Otantik kentsel mekân olarak zanaat mahalleleri: Galata örneği
Craft neighborhoods as authentic urban place: Galata
- Tez No: 700294
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2021
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Mimari Tasarım Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 269
Tüm dünyada etkisini gösteren neoliberal yapılanma ile birlikte kent merkezinde hizmet sektörü imalat sektörünün yerini almaktadır. Tez kapsamında bu durum kentlerde üretimin görünmez olması, kentlerin tüketim merkezlerine dönüşmesi ve neoliberal kent politikaları ile yapılanan kentsel mekanların birbirine benzeyerek kendilerine has özelliklerini ve karakterlerini kaybetmeleri nedeniyle eleştirilmektedir. Bu bağlamda kentsel mekân, otantiklik kavramı ile ele alınmaktadır.“Otantik olma”durumu, kentsel mekânın hem tarihsel bağlarına hem de yaratıcı ekonomiler ve yerel üretimlerle işbirlikleri kurma potansiyellerine işaret etmektedir. Zanaat mahalleleri; tarihten günümüze taşıdıkları üretim geleneği, usta-çırak ilişkisi, işbirliği gibi kültürel özellikler, zanaat üretimine özgü ihtiyaçlar çerçevesinde gelişen özgün mekânsal organizasyonlar ve yaratıcı ekonomilere eklemlenebilme potansiyelleri nedeniyle otantik kentsel mekânlar olarak ele alınmışlardır. İstanbul'un iki tarihi kent merkezinden biri olan Galata köklü zanaat tarihi ve hala üretime devam eden zanaatkâr kümelerine sahip olması nedeniyle çalışma alanı olarak belirlenmiştir. 1980 sonrasında Galata'daki imalat atölyeleri dönemin kent dışı bölgelerinde bulunan sanayi sitelerine taşınmaya başlanmış ve bu doğrultuda pek çok yıkım gerçekleşmiştir. Neoliberal poltitikaların kente bir diğer olumsuz etkisi ise sermaye odaklı bu dönüşümlerin genellikle kent hakkını ihlal etmesi ve dezavatajlı gruplar için dışlayıcı olmasıdır. Bu bağlamda kentsel söylemlerin, kentsel politikaların uygulanmasını kolaylaştırıcı bir rol üstlendiğini söylemek mümkündür. Bu nedenle, Galata'nın dönüşüm süreci, Cumhuriyet tarihi boyunca bölgeyi etkileyen kentsel söylemler ile birlikte analiz edilmiştir. İncelenen gazete haberleri sonucunda“Milliyetçilik Söylemi”,“Küreselleşme Söylemi”,“Nostalji Söylemi”,“Turistik Galata Söylemi”ve“Sanatın Kalbi Beyoğlu Söylemi”olmak üzere beş söylem belirlenmiştir. Galata'nın turizmin, sanatın ve kültürün kalbi olarak tanımlandığı günümüz söylemlerinin bölgedeki üretimi gölgelediği ve mevcut kentsel politikalarla zanaat mahallelerine özgü potansiyellerin göz ardı edildiği tespit edilmiştir. Galata bölgesinde birbirinden farklı karaktere sahip üç zanaat kümesi belirlenmiştir. Bunlar; elektrikli aletler, hırdavat, makine ve yedek parçaları konusunda uzmanlaşmış Perşembe Pazarı bölgesi, aydınlatma konusunda uzmanlaşmış Şişhane bölgesi, günümüzde azalmış olmasına rağmen ahşap ve metal işleme alanında uzmanlaşmış olan Kuledibi bölgesidir. Üç zanaat mahallesinde yapılan yarı yapılandırılmış mülakatlar, gözlem ve tespitlere göre alanda ekonomik, kültürel, mekânsal ve işlevsel değişim yaşandığı görülmüştür. Bu değişimler teker teker ele alınarak açıklanmıştır. Mekânsal değişimlerin incelendiği bölümlerde atölye, han ve sokak ilişkisi gözlenerek, fotoğraflarla tespit edilerek zanaat mahallesinin gündelik hayatı, üretimin işleyişi ve görünürlüğü hakkında plan, kesit çizimi, kroki ve eskizlerle tespitler yapılmıştır. Tespitler doğrultusunda öneriler geliştirilmiştir.
Özet (Çeviri)
In this research, based on the question“How can the sustainability of the craft neighborhoods in the Historic City Centers, which are under the pressure of transformation, be ensured?”it is aimed to develop an inclusive transformation model as an alternative to capital-oriented transformations in cities with upper-scale interventions. The political aspect of the space makes it impossible to analyze the space only with physical data. For this reason, more comprehensive results are obtained by using interdisciplinary analysis methods in space studies. In this research, as De Certeau emphasized, it is aimed to interpret of the transformation of the space by looking at the space both“top-down”and“bottom-up”. While the Critical Discourse Analysis study, which examines the urban discourses that are effective in the transformation of space, constitutes the“from above”part of the research; the section in which the physical properties of the spaces are examined using architectural tools and the interviews with the residents are analyzed, constitutes the“from below”part of the research. After explaining the purpose, scope and method of the thesis in the first part, the concepts forming the framework of the research were examined in the second part. Firstly, the concepts and histories of craft, craftsmanship and craft neighborhoods are discussed. By examining the historical development of craftsmanship, which is one of the oldest professions in history, the art-craft, artist-craftsman dichotomy was opened to discussion and the current status of the concepts was evaluated. Craft neighborhoods, which are formed as a result of the close proximity of craftsmen to each other, are discussed with the concept of clustering within urbanization theories and the characteristics of craft clusters are examined. Within the scope of the thesis, the unique situations of craft districts are explained with the concept of“authenticity”. For this reason, the concept of“authenticity”, which is explained by the states of“being genuine”,“being real”,“being original”and used as a descriptor in many fields from industrial objects to works of art, has been examined. Authenticity is discussed together with Benjamin's concept of“aura”, Adorno's concept of“culture industry”and Debord's concept of“the spectacle society”. The urban projection of authenticity has been examined together with the concept of“ouevre”in which Lefebvre treats the city as a work of art, the concept of“staged authenticity”in which MacCannell criticizes the tourism-oriented transformation of cities, Urry's“tourist gaze”approach, Baudrillard's“the consumer society”and Zukin's criticisms for“synthetic authenticity”strategies applied in cities and suggestions. Within the scope of the thesis, which opens the sustainability of craft neighborhoods to discussion, the concepts of“right to the city and urban rights”were examined; in this direction, the approaches of Castells, Jacobs, Lefebvre, Harvey, Sassen, Sennett and Zukin in the right to the city literature were examined. Although the authors have defined the concept of right to the city in different ways, they are united in the fact that everyone can access the opportunities of the city equally. However, the differences in how the right to the city will be ensured are more pronounced. At this point; two approaches, that propose to have a say in the transformation of the city by communicating with technocrats and planners, with a revolutionary stance advocating reclaiming rights by creating a collective resistance, stand out. In the last part of the conceptual framework, how the urban discourses produced in order to shape the transformation of the city were established and worked were examined. The concept of discourse is discussed with the approaches of van Dijk, Wodak and Foucault. The circulation of discourse and its instrumentalization in the transformation of the city; Boudrillard's concept of“hyperreality”, which is formed by the mixing of the real and the virtual, and the concept of“simulation”, which is created by using mass media. In the light of conceptual studies, it has been revealed that craft neighborhoods, which are excluded through urban discourses, can claim a privileged right to the city by claiming to be authentic. In this context, in the third part, the cultural and spatial characteristics that make the craft district authentic were presented in detail and examples of craft districts from the world, Turkey and Istanbul were examined. In order to test and concretize the theoretical studies, Galata Region was chosen as the case study. The Galata region, which has been defined as a central business area until recently and has various workshops, is now being reshaped for the tourist gaze with urban discourses and policies that exclude the craftsmen in the region. In the fourth chapter, the history of the region is researched to reveal the foundations of the production culture in Galata. Today, the foundations of the production culture in Galata, which is home to craft districts with different identities, are based on ship maintenance, repair and parts manufacturing, which developed due to the region's port. Although this production date, which dates back to the Genoese Period, was concentrated on the coast at first, as a result of the internal migration in the 1950s, the apartments around Galata started to be used as workshops. After 1980, the production network in the region was damaged as a result of the demolition of some of the workshops in Perşembe Bazaar region and the opening of Tarlabaşı Boulevard due to postmodern planning approaches. In 1995, gentrification became visible in Galata and this process accelerated with Istanbul becoming the capital of Europe in 2010. In the fifth chapter, the transformation process of Galata is analyzed through urban discourses. As a result of the examined newspaper news, five discourses, namely“Nationalism Discourse”,“Globalization Discourse”,“Nostalgia Discourse”,“Touristic Galata Discourse”and“Beyoğlu the Heart of Art Discourse”were examined. As a result of considering urban discourses and urban history together, it has been revealed that urban discourses create a fictional reality for the implementation of urban policies. It has been concluded that the region has a deep-rooted production history and craft clusters still continue to produce in the region, together with today's discourses in which Galata is defined as a tourism, art and culture center. In the sixth chapter, three different craft districts observed in Galata were examined. These are Perşembe Pazarı, Şişhane ve Kuledibi regions. In the light of semi-structured interviews and spatial analyzes carried out in the regions, regional specific situations were determined. In the seventh chapter, the transformation of Galata has been evaluated with the concept of authenticity, and in the eighth chapter, transformation proposals have been developed for the three craft districts depending on their conditions.
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