Kentsel mekanda bir oyun aracı olarak geçici ve etkileşimli yerleştirmeler
Temporary and interactive installations as a play tool in the urban space
- Tez No: 496471
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Oyun, Kentsel Mekan, Kentsel Mekanda Oyun, Anlık Üretilen Kentsel Mekan, Performatif Beden, Performatif Mekan, Performatif Kent, Olay, Geçici ve Etkileşimli Yerleştirmeler, Play, Urban Spaces, City as a Playground, Playground, Performative Body, Performative Space, Event, Installation, Temporaray and Interactive Installation
- Yıl: 2017
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Mimari Tasarım Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 93
Mimarlık meselesi, bedenin mekanda var olma durumu ve hareketleri ile oluşan olay kavramı ile doğrudan ilişkilidir. Öyle ki, bu olaylar, kentsel mekanın yeniden kurulmasında, kullanılmasında ve organizasyonunda etkin bir rol oynar. Beden ve tasarlanmış mekan ise kentsel mekandaki bu yeniden kurulumun aktörleri olarak öne sürülebilir. Kent bağlamında, bu olaylara olanak tanıyan tasarlanmış mekanlardan biri de, deneysel ve etkileşimli oyunlara sahne olan, oyuncu beden ile var olan mekan olarak düşünülebilir. Bu çalışmada, oyun mekanı olan kente odaklanılmıştır. Kentin, yaşayan ve sürekli değişen bir uzam olduğu bu sebeple, kentin bazı kısımlarının artık eskisi gibi çalışmadığı ya da günlük kullanım pratiklerine hapsolup, potansiyellerinin kullanılamadığı üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu noktada, kentsel mekanın potansiyellerinin deşifresine ara yüz oluşturacak bir takım araç gereç ve durumların varlığından söz edilmiştir. Bu araç, gereç ve durumlar kentsel mekanda olay yaratıp, bedeni eyleme teşvik edecek müdahaleler ve o müdahalelere olanak tanıyacak mekansal ara yüzler olarak kavramsallaştırılmış bunların bütününe oyun denmiştir. Kentsel mekan müdahalelerle var olur. Bedenin kentsel mekana her müdahalesi, var olan mekanı yeniden programlama, aktive etme ve o mekandaki potansiyelli an ve durumları ortaya çıkarma girişimi olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu potansiyeller kendilerini, bir çok potansiyelli anı bünyesinde barındıran, beklenmedik eylemlerle şekillenen bir olasılıklar bulutu olarak tanımlanabilecek ara mekanlarda var ederler. Bu ara mekanlar, kent bağlamında yeni ve anlık programların ve olayların oluşmasına olanak sağlayan oyun mekanları olarak düşünülebilirler. Bu çalışma kapsamında, kentsel mekanda gerçekleştirilen geçici ve etkileşimli yerleştirmeler, kentsel mekanı yeniden kuran oyunsal tasarım araçları olarak görülür. Ayrıca, bu yerleştirmelerin kentsel ölçekte, bedeni eyleme teşvik eden ve davet eden, bir oyun kurucu olarak çalıştığından söz edilir. Bedenin dahiliyeti ile aktive olan bu geçici ve etkileşimli yerleştirmeler, kentsel mekanda dinamik olarak değişen mekansal yapılanmalara olanak sağlar. Bu mekansal yapılanmalar, bedenin gücünü yalnızca mekan kurucu olarak değil, aynı zamanda mekan organizasyonunun bir parçası olarak da ortaya koyar. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde, tezin başlıca amaçları ve araştırma konuları aktarılmış, bu sorulara nasıl ve hangi yöntemlerle cevap bulunacağı tespit edilmiştir. İkinci bölüm 'Bir Oyun Mekanı Olarak Kent“ ana başlığında, ”Oyun Kavramı“, ”Oyun Kavramının Kentsel Mekandaki Açılımları“, ”Anlık Üretilen Kentsel Mekan“ ve ”Kentsel Mekanda Bir Oyun Aracı Olarak Geçici ve Etkileşimli Yerleştirmeler“ konuları incelenmiş ve araştırılmıştır. Öncelikle oyun kavramı üzerine, tezin geneline yol gösterici olacak bir kavramsal literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Oyun; aktörleri, mekansallığı ve kuralları üzerinden irdelenmiş ve açıklanmıştır. Oyunun, insanın doğasında, bebeklikten bu yana dogmatik olarak yapmaya devam ettiği bir eylem hali olduğu üzerinde durulmuştur. Bölümün ikinci alt başlığı olan Oyun Kavramının Kentsel Mekandaki Açılımları' nda, oyunun kentsel mekandaki varlığı ve yarattığı kamusallıklar incelenmiştir. ”Anlık Üretilen Kentsel Mekan bölümünde ise, kentin anlık müdahalelerle nasıl sürekli yenilendiği ve katmanlaştığı araştırılmış ve literatür taramaları ile desteklenmiştir. Kentin bedensel müdahalelerle sürekli yeni anlamlarla gündeme gelebileceği ve bu yolla dinamik kalabileceği üzerinde durulmuştur. Kentsel Mekanda Bir Oyun Aracı Olarak Geçici ve Etkileşimli Yerleştirmeler Bölümü'nde ise, kentsel mekanda kurulan geçici yerleştirmelerin, kentli ile kurduğu etkileşime ve nasıl bir oyun aracı olarak çalıştığına odaklanılmıştır. Tezin üçüncü bölümünde,“Oyun ve Mekan Kurucu Olarak Performatif Beden”kavramı incelenmiştir. Huizinga'nın, Homo Ludens kavramı ile insan kültürüne kazandırdığı“Oyuncu İnsan”kavramı bedenin performatif olma hali üzerinden ele alınmış, çevresi ile her daim iletişim ve etkileşimdeki beden, tez genelinde“performatif beden”olarak kavramsallaştırılmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde,“Oyunun Çözümlenmesi Üzerine Bir Deneme”çalışması yapılmıştır. Oyun; aktörler, mekan ve kurallar olmak üzere üç ana başlıkta çözümlenmiş ve deşifre edilmiştir. Bu bölümün devamında, kentin atıl ya da günlük kullanım pratiklerine hapsolmuş mekanlarını kullanarak, kentliyi de katılıma davet eden yerleştirmeler, bu üç ana başlıkta, kentte oyun yaratma potansiyelleri üzerinden incelenip, deşifre edilmiştir. Tezin sonuç bölümünde ise, yapılan literatür taramaları ve örnekler üzerinden yapılan deşifreler sonucunda, kentsel mekanda gerçekleştirilen bu oyunların, çevresi ile etkileşime geçip, kentsel mekanı dönüştürmeye başlayabilmesi için, mekansal ve zamansal sınırlarının, kurallarının ve davetkarlığının ne şekillerde kurgulanması gerektiği üzerine çıkarımlar yapılmıştır.
Özet (Çeviri)
Architectural space is primarily made up of a space that is experienced, one that requires acting by a performing body that experiences this surrounding while gaining spatial awareness through the vehicle of created events. It is the unique surroundings of the body that thus encourage or discourage it to move within the space. In other words, every object around the body evidences certain clues relative to the potential body movements within this built environment. Despite the fact that the space has a discrete measurable physical existence, it is actually the activities or events that occur within that particular space that impart meaning to the space. The city is a living microcosm that contains many potent moments and a living, growing, developing, sometimes shrinking, obsolete, ineffective, living organism. The city is an area of activity that adds a new layer to its spatial existence with each individual communicating and interacting with him. Each user of the city spatially urbanizes itself in the context of its interaction with its own being and its surroundings, and creates its own urban space. This formed urban space is as social as it is individual; Because the person who makes this living organism that we call the city, exists with social relations. The spaces that individuals experience in the direction of their potentials are intertwined, creating a superstructure with bins and urban spaces all around. Of course, individuals do not have the same quality of interaction as every other city. While in a more qualified and productive interaction with some parts of the urban city, it is in a more superficial communication with some points. These communications and interactions are not always of the same quality and continuity, even for the same space. For this reason, some urban spaces lose their effectiveness locally, or are confined to daily use practices. While showing that this city is constantly changing and transforming, on the other hand, it is also a sign that the city's spaces are active with the use of individuals and that they have begun to live. Because when the urban space is not in use, it defines only one space. Architects-planners, when designing the city, create areas that allow for urbanization through a number of predictions and analyzes. However, in time, the urban space is faced with different usage practices and can no longer be used as an old one. Because, the city is not just a built-up landscape; The city is a living organism shaped by the daily routines, habits, experiences and social activities of the city. For this reason, it is in constant change and transformation. So, it can be said that the instant encounters / situations / interactions that occur in the city scale create the conditions that will enable the events that enable this restructuring to come to an end. Planned or unplanned situations / actions to be made in the urban space can create conditions to create 'events'. These situations / actions take place unexpectedly outside the predetermined program of that space. Festivals, concerts, biennials, performances of street artists, street exhibitions, races, etc. can be considered as situations / actions that occur temporally, at certain times, in the urban space and create 'events' in the urban space. This thesis focuses on the temporary areas of activity in which the urban space is established, in the context of all these potential events. These temporary areas of activity can be considered as performance and playgrounds, designed in the direction of the city's new use practices, allowing instant production. It is possible to think of these areas as the areas of communication that will bring the reconstruction of the city to the agenda. These fields invite the urbanites to experience this area and the moment by playing a game in the middle of the city. On the othe hand, urban spaces can exist with the use of the body. It means, because public space finds meaning through actions and events that occur or have occurred in that particular space, the movement of the body determines the fiction of the public spaces. The body is the creator and operator of these events and actions. This body, which is always in interaction and communication in the urban context, can be conceptualized as performative body. Public space is the stage of world where always opens to new interactions, events and in this way, transformation. This stage is reconfigured with every new intervention and it is decomposed and reconfigured again. Public space is not only a place to come and go for it is also a terminator space with potentials for various physical, temporal matches and even some conflicts. The different experiences that occur in the same place simultaneously through the contribution of different bodies in different times result in the creation of a common ground in public space. Thus, the different consumptions of space by different bodies refer to an interpenetrated growing space. When the city is transformed into a new field of activity with each individual, some tools and mediators make the potential moments of this transformation more visible. These tools create inviting and productive areas of activity by playing with the city's body-space encounters. Urban is a field of research for the makers (designers, architects, artists) of the vehicles that provide the means of exploiting these areas of activity as much as the city is an activity area for the urban people. The creators (designers, architects, artists) that make Kentlin the place where these fields of activity are made are the founders of this game. In this context, this study regards temporary and interactive settlements as design tools with many potentials to stimulate urban life. These tools play an active role in the re-use of idle urban spaces or in the use of urban spaces again in different ways, which is encapsulated in the practice of daily use, and in doing so transforms the urban space into a 'playground' area. This study sees the interactive and temporary installations realized in the urban space as design tools that reconstruct the urban space while transforming city into a playground. It also mentions that these installations work as a playmaker on the urban scale, encouraging and inviting the body. These temporary art and space installations that are active with the body's internal inclusions allow dynamically changing structures in the public arena. These spatial situations also reveal the body's power not only as a space maker, but also as part of a space organization. In the first part of the study, the main aims and research topics of the thesis were presented and it was determined how and with which methods the answers would be found. In the second chapter“City as a Playground”main topics,“Play Concept”,“ Play Concept in the Urban Space”,“ Instantly Produced Urban Space”and“Temporary and Interactive Installations as a play tool in Urban Space”were examined and researched. First of all, a conceptual literature search was conducted on the concept of play, which will guide the thesis in general. It has been emphasized that the play is an act of nature that continues to do dogmatically in nature, since infancy. In the second sub-section of the chapter, Play Concept in the Urban Space, the game's urban presence and the publicness it has created have been examined. In the section of Instantly Produced Urban Space, how the city was constantly renewed and stratified by instant interventions was researched and supported by literature reviews. It has been emphasized that the city can constantly come up with new meanings with bodily interventions and it can be dynamic in this way. In the Temporary and Interactive Settlements Division as a game medium for urban dwellings, the urban mall focuses on the interactions established with the urban dwellers and how they operate as a game medium. In the third part of the thesis, the concept of“Performative Body”was examined. The concept of“Homo Ludens”, which Huizinga earned to human culture was dealt with in the formative state of the body. The concept of“Homo Ludens”has been dealt with in terms of the performative nature of the body, and the body in communication has been conceptualized as the“performative body”throughout the thesis. In the forth chapter, the concept of game was deciphered in three main themes: actors, spaces and rules. Than, selected installation examples that invited urban participation were examined and deciphered through the game creation potentials in the city according to these three themes. In the conclusion section of the thesis, as a result of the literature reviews and the decipherments made on the examples, conclusions have been made about how the spatial and temporal boundaries, rules and invitations should be constructed in order for these games to interact with the environment and start to transform the urban space. In the scope of this thesis, the main idea is that by creating new life scenarios these event generators have important potentials in terms of re-evaluating and re-activating abandoned parts of the city and the city place that is trapped in daily use practices. This thesis suggests that temporary and interactive installations that are activated by the involvement of the body allow the production of alternative, playful, eventful, and communicative spaces in the urban context. This idea primarily derives from the fact that events play important roles in the re-utilization of neglected urban spaces. Body and designed space can be considered as main actors of this re-creation process. Temporary and interactive installations arranged in an urban context lead to the communication of people/bodies with their built environments.
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