Geri Dön

Ezine-Ayvacık (Çanakkale) dolayında genç volkanizma plütanizma ilişkileri

The Relationship of young volcanism and plutanism and around Ezine-Ayvacık (Çanakkale)

  1. Tez No: 46515
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF.DR. YÜCEL YILMAZ
  4. Tez Türü: Doktora
  5. Konular: Jeoloji Mühendisliği, Geological Engineering
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1995
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Jeofizik Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 329


İnceleme alanı kuzey batı Anadolu'da Biga yarımadasının batı kesiminde kuzey batı Anadolu genç volkanizmasmın yaygın olarak izlendiği bir bölgedir. Bölgenin temelini metamorfik kayaçlar oluşturmaktadır (Karadağ metamorfik topluluğu). Bunlar başlıca fillat, mikaşist gibi metapelitler (Geyikli formasyonu), rekristalize kireçtaşı-mermerler (Sakarkaya formasyonu) ve metabazit arakatkılı metafliş'den (Çamköy formasyonu) oluşmuştur. Birim yeşilşist fasiyesi koşullarında metamorfizmaya uğramıştır. Metamorfik topluluğun yaşı, Permo-Triyas olarak belirlenmiştir. Tüm bu metamorfik kayaların üzerine şaryajlı dokanakla ofıyolit topluluğu kayaları yerleşmiştir (Denizgören ofıyoliti). Bu temel kayaları içine yerleşmiş olan Kestanbol graniti başlıca, kuvarsmonzonit ve monzonit bileşimlidir. Plütonun batı kenarı boyunca aplogranitik bir kuşak ve makaslama zonu vardır. Plüton aplit, pegmatit, lamprofir damarları ile kesilmiştir. Kestanbol granitinin çevre metamorfik kayaları kestiği alanlarda kontak metamorfizma zonu geiişmiştir(Aladağ metamorfikleri). Bu zonda izlenen kayalar hornblend homfels-piroksen hornfels koşullarında kontak metamorfizmaya uğramıştır. Granit kütlesinin doğu ve güneydoğu kenarında ise ince taneli hipabisal kayalara geçilmektedir( Poruklu magmatiti). Çalışma alanında granitik kayaların dışında yaygın olarak volkanik kayalar gelişmiştir. Bunlar granitik kayalarla aynı yörelerde ve az çok üstlenen bir süreç içinde gelişmiştir. Volkanik kayalar gelişim mekanizmaları ve bölgesel dağılımlan nedeniyle Ayvacık ve Balabanlı volkanik toplulukları olarak iki bölümde incelenmiştir. Volkanizmanın ilk ürünleri, Kestanbol graniti çevresinde yer alan ve güneye doğru uzanan felsik bileşimli lavlardır(Kızıltepe formasyonu). İleri derecede hidrotermal alterasyona uğramış riyolit-riyodasitik lavlar, aynı bileşimde piroklastik yağış ürünü tüflerle örtülmüştür (Babadere formasyonu). Ortaç bileşimli ürünlerle devam eden volkanizma, andezitik-latitik lavlar (Dededağ formasyonu), lahar akıntıları (Ezine lahar üyesi) ve bunlarla içice gelişmiş volkanosedimenter bir (Erecek kumtaşı üyesi) topluluk oluşturmuştur. Çalışma alanının güneyinde yer alan Balabanlı volkanik topluluğu ise, piroklastik akıntılar, lav akıntıları ve kırıntılı düzeylerin içice izlendiği bir dizidir. Bu topluluğun içinde birbirleriyle uyumlu ve benzer bileşimli 10 piroklastik akıntı, 11 lav akıntısı ve 4 kırıntılı çökel düzeyin varlığı belirlenmiştir. Bu istifin tümü ortaç-felsik bileşimli ve Miyosen yaşlıdır. Bölgenin güneyinde izlenen bazaltik lavlar (Yeşilliman bazaltı) ise volkanizmanın en genç ürünleridir. Çalışma alanının batısında yaygın olarak izlenen çökeller (Tavaklı formasyonu) kırıntı (Ilıca üyesi) ve kınntılı-karbonatlı (Gülpınar üyesi) kayalardan oluşmaktadır. XVII

Özet (Çeviri)

The area which is the subject of this thesis is located to the east of the Biga Peninsula, Northwest Anatolia, where Tertiary volcanics widely crop out. These volcanics cover older formations with a great aerial extent. Stratigraphic column of the study area includes six stratigraphic assemblages. These are from older to younger 1- Palaeozoic metamorphic assemblage: the Karadağ metamorphic unit. 2- Mesozoic: The Denizgören ophiolite. 3- Oligocene plutonic complex: the Kestanbol granite 4- Oligocene hypabyssal assemblage: the Poruklu magmatite 5- Miocene volcanic units: The Ayvacık volcanics, in the north and the Balabanli volcanics, in the south 6- Miocene-Pliocene sedimentary rocks: the Tavakli formation. First two units from the basement of area. The Karadağ metamorphic assemblage is a metasedimentary unit of PermoTriassic age which affected by a green-schist fades metamorphism. This assemblage is differentiated in to three formations, the Geyikli, Sakarkaya and Çamköy, respectively. The Geyikli formation at the base, is a low grade metamorphic unit which is represented by an alternation of phyllite, micaschist and calcschist. This formation passes upward into the Sakarkaya formation, recrystallized carbonate, marble and calcschists, with increasing calcschist content. Palaeontological findings from the recrystallised carbonate and marbles of the Sakarkaya formation yield a Middle to late Permian age for the deposition of this formation. Overlying The Çamköy formation, in general, is composed of a slightly metamorphosed flysch-like sequence consisting an alternation of meta-sandstone and phyllite. There are also sporadic metabasic and calcschist intercalations within this formation. The Denizgören ophiolite is made up of serpantinized peridotite and layered gabbro. This unit tectonically overly the Karadağ metamorphic assemblage. The tectonic relationship between these two units is well seen in the northern part of the area studied. Radiometric determinations the Denizgören ophiolite indicate that this ophiolite emplaced onto the Karadağ XVIIImetamorphic assemblage during early Cretaceous time (Okay,, in press). The third assemblage, the Kestanbol granite, widely outcrops in the south of Ezine and covers 140 km2 area displaying an ellipsoid-like shape on the geological maps. This plutonic complex cut the basement units with intrusive contacts. The Kestanbol granite is a plutonic complex including different rocks having different mineralogy and textures. In addition to these lithologies an aplogranite and a cataclastic granite belonging to the Kestanbol granite complex were differentiated and mapped separately. The plutonic complex is occassionally cutted by fine-grained aplitic dykes and some pegmatites, lampyrophyres, latite porphyres. The dominat rock types in the Kestanbol granite are quartzo- monzonites and granites, although syenite, quartz-syenite and K-feldspar granite are also present. Quartzo-monzonites and granites are holocrystalline and medium to course grained rocks which consist of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite and hornblende. They are, in general, rich in K-feldspar which is responsible for its pinkish colour and porphyritic in texture. K-feldspar phenocrysts occasionally reach up to 1-3cm in size. Crystal size of the quartzo-monzonitic rocks are larger than those of granites. The contact between these lithologies is transitional. The granite contains several small enclaves which are fine grained and rich in mafic minerals. These enclaves, varying in size between 3-30 cm, are abundant especially western part of the pluton. As well as enclaves, mafic segregations are also abundant.The Kestanbol granite is cutted by three sets of joints which are nearly perpendicular to each other. These joints appear to have caused the formation of a well developed concoidal weathering. The aplogranite crops out in the west of the Kestanbol plutonic complex, between the Kemalli village in the north and Tavakli village in the south. The aplogranite is finegrained and rich in felsic minerals.There is a transitional contact between the Kestanbol granite and the aplogranite. Field observations and textural properties of the unit indicate that the aplogranite formed as a result of differentiation of a phenocryst-rich granitic melt. Then the resultant silica-rich felsic melt eventually injected in to wall-rocks. The cataclastic granite is seen along the western contact of the Kestanbol granite, between aplogranite and metamorphic wall-rocks. In this area, a North-South trending fault, the Alemşah fault, cutting the Kestanbol granite probably caused the development of a shear zone. In this shear zone Kestanbol granite, aplogranite and metamorphic wall-rocks were affected by dynamic metamorphism. As a result of this cataclasis, gneissic texture developed in the coars-grained granitic rocks. Geochemical properties of the Kestanbol granite indicate a metaluminous and calc-alkaline origin. The most abundant rock-type is the high-K quartzo-monzonite. Trace element and isotopic systematics of the XIXgranite indicate that the magmas have got a mantle origine. They appear to have been contaminated by the continental crust en route to the surface. The Kestanbol granite has been dated as radiometrically 28±0.8 Ma (Late Oligocene). A long its NE, western and SW contacts of the granite have intrusive character and cuts the metamorphic formations. A long this contacts a contact metamorphic zone, Aladağ metamorphics, is seen in which scarn is occassionally present in carbonate-rich levels. The contact-migmatites between the granite and the Geyikli formation are also present. The most common minerals in this zone are quartz+diopsite+epidote+plagioclase+scapolite+wollastonite Where the pluton cuts recrystallised limestones, the north of Aladağ hill and Kösedere, following mineralogy developed Garnet+diopsite+wollastonite+scapolite+epidote Garnet+epidote+diopsite+spinel+phlogopite This paragenesis is the evidence of the presence of homblende- hornfels and pyroxene-hornfels facies at the contact zone. The fourth assemlage, the Poruklu magmatite, is a hypabyssal assemblage which is represented mainly by fine grained monzonitic rocks. This unit crops out close to the east and southeastern contact of the pluton and displays similar mineralogy and geochemistry with the main intrusive body. It is finer in grain size spanning in a range from micro-granular porphyritic to granophyric textures. In the field, granitic and volcanic units display a close relationship with each other. Volcanic units have been subdivided into two main groups on the basis of their lithological and volcano-stratigraphic properties. The volcanic rocks located to the north, have been named the northern group; the Ayvacık volcanics, and those located in the south have been named as the southern group; the Balabanli volcanics. Lavas and lahar-flows are dominant in the Ayvacık volcanics, whereas pyroclastics and occasional lavas are the most abundant lithologies of the Balabanli volcanics. The contact between these two groups is a E-W trending fault, the Tuzla fault, passing through close to the middle of the area. The Ayvacık volcanics is differentiated into three formations, the Kızıltepe, Babadere and Dededağ formations from base to top. The first volcanic products erupted in the north are the felsic lavas named in this study as the Kızıltepe formation. This formation consists of rhyolitic, rhyodacite and dacitic lavas. It crops out around the Kestanbol pluton. XXThe Kızıltepe formation is conformably overlain by the Babadere formation which is a pyroclastic-fall deposit consisting of lithic and pumice tuffs. Pyroclastic products of this formation display a well-developed bedding. Small scale flow-folds are also seen within this formation. Up the section is the Dededağ formation which is made up mainly of intermediate volcanic products such as andesitic and trachy-andesitic lavas and their flow-breccias. In places this formation unconformably overlies the metamorphic basement rocks as well as the volcanics of the Kızıltepe and Babadere formations. It widely crops out in the east and SE of the area studied. In the upper part of the this formation, two members were differentiated, the Ezine lahar member and the Erecek sandstone respectively. The Erecek sandstone member made up of mainly sandstone and rarerly conglomerate, siltstone, pumice tuff and marl. Detrital material is of volcanic origin. The Erecek sandstone member is overlain by the Ezine lahar member which is composed of lava blocks and boulders in a mudstone and tuff matrix. These lava boulders and fragments have a great resemblace to underlying Dededağ formation. There are also rare lava flows and clastic beds in the Ezine lahar member. Geochemical data from the Dededağ formation indicate that most of the lavas are intermediate, metaluminous and high-K in composition. Acidic samples are also rarely seen. According to LE MAITRE (1989) diagrams they classify as andesite and trachy-andesite. Most samples are calk- alkaline in character while same exceptional samples are alkaline. Trace element and isotopic data indicate that the magma which fed the volcanic eruptions of these lavas initiated from the mantle and contaminated by the crust en route to the surface. The second part of the volcanic units, The Balabanh volcanics, in the south, consists of a succession of pyroclastic units, lava flows and detrital sediments (volcano-sedimentary). Almost all pyroclastics are pyroclastic flow deposits. These are also associated with minor amount of pyroclastic falls. At the base of the volcanic pile, andesitic-latitic lavas (called the Babakale lava-lahar and the Bademli andesite) crop out. In the Babakale region the lavas, flows breccias and lahar flows are mingled in to each other. This caotic assemblage is also cut by several basaltic and andesitic dykes. On the other hand, the Bademli andesite is quite a monotonous unit consisting solely of massif lava flows. These units are overlain by approximately 40m thick high-temperature pyroclastic flow, the Koyunevi ignimbrite. The Koyunevi ignimbrite is, in general, intermediate in composition and contain granitic inclusions in its outcrops around Tuzla çayı. It appears that this flow unit erupted onto a peneplain palaeotopography. Up the section the volcanism produced discrete, small adifices of lava domes and pyroclastic flows. Some of these products have been named as the Pınarlı, Kalabak, Bektaş ignimbrites and Çiçeklik and Kuruoba andesites. XXIThe lava and pyroclastic formations described above also contain clastic sedimentary intercalations. These units, which are made up of lacustrin volcanogenic sandstone and occassionally conglomerate, are named in this study as the Tepeli, Yumurcaktepe, Küçükçam and Kaşınkaya sandstones.The deposition of the units mark inactive periods of the volcanism during which subaerial environment was established to produce detrital deposits. All these units are unconformably overlain by the Akkaya ignimbrite. The Akkaya ignimbrite is overlain by the Bakacak andesite and the Bergas ignimbrite respectively. After the eruption of Bergas ignimbrite, the volcanic activity continued in the west around the Behramkale. It formed the Behram latite-andesite. This volcanic activity was followed by eruption of a widespread pyroclastic flow which is the biggest pyroclastic eruption in the area in terms of its volume and lateral extent. The unit has a average thickness of 100m. The Kepez ignimbrite in the west, the Kadırga ignimbrite in the SE and the Tamış ignimbrite in the north are the products of this particular eruption. Even though the unit was mapped in the field as three separate units, these are thought to belong to a single pyroclastic flow unit since these three have the same stratigraphic position. The unit is densely welded in the north and east. On the other hand, it contains some unwelded levels and some lava intercalations in the west. At the top of the stratigraphic column of the Balabanlı volcanics, Tuzla and Ortatepe rhyolites crop out. The youngest formation in the area is the Yeşilliman basalt which is genetically related to the formation of the Edremit graben. Radiometric age determinations in the literature indicate that age of the volcanic assemblages in the area studied is Middle to Late Miocene. Basic rocks, on the other hand, are younger ranging from Late Miocene to Late Pliocene. The sedimentary rocks, the Tavakli formation unconformably overlies the volcanic units. The formation is subdivided into two members named as the Ilıca and the Gülpınar members. The Ilıca member consists of detrital continental sediments whereas the Gülpınar member is composed of clastic marine carbonates. Palaeontological determinations from the Tavakli formation indicate that the unit is upper Miocene to Pliocene in age. Plutonic, volcanic and hypabyssal rocks that generated in the same period show similar characters in their stratigraphy, petrography and geochemistry. All magmatic rocks have got a similar magmatic source that the magmas have got a mantle origine and contaminated by the thickened continental crust. XXII

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