Geri Dön

Konut ve konut içi mekansal ve anlamsal bölünmenin dielektrik analiz modeli. Örnek: Gecekondu yerleşimleri

Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.

  1. Tez No: 75111
  2. Yazar: ÖZEN YALÇIN
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1998
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Bina Bilgisi Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 174


Günlük hayatımızın büyük bir bölümünü geçirdiğimiz konut ve konut yakın çevresine, içinde bulunduğumuz çevrenin sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel şartlarını, mekansal ve anlamsal olarak yansıtırız. Günümüzün değişen şartlarında gecekondu yerleşim bölgeleri oluşmuştur ve insanlar, geldikleri çevrelerdeki yaşamsal biçimlerini gecekondularında sürdürmek istemektedirler. Ancak kentlileşme süreci ile birlikte, gecekonduların iç ve dış anlamsal bölünmeleri geleneksel konutlarından belli açılardan ayrılmaya başlamaktadır. Tezin amacı, insanların kentlileşme süreci dahilinde bile, geleneksel yaşam biçimlerini korumaya özen gösterdiklerini, gecekonduların iç mekansal dialektik analiz modeli ile ortaya koymaktır. Tez beş bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölüm olan“ Giriş”bölümünde tezin amacı kısaca tanımlanmaktadır. İkinci bölüm olan“ Çalışma Alanının Belirlenmesi ”bölümünde; çevre ve bileşenlerinin tanımı yapıldıktan sonra, çevre-davranış çalışmalarındaki yaklaşım ve modeller kısaca anlatılmakta, yaklaşımlardan“Dönüşümsel ( Transactional) Yaklaşım”ın temeli olan değişim kavramı tez çalışma alanı dahilinde önemli bir yere sahip oluğundan daha kapsamlı incelenmiştir. Bu tip çalışmalarda kullanılan araştırma teknik ve yöntemleri kısaca tanımlanmıştır. Daha sonra çevre-davranış çalışmalarında önemli bir yeri olan kültür; kültür-konut ilişkisi çevresinde incelenmiş ve tez çalışma alanı belirlenmiştir. Konu başlığı“ Kentleşme ve Konut Olgusu”olan üçüncü bölümde ise; öncve kent kavramı açıklanmış, daha sonra“kentleşme”alt başlığı altında, kentleşmenin nedenlerine değinilmiş, kentleşme ve konut ilşkisi tanımlanmış, konut mekansal ve sosyal yapısı açısından ele alınmış ve tez konusu kapsamında önemli bir yeri olan ve kentleşmenin bir sonucu olarak karşımıza çıkan“gecekondu ”kavramına geçilmiş, gecekondunun nedenleri, gecekondulaşma süreci, mekansal ve sosyo ekonomik yapısı açıklanmıştır. Bu arada önemli bir kavram olan“ akkültürasyon”,“akkültürasyon süreci ve konut”alt başlığı altında yapılmış araştırma teknikleri ve analiz modelleri incelenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde ise; dialektik kavramının tanımı yapılarak,konutun dialektik olgusu ve boyutu incelenmiş, konut ve konut çevresi, mekansal ve sosyal dialektikler yardımıyla açıklanmıştır. Kentlileşme süreci içerisinde konutun dinamik ve değişen yapısı ele alınmış, yapılan araştırmalardan örnekler verilmiştir.Daha sonra tezaraştırması kapsamında kullanılacak konut ve konut içi dialektik analiz modeli tanımlanmıştır. Bu arada Geleneksel Türk Konut Mimarisindeki Dialektik karşıtlıklara da değinilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında kullanılan veri toplama yöntemleri tanımlanmıştır. Bölüm sonunda modelin uygulanmasına geçilmiş ve seçilen gecekondu örneklerinde yapılan alan çalışması dahilinede gecekonduların iç mekansal yerleşimlerinin mekan mekan taşıdıkları anlamsal karşıtlıklar ele alınmıştır. Beşinci bölümde ise; uygulama sonucunda elde edilen bilgilerin, önceden ortaya konulan tez amaçlarına (insanların yaşamak istedikleri konutların tasarımı hakkında veri olabileceği ) ne kadar yaklaştığı açıklanmaktadır.

Özet (Çeviri)

The changes of the socio-economic and cultural conditions affect and change our living spaces. Especially our houses and its near environment which have relations with our life. The main purpose of the architectural design is, to create suitable environments for their users and to form healthy Behavior-Environment Interaction Systems. ( H. TURGUT ) So the aim of this thesis is to make a synthesis of today's socio economic and cultural conditions, and make the analysis of selected squatter houses in order to prove how people affected from their environment and culture, and they create their living environment. Since in developing countries these factors are occurred at faster than others. And the main problem of these countries is the housing shortage. So people begin to built their homes, environment by illegal ways and at the end the squatter settlements occurs. They built their homes in a way that, they affected from their past, from their culture, from their culture-environment interaction in past. So in order to create safety and healthy environment for users, we have to analysis their past, their traditional houses and have to find which conditions are go on and which are not. The thesis consists of five chapters. In the first chapter, the aim and the general concepts of thesis are defined. In the second chapter, the searching field of the thesis is explained. In order to create the search field of the thesis, the main theoretical approaches in environment- behaviour studies are explained. First of all the components of environments are defined. These are culture, human and his behaviour. These 3 components also affect eachother and help to create the environment of users.Dovey and Bentley studied the relations between man and environment. These are self-action, interaction and transaction. Pepper classified man-environment as follows; formisim, mechanism, organicism and selectivism. Altaian and RogofFs classification was based on Pepper's and Dovey & Bentley's studies. Altaian and Rogoff classified as follows; trait perspective, interactional perspective, organismic perspective and transactional perspective. In this study the transactional perspective is more important and useful from others. According to the transactional perspective, people, approaches and concepts are not differnt elements, but awhole. Time is the main value of this perspective and the aim is to define interrelations of the person, place and psychology. Home is unity of culture, space and time, and this transactional whole, by its vary defination, is not composed of separate elements but is a confluence of inseparable factors, that depend on one another. After these expiations, the methods used in behavior - environment studies, which are qualitative and quantitative methods are shortly explained. At the end of this chapter, culture and environment meanings and their reletionships are explained. And also personal space, territorial behavior and privacy is defined. These behaviors are based on cultural effects and shaped our environment. After all, the content and the scale of the thesis is determined. The subject matter of the thesis based on mezo and micro scale which is studied by means of content, behavior and time. The house and its elements like rooms, doors, furnitures are studied. Culture is the man subject of the content and it is analiesed in the content of man - environment interaction. The third chapter is titled as“ Urbanization and House Phenomology ”. In this chapter, it is explained that how socio-economic conditions, cultural changes and increases of the population affect our living city. And also distinguish the immigration from villiage to city and how itsbaffects our living environment, especially our pshycological, cultural life. In order to develop our understanding of meaning and use of housing, this thesis distunguished the concepts of house and home. The house doesn't necessarily carry the meaning and experience of home, being a functional setting which is part of the physical environment and serves merely as ashelter. Home is conceived as a dynamic interaction between the occupant and the dwelling. The continuity of relationship has vital importance in human-environment interactions since they have a past and future as well as a present. In this chapter how the urbanization of Turkey affect our life, our environment is also explained. The concepts of home are taken into consideration. The meaning of home is reflected in the use of home space which show spatial, socio-cultural and temporal characteristics. The meaning and use of home space are defined by a set of interactions are a number of key concepts, related to home, i.e.“ order”,“identity”,“connecttedness”. By means of these concepts,“ home”orients us nad connect us with the past and future, and with the physical and social environment arround us. ( Dovey,1985) We mentioned that the urbanization affect people, and their environment. And also explained the social and spatial structure of home shortly. Then we also distinguished how the urbanization affected the house and what kind of changes would occur. Urbanization affects people's pschology, too. Their cultural environment begin to change, and it will change the living environment. Especially our houses. Because home is at once a bonding of person and place and a set of connections between experience of dwelling and the broader spatial, temporal and socio cultural context with in which it emerges. Home orients us and conncet us with the past, the future, the physical environment and our social world. ( A. ÇAHANTIMUR) The forth chapter is titled as“ A Dialectic Approach to the House and Its Inside Organization ”. Dialectics are view to world or a set of assumptions that are used to understand the orientation of the physical and psychological wrld in home context. Home has socio-psychologic meaning and also contains dialectic interactions. Dialectic has 3 main structure ; 1. Dialectics are binary opposites which are in dynamic relationship with one pole of opposition dominating at one time and the other dominating at one time and the other dominating at the other times, although neither can completely on suppress other.2. Oppositional processes function as a unified system. Oppositional poles help to define one another and without contrast neither would have meaning. The dialectics system can have a variety of relationships between opposites. 3. The relation between opposites are dynamic changesoccur overtime and within circumstances. Night - day, Winter - Summer... etc. This dialectic approach can be applied two different contexts. Social Dialectics: Social dialectics of home involve primarily the opposition of public / private. The social orientation in the horn ereflects the main aspects of public/ private which can be named as the opposites of self / other, male / female, guest / host. Individual / community, visibility / invisibility, accessibility / in accessibility.Spatial Dialectics: Being related to the social dialectics, these oppositions are reflected in the organization and use of space in the adaptation and changing process. In this context, pivacy and other psychological processes play crucial role, as boundary regulations. Home space requires acceptable and culturally defined relations between the various activities named as inside / outside, front / back, clean / dirty, day / night and up / down, chaos / order. We also mentioned the dialectics of squatter settlements within culture - environment interaction. In the last stage of this chapter, the dialectic dimensions of squatter house and its inside is analysed with a dialectic analysis model. But before this, the dialectics of Traditional Turkish house is explained. Because we couldn't forget that humman lives with his past, with his culture and it occurs the environment where he lives. After that the analysis of the selected squatter houses are made. We choose to analyse the squatter houses because we thought that according the housing shortage and full of impossibilities, people begin to live in squatter houses. But they continue some cultural and spatial organization in their homes. The aim of the model is to find out the interaction between spatial and social dialectics of the dwelling in order to exhibit the transactions among culture, space and time. And to understand the changes and continuity in the phychological meaning of home. After that, the next stage is the model's application. The results of objective and case study of selected squatter houses are used as data. The relations of house and its inside is generalized; garden / garden wall, garden / house, house / room, room/ furniture relations. In the last chapter, it has been investigated whether the thesis reach to its purpose. And results are as follows; privacy, personel space and territorial behavior are continue in our houses like inthe past. The method developed by this thesis is given in the following table.

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