - Steel industry ”the situation and importance of European Coal - Steel IXIndustry, one of the bases of European Community, the economic performance of the Community has been studied under sub titles; Iron - steel products, steel pipes and primary steel treatment products. We Intended to examine the present situation of European Community In iron - steel products, steel pipes and primary steel treatment products within the frame of foreign trade, production period, demand to Iron steel products, supply and competition and the structures of the companies active in these sectors and future projects and strategies to be applied In this sector. The last chapter of the first part Is about the Turkish Iron - Steel Industry. The historical development, currently active establishments In the sector and present situation of Turkish Iron Steel - Industry has been held In this chapter. The present situation of Turkish Iron - Steel Industry has been evaluated with capacity, production and capacity using rates, domestic consume values of iron - steel products, import, export, and Investment trends of Iron - steel products, Import, export and investment trends of iron - steel Industry. In the second part of the study there Is the description, historical development of the Custom Union Treaty expected to be concluded in 1995 between Turkey and European Community and the Community Common Custom Tariff which Turkey has to apply as well, under the title of“ Custom Union ”. In the third and last part of the study there is thecomparison of Turkish Iron - Steel Industry and European Community Iron - Steel Industry and the positive and negative effects of Custom Union on our Iron steel Industry. We Intended to compare the production, consumption, import and export values in comparison of Turkish Iron - Steel Industry with European Iron - Steel Industry and moreover the present custom tax and duties and couragement premiums for import, applied by Turkey to the Import and export of Iron - Steel Industry. The measures which have to be taken by the state and establishments presents on our Iron - Steel Industry in order to protect the Turkish Iron - Steel Industry from the negative conditions which may be faced under the terms of Custom Union, and to enable the industry to have convenient conditions to compete with European Community Iron - Steel Industry, have been mentioned in the final part of the study.
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