Bir alışveriş merkezinin kompozit ve çelik taşıyıcı sistemli çözümlerinin karşılaştırılması
Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.
- Tez No: 75341
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1998
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 388
ÖZET Yüksek lisans tezi olarak hazırlanan bu çalışmada birinci katı otopark, ikinci ve üçüncü katları ise alış veriş merkezi olarak kullanılan bir yapının çelik ve kompozit taşıyıcılı sistemlere göre çözümlerinin karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır. Sistem enine doğrultuda 48 metre ve altı açıklıklı sürekli kirişlerden, boyuna doğrultuda 64 metre ve sekiz açıklıklı sürekli kirişlerden oluşturulmuştur. Her kiriş açıklığında bina enine doğrultusunda, açıklığın üçte biri mesafelerinde mesnetlenen tali kirişler bulunmaktadır. Yapının orta kısmına birinci ve ikinci katlan içine alan bir hol yerleştirilmiştir. Food court ve sergi alanı olarak düşünülen bu hol 16x32 metre boyutlarındadır. Kat yükseklikleri 4.5 metre ve toplam yükseklik 13.5 metredir.Binanın enine doğrultudaki cepheleri ytong (gaz beton), ön cephe ve arka cepheleri.alüminyum -giydirme -cephe olarak düşünülmüş, hesaplarda bu malzemelerin birim ağırlıkları dikkate alınmıştır. Çatı katında 90 cm yüksekliğinde tuğla parapetle tüm bina.çevresi çevrilmiştir, Ayrıca im katta.açık hava food court bulunmaktadır. Dolayısı ile gezilen bir terastır. Yapı birinci derece deprem bölgesindedir, Yapının yatay yüklere karşı stabilitesi her iki doğrultuda yerleştirilen sekizer adet düşey kafes sistemlerle (perde) sağlanmıştır. Malzeme çelik ST 37 ve kullanılan tüm alanlarda beton BS 25 dir. Döşeme kompozit.çalışan döşeme sistemidir. Döşemede kullanılan ASSAN marka katlanmış galvanize çelik sacın trpez yüksekliği 2 75 cm ve üzerindeki betonun yüksekliği 7 25 cm t toplam döşeme kalınlığı 10 cm dir. Çelik çözümde elastik hesap metotları kullanılmış olup boyutlamada ARBED, NPI, IPB profilleri içilmiştir. Kiriş hesaplarında her iki doğrultuda da sürekli kiriş hesabı yapılmıştır. Kompozit çözümde yükler plastik hesap kurallarına göre; TS 4561 de verilen 1.7 güvenlik katsayısıyla çarpılarak arttırılmıştır. Kirişlerin boyutlandırılmasında göçme mekanizmasının oluşmaması ve şekil değiştirmelerin standartlarca belirtilen.sınır değerlerin altında kalması esasına uyulmuştur. Kolon hesaplarında her iki doğrultu için burkulma hesabı yapılmıştır. Kolonlar iki adet I profilinden oluşturulmuştur. Bir I.profili ortadan kesilip parçalar diğer I profilinin ortasına kaynaklanmaktadır. Her iki sistemde de tali kirişler betonarme döşeme ile kompozit olarak çalıştırılmıştır. Tali kirişler basit kirişler şeklinde mesnetlenmiştir. Yapıda düşey kafes sistemi oluşturan kiriş ve kolonlar ; yatay kuvvetlerden gelen gelen ek kuvvetlere göre kontrol edilmiş, yetersiz olan kesitler arttırılmıştır Bölüm 5 de çelik taşıyıcı sistem e göre olan hesaplar, Bölüm 6 da kompozit taşıyıcılı sistem hesaplan yapılmış ve Bölüm 7 de bu sistemlerin karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır. Karşılaştırma sonrası kompozit çözüm çelik çözüme nazaran malzeme açısından %.32 oranında ekonomiklik sağlamış fakat kullanılan betonarme ve ek çelik malzemeler açısından bu oranın % 28 e düştüğü görülmüştür. Sonuç bölümünde de anlatıldığı üzere geniş açıklıklı sistemlerde kompozit çözümün üstünlüğü bu tez ile kanıtlanmıştır. XV
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY THE COMPARISON BETWEEN THE STEEL AND ANALYSIS OF A MULTISTORY SHOPPING CENTRE COMPOSITE In this study prepared as a M.S thesis the steel and composite analysis of a trade and shopping centre.are compared. In Turkey, it is very common to use steel framework construction in industrial structures. And the steel construction share is nearly five percent in total construction. On this occasion there is no aplication of steel construction in multistory building in Turkey. From the point of viev of structure response to earthquakes, it is very vital and rational to use steel structures. In these aplications, due to the economical considerations at the construction stage, it is better to use reinforced concrete composite rather than pure steel framework systems. For the same reasons, it is advantagous to use plastic design method compared with the conventional computation method. In order to use the effective strength of the concrete under heavy pressure stress, composite elements have been chosen in the framework systems. Composite elements are usually obtained by tying steel beams and reinforced concrete slab together to act as a unit in resisting loads. In the case of vertical load bearing elements, columns are generaly covered with concrete but if the columns are manufactured as a hollov element it is generaly filled vith concrete in order to maximize its bearing capacity. The bending moment that has appeared on the composite beam is mainly resisted by the tensile force in the steel profile and compressive force in the concrete slab. In some cases, the compressive force may be shared with the steel profile and concrete slab. Consequently, we may decrease the pressure stress on the steel profile or even get rid of it. In the plastic design method, concrete slabs are taken into account as a part of the structural framework, [l] This can decrease the cross sectional areas which is more economical. Furthermore, this effect will increase the 'Z' moment arm of the force couple. * T^« ???? r“ < - - ? T * - ! z 2 ;=P =5 (a) (b) Fig.1 (a) Steel beams (b) Composite beams xviComposite columns can be used as concrete filled hollow sections or steel sections that have been covered in concrete. Steel sections which have been covered by concrete are also functional from the point of view of fire safety. Moreover, composite columns have great amount of ductility and bending rigidity. The minimum cylinder pressure strength of the concrete used in composite columns must be 200 kg/ cm2. In addition to this, the bearing capacity of the concrete must be kept lower than 80 percent. [2] In this study, taking the above mantioned advantages of the composite beams and columns, a computational analysis of steel has been carried out in which composite and steel structure systems are compared from the economical point of view. The system consists of 8 spanned continuous beam with 64 meter length in the longitudinal direction and 6 spanned continuous beam with 48 meter length in the transverse directions. Height of the each storey is 4.5 meter. The food court has been placed in the middle of the structure. It is 32 meter length and 16 meter width. The building has three storey. First ground storey is a garaga.Other floors are used as a shopping place and the roof is used as a open - roof food court and garden. The stability of the structure under Jiorizontal loads was_supp.orted with 3 vertical inuss jsystem which have been constructed in the longitudinal and transverse directions. The thickness of 4he concrete -slabs are 40-cm at 4he^oof~and-the -normal floors and this slabs are calculated as composite slab. It is consist of concrete p^^andJ3earing_sleBl_sMelJmri The jnatenals_are^STJ37_andJBS 25 all columns and slabs. The structure is constructed in a first degree earthquake_zone. The elastic design of the structure follows this steps: A) Design JDftheJaeams,. The cross section is choosen.. Moment and shear diagrams am nhtainen1. The normal stress which is occured by maximum moment is controlled. W. Maximum shear stress is controlled. - _ ”max ^ _ h8Xtg XV11. The deflection is controlled_and jLmust always be under the deformation limits. The deformation limit of the beams is 1/300. B) DesignjofJbacQlumns. The normal forces on the columns are calculated by the addition beam section act.. The cross - section of the column is chosen. The bupkling lengths x>f _columns_are.determined ±>y the design chart of orthogonal frames with sideway prevented, given by the Turkish standard 648 [3] Skx=- = XX, o -> a = - - < ae Sky=^ = ^ Usually ARBED and IPB profile are selected to define the columns profile. C) Earthquake calculations The design of the horizontal load bearing vertical truss systems were realised for the case jpf load applied -from Jhe Jwo ^different -directions jwhile-the diagonals will not bear any axial pressure load due to the buckling phenomena ARBED profile wereselededior the diagonals. F=CxW. Check the section of diagonal beams and columns The earthquake foK^JsjclivMed-iaBighlh-ejqual parts,^0 IhaLavep/jdiagonal group was bore by same force. And vertical truss beams were controlled with this axial normal force. [4] xvinControl in aperture: N nn M o = ox - +0.9x - ^o“ F W Control in support: N M a = - + - ^o”F W a. The axial normal force effects on the columns According to the new additional normal force, -old -column section are controlled if it is not enough to bear this force, column section must be increase. The composite design of the system consists of following steps: A) Design of the beams In the design of the composite beams, it is accepted that in the negative moment zone, the.shear forces are -carried only _by_the steel profiles. If the shear force is greater than the thirty percent of the plastification shear force, the plastification momenLof ihej&erfionJsjdecreased. In ihe design ofJbe positive moment zone, the effective slab width was taken into consideration so that the neutral.axis san _be -located. If JDf neutral axis Js in Jhe concrete slab, only the concrete slab carries pressure component of bending moment. On the other iiand, if the neutrai^axis ^appears ioJse inJhe-sleel profile, the pressure component is carried both by steel profile and the concrete slab.. Vertical loads = p*=1.7 (p+q). [5]. The cross section is chosen.. The positive and negative moment bearing capacities of the section are calculated. XIX. Mu =Z x E. Ultimate load (Pu) is calculated by step by step method. Then the chosen cross - section is controlled, [ö]. Maximum shear force effecting is controlled. Qp=0.52. Fg.oYD Qy < Qpy If Q]L > o.30 Qpy t' = tx.l- 'QYV IQ pyy. At the and of the calculation, decreasing of M'u must be greater than the Mu. The deflection is controlled The material safetyjaDeffLcient of the steel ^nd the concrete are aa= 1, ab = 0.74 respectively. In the deformation control of the composite beams the concrete cross --section is divided by 2n and a steel cross -.section Js calculated which is equivalent to the composite cross - section (n= Ea / Eb) The limit value cf the defonnationis l/300ofihe_beam span. B) Design of the columns. The cross - section is chosen.. On the y and x directions the buckling lengths are calculated. Using these buckling lengths Xmax is obtained. XX. Li = n x ^(Eb x lb + ZEa x Ia)/Np. Np = abxabrxFd + ZFaxaixoF Nu Np D) Earthquake calculations. F = C. W. Through the earthquake direction F is divided eight equal parts as calculated in steel calculation. After that every vertical truss beams, columns, diagonals forces are multiplied by 1.5 safety coefficient. All pieces are controlled according to these adding forces.. Buckling control tests were realised for both of the axes for the composite columns like in the case of the steel columns. NPI profiles were used in the composite column calculations.. The normal force effecting on the columns : According to the new normal force ^si.OO Value must be controlled Np The diagonals are designed N The result of the steel and composite analysis of beams, columns and diagonals were compared. If only the steel profiles of the system are taken into account, the composite system supports a decrease in the weights of the elements at a rate of % 32. beams, % 49 columns, %50_diagonals and %38 total weight Consequently, it has been observed that the composite framework systems have an economical advantage ^at-ajatejjf %35-^38 compared :wjth_sieej structure systems. The results of this study make clear why the composite framework system is selected in many countries.Also in our jcountry, engineers have to take into account of the advantages of the composite framework^ystems-andplastic-desigamethods. XXI
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