Geri Dön

İş yapılandırma yöntemleri

Başlık çevirisi mevcut değil.

  1. Tez No: 13253
  3. Danışmanlar: PROF.DR. AYHAN TORAMAN
  4. Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
  5. Konular: Mühendislik Bilimleri, İşletme, Engineering Sciences, Business Administration
  6. Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
  7. Yıl: 1995
  8. Dil: Türkçe
  9. Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
  10. Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
  11. Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  12. Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
  13. Sayfa Sayısı: 96


ÖZET Bu tezin amacı bugünün iş hayatında vazgeçilmez bir önemi olan iş organizasyonu teorik olarak yerlerinin tanımlanmasıdır. Son yıllarda uluslararası rekabet giderek artmış ve ölçeği ne olursa olsun tüm kuruluşlar üretim faktörlerinden daha etkin bir şekilde yararlanmaya çalışmaktadırlar. İşletmeler bu faktörlerin en önemlisi olan insan üzerinde hassasiyetle durmaktadırlar. Bu yüzden de personel ücretlerinin adil olarak düzenlenmesine ve bu düzenlemenin yapılan işle optimum düzeyde uyum içinde olmasına dikkat etmek zorunda kalmışlardır. İşletmeler bu tür amaçlarım gerçekleştirmek için birçok araçlara ve tekniklere başvurmaktadır. Bu araçların başında ise“iş yapılandırması”gelmektedir. İşletmelerin daha verimli çalışmalarına yol açan iş değerleme aralarındaki önem ve güçlük fark ve benzerlikler dikkate alınarak işlerin değerlendirilmesidir. Bu sürede işler arasında adil ve objiektif bir değer ilişkisi kurulmaktadır. Bu iş yapılandırması ülkemizde kırk yılı aşkın bir zamandan beri uygulanmaktadır. Bu maliyetli çalışmaların çoğu kamu kuruluşları ile büyük özel sektör işletmeleri tarafından benimsenmiş ve hayata geçirilmiştir. Ancak küçük ve özellikle orta ölçekli işletmelerde yöntem ile ilgili çalışmaların yeni yani uygulanmaya konulduğunu da görmekteyiz. Bu araştırma ile ülkemizde ki genel yapı da dikkate alınarak“iş yapılandırma”yönteminin orta ölçekli bir işletmede yöntemlerin uygulanması ve çözüm yollarının bulunması amaçlanmıştır. İş yapılandırmada ana üretkenliğin işgörenin motivasyonunun ve verimliliğinin arttırılması olduğunu kabul etmekteyiz. Aynı zamanda son yıllarda çalışma hayatının niteliklendirilmesi çalışmaları için de kullanılmaktadır. Çalışma hayatının niteliklendirilmesi bireylerin temel gereksinimlerinin organizasyonel süreçlerde sağlanmasıdır. Bu da üretkenliğin arttırılması için çalışma hayatımn niteliklendirilmesi gereğini ortaya koymaktadır. -vı-

Özet (Çeviri)

JOB STRUCTURING METHODS SUMMARY The aimi ini our thesis is to determine the place of organization theoretically in work studies work organization activities have of great importnace in today's work life. Because work organization is in the specific duties and the methods to beused for these duties, and demonstrating the relations of works with other works in organization. This prouses that these elements should be detremined so that a worker can do his duty. The main aim in work organization is to increase the motivation and the productivity of worker. Meanwhile it has been recently used for qualification activities for work life. To quality tke work life is to provide the fundamental needs of persons in organizational processes. That brinigs up the neccessity for qualification of work life in order to increase productivit. While prefaring our thesis we decided to examine the work from the beginning in order to understand the place of work studies in work organization i. e. what was the meaning of work? How was the work organization activities I in the past? What was the meaning of work iorganization and work studies and how have they been done? Our study consists of three main parts. In first part, we considered the concept and the quality of iwork and work organization activities before and after scientific management. In this part there have been meaning of work, differences between working and work, and definitions of work in various areas. Following these, work organizations avtivities, which are starting with Frderick Winslow TAYLOR, have been tried to be considered. Giilbrethler and H.Emerson's activitiesare also included. But in work organization activities after scientific management, these activities which emphasize on social human unlike F.W.Taylor's and pay attantion to psycosocial aspects of workers have been taken into consideration. The rosearehes of H.L. Gantt, Mayo, Harwood who studied in this area and Tavistock's researhes have been reviewed.iAs a result of these studies and researches it is understood that pysico-social aspect should be considered carefully in work organization. For that reason we could not go on without considering development, improvement, rotation and study groups which we placed under the title“contemporary approaches in work organization and qualification of work life”. In second part, there have been defination and application areas of work organization, and work organization activities. The purpose of work organization, various approaches and models to work organization have been cosidered. Moreover, the relations between work organization and work studies, which is the aim of our thesis, have been included in this part. At the end of this part, activities to reorganize the work have been studied and it has been tried to explain for what purpioses they were done. In third part, work studies have been considered in detail. The defination and importance of work studies, reparatory activities for work studies, work study methods and defination of study forms used for work studies, and work studies are the subjects of this part. Consider the structure of a football team. Here ithe division of labor is quite sharp: eleven players are distinguished by the work they do, its location on the field, and even its physical requsrements. Every organized human activity- from the making of pots to the placing of a man on the moon-gives rise to two fundamental and opposing requirements: the division of labour into various tasks to be performed and the coordination of these tasks to accomplish the activity. The structure of an organization can be defined simply as the sum totla of the ways in which it divides its labor into distinct tasks and then achieves coordination among them. In Tavistock Co. the division of labor- weddinig, forming, tooling, glazing, firing,- was directed largely by the job to be done and the technical system available ito do iti. Coordination however, proved to be a more complicated affair, involving various means. These can be referred to as coordinating mechanisms, altough it should be noted that they are as much concerned with control and communication as with coordination. Five coordinating mrchanisms seem to explain the fundamental mways in which organizations coordinate their work: mutual adjustment, direct supervision, standardization of work processes, standardization of work outputs, and standardization of worker skills. These should be cosidered the most basic elements of structure. The glue that holds organization together. From these all else follows the structuring of organizations as well as themes of this thesis. -Vlll-Work should be coordinated and standardized: The coordination of parts is incorporated in the program (for the work) when it is established, and the need for continuing communication is correspodingly reduced. Coordinationis achieved on the drawing board, so to speak, before the work is undertaken. The workers on the mautomobile assembly line and surgeons in the hospital operating room need not worry about coordnating iwith their colleagues under ordinary circumtances they know exactly what to expect of them and proceed accordingily. Work processes are standardized when the contents of the work are specified, or programmed. An example that comes to mind involves the assembly instructions provided with a child's toy. Here, the manufacturer in effect standardizes the work process of the parent. Standardization can be carried to great lengths in organizations. Standardization of outputs and Standardization of skills are two important legs of mwork structuring methods. Outputs are standardizet when the results of the work, for example the dimensions of the product or the performance, are specified. Taxi drivers are not told how drive or what route to take; they are merely informed where to deliver their faresi. The wedgier is not told how to prepare the clay, only to do so in four-ipound lumps; the thrower on the wheel kniows that those lumps will produce pots iof a certain size. With outputs smtandardized, the interfaces among tasks are predetermined, as in the book binderywhich knows that the pages it receives from one place will fit perfectly into the covers it receives from another. Sometimes neither the work nor its outputs can be standardized yet some coordination is requiredi. Antony Jay (1970) raises this issuei inthe context of the colonial empires. How were the kings to control and coordinate the activities of their governors, in charige iof distant colonies, when direct supervision was impeded by communication channels that took months to run full cycle, and neither the work itself not its outputs were amenable to standardization? The solution they adopted was to standardize the wiorker who came to the work, if not the work itself or its outputs. Skills are standardized when the kind of training required to perform the work is specifiedi. The king trusted thegovernors because hetrained them himself. More commonly, the individual isi trained before he even joins the organization. Standardization of skills achieves indirectly what standardization of work processes or of work outputs doesi directly: it controls and coordinates the wiork. When an anestheisiologist and a surigeon meet ini the operating room to remove an appendix, they need hardly communicate; by virtue of their respective training, they know exactly what do expect of each okhter. Their standardized skilis take care of most of the coordination. -IX-Rapid developments in technology lead to appearance of diffrent firms from the past's ones, and that old-typed firms need new organizations and new-typed works. As a result of these, work organization has great importance today. Furthermore, some opportunities appeared as to development of work study methods and reorganization of works. Foreseeinig personnel managers assist high level managiers in work organization activities by providing examination of work studies. To understand how origanizations structure themselves, we should first know how they function. We need to know their component pyarts, what fuctions each performs, and how these functions interrelate. Specifically, we need to know how work, authority, iniformation, and decision processes flow through organizations. We dio not have a profound understandinig of these flows at the present time. There has simply been too little research on how organizations actually function. Nevertheless, it is important lto put on paper what we do know, as a foundation on which to build the findings about organizational structure. As the process of elebration continues, the organization turns increasingly to standardization as a means of coordinatinig the work of its ioperators. The responsibility for much of this standardization falls on a third giroup composed of analysts. Some, such as work study analysis and industrial engineer concern themselves with the standardization of work processes; others such as quality control enigineers accountants planners and production schedulers, focus on the standardization of outputs; while a few such as personnel trainers are charged with the standardization of skills. The introduction of these analysts brings a second kind of administrative division of labor to the organization, between those who do and who superwise the work and those who standardize it. Wheras in the firist case managers assumed responsibility from the managers by substitutingn standardization for direct supervision. Earlier some of the control over the work was removed from the operator; now it begins to be removed from the manager as well as the systems designed by the analysts take increasing resiponsibility for coordination. The analyst“institutionalzes”i the manager's job. We end up with an organization that consists of a core of operators who do the basic work of producing the products and services and an administrative compyonent of managers and analysts who take some of the responsibiility for coordinating their wiork. This leads us to conseptual description of the organization.i -x-During the work organization and work study activities, a coordination must be provided between the department of high level personnel management and other depertments. Otherwise to get the desired results could not be possible as a result of lack of communication. A well-done work orgianization will increase the production and worker's motivation, and make the work life qualified by this shane the worker and willh be satisfied with their works and will have their peaces of minds. It is observed that motivation tended to low levels as a result of ignoring behavioural concepts in applied work organization activities in USA before 1970's. In conclusion it can be said that a well-done work organization activity must include worker's social, pyschological and economic goals necessary to use work studies in which emeige as a result of these, will contribute to defining the relations of duties, methods with other works in organization. -XI-

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