Geri Dön

Sümerbank dokuma fabrikalarının dönüşümü (1935-2019): Kayseri, Ereğli, Nazilli, Bursa ve Malatya örnekleri

The transformation of Sumerbank textile factories (1935-2019): Examples of Kayseri, Eregli Nazilli and Bursa

  1. Tez No: 603562
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2019
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Mimari Tasarım Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 80


Sanayi devrimiyle beraber yeni kentleşme sorunları da gündeme gelmiştir. Fabrikaların kentlerde açılmaya başlaması, kırdaki tarımla uğraşan nüfusu kente çekmiş, kentler giderek kalabalıklaşmaya başlamıştır. Suyun sanayide kullanılması, gündelik hayattaki kullanımını aksatmış ve bu koşullar altında giderek kalabalık olmaya başlayan kentler yaşanamaz hale gelmiştir. Bu olumsuz kent yaşantısının parçası olan ve“Başka bir kent mümkün mü?”sorusunu soran Robert Owen, St Simon, Etienne Cabet, Jean Baptiste Godin ve Charles Fourier kent ve kır hayatının olumlu yanlarını bir araya getirerek, yaşanılır yeni şehirler kurgulamış, 19. ve 20. Yüzyılın üretim mekanlarının temeli olan fikirleri ortaya atmış ve hatta bazılarını inşa etmişlerdir. Bu yeni şehirler kentlerden uzakta, kır ve kent hayatının olumlu yanlarını hemhal ederek, yeni bir şehir ve yaşam önerisi olarak inşa edilmiştir. Bu tez“yeni şehir”kavramını 20. yüzyılın yeni şehir önerisi Ebenezer Howard'ın Bahçe Şehir'i üzerinden ele almaktadır. Bu tezde Bahçe Şehir'lerin yerleşme biçimden çok, inşa edilme, yayılma ve farklı coğrafyalarda yeniden yorumlanma biçimleri üzerinden“yeni şehir”kavramının alt nedenleri görünür kılınmıştır. Birinci Dünya Savaşı sonrasında ve İkinci Dünya Savaşı öncesinde inşa edilen Bahçe Şehir'ler üzerinden Bahçe Şehir'leri çeşitlendiren ve üretim ilişkilerinin belirleyen politikalar tartışmaya açılmıştır. Bu tezde Birinci Dünya Savaşı sonrasında inşa edilen ve Bahçe Şehir'in ideolojik ve yaşamsal olarak izlerinin görüldüğü Sümerbank'ın ilk beş dokuma ve iplik fabrikası'na; Kayseri, Ereğli, Nazilli, Bursa ve Malatya'ya odaklanılmaktadır. 1930'lu yıllarda devletçi ekonomi modelinin bir sonucu olarak inşa edilen bu fabrikalar, yalnızca bulundukları kentte bir istihdam alanı yaratmayıp, erken Cumhuriyet dönemi yaşam pratiklerinin tanıtımı için de bir araç olmuşlardır. Türkiye Cumhuriyetinin ekonomik ve sosyal kalkınmasının temelini atmış ve lokomotifi olmuşlardır. Bu tez bu fabrikalara bugünden bakmaktadır. Erken Cumhuriyetin devletçi ekonomi politikalarının var ettiği bu fabrikalar, 2000'li yıllarda serbest ekonomi politikalarının gerekliliklerini karşılamadıkları ve rekabetçi piyasa koşullarına yenik düştükleri için kapatılmış, özelleştirilmiş, yıkılmış veya dönüştürülmüştür. Bu fabrikalar üzerinden mekanı var eden ve üretim ilişkilerini belirleyen politikalar değiştiğinde önce mekanın sonra da o mekanda gerçekleşen davranış pratiklerinin nasıl değiştiği yapılan arşiv taraması ve yerinde yapılan tespit ve belgelemelerle karşılaştırılmış ve görünür kılınmıştır. Fabrikaların Cumhuriyetin hafızasındaki yeri ve bir endüstri mirası olma özelliği bu tezin motivasyonunu oluşturmuştur. Sonucunda da korunmuş, dönüştürülmüş veya yıkılmış bu fabrikalarla ilgili araştırma sorularına cevap olan tutarlı bir tez ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu fabrikalara bugünden bakarak“Mekanın üretim ilişkilerini belirleyen politikalar değiştiğinde mekan kendini hangi işlevlerde ve formlarda var eder?”sorusuna cevap aranmıştır. Albayrak Tekstil'e satılan Ereğli, Marmara Girişim Grubuna satılan Malatya, belediyeye devredilerek Merinos Park'a dönüştürülen Bursa, üniversite kampüsüne dönüştürülen Kayseri ve Nazilli'de yer alan Sümerbank Dokuma ve İplik Fabrikaları bu tezin vaka analizini oluşturmuştur.

Özet (Çeviri)

“Do we produce space only to meet functional needs?”is the initial version of research questions and curiosities that served as based on this thesis. The inspiration of that thesis is the spatial responses to political concern that may be sensed while encountering certain structures in built environment. During the research process, it is observed that these political concerns are especially implied that public building limited to building scale, but is extended to urban texture. This acknowledgement has shifted the focus of the research from building scale to urban scale. Hence, it has proposed the question“How do politics define the production of a city and relations of production?”The debate of the question opened has made way to the sub-questions that follow: 1.Are the locations of public buildings that where a citizen encounters on commute the squares that are placed in center or outskirts of the city and the statues, places and presidency buildings that are erected in the middle of these squares arbitrary or intended? 2.What kind of a role does current politicks play in these manners of emplacements? These questions have accounted for the curiosities and research areas of this thesis. Within the research, it was aimed to answer these questions in terms of optimizing“new cities”that politicians and urban utopians have fictionalized by re-interpreting each time. According to Wakeman (2019),“new city”is as manner that has utterly been signifying the symbolic regional control and settlement actions, which have been actualized by plan at the center points in history. They were all designed to define and standardize the spatial organization and relations of production of the ideal and the desired urban life of era. New cities had been built during and after periods of commotion or war. During the first and second world war period, countries distributed their armory in order to defence their overseas territory. Furthermore, they have been built new cities to enliven the collapsed economy along with the destroyed cities. These cities have served as realization, and progress of hope for the future prosperity. Some of these cities, alongside being the space of new life, have become the control mechanism and authority as apparatus of the current political power in those regions. Commercials and their slogans have propagandized what the future in these new cities behold. The history of new cities based on 19th and 20th centuries. They have applied to many different locations within different scales, names, and reasons by various urban planners and/or architects. New cities are debated on the center of Garden Cities designed during the interwar period. Rather than their plans typology and their places founded, it is important what it is the need and policies under design concepts. Thanks to founded Garden Cities Associations around world and its book, which was written by Ebenezer Howard, translated in different languages, they were built with diverse scales at place. A great part of them was used as aircraft factory, and were constructed at borders of their countries in order to protect defence industry within the wars. Republic of Turkey that was established after Ottoman Empire is one of those countries. The emphasize on“new”was existent and effective during the early republic of Turkey, just as any other new cities in the world. By image of modern Turkish women to public buildings, the capital city Ankara was built since the very beginning. Everything that constituted the visual memory of modernization have served as the proof of a new country leaving behind the history of Ottoman Empire (Bozdogan, 2015). Factory mills, public buildings, social housings that were built during the early republic era. Morover the villages and cities that were formed by them have been the spatial representations of the brand new the republic. The goal of this study is to research the concept of“new city”related to factory mills that have carried the policies and behavioural practices of Turkey, from Ankara to whole countries, while providing social prosperity and reducing the“economic and social”imbalance between urban and rural. These factory mills have greatly provided employment and contributed to possession. This study focuses on Sumerbank Textile Factories in Kayseri, Nazilli, Eregli, Bursa and Malatya. The Factory mills in Kayseri and Nazilli built by USSR and the factory mills in Malatya and Bursa built by Germany which are constituted researched filed. Furthermore in today's world, the aspects to these factory mills are significant to answer the questions such as "How do shifts in those factors reconstruct or destruct. It is purposed to have thoughts to analyse two different disciplines that have been two separate areas of debate on same subject: architecture and economic history. Since it would not be adequate to discuss existence of a place without discussing the economic policies that define the relations of production of space. The case study of that thesis consists of the textile factories in Kayseri, Eregli, Nazilli, Bursa and Malatya. Once policies of production space of statist economy, during 1930s, they have left their places to other functions, or been transformed in our policies of our current liberal economy. The factories in Kayseri and Nazilli are transformed to university campuses. The factory in Bursa has served as a museum. The factory in Eregli was sold and the factory in Malatya was demolished and replaced with a shopping mall. All those particular transformations provide this study to demonstrate the past and today of these factory mills based on field surveys and archive studies. That research reveals the facts that these factory mills, which were built as result of statist economy, have existed as different kind of forms and functions by following liberal economy policies. Similarly, it demonstrates that when those policies compromising the places change, those structures transforms as well. Thus, Sumerbank Factory Mills were a company that are possessions of the government. Due to changing economic policies, those companies have lost corporate identity, places, and behavioural practices eventually. Today, these factory mills are used as consumption place, which were founded for being a production site. Even though the mentioned factories are not eligible to pursue their original functions, they still spatially represent the economical processes of Turkey. Preservation of the factory mills and their archives are extremely important in terms of industrial memory.

Benzer Tezler

  1. Devletçilik döneminde tekstil sektörünün gelişimi ve Bakırköy Bez Fabrikası (1934-1950)

    Development of the textile sector in the period of statism and the Bakirköy Cloth Factory (1934-1950)






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  2. Birinci Sanayi Planı kapsamında kurulan Sümerbank Dokuma Fabrikalarında sosyal ve kültürel uygulamalar (1935-1950)

    Social and cultural practices of Sümerbank Textile Factories founded within the framework of the First Industrial Plan (1935-1950)


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  5. Cumhuriyet Dönemi çocuk koruma politikaları (1923-1950)

    Child protection policies in the Republic Era (1923-1950)


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