Devinimsel zeminde etken nesnenin mekansal kartografileri
Spatial cartographs of determinant objects on a regenerative base
- Tez No: 783713
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mimarlık, Architecture
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2023
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Mimari Tasarım Bilim Dalı
- Sayfa Sayısı: 123
“Mekân”kavramını ana odağına yerleştiren tez, mekânın meydana gelme ve anlam bulma sürecinin dizgesel karşılıklarının izini sürmektedir. Bu arayış sürecinin temel motivasyonu, mekânın taşıyıcısı olan nesnenin edilgen pozisyonda kalarak özünde barındırdığı potansiyellerin ihmal edilmesi ve özneye atfedilen aşkın karakterin sorunsallaştırılmasıdır. Başka bir ifadeyle mekânın, dikey hiyerarşide pasif ölçülebilir verilerle kurulmuş statik bir zemin üzerinden genel geçer tanımlara gömülmesi kritik edilmektedir. Bu nedenle, statik bir zeminde tekil anlamlar üreten mekân anlayışı yerine; devinimsel bir örgütlenmenin ürünü olan mekân anlayışının sistematik karşılıkları üzerine odaklanılmaktadır. Bu noktada yürütülen araştırma, mekân ekseninde sorunsallaştırılan durumun aşılabilir olanaklarına ulaşabilmeyi amaçlamıştır. Tartışma, maddi kaynağın sistematik karşılıklarını oluşturan materyalizm ekseninde açılmaktır. Materyalizm kavramı ile mekânın taşıyıcısı olan nesne, mekânı tasarlayan ya da tüketen özne ve mekânın varoluş gerekçesini imleyen nedensellik kavramlarının tarihsel güzergahtaki değişen karşılıkları irdelenmektedir. Bu noktada, Tarihsel Materyalizm üzerinden araştırmanın eleştirel çerçevesi kurulmakta; edilgen pozisyonda konumlanan nesnenin, öznesiyle kurduğu ilişki ve bu ilişki sisteminin mekân üzerindeki yansımaları irdelenmektedir. Araştırmanın bir diğer eksenini ise Yeni Materyalizm oluşturmaktadır. Yeni Materyalizm, özne zihninden bağımsız maddi bir gerçekliğin olanakları üzerine kurgulanan disiplinler arası bir çabanın karşılığını oluşturmaktadır. Yeni Materyalizm, nesneye atfedilmiş sıfatları yerinden ederek özne ve nesneyi faillik zemininde buluşturmakta ve araştırmanın ana odağı olan kuramsal çerçevenin karşılığını oluşturmaktadır. Yeni Materyalist düşünürlerin ortaya koymuş olduğu kuramsal çerçeve, ortak bir potada eritilerek yinelenen düşüncelerin altı çizilmekte ve ayrıma gidilen noktaların süreci ne şekilde zenginleştirdiği üzerine odaklanılmaktadır. Söylemler üzerine yapılan sentez çalışması neticesinde tezin yöntemini belirleyen devinimsel zemin anlayışının esasları ortaya konmaktadır. Bu noktada devinimsel zemin; çok katmanlı çok merkezli, sınırsız, varyasyonel ilişkilerle kendini var eden döngüsel bir süreç tarifidir. Devinimsel zemin ile mekânın kurulum sürecinde özneye atfedilen aşkın karakter yıkılarak yerini yatay bir güçler ağına bırakmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda mekân, akışın öngörülemezliği içinde“an”da kurulan, dönüşen, dönüştüren dirimsel bir sürecin karşılını oluşturmaktadır. Bahsi geçen an tanımı, mekânın ürettiği her yeni bilgiye denk düşen özgül bir zaman diliminin karşılığıdır. Bu noktada devinimsel zemini oluşturan aktörler ve bu aktörleri harmonik bir düzende bir araya getiren taktikler tez kapsamında sistematikleştirilerek ele alınmıştır. Teorik olarak ele alınan çalışmanın pratik düzlemdeki yansımalarının görünür kılınması için kartografik temsil biçimlerinden yararlanılmaktadır. Kartografi; bedenler, zamanlar, durumlar, olaylar arası geçişi belgeleyen çaprazlanabilir ilişkileri açığa çıkaran bir düşünme biçimidir. Mekâna dair gizil kalmış, ihmal edilmiş bilgi ve ilişkilerin görünür kılınması hususunda kartografik bakış kıymetli bir pozisyonda bulunmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda, mekânın ürettiği her yeni bilgi, devinimsel zemin ekseninde söküme uğratılarak mekânın kartografik karşılıkları oluşturulmaktadır. Devinimsel zeminin mekânsal karşılıkları kapsamında incelenmek üzere; Blur Pavyonu, Les Cols ve Untitled (Dawn to Dusk) çalışmaları seçilmektedir. Farklı tetikleyici unsur, ölçek, işlev ve eylem şemaları altında devinimsel zemin anlayışının mekân eksenindeki karşılıkları irdelenmektedir. Şüphesiz ki mekân ve mekânı üretme süreci, geçmişten günümüze farklı perspektiflerde ele alınmış süreğen bir tartışma alanını taramaktadır. Bu hususta tez çalışmasının açmış olduğu patikaların, mekânı anlamaya yönelik yeni güzergahlar arayan başka çalışmalar için bir izlek oluşturacağına inanılmaktadır. Devinimsel zemin anlayışının ele alınma şekli; mevcut mekân üretim pratiklerine eleştirel bir bakış sunarak gelecek mekân senaryolarına yönelik yenilikçi/yaratıcı, üretken bir bakış olarak değerlendirilebilir. Bu özgürleştirici düşünsel yaklaşımın mekânsal ölçeklerin ötesinde karşılıkları üzerine odaklanmak ilerleyen çalışmalara kapı aralayan bir süreç olarak değerlendirilebilir.
Özet (Çeviri)
The main production focus of the architectural design is based on“space”. When the concept of space is analyzed etymologically, it is derived from the word“kevn”, which means 'to exist, to occur'. For this reason, space can be thought of as the place where existence finds meaning in any way. The meaning produced by the space can be handled through the interaction between the object that carries the space, the subject that constructs/designs or consumes/perceive the space, and the causality accompanying this process. The concept of causality, which is borrowed from the literature, acts as a trigger that indicates the reason for the existence of the subject and object. Causality emerges with concrete triggers such as function, geometry, and technology, and with the material expression of abstract meaning layers such as ontology, phenomenology, and culture. The identities of the subject and the object and the interaction flow between each other vary according to the causality that triggers the process or in other words, accompanies the process. At this point, the subject and object are the main actors that establish the space, and causality can be considered as the main factor that triggers the way the space is established and produces meaning. There have been bifurcations in the order of the existence of the space as a result of the change in the historical route of the causality arising from the daily life practices and the social, artistic, and technological understanding of the period. In this study, the relations between subject, object, and causality are discussed and questioned through“materialism”, which is thought to open and enrich this field. At this point, Historical Materialism and New Materialism serve as two main stops where the concept of space will be examined. While Historical Materialism presents a comprehensible model of the problem posed on the axis of space of the passive object; New Materialism, on the other hand, makes the methodological counterpart of the approach to the search for solutions visible. Historical Materialism analyzes the corresponding meaning of the object in the consciousness of the subject rather than the mere existence of the object. In this direction, the meaning produced by the space is the manifestation of the consciousness of the subject. Because, according to Kant, the object is a formation established through the subject's abilities such as sensitivity, imagination, and thinking. This situation exhibits a dialectical relationship established between the subject and the object, revealing that the meanings produced by the object cannot be considered independently of the subject. In this direction, the relationship system established between the subject and the object is always based on linear causality that comes from the source of the subject and reaches the object. It is observed that the meaning produced by the space in Historical Materialism is formed in two main axes due to the identities of the subject. On the first axis, space takes place in the knowledge world of the designing subject. The designing subject; considers the object and the consuming subject as a measurable, constant, and sense-independent design input due to causalities such as function, geometry, and context. This stance describes the process of positioning the consuming subject and the object, which is the bearer of space, in a passive position. The second axis, on the other hand, considers the space as the 'object of experience' that exists as a result of the experience of the consuming subject as well as the designing subject. At this point, space emerges as a developing and living psychological system that the body grasps with its senses and perceptions. At this stage, space produced meaning by focusing on the 'experience of space' rather than 'physicality' with a holistic approach instead of the functionalist and universalist understanding that was previously held. The possible changes of the object, the carrier of the space, are limited to the semantic world of the consuming subject. The New Materialism approach, in which the debates intensified towards the end of the 20th century, formed the main research focus of the thesis by positioning the object in the active position. This understanding opposes the understanding that an 'object cannot be known without its subject' put forward by Historical Materialism. The common motivation of this transformation is the problematization of the object's remaining passive position and ignoring the meaning it contains. New Materialism states that the dialectic established between the subject and the object should be broken and examined in the autonomous field of each. Thus, it is believed that multi-actor, multi-layered understandings can be formed instead of dialectical relationship sets. New Materialism, contrary to Historical Materialism, instead of a one-way relationship flows flowing from subject to object - hence space; It predicts that relational flows established with reversible nonlinear causality may occur. In this way, it is argued that in the New Materialism understanding, the“things”that create the object have autonomy and enter into multiple relations with each other or with the subject in their own realities without being reduced to human consciousness. In this understanding, it has been claimed that the subject also has multi-sex identities that depend on mutual relations. In addition to the active position of the object in New Materialism, the fact that the subject also has a transition between genres in a continuous flow allows the existence of space to be considered an open-ended process. In this direction, the boundaries between the actors who establish the architectural space are blurred, flows are formed, and multi-layered relations are formed. Space is in a constant state of being. Therefore, temporality serves as an important input in the existence of space. The space is constantly disrupted and established at the same time, due to the actors involved in or leaving the system in the process. This situation describes a process in which space creates itself on a dynamic basis; because the system that establishes space resists fixations. The dynamical ground mentioned here corresponds to the methodological approach of the system that produces the knowledge of space. Space constantly produces new meanings in multiple relationships. Exploring the potentials of the space that creates itself on a dynamic ground, which is the product of all agents, instead of static/fixed space understandings that put the establisheror the consuming subject in the active position and treat the object as a passive static quantity, is considered valuable for research. The aim of this study is to question how new definitions of space, which are unfinished, self-producing, transforming, transforming, multiplying with experience, can be made with a holistic understanding, instead of a space dictated by the subject, which is self-enclosed. In order to deepen these discussions, New Materialism is used. The New Materialism; It is believed that it creates an enlightening base in questioning the relations between subject, object and causality. Within the scope of the study, it is aimed to re-read the space by deciphering the change in the understanding of subject, object, causality through New Materialism. The dynamical ground methodological approach, borrowed from the New Materialism approach, accompanies the process while reading the space. The dynamical base is a description of a cyclical process that creates itself with multi-layered, multi-centered, unlimited, variational relationships. At this point, the transcendent character attributed to the subject during the construction process of the space is demolished and leaves its place to a horizontal network of forces. Space constitutes the counterpart of a vital process that is established, transforming, and transforming in the“moment”in the unpredictability of the flow. The aforementioned definition of moment corresponds to a specific time period that corresponds to each new information produced by the space. At this point, the actors that make up the dynamic base and the tactics that bring these actors together in a harmonic order are systematized and discussed within the scope of the thesis. Cartographic representation forms are used to make visible the reflections of the theoretical work on the practical plane. Cartography; It is a way of thinking that reveals the crossable relationships that document the transition between bodies, times, situations, and events. The cartographic view has a valuable position in making the hidden and neglected information and relations about the place visible. In this direction, every new information produced by the space is dismantled on the axis of the movable ground and cartographic counterparts of the space are formed. To be examined within the scope of the spatial equivalents of the movable ground; Blur Pavilion, Les Cols, and Untitled (Dawn to Dusk) works are selected. The spatial counterparts of the dynamical ground understanding are examined under different triggering factors, scales, functions, and action schemes. Undoubtedly, the space and the process of producing the space scans are an ongoing discussion area that has been handled from different perspectives from the past to the present. In this regard, it is believed that the paths opened by the thesis work will set a path for other studies that seek new routes to understanding space. The way the dynamical ground concept is handled; can be evaluated as an innovative/creative, productive view toward future space scenarios by providing a critical view of current space production practices. Focusing on the counterparts of this liberating intellectual approach beyond spatial scales can be considered a process that opens the door to further studies.
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