Bir tekstil işletmesinde kalite kontrol çemberleri tasarımı
The Design of the qualty control circles in a textile company
- Tez No: 39721
- Tez Türü: Yüksek Lisans
- Konular: Mühendislik Bilimleri, İşletme, Engineering Sciences, Business Administration
- Anahtar Kelimeler: Belirtilmemiş.
- Yıl: 1994
- Dil: Türkçe
- Üniversite: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
- Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
- Ana Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Bilim Dalı: Belirtilmemiş.
- Sayfa Sayısı: 148
ÖZET Kalite kontrol sistemleri gerek Avrupa'da gerekse Amerika'da, Japonya'daki faaliyetlerin hızla ve verimli bir şekilde ilerlemesinden sonra hız kazanmıştır. Japon üretim sistemleriyle Amerikan üretim sistemleri arasındaki farklılık ve kültürel farklılıklar yeni arayışlar doğurmuştur. Japon kalite kontrol felsefesinin her yönde iyileşme olması nedeniyle alınan sonuçlar çok daha tatminkar olmaktadır. Kalite kontrol çemberleri bu alanda hem sistematik nemde sosyal gelişmeyi hedefleyen faaliyetler zinciri olarak karşımıza çıkar. Tezimde öncelikle kalite kontrol çemberlerinin nasıl yürütüleceği üzerinde detaylı bilgi verilecektir. Bu aşamadan sonra, kalite çemberlerinin Türkiye'de henüz uygulanmadığı tekstil sektöründe tasarımı yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma iplikhane çember tasarımını ihtiva eder ve çember faaliyetlerinin yaygınlaştırılmasını amaçlar. Türkiye'de kalite çemberi konusunda gerek geleneksel yaklaşımlar ve gerekse ekonomik çalkantılar nedeniyle bazı aksaklıklar çıkması mümkündür. Sanayileşmede oldukça kısa bir geçmişe sahip olan ülkemizde kuruluşların geniş“marjları”olduğu söylenebilir. Bur marjlara rağmen, mevcut koşullar Türk şirketlerinin belli düzeyde bir rekabet gücüne sahip olmalarına imkan vermektedir. Marjlarımızın yüksekliği bize yüksek oranlı bir gelişme olanağı sağlamaktadır. Kaliteyi yükseltirken maliyetleri de düşüren Kalite Çemberleri bir gelişmeyi en etkili biçimde gerçekleştirmemize yardımcı olmaya adaydır. Doğru hedeflere yönelik iyi planlanmış ve yönetimin önderliğinden azimle uygulanan uzun süreli bir çember projesi en büyük bir fırsattır. vııı
Özet (Çeviri)
SUMMARY THE DESIGN OP THE QUALITY CONTROL CIRCLES IN A TEXTILE COMPANY At the second parts of twentieht century, a new period started in industry and commerce. It can be defined by saying shortly hard competition and globalization. The clearest result of globalization is the competition getting hardly day-by-day. Competition is getting hardly not only in home markets but also in international markets. When we examine the firms which was able to deal with crisis and loosing market share problems, we can determine one common character. This is Total Quality Control philosophy and Total Quality Control Approaches. Total Quality Control is related to not only product and service quality but also management approach. The main character of Total Quality Control is that Quality Control Circles and Motivation. My thesis fources on Quality Control Cricles, history, characters of circles and how to openate them and a project which consist of a circle implementation in a textile industry. Chapter 2 describes what Quality Control is and What Quality Cricles is in this chapter, Quality Circles is described and the characters of circles and historical formation of circle activities is explained. Quality Control is effort of an entre enterprise, to develop, design, manufacture, inspect, market and service products that will satisfy the customers at the time of purchase and give them satisfaction for along time after purchase. The word“Quality”applies not only to products but also to services and work.“Quality Control”then encompasses services and work. In western countries, the definition of quality always covers both products and services. The recent trend is to cover a broader spectrum of problems in the workshop other than just quality issues, such as cost reduction, productivity energy and material savings, safety and health promotion. QC Circles Activities should be encouraged in all the areas of the corporations activities, whether it is in the production -ix-workshop, in the office, or in other areas. Even inside the Compan, QC Activities should be implemented under the slogan of“The Next Processes are our Customer!”You can find many customers whichever department you may belong to. The staff, indirect departmants should serve the line departments with the quality of jobs and services in the same manner as the pdoduction departments serve the customers (next processes) with their quality of products and jobs. The level of service and quality of job should be controlled in every process the corporation engages in. QC Circle Activities attempt to promote Quality Control on the workshop level which is the first line of corporation activities. The QC Circle is a small group to perform voluntarily quality control activities within the same workshop. This small group carries on continuously, as a part of company - wide quality control activities, self development, control and improvement within the workshop utilizing quality control techniques with all the member participating. The basic idea behind QC Circle Activities Carried out as a part of Company - wide quality control activities is as follows. To Contribute to the improvement and development of the enterprise To Respect humanity an build a worthwhile to live and happl bright workshop. To Display human capabilities fully and eventually draw out infinite possibilities. The modern Quality Control was introduced to Japan in 1949. People studied literature on Qc from abroad, and lectures and seminars were held inviting such authorities on the subject as Dr. W. Edwards Deming and Dr. J.M. Juran. First of all, Quality Control as it was practised in the United States, U.S.A. style SQC was introduced to Japan. QC Circle serve as the nucles of Quality Control at the workshop level where everyone in the company participates in QC. The circle become active at their own a broader scope of views in addition to their managerial capabilities. They will take actions voluntarily, and make constructive suggestions to their supervisors and the staff nmembers. When QC Circle Activities reach that level, a part of the corporate management wil be modernized, and a part of the corporate -x-quality will improve. Such companies will surely make steady progress. While the top management has the responsibility of running the business, actual operational jobs in the workshop are done by those people. If those people do not dance to tune being piped by the top management, or if they do dance to the fune and merely follow the orders given by the top management, that is the top-down system, the company will eventually drop out of competition. It is certainly important for the top management to make the necessary decisions and take leadership, however it is not only the top management who an improve the company quality or ensure eternal life for the company. Chapter 3 describes Total Quality Control and explain what Total Quality Control, the main characters and basic ideas of TQC. The concepts of total quality control were originally introduced in Japan by the Amerikan Consultant W. Edwards Deming in 1950 's. Deming was able to get top managers to install both a philosophy and statistical techniques to foster quality as the prime manufacturing competitive priority. The result was a complete reversal in the quality of Japanese manufactured products, which had formerly had a very bad reputation. While quality control is obviously involved in the process, it is only part of the Japanese concept of total quality control.“Quality at the source”is the slogan. It means that error, if any exists, should be caught and corrected at the work place. This is in contrast to the widespread U.S. practise of xnspection by sampling after the lot has been produced. In U.S. practise, quality is controlled by inspectors from a quality control department, in Japenese practise, workers and supervisors have the primary responbility for quality. With quality control at the source, there is fast fedback concerning defects, resulting in fewer rework labor hours and less material waste in addition to the other benefits previously discussed. The key to the Japanese practice is that“the responsibility for quality rests with the makers of the part”. The workers and the supervisors rather than a staft quality control department bear this responsibility. The Japanese consider quality control to be line function, not a staff function. By placing responsibility for quality directly on workers and supervisor, the -xi-Japanese implement a commitment to the prevention of defectives. They implement the slogan,“quality at the source”, through the following principles. Process control, a classic statistical quality control concept of checking quality as the process continues and stopping the process if it goes out of control. Whereas U.S. practice is to select a limited number of processes for control, the contrasting Japanese practice is to establish control at each work station, xisible, meanurable quality is implemented through eary to understand charts and diagrams that keep workers and managers in formed about quality. Line-stop authority in the hands of workers in order to implement the insistence on compliance. In capital intensive processes, devices detect poor quality and stop the process automatically. Self -correction of errors is the responsibility of each employee, who must rework bad items, usually after regular working hours. By contrase, U.S. plants employ special rework lines as a common practice. The duties of the rather small quality control departments in Japanese plants are to monitor production processes to see that standart procedures are followed, to assist in the removol of the causes of defects, and to participate in the audit of supplier plants in order to maintain standart. Receiving inspection of suppliers materials is usually eliminated; instead, the quality control procedures of the suppliers are relied upon. Chapter 4 focuses on Introduction of Quality Circles and how to operate circles. It is easy to be inspired by on-going QC Circle Activities when Qc circle have spread throughout the nation. When people are exposed to external and involved in the process of mutual-development, some will voluntarily take the initiative to start such activities. It is important that foremen who are already in the position of a leader in their workshop become motivated first and start circle activities voluntarily where possible. It is not desirable for this activity to be introduced by an order from the top. Any to introduce this activity to a whole plant or a company at one time will not succeed. Circle activity can be started volutarily by highly motivation foremen at any stope in the company. People can be stimulated to start QC circle Activities for various reasons. -xi i-Inspired by QC circle Conference, Mutual Visit and Discussion of QC circle, Qc Cricle Consultation Forum, inside & Outside the company, Encouroged by people in affiliated or associated companies or other QC Circles, Reading the FQC magazine and other similiar publicatons. When QC circle is first introduced, it is usually a foreman or a chief of a smaller work-group who becomes a Qc circle leader. They must study the concept and techniques of Quality Control, and learn what Quality Circle Activities are all about and how to manage the circle. The fundamentals of, and on attitude toward QC Circles must be taught and learned. And individual can talk to his own subordinates in his workshop and organize a circle. If he is a foreman with several assistants under him, he can first of all organize a circle with those leaders of smaller units. A QC Circle should in principle be participated in by everone in a group, but if he has a group of 10 to 15 people an his subordinates, he can allocate key personnel such as assistant foreman and their immediate subordinates to organize a smaller QC Circle composed of a number of people. It is fairly difficult to involve everyone in the circle at the beginning. The skill and ability of a circle leader will be tested in the process of seeking to involve everyone. A leader who can develop his circle to this stage is successful and has already acquired the abilities of leadership. If the first QC Circle was organized by team leaders and their supervisors such as assistant foremen and foremen, each of these circle members can organize a subcircle, of ter a period of experience. Each of them should be encouraged to become a leader and then to run a sub-circle or mini circle. Chapter 5 focuses on how quality circles be carried out and the role of leaders and team work. There are some basic essentials one should bear in mind for success in QC Circle Activities. They are : Self -development, Voluntary activities, Group activities, Participation by everyone, Application of QC techniques, QC Circle Activities take root in the workshop, Activitation and perpetualization of Qc Circle, Activities, mutual-development, -xiii-Creativity, Quality-conscioussess, problem consciousness, and improvement-consciousness. These then items are essential at all stages of QC Circle Activities, to be introduced, activeted and maintained as long as the work place exists. These fundamentals should be fully understood in initiating and implementing the activities, and the real essence of these items should be grasped in the course of activities. Then QC Circles can be made firm and vigorous and each individual in a circle will grow and develop his potential. On top of that, on is work place will be made wortwhile to circle and happy bright place to work in. A leader is the pivot and the driving force in a circle. It really makes a difference whether a circle can select a compenent leader or not. In order to effectively fulfill the role of a leader must study and learn QC circle itself, techniques for solving problems, basic concept of QC and QC techniques, methods for control and improvement, engineering techniques. The QC Cricle will face difficulties at every stage of its growth, introduction, development and expansion. If problems at each stage are left unattended, circle activities can not progress any further. Leaders must pay attention to the changing circumstances of the circle so that the activiuties should not flog. Whenever there is a personnel reshuffle or new entrants come to a workshop, measures sholud be taken to accommodate the change. Circle members should be encouraged to participate actively in presentation meetings, QC Circle Conference, Mutual Visits and discussion, study meetings and plant visits in order to learn from others and obtain stimulus for self -and mutual development. Opportunities to participate sholud be given to as many people an possible rather than designating the same people every time. Chapter 6 explains control and steps of control. This chapter focuses an control items, control techniques. Control is task defined as follows;“To check if an operation is carried out correctly according to the entablished standarts and as instructed and to take measures to correct if the operations is deviating from the standard practices and instructions so that the operation can be varried out as instructed and according to the standarts”. -xiv-Control items are the measures used to assess the results of operations and processes. Some of the important items are; defective ratio, manhours, efficiency and safety statistics, quantity of deliveries etc. Control techniques have a important role in circle activities. Some of control techniques are; pareto Analysis, Cause and Effect Diagram, Brain Storming and etc. Chapter 7 contains a project which design some cireles in a spinning mile. These circles aims solve some problems and create a quality circle system in a textile factory. The meeting schedule is considered and an explanation about how operating quality circle activities is given at the end of project. In the last section, there is a summary of project and some advices are given about quality circle activities and carriying out them. -xv-
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