Epileptik nöbet geçiren-sağlıklı çocuğu olan annelerin tükenmişlik düzeylerinin farklı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi
Studying of burnt out levels of mothers of with children having epileptic seizures and healthy children with respect to different variables
- Tez No: 191538
- Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. NİLHAN SEZGİN
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Psikoloji, Psychology
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 2006
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: Ankara Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Psikoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 207
ÖZETBu ara t rman n temel amac epileptik nöbet geçiren ve sa l kl çocukanneleriden olu an bir örneklemde Maslach Tükenmi lik Ölçe i (MBI) nin üçfaktörünün geçerli ini ara t rmakt r. Ara t rmada ayr ca, epileptik nöbet geçiren vesa l kl çocu a sahip iki anne grubu tükenmi lik düzeyleri, stres belirtileri, sosyaldestek, yaln zl k, anne-baba tutumlar ve çocuklar n sosyal uyum becerileriaç s ndan kar la t r lm t r. Son olarak ise stres belirtileri, sosyal destek, yaln zl k,anne-baba tutumlar ve çocuklar n sosyal uyum becerilerinin epileptik nöbet geçirenve sa l kl çocuk annelerinin tükenmi lik düzeyleri üzerindeki yorday c etkileriara t r lm t r. Ara t rman n örneklemini 75 epileptik nöbet geçiren çocuk annesi ve75 sa l kl çocuk annesi olu turmaktad r.Yukar da özetlenen ara t rmada ilk olarak çocuklar n sosyal uyumbecerileri ini de erlendirmek amac yla annelerden al nan bilgilere dayanan SUBO -Çocuklar için Sosyal Uyum Ölçe i geli tirilmi tir. Ölçek olu tururlurken ilka amada 5 ölçek - Social Skills Trainingin with Children and Adolescents, SocialSkills Trainingin with Children and Adolescents-Staff Questionnare: SocialBehaviour at School (children ages 5-10 years), Ö renci Davran larDerecelendirme Ölçe i, AAMD Uyumsal Davran Skalas , Children's BehaviorQuestionnare - incelenmi ve bu ölçeklerden seçilen 45 madde uyarlanarakSUBO'nin ilk formuna dahil edilmi ayr ca ara t mac ile dan man taraf ndan 71yeni madde üretilerek 116 maddelik SUBO olu turulmu tur. Bu formun 350sa l kl , 150 çocuk ruh sa l polikliniklerinden tan alm çocuk annesine149uygulanmas ndan sonra yap lan madde-toplam test korelasyonu ve faktör analizi ileSUBO'nin ara t rmada kullan lan 59 madde ve 7 faktörlü son hali geli tirilmi tir.Ara t rman n ikinci a amas nda temel amaca yönelik olarak epileptik nöbetgeçiren ve sa l kl çocu a sahip anne gruplar ile yap lan geçerlik çal mas , buörneklemde Maslach Tükenmi lik Ölçe inin duygusal tükenmi lik ve ki isel ba arolmak üzere iki faktörlü bir yap ya sahip oldu unu göstermi tir. Daha sonrakia amada ise her iki grubun tükenmi lik düzeyleri, stres belirtileri, sosyal destek,yaln zl k, anne-baba tutumlar ve çocuklar n sosyal uyum becerileri aras nda farkolup olmad n saptamak amac yla uygulanan tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA)bulgular , epileptik nöbet geçiren çocu a sahip annelerin Maslach Tükenmi likÖlçe inin ki isel ba ar faktörü puanlar n n sa l kl çocuk annelerinden anlamlolarak daha yüksek oldu u; PARI'nin bask c tutum faktörü puanlar n n sa l klçocuk annelerinin puanlar ndan anlaml olarak daha dü ük oldu u; ayr ca, epileptiknöbet geçiren çocuklar n SUBO'nin dürtüsellik, sosyal ili ki, onay ihtiyac ve içedönüklük boyutlar nda sa l kl çocuklardan anlaml olarak daha yüksek puanald klar saptanm t r.Ara t rman n son ad m nda uygulanan a amal regresyon analizisonuçlar na göre, epileptik nöbet geçiren çocuk annelerinde duygusal tükenmi li ien iyi yordayan faktörlerin s ras yla; SUBO'nin dürtüsellik ve Stres BelirtileriÖlçe inin bili sel-duyu sal faktörleri oldu u saptanm t r; bu iki faktör epileptiknöbet geçiren çocuk anneleri grubundaki toplam varyans n %61'ini aç klamaktad r.A amal regresyon analizi sonuçlar , sa l kl çocu a sahip anne grubunda iseduygusal tükenmi li i en iyi yordayan faktörlerin s ras yla; MTÖ'nin ki isel ba ar ,150SUBO'nin sosyal ili ki ve Stres Belirtileri Ölçe inin bili sel-duyu sal faktörlerioldu una i aret etmi tir; bu be faktör sa l kl çocuk anneleri grubundaki toplamvaryans n %38'ini aç klamaktad r. Son olarak yukar da özetlenen bulgular ilgiliyay nlar çerçevesinde tart lm t r.151ABSTRACTThe main aim of the present study was to explore three dimensions of theMaslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) in a sample of mothers of children havingepileptic seizures and mothers of healthy children. Secondly both the burnoutlevels, stress symptoms, social provisions, loneliness, parental attitudes of twogroups of mothers with children having epileptic seizures and healthy children; andthe social adaptation skills of the two groups of children were compared. As a laststep, the predictive level of the stress symptoms, social provisions, loneliness,parental attitudes and the social adaptation skills of children on the burnout levels ofthe two group of mothers were investigated. The sample consisted of 75 mothers ofchildren having epileptic seizures and 75 mothers of healthy children.Inorder to accomplish the aims of the research, a new assessment tool forChildren's social skills -SUBO was constructed. While constructing the newassessment tool the researcher and her supervisor firstly examined 5 scales - SocialSkills Trainingin with Children and Adolescents, Social Skills Trainingin withChildren and Adolescents-Staff Questionnare: Social Behaviour at School (childrenages 5-10 years), Student's Behavior Rating Scale, Adaptive Behavior Scale,Children's Behavior Questionnare -. 45 adapted items of these scales and 71 newitems developed by the researcher and her supervisor consisted the 116 items of thefirst form of SUBO. This 116 item form was given to 350 mothers of healty and150 of children who had been diagnosed as having various psychological problemsin child mental health polyclinics then the item-total correlations and factor152analyisis were computed thus, forming the 59 item 7 factor form of the SUBO wasconstructed.The validation of MBI in a sample of the mothers of sample of mothers ofchildren having epileptic seizures and healthy children yieled two factors asemotional burnout and personal accomplishment. The results of one way ANOVAsindicated that the MBI personal accomplishment scores of mothers with childrenhaving epileptic seizures were significantly higher than the MBI personalaccomplishment scores of mothers of healthy children. PARI dominance scores ofmothers with children having epileptic seizures were significantly lower than thePARI dominance scores of mothers of healthy children. On the other hand theresults of oneway ANOVAs indicated that the SUBO mean scores of impulsiveness,social relationship problems, need for approval and introversion factors for childrenhaving epileptic seizures were significantly higher than the healty children.Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that the impulsiveness factor ofSUBO and the cognitive-affective factor of the Stress Self-Assessment Checklist,were the best predictors of burnout in the mothers of the mentally handicappedchildren; these two factors were explaning %61 of the total variance. 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Özet (Çeviri)
ABSTRACTThe main aim of the present study was to explore three dimensions of theMaslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) in a sample of mothers of children havingepileptic seizures and mothers of healthy children. Secondly both the burnoutlevels, stress symptoms, social provisions, loneliness, parental attitudes of twogroups of mothers with children having epileptic seizures and healthy children; andthe social adaptation skills of the two groups of children were compared. As a laststep, the predictive level of the stress symptoms, social provisions, loneliness,parental attitudes and the social adaptation skills of children on the burnout levels ofthe two group of mothers were investigated. The sample consisted of 75 mothers ofchildren having epileptic seizures and 75 mothers of healthy children.Inorder to accomplish the aims of the research, a new assessment tool forChildren?s social skills -SUBO was constructed. While constructing the newassessment tool the researcher and her supervisor firstly examined 5 scales - SocialSkills Trainingin with Children and Adolescents, Social Skills Trainingin withChildren and Adolescents-Staff Questionnare: Social Behaviour at School (childrenages 5-10 years), Student?s Behavior Rating Scale, Adaptive Behavior Scale,Children?s Behavior Questionnare -. 45 adapted items of these scales and 71 newitems developed by the researcher and her supervisor consisted the 116 items of thefirst form of SUBO. This 116 item form was given to 350 mothers of healty and150 of children who had been diagnosed as having various psychological problemsin child mental health polyclinics then the item-total correlations and factor152analyisis were computed thus, forming the 59 item 7 factor form of the SUBO wasconstructed.The validation of MBI in a sample of the mothers of sample of mothers ofchildren having epileptic seizures and healthy children yieled two factors asemotional burnout and personal accomplishment. The results of one way ANOVAsindicated that the MBI personal accomplishment scores of mothers with childrenhaving epileptic seizures were significantly higher than the MBI personalaccomplishment scores of mothers of healthy children. PARI dominance scores ofmothers with children having epileptic seizures were significantly lower than thePARI dominance scores of mothers of healthy children. On the other hand theresults of oneway ANOVAs indicated that the SUBO mean scores of impulsiveness,social relationship problems, need for approval and introversion factors for childrenhaving epileptic seizures were significantly higher than the healty children.Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that the impulsiveness factor ofSUBO and the cognitive-affective factor of the Stress Self-Assessment Checklist,were the best predictors of burnout in the mothers of the mentally handicappedchildren; these two factors were explaning %61 of the total variance. Hierarchicalregression analysis also revealed that the, personal accomplishment factor of MBI,social relations factor of SUBO and the cognitive-affective factor of the Stress Self-Assessment Checklist were the best predictors of burnout in the mothers of thehealthy children; these three factors were explaning %38 of the total variance.Lastly the results were discussed in the context of the related literature.153
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