Geri Dön

CBS desteğiyle koşu ve yürüyüş rotaları oluşturma ve antrenman amaçlı mobil konum izleme uygulaması geliştirme. Pilot uygulama: Atakent mahallesi

Creating running and walking routes with GIS support and developing a mobile location tracking app for training purposes. Pilot application: Atakent neighborhood

  1. Tez No: 714405
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF. DR. RAHMİ NURHAN ÇELİK
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Jeodezi ve Fotogrametri, Geodesy and Photogrammetry
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 2022
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Geomatik Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
  12. Bilim Dalı: Geomatik Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 187


Günümüzde hareketsizlik sonucunda meydana gelen rahatsızlıklar birçok insanın hayatını olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Hem günlük eylemlerin, hem de yapılan işlerin fiziksel olarak aktif olmayı daha az gerektirmesi, kaçınılmaz olarak insanların geçmişe göre daha az hareket etmesine sebebiyet vermiş durumda. Sonuç olarak obezite başta olmak üzere yeteri kadar hareket edilmemesinden kaynaklı birçok hastalık, insanların kapısını eski zamanlara göre daha sık bir şekilde çalmaya başladı. Bu tez çalışmasında, kullanıcıların hareketsizliğin olumsuz etkilerine minimum düzeyde maruz kalmaları ve sağlıklı bir yaşam tarzını benimseyebilmeleri için bir antrenman destek sistemi oluşturulmuştur. Bu sistem, kullanıcının sistemi en aktif şekilde kullanabilmesi ve sisteme rahatça ulaşabilmesi için, günlük hayatta yanından ayırmadığı cep telefonları düşünülerek bir mobil uygulama olarak tasarlanmıştır. Mobil uygulamanın, temel olarak kullanıcının konumunu takip edebilmesi ve harita üzerinde ilerlediği yolları ve güzergâhları gerçek zamanlı görebilmesi amaçlanmış, uygulamanın kullanıcıya daha etkili bir şekilde yardımcı olabilmesi için ise Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi (CBS) kullanılmıştır. CBS kullanılarak uygulama oluşturulmadan önce, uygulamada kullanılacak özellikler tespit edilmiş ve bunların mobil bir uygulamaya nasıl efektif bir şekilde yerleştirilecekleri belirlenmiştir. Uygulamada CBS çalışmaları ile elde edilen verilere yer verilmesi planlanmıştır. Bundan dolayı bir bölge seçilerek çalışma bu bölgede gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın yapılacağı alan İstanbul-Küçükçekmece-Atakent Mahallesi olarak belirlenmiştir. Burada amaç Atakent Mahallesi sınırları içerisinde belirli özelliklere sahip koşu ve yürüyüş rotaları oluşturmaktır. Bu özelliklerin belirlenebilmesi için çalışma bölgesinde yer alan tüm yolların incelenerek bunların egzersiz için ne kadar elverişli oldukları, yolların özelliklerini tanımlayabilecek parametreler yardımıyla belirlenmiştir. Gerekli veriler toplandıktan ve değerlendirildikten sonra rotalar oluşturulmuştur. Bu rotalar, insan kalabalığının az ve yol genişliğinin fazla olduğu 'Geniş ve Az Yoğun Yol', trafiğin az olduğu ve hava kirliliğinin düşük olduğu 'Trafiksiz ve Temiz Yol', uzun mesafe antrenmanları için oluşturulmuş 'Kısa Maraton Yolu' ile 'Uzun Maraton Yolu' ve tepe idmanları için özelleştirilmiş 'Yüksek Eğimli Kısa Tepe Yolları' olarak oluşturulmuştur. Uygulamanın kullanıcılara bazı önerilerde bulunabilmesi için antrenman planlarını içermesi de planlanmıştır. Bundan dolayı hem farklı yaş grupları ve fiziksel özellikler, hem de farklı hedefler için farklı antrenman planları da mobil uygulamaya eklenmişlerdir. Burada kullanılan yaş grupları ve fiziksel özellikler şunlardır : Çocuklar ve gençler, yetişkinler, yaşlılar ve hamileler. Kullanılan farklı hedefler ise 5km, 10km, yarı maraton ve maraton olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu sayede kullanıcının yaşı, hedefi ve fiziksel durumu ne olursa olsun uygulamanın kullanımı ile bir fayda sağlaması amaçlanmıştır. CBS kullanılarak ihtiyaç duyulan tüm veriler toplandıktan, değerlendirildikten ve bazı sonuçlar elde edildikten sonra sonra, mobil uygulama oluşturma aşamasına geçilmiştir. Burada dünya üzerinde yaygın olarak kullanılan işletim sistemlerinden biri olan Android işletim sistemine sahip mobil cihazlarda çalışabilecek bir mobil uygulama oluşturulmuştur. Bu uygulama Kotlin isimli programlama dili kullanılarak geliştirilmiştir. Uygulamanın, kullanıcının isteklerine doğru bir şekilde cevap verebilmesi için görünümü de dikkatli bir şekilde dizayn edilmiştir. Kullanıcıların antrenman planlarına rahatça ulaşabilmeleri için menüler sade ve anlaşılır tasarlanmıştır. Bunun yanında tez çalışmasında bahsedilen aktif bir yaşam tarzının faydaları, koşunun faydaları, hareketsizliğin etkileri gibi konular da bu uygulamaya dahil edilerek, kullanıcının uygulamadan bir antrenman destek sistemi gibi yararlanabilmesi mümkün olmuştur. Tüm bu işlemler gerçekleştirildikten sonra konum izleme özelliğinin kullanılabilmesi için gerekli işlemler yapılmaya başlanmıştır. Uygulamanın, kullanıcının konumuna ulaşılabilmesi için kullanıcıdan gerekli izinlerin alınması gerekmektedir. Bu işlemin gerçekleşebilmesi için gerekli kodlar uygulamaya yazılmıştır. Konum izleme özelliğinin çalışabilmesi ve kullanıcı hareket ettikçe ilerlediği güzergâhın görülebilmesi için kullanıcının konumunun sürekli kaydedilmesi, ve kaydedilen bu noktaların birleştirilerek kullanıcıya gösterilmesi gerekmektedir. Uygulamaya ayrıca konum izleme özelliği kullanılmaya başlandığında aynı anda çalışmaya başlayacak bir kronometre ve ilerlenen mesafeyi gösterecek bir mesafe sayacı eklenmiştir. Uygulamanın eksiksiz çalıştığı görüldükten sonra CBS bölümünde oluşturulmuş tüm rotalar ve elde edilmiş tüm önemli noktalar, uygulamanın haritalar kısmına entegre edilmiştir. Burada amaç kullanıcının Atakent Mahallesi bölgesinde yer alan rotaları haritaya altlık olarak yerleştirebilmesine ve uygulamayı konum izleme özelliğiyle birlikte kullanarak dilediği rotayı takip edebilmesine olanak sağlamaktır. Bu sayede uygulamanın CBS entegrasyonu da tamamlanmıştır.Son kısımda ise çalışmada elde edilenler ortaya konmuş ve uygulamanın geliştirilmesi için ileriye dönük önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

Özet (Çeviri)

Discomforts that may occur as a result of inactivity are one of the problems that many people have to live today. The fact that both daily actions and jobs require less physical activity has inevitably cause people to move less than in the past. As a result, many diseases due to insufficient movement, especially obesity, have started to be seen more frequently. In this thesis, a training support system is created so that users may be less exposed to the negative effects of inactivity and can adopt a healthy lifestyle. This system has been created as a mobile application so that the user can use use and reach it in the most effective way. In the study, Istanbul-Küçükçekmece-Atakent is chosen as pilot region. In the first chapter, a general introduction is made, the purpose of the thesis is stated and the roadmap to be followed in the formation of the thesis is revealed. Since Geographical Information System (GIS) -based methods are used in this study, general informations about Geographical Information System is given in the second chapter. In this section, the history of GIS, components and functions of GIS, collection of GIS data (GNSS, terrestrial measurements, photogrammetry, remote sensing), usage areas of GIS, hardware and software used in GIS and sample programs using GIS are mentioned. The reason the data obtained in the study is aimed to be transferred to the user by using mobile systems, in the third chapter, the history of mobile devices in general and mobile operating systems are mentioned. Mobile application architectures and how a mobile application is developed and how mobile systems are integrated with GIS are explained. This chapter also includes sample mobile applications based on GIS. In the fourth chapter, after a general introduction, the positive effects of running and an active lifestyle are examined by means of different studies and some suggestions that are made for a healthy life in order to understand the benefits of them. In this section, it is stated that a sedentary lifestyle is one of the most important factors in decreasing both quality of life and life expectancy, obesity is seen in more and more people day by day and physical activity, if done regularly, provides prevention of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, hypertension, obesity, osteoarthritis, diabetes and many diseases. It is observed that exercise has a positive effect on all diseases such as diabetes, hip injuries, depression, cardiovascular disorders, breast cancer and colon cancer. It has been stated that running even for a short period of time significantly reduces both the risks of cardiovascular diseases and the risks associated with other factors. Also the World Health Organization's exercise recommendations for a healthier life are explained. In the fifth chapter, the study was started and the data to be used were obtained from the Atakent District region by using certain methods. Also the equipments and programs planned to be used in the study are explained in this chapter. GNSS smart watch, GNSS tracker and cell phones with GNSS and camera are the equipments that used in the study. ArcGIS Pro, Yandex.Navi, Google Maps and Wikiloc are the programs that used in the study. In the study, it is aimed to help runners or those who want to walk to choose the appropriate route for their goals by using GIS-based data. The study is conducted in three steps; In the first step, it was determined in which regions the study would be carried out, which parameters should be examined for the running and how the data would be collected. In the second stage, necessary data are collected from the study area. And lastly; in the third stage, the collected data are transferred to GIS, and the running tracks and the characteristics of these roads were shown with the maps created. First of all, the routes to be used in the study were clarified by making explorations in the region before the field study where the data will be collected. Then, in order to determine whether the routes to be created are suitable for running, some parameters were determined and the routes were evaluated according to these parameters. Ground type, route length, route width, elevation difference, human density, vehicle traffic, air pollution were these parameters. After the region examined and the data to be obtained were determined, the data collection phase was started. While the data were collected with GNSS-enabled devices, the roads were viewed simultaneously with the camera, thus providing a more accurate and precise evaluation of the data. After automobile trip, the scooter was used to collect more detailed data. While using the scooter, the data were also collected with the GNSS-enabled watch. Finally, by running in areas closed to vehicle traffic, data were obtained from these regions. After obtaining all the data to be taken from the field, office work was started. The data collected as a result of the fieldwork were transferred to ArcGIS Pro, a GIS software. In office work, basically two layers are used; 'Yollar' for roads and 'KullanılamayanAlanlar' for areas that are not suitable for running. While determining the elements of the 'Yollar' layer, each element is evaluated according to different attributes and is shown in the detailed attribute tables. Different classifications were made for each attribute. According to the type of ground, 'Yollar' classified as concrete, tartan, soil and hard ground. According to its width, 'Yollar' classified as very narrow, narrow, normal, wide and very wide. According to vehicle traffic 'Yollar' is classified as very crowded, crowded, normal, comfortable and very comfortable. According to the pollution, 'Yollar' is classified as very dirty, dirty, normal, clean and very clean. According to human density, 'Yollar' is classified as crowded, normal, relaxed. In addition, features such as elevation difference, slope, distance, minimum-maximum height were also used in the study. During the study, the regions that cannot be added to the 'Yollar' layer for some reason are considered as unusable areas and are shown in the 'KullanılamayanAlanlar' layer. In the study, the regions where runners can meet some of their needs in Atakent were also shown. The locations of these regions were obtained during data collection. After the data were collected and transferred to the computer environment, these data were classified according to the criterias which explained in the previous section. All roads, areas etc. within the boundaries of the neighborhood were evaluated and the attribute table related to these roads was created. After all road segments were created using ArcGIS, these road segments were classified in terms of different features and route creation is started. While creating the routes, first of all, areas customized for running in the region were determined (Running tracks), then urban routes were created with using filters. In addition, areas that suitable for running were added to the study. 14 independent running routes have been determined which are suitable for running or walking in Atakent. These tracks are currently used for jogging and are they are closed to the traffic. Afterwards, new routes were started to create. While creating these routes, the answers to the following questions were taken into consideration; What routes does the runner need and for what purpose , do existing routes meet these goals, if not, what should be considered when creating new routes, and how to avoid dangerous and undesirable situations on these routes. As a result, it was decided to create the following routes: Wide and less busy road (while creating this route, it was aimed that the density of people will be low and the route will be as wide as possible, so that the runner could be able to run comfortably without hitting anyone), traffic-free and clean road (while determining this route, it is aimed that the runner will encounter minimum vehicle traffic and the general air quality in the environment will be high.), short and long marathon trails (it is aimed to create routes for distance runners where they can return to the point they started and do not cross the road they passed a second time.) and short hill roads with high slopes (this road, which was created using a short distance, is planned for the runners to perform their hill training). After routes created, the running plans suitable for the goals of the users were created. Two categories were used while creating the plans; the first category is the starter running plans, which are created using the World Health Organization data according to the age of the users.These plans are designed for a healthy lifestyle. Plans for 5km, 10km, half marathon and marathon races are created for slightly more advanced levels (again, considering the beginner level) are included in the second category. All plans are planned for 4 weeks. After collecting the data, creating maps and determining the running plans, an application was developed in the integrated development environment called Android Studio, using the Kotlin programming language. While the application is being developed, it is aimed to present all informations that used in thesis to the user via a mobile application. During the creation process of the application, the following steps were followed; strategy and planning, design, application development and test. Before the application is developed, answers to these questions were sought ; what will the application be used for, who will be the target audience of the app, which devices can the app will be used on, and which services (accessing location information, making calls through the application, working in integration with the phone camera, etc.) can be used with the application. After the answers to these questions are examined, the application is planned to have the following features; the first one is that the user can see the running-walking routes and important points in Atakent District, which were created by considering different features during the thesis study, second one is customizing the application so that the user can use the application's tracking feature. It is also aimed that the users can access all the information obtained during the thesis study with using the application. In the design step, it was determined how the application will look. While the opening screen was designed, each button was supported with a background image which is suitable for its function, so that the buttons are pleasing to the eye and look more aesthetic. The purpose here is to allow the user to make a prediction about the menus. This screen is planned to have two main toggle buttons, 'Koşu Parkurları'(Running Routes) and 'Yeni Oluşturulan Rotalar'(Newly Created Routes). With these buttons, it is aimed that the user can access information about the routes. With the 'Antrenman Planları' (Workout Plans) screen, the user can access the exercise plans prepared by considering the exercise recommendations offered by the World Health Organization and the race plans recommended by Nike for different distances. On each new page of the 'Bilgi Bankası' (Information Bank) screen, informations about the contents of the thesis are included. On the 'Haritalar' (Maps) screen, with the 'HARİTA STİLİ' (Map Style) button, the user can choose from four different map types, with the 'ÖNEMLİ NOKTALAR'(Important points) button, points such as pharmacy or bakery etc. can be displayed on the map, With the 'YENİ ROTALAR' (New Routes) and 'MEVCUT ROTALAR' (Existing Routes) buttons, walking-running routes in Atakent District can be seen. Routes and points added to the map can be deleted with the button with the trash can logo on the lower left, and the start button, which allows the application to be used as a tracking and exercise application, can be made visible with the button which has a play logo. After design elements are determined, coding of application has started. During coding, many different functions were used, especially in the 'Haritalar' section. First of all, the application must obtain the necessary permissions from the user in order to access the user's location. The necessary codes are written in the application for this process. In order for the location tracking feature to work and the route of the user to be seen as user moves, the user's location must be continuously recorded, and these recorded points must displayed to the user. In addition, a stopwatch that will start working at the same time and a distance counter that will show the distance traveled have been added to the application. After the application is seems to be working perfectly, all the routes created and all the important points obtained in the GIS section are integrated into 'Haritalar' part of the application. The purpose here is to enable the user to place the routes in the Atakent region as a base on the map and to follow the desired route by using the application's location tracking feature. In this way, the GIS integration of the application has also been completed. As a result of the thesis, some suggestions were made for two different parts of the study. The first of these relates to the creation of new routes. In future works, users may use this thesis' data for create their own routes. Other suggestions about the study were made about the mobile application. Mobile application may gain new features in future versions such as more complex navigation components, or social media extensions.

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