Çevre davranış alanı içinde konut ve çevre değiştirmenin insana etkisinin mimari açıdan incelenmesi
Investigation from the architectural point of view the influence of residential shift-relocation on human being
- Tez No: 46486
- Tez Türü: Doktora
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1995
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 158
ÖZET Tezin amacı, mimarlık alanında insan ile ilişkili olarak konutu, onu kuşatan çevre, diğer canlılar /insanlar ve kültür içinde bilimlerarası bir konumda ele almak, konutsal çevre değiştirmenin insana etkisini mimari açıdan irdelemektir. Kültürel değerlere ilişkin, konutsal çevre değiştirme /göç ile ilgili insanın genel (fizyolojik, psikolojik ve sosyolojik) sağlık ilişkisinin incelenmesi gerekliliği ortaya konmakta ve bu amaçla farklı araştırma yaklaşımları ve yöntemleri tartışılmaktadır. Böylece daha iyi mekanlar ve çevreler yaratmakta çözüm yollannın / tasanm ilkelerinin belirlenebilmesinde mimari çalışmalara katkısı olması amaçlanmaktadır. Birinci bölümde genel olarak tezin amacı ve kapsamı, konutsal çevre değiştirmenin /hareketliliğin ve göçün getirdiği sorunlar doğrultusunda, insan-çevre ilişkisi içinde anlatılmakta ve tezi oluşturan bölümlerin içerikleri tanımlanmaktadır. İkinci bölümde insan ve çevre ilişkisi konusunda çevre-davranış alanının gelişimi ve mimarlık ile ilişkisi belirtilmektedir. Çevre-ve-davranış alanının ilk zamanlarında ortaya konan çevre ve insan ile ilgili modeller ve yaklaşımlar incelenmektedir. Çevresel psikoloji açısından çevre-insan-kültür olgusu ve davranış bilimlerinin çevresel /mimari tasarıma katkısı irdelenmektedir. Üçüncü bölümde insan-kültür-çevre ilişkileri üzerine farklı görüşler ve kişi-çevre ilişkisindeki değişmeler / insanın çevre değiştirmesi / çevresel değişimler ile ilgili paradigmalar incelenmektedir. İnsanın içinde bulunduğu çevresi ile ilişkisi ve çevresini değiştirmesi üzerine yaklaşımlar getiren bu görüşler ve paradigmalar doğrultusunda, çevresel stres araştırmalarının ortaya koyduğu bulgular ile çevre değiştirme sonucu ortaya çıkan stres ve bedensel hastalıklar arasındaki ilişkiler gösterilmektedir. Dördüncü bölümde konutsal yerleşme çevresi içinde, konutun insan için anlamı ve ev kavramını oluşturan nitelikler ile kültürün konutsal çevreyi belirleyici niteliği, insan-çevre ilişkilerindeki konumu konuttan kent ölçeğine kadar incelenmektedir. Konut ve çevre değiştirme / konutsal hareketlilik, göçebelik ve göç olgusu ile insan genel sağlığının ilişkisi daha önce yapılan araştırmalara dayanılarak değerlendiril mektedir. Konutsal çevre değiştirme /göçün insan üzerindeki etkisi, psikolojik bağla mı ve stres verici durumu bu araştırmalardaki bulgular ve delillerle gösterilmektedir. Konutsal çevre değiştirme-göç ile insan genel sağlığı arasındaki ilişkinin gelecekte incelenebilmesine yönelik araştırma yaklaşım ve yöntemleri tartışılmaktadır. Beşinci bölümde tez konusunun ve genel amaçlarının özeti verilmektedir. Diğer bölümler doğrultusunda, beşinci bölümde konut ve çevre değiştiren-göç eden birey ve grupların genel sağlıkları ile taşındıkları çevre ve konutlarla ilişkisi değerlendiril mektedir. Mimari açıdan daha iyi şartlarda konut ve çevrelerinin tasanmı için bazı ilkelerin oluşturulmasına katkısı açısından, konunun gelecek araştırılmalarda incele nebilmesi amacıyla farklı araştırma yaklaşım ve yöntemlerinin kullanım alanları irdelenmekte ve değerlendirilerek kuramsal bir yaklaşım getirilmeye çalışılmaktadır. VUl
Özet (Çeviri)
In The Field of Environment-Behavior INVESTIGATION FROM THE ARCHITECTURAL POINT OF VIEW THE INFLUENCE OF RESIDENTIAL SHIFT-RELOCATION ON HUMAN BEING SUMMARY In this thesis, the influences of the residential mobility / relocation and migration on the human behavior and well being have been attempted to examine in relation with housing and in context of its environment, other beings and cultures in interdiciplinary and architectural framework. Since existance of humanity, shelter /housing has played a vital role in mintenance and reproduction of human life through support of activities such as eating, sleeping, and growth. The house is not only a physical place but also has psychological, sociological, and symbolic value for people in their individual and social life. House /home exist in environmental and cultural context. Culture affects human beings' relationships, behaviors, norms and values in their living environments that are reflected in forms and designs of houses. People move and relocate from their familiar country /city /town /village /house to foreign country /city /village /house becuse of employment, education, obligation/ circumtances, or expectations of freedom, wealth, or entertainment. They not only change their physical environments, but also change their cultural and social conditions. Residential relocation / mobility and migration have been considered as a stressfull life event and effect people's well-being. Earlier analyses have defined relocation as an acute and short-term life event that imposes considerable strains on the individual at the time of moving, alternatively a contextual analysis (Stokols & Shumaker, 1982) has assumed that the health effects of relocation depend not only on the immadiate circumtances surrounding a move, but also an the broader context of the individual's residential history, current life situation, and aspirations for the future. Several sociological and epidemiological studies on relation between residential relocation / mobility and migration and health /well-being have found that changing physical, cultural, and social environment affects personal and family well-being and often creates health problems and social diseases. In this thesis, the necessity of studying the relation between human well-being and residential mobility has been put forward and different research approaches and methods have been discussed which investigate above mentioned subject. With these researches its been aimed to contribute to the architectural studies the ways of solution and design principles in creating of better spaces and environments. The thesis consist of five chapters: In the first chapter, the purpose and scope of the thesis has been introduced generally in man-environment relatonship together with the problems of residential mobility and migration. The content of the chapters which form the thesis has been explained.In the second chapter the development of environment-behavior field and its relation to architecture has been indicated regarding to man-environment relationship. The models and approches have been studied in connection with man-environment which have been put forward at the initiation of environment and behavior field. In these models have been suggested that man and environment form a whole and the influences of physical environment on human behavior and experience have been considered on a variety of features of physical environment, and social structures, and cultural /subcultural patterns. Information impinging on the individual from the environment is received, evaluated, and encoded by an interlocking network of psychological processes. Therotical approches on man-environment relationships that meet the criteria have emphasized interaction but the importance have been given to the affect of environment on individual's psycholgical aspects. The environment with its stressors strains the man and effects his /her behavior and well-being. In the thesis, these theoritical approaches which have been examined because of importance about constituting of base for new theories on man-environment relationships, are consist of environmental stress approach, the arousal approach, the stimulus load approach, underload approach, overload approach, adaptation level theory, the behavior constraint approach, Barker's ecological psychology approach, cognitive map /socio-spatial schema approach, environmental perception-evaluation approach. The environment-behavior field in terms of the unique concerns encompassed by two converning lines of research: ecological psychology and environmental psychology. The subject and scope of thesis have examinated from way of environmental pyschology. Environment, man, and culture have been defined as a part of whole in the kosmos. In the thesis the environment has been considered at the molar level rather than at the moleculer or analytic. The reletionship between man and environment is a reciprocal one; that is, not only does the environment affect people's behavior, but people, in turn, affect the environment. While environment and culture have given direction to human behaviors and life, in the contrast building (man-made) environment have been shaped by human experiences and sociocultural changes. Four elements are being organized in environmental design: 1) space, 2) meanning, 3) communication, 4) time (Rapoport, 1977, 1982). Coordination between architecture and social-behavior science have been suggested for increasing the quality of life and living conditions in environmental / architectural design researches. In the third chapter, the different views on environment-man-culture and the paradigms of changes on man-environment relation, human mobility-relocation and environmental changes have been examined. The views which have given importance to time factor have been studied according to Stokols's (1988) classification. These are two perspectives of environment-behavior research, each of which emphasizes different aspects of transactionalism: nontransformational perspective and transformational perspective. Nontransformational perspective emphasizes the study of relatively stable patterns of person-environment transaction. This perspective assumes that the relationships between people and their sociophysical surroundings are largely predictable and relatively uneffected by chance. Four categories ofnontransformational theories are depicted : trait models, environmental theories, interactional theories, transactional-contextual theories. In contrast to nontransformational approaches, the transforma-tional perspective assumes that fortuitous events play an important role in shaping the patterns of people's transactions with their everyday environments. This approach suggests that certain forms and phases of people-environment transaction are highly prone to rapid change and extreme instability. The paradigms on man-environment relationships which covers human mobility /relocation /migration and environmental changes have been studied according to Seagert and Winkel's (1990) classification. The paradigms described define the person, the environment, and person-environment transactions. The paradigms can be understood as nested within each other. That is, sociocultural systems are expressed in time-geographic opportunity structures and the personal projects and plans individuals and groups attempt to carry out in them. At all levels of analysis, the adaptive requirements of person-environment relationships set limits both on viable activities of persons and groups and on habitable environmental forms. Seagert and Winkel suggest a synthesis that each paradigm take place within historically developed places at particular points in time. Thus each level of analysis can effect the others. The adaptive paradigm lies most squarely within psychological tradition and encompasses the largest body of work in environmental psychology. Environment- as-opportunity-structure also meshes well with the psychological emphasis on individual, cognitively mediated, goal-directed activity. The social-structural paradigm draws more extensively on interdisciplinary research and theory, as do efforts at cross-paradigm synthesis. Through these views and paradigms which have put forward environmental stress research have been carried on and these researches shows that environmental shift is a stressfull life experience and may create health problems and social diseases. In the fourth chapter, in the residential environment, the meaning of house as a home for human, and the determinative quality of culture and the properties which constitue the concept of home its location in man-environment relations have been studied from the home to city scale. Residential environment refers here dwelling, home, nighborhood and comminity. Home is different from house and housing. Home is best conceived of as a kind of relationship between people and their environment. It is emotionally based and meanigful reltionship between dwellers and their dwelling places. Home properties are temporal aspects, centrality, unity.centrality, order, rootedness, approption, self- identity, attachment, affordance. Housing is a term that defines the public than the private sphere. The definition of housing is more rooted in the concrete world. Many housing research studies are concerned adaptation, ajustment, and optimization or coping to new stimulus condition. The quality of housing environment is important for needs and well being of individual and society. Housing environment includes physiological, psychological, and socio-cultural environments. A number of problem situations stemming from the various environ-ment that man encounters can give rise to several needs. The relationship between residential relocation /mobility /migration and well-being have been assessed in the view of the previous studies. The influence of residential relocation and migration upon the individuals / groups, and the xipyschological aspects and of its stressor quality have been shown with findings and evidences of these studies. The research approaches and methods have been examined towards the future studies of the relationship between residential relocation and migration on human well-being. These research approaches and methods have been categorized as 1) pozitivizm-emprikizm and quantitative method, 2) naturalistik inquary- phemonolgy and qulitative method and have been discussed comparatively. In the fifth chapter, the summary of general aims and topic of the thesis have been given theoretically. In direction of other chapters; the relation between human well- being and the home environment which they have relocated to have been assesed. The use of different approaches and methods haave been discussed about forming the principles of design with to design residential environment in better conditions a theoretical approach have been studied through evaluation of these findings. ENVIRONMENT PSYCHOLOGICAL PROCESSES BEHAVIORAL PROCESSES Interior design House/housing Neighbourhood City environment Geographic zone Country Social structure Cultural pattern Perception Cognition Attitudes Personal construct Cognitive map Environmental knowledge & evaluation Performance Optimization Adaptation Adjustment Dyadic behaviors Scheme 8- Residential Environment and man transaction XllThe views on man-environment relationships nontransfoi 1 1 lation perspective {qualitative subjective c Synthesis perspectives JO E m c a E> O 2 o Contextual Phenomenoiogist »unfortuitOus.stable models Synthesis research approaches and methods transformational perspective Positivistic -i. fortuitous l. unstable models -j quantitative Research approaches and methods l objective Scheme 9- A graphical presentation of the relationship between the views on man-environment relation and research approaches At least, the relationship between residential relocation /migration and human well-being have been assessed in the view of the previous analyses and a theoretical approach through examining and assessing the different research approaches and methods have been attempted to put forward for future studies in this subject. 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