Kolon kanseri ve poliplerinde ghrelin ve P53'ün değeri
The value of ghrelin and P53 in colorectal cancer and polyps
- Tez No: 224515
- Danışmanlar: DOÇ. DR. ŞEBNEM GÜRSOY
- Tez Türü: Tıpta Uzmanlık
- Konular: Onkoloji, Oncology
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Colorectal cancer, Ghrelin, immunohistochemistry, p53
- Yıl: 2008
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: Erciyes Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Tıp Fakültesi
- Ana Bilim Dalı: İç Hastalıkları Ana Bilim Dalı
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 71
Amaç: Kolon kanseri, kansere baglı ölüm sıralamasında akciger kanserinden sonra 2.sırada yer alır ve eriskin yastaki toplumu etkileyen bir tümördür. Erken tanı prognozuetkiler. Kolon kanseri gelisiminde kolon polipleri prekanseröz lezyonlardır vehistopatolojik yapıları, sayıları ve büyüklükleri lezyonların malignlesmesinde önemlikriterlerdir. Ghrelin protein sentezini artıran, hücre proliferasyonunda rol aldıgıbilinen bir peptiddir. Çalısmamızda ghrelin'in hücre proliferasyonuna etkisi dikkatealınarak, kolon poliplerinin proliferasyonu ve malignlesme potansiyeline katkısını;polip-kanser dönüsümünde prediktif degerinin olup olmadıgını arastırmayıamaçladık. Ayrıca kolon karsinogenezinde önemi bilinen p53 tümör supresörgeninin de polip ve kanserli dokulardaki boyanma özeliklerini degerlendirdik.Hastalar ve Metod: Bu çalısmaya Ekim 2005-Haziran 2007 tarihleri arasındaErciyes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 4ç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı GastroenterolojiBilim Dalı Poliklinigine basvuran, endoskopik olarak kolonda kanser (n=25) ve 1cm'den büyük polip (n=25) görülerek endoskopik biyopsi yapılan 50 hasta dahiledildi. Birinci gruba kolonda kanser tanısı olan hastalar, ikinci gruba kolon polipiolan olgular alındı. Olguların saglam mukozasından alınan biyopsiler kontrol grubuolarak kabul edildi. Lezyonlar büyüklük, sayıları ve histolojik özellikleri açısındandegerlendirildi. Normal mukoza, kanserli doku ve poliplerden alınan biyopsilerghrelin ve p53 antikorları ile immünhistokimyasal yöntemle boyandı. SPSS 11,0paket programı kullanılarak verilerin istatistiksel analizi yapıldı. 4statistikselanlamlılık seviyesi p
Özet (Çeviri)
Aim:Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second common cancer that causes deathbetween cancers after lung carsinoma and is predominantly a disease of adultpopulation. Early diagnosis affects the prognosis. Colonic polyps are precancerouslesions in the development of CRC and their histopathological structure, number ofpolyps and size of the polyps are important criters for the lesions to develop cancer.Ghrelin is a peptid that stimulates protein synthesis and is known to have someeffects on cell proliferation. As known the effects of ghrelin on cell proliferation, inour study we aimed to evaluate the effects of ghrelin on the proliferation andmalignant transformation of colonic polyps and to investigate whether it is apredictive factor in polyp-cancer transformation. And also we evaluated the p53, animportant tumour supressor gen in colon carcinogenesis, immunostaining of thespecimens of polyp and cancer tissues.Patients and Methods: Between October 2005 and June 2007, 50 patients whoreferred to the Department of Gastroenterology, Medical Faculty, University ofErciyes and who have CRC (n=25) and polyp (n=25) to the endoscopic appearanceand in whom endoscopic biopsy were taken, were included in the study. To the firstgroup the patients who have CRC were accepted and to the second group the patientswho have polyps in colon were accepted. The patient?s normal mucosa is accepted asthe control group. Size, number and histological features of the lesions wereevaluated. Immunohistochemical staining was performed with ghrelin and p53antibody to the endoscopic biopsies of the normal mucosa, cancerous tissue andpolyp mucosa. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 11.0 and p value lessthan 0,05 was regarded as statistically significant.Results: The groups were similar with respect to age and gender. In the first group,in the biopsies that were taken from cancerous and normal tissue, there wasstatistically significant difference between ghrelin and p53 staining (p:0,0001). Thecancer and polyp tissues stained in a higher proportion, but there was no staining innormal mucosa. Similarly in the second group, with ghrelin and p53, polyps werestained significantly higher than the normal mucosa. There was no staining in thenormal mucosa. There was no statistically significant difference between thestaining of cancer and polyp mucosa for ghrelin and p53.Conclusion: In our study we found that, both cancer and polyp mucosa shows higherimmunreactivity than normal mucosa for ghrelin and P53. But we could not find anydifference between cancer and polyp mucosa. These data suggest that ghrelin is not apredictor of malignant transformation but is a marker of the proliferation. Asaccepted for p53, an independent marker of proliferation, we found significantdifference between neoplastic and non-neoplastic tissues. Like ghrelinimmunostaining, we found no significant difference between cancer and polyp tissuefor p53 immunoreactivity.
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