Çözüm odaklı kısa terapi tekniğinin alt sosyo ekonomik seviyedeki kadınların geleceğe umut ile bakabilme ve boyun eğici davranışlarına etkisinin incelenmesi
The impact of solution focused brief therapy technique on hope for future and submissive behavior among woman of lower socio economic status
- Tez No: 217695
- Danışmanlar: PROF.DR. MÜCELLA ULUĞ
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Psikoloji, Psychology
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Hopelessness, Submissive Behavior
- Yıl: 2007
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: Maltepe Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Psikoloji, İnsan Bilimleri ve Felsefe Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 139
Bu ara trma Türkiye'de Çözüm Odakl Ksa Terapi tekni4i ile gerçekle tirilen ilk yüksek lisans çal masdr. Ara trmann temel amac Çözüm Odakl Ksa Terapi tekni4inin Türkiye'de tannmasna ve uygulamasnn yaygnla masna katk sa4lamaktr. Çözüm Odakl Ksa Terapi tekni4i probleme ve problemin tarihçesine odaklanmak yerine çözüm yollarna odaklanan sistematik bir yakla mdr. Çözüm Odakl Ksa Terapi insan problemlerinin nasl a labilece4ine dair kendine özgü temel varsaymlar ve bunlara ba4l olarak geli tirdi4i müdahale teknikleri olan bir dan manlk yakla mdr. Hem birçok sorun alannda ksa sürede sonuç elde edebilmeyi, hem de ksa zaman içinde çok sayda ki iye dan manlk yapabilme olana4n sa4layan Çözüm Odakl Ksa Terapi tekni4inin tannmasnn ve uygulamasnn yaygnla masnn okul, hastane, sosyal hizmet kurumlar vb. gibi kurulu larda görev yapan uzmanlara teorik ve pratik açdan olumlu katklar sa4layaca4 umulmaktadr. Çözüm Odakl Ksa Terapi'nin sorunlarn çözülmesinde çok etkin olmas, terapi süresince çözüme, ba arma gücüne, ki inin güçlü yönlerine, geçmi teki ba arlarna, iç ve d kaynaklarna odaklanmas yakla mn önemini arttrmaktadr. Bu ara trmada alt sosyo ekonomik seviyedeki kadnlara Çözüm Odakl Ksa Terapi tekni4i ile dan manlk yaplarak, tekni4in olumlu etkisinin ortaya konulmas hedeflenmektedir. Bu amaca dönük olarak alt sosyo ekonomik seviyedeki kadnlarla bireysel Çözüm Odakl Ksa Terapi uygulamas yaplm , gelece4e umut ile bakabilme ve boyun e4icidavran lar boyutunda tekni4in etkinli4i snanm tr. Di4er taraftan kadnlarn demografik özelliklerinin bu de4i kenlerle ili kili olup olmad4 da incelenmi tir. Bu amaca yönelik olarak Çözüm Odakl Ksa Terapi uygulamasnn alt sosyo ekonomik seviyedeki kadnlarn gelece4e umut ile bakabilece4i ve boyun e4ici davran lar düzeylerine olumlu etkisinin olaca4 hipotezi test edilmi tir. Ara trmada deney grubunu 30 alt sosyo ekonomik seviyedeki yeti kin kadn olu turmaktadr. Ayrca e le tirme tekni4i ile 55 ki iden olu an kontrol grubu kullanlm tr. Verilerin toplanmas için Ki isel Bilgi Formu, Beck Umutsuzluk Ölçe4i ve Boyun E4ici Davran lar Ölçe4i kullanlm tr. Örneklem grubuna ara trmac tarafndan sorun ve amaçlarna ba4l olarak 4-8 seans aras de4i en Çözüm Odakl Ksa Terapi tekniklerinin kullanld4 dan manlk hizmeti verilmi tir. Çözüm Odakl Ksa Terapi uygulamasndan sonra verilerin de4erlendirilmesinde tanmlayc istatistiksel metodlarn (Ortalama, Standart sapma) yansra niceliksel verilerin kar la trlmasnda normal da4lm gösteren parametrelerin gruplar aras kar la trmalarnda student testi; grup içi kar la trmalarnda paired sample t testi kullanlm tr. Normal da4lm göstermeyen parametrelerin gruplar aras kar la trmalarnda Mann Whitney U test ve grup içi kar la trmalarnda ise Wilcoxon i aret testi kullanlm tr. Niteliksel verilerin kar la trlmasnda ise Ki-Kare testi kullanlm tr. Parametreler aras ili kiler ise Pearson korelasyon analizi ile de4erlendirilmi tir. Sonuçlar % 95'lik güven aral4nda, anlamllk p
Özet (Çeviri)
Using the Solution Focused Brief Therapy, this study was the first of its kind as a research project in Turkey. The primary purpose of this research study was to increase the awareness of Solution Focused Brief Therapy and its use as a new approach in Turkey. The basic foundation of the Solution Focused Brief Therapy is centered around the solution of the problem, rather than focusing on the history of the problem or the problem itself. Solution Focused Brief Therapy is a counseling technique that has its own specific assumptions and related coping strategies as to how to bring about solutions to problems. The Solution Focused Brief Therapy not only promises to offer solutions to numerous problems, but also offers to reach out to many counselees in a very short period of time. Therefore, the technique offers both theoretical knowledge and practical skills to many service providers in schools, hospitals, and community organizations. The reason Solution Focused Brief Therapy is effective in addressing the problems in a short period of time is that the therapy reinforces the solution, sense of individual accomplishment, and utilization of resources within and those surrounding the person. This study attempted to investigate the effectiveness of the Solution Focused Brief Therapy with socio-economically disadvantaged women. Based on the purpose of the study, short term counseling sessions were provided to women from low socio-economically disadvantaged woman using the Solution Focused Brief Therapy technique. The two outcomes of the study in which the effectiveness of this technique was examined were the increased level of hope for future and the decreased level of submissive behavior. The interaction of demographic characteristics with the outcome variables was also examined.Given the purpose of the study, the following hypotheses were tested: The Solution Focusad Brief Therapy will significantly increase the likelihood of hope for future among the socio-economically disadvantaged women. The Solution Focused Brief Therapy will significantly decrease the likelihood of submissive behavior among the socio-economically disadvantaged women. The sample of this study was 30 socio-economically disadvantaged women who were randomly selected from the population. The size of the control group was 55, who were also randomly selected from the same population, women who are socio-economically disadvantaged. The data collection instruments included a demographic information sheet and two measures assessing the two outcome variables. The outcome measures included Beck Hopelessness Scale (HS) and Submissive Acts Scale (SAS) both of which are used as both pre- and post-test measures. Using the techniques from the Solution Focused Brief Therapy, the primary investigator offered 4-8 sessions of counseling to the participants in the sample. Following the Solution Focused Brief Therapy sessions with participants and the data collection procedures, the data was analyzed using descriptive measures of central tendency (mean, standard deviation); inferential analysis using student?s t statistical technique was conducted for between groups comparison for parameters that showed normal distribution; within group comparisons were done using the paired samples t-test. For parameters showing non-normal distributions, Mann Whitney U test was utilized to compare between group variances, and Wilcoxon test was utilized for within group comparisons. The Chi-Square test was used for non-parametric comparisons. The relationship between parameters was evaluated using Pearson correlations statistical technique. The confidence interval was set at 95%, or .05 level of significance, for all data analyses. Data analysis from the Beck Hopelessness Scale indicate that compared to pre-test results, post-test results showed a significant increase in scores. On the contrary, the results showed a significant decrease in the post-test scores, compared to the pre-test results for the Submissive Acts Scale. Results show that Solution Focused Brief Therapy has promising practices in increasing the hope for future and reducing the submissive behaviors of women from socioeconomically disadvantaged populations.
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